The Recovery Of Terror: Signing In From Being A City God

Chapter 71 Descendants Of The City God, Stealing Personnel (Subscribe)


The assistant pushed open the door with excitement written all over his face.

The minister was stunned, "What's so happy? Good news?"

He knows how stable he is as an assistant, and he rarely has such big mood swings. Generally, if he has big mood swings, if his expression is good, then there is a good thing, and if his expression is bad, then there is something bad.

The assistant holds a document in his hands.

"Minister, guess what."

Regarding this answer, the minister just rolled his eyes on the spot, and still pretended to be closed?

He also didn't scan his assistant Xingzi, and began to guess what a good thing was. The next second he thought of a good thing, "Group leader Wu went to sleep? And he plans to not go to work tomorrow to supplement sleep, so that he can live longer?"

The assistant's expression froze.

The minister is indeed a good friend with Team Leader Wu.

The assistant is speechless, does the three sentences stay with Team Leader Wu?

"No, Minister, let me give you a hint that it has nothing to do with Team Leader Wu." He added another sentence, "It's good news that has nothing to do with our Ghost Control Bureau.

"It has nothing to do with our Ghost Control Bureau."

At this moment the minister was stumped.

He thought of a lot of things, such as the explosion of a Yin Qi land in Xingguo, and the loss of a Yin Qi land, or, for example, stealing the country would cause the business to explode and be controlled by capital, how about an ordinary person's perspective?

"You better tell me the good news, it's too hard to guess."

The assistant laughed.

He nodded, and didn't intend to let the minister guess, after all, the scope of the good news was too great.

"Minister." The assistant said slowly with excitement on his face, "Minister, do you still remember the investigative team for the descendants of the City God that you specially set up before?"


There was the rattling of chairs sliding across the floor.

The minister pressed his hands on the table and got up, his eyes widened, and he looked at the assistant in horror.

"found it!?"

The establishment of the top S-level file "City God's Temple" made him make a decision to investigate the descendants of the City God!

When it comes to city gods, it is natural to think of the outstanding contributions made by the ancients, which were enshrined and built temples by the emperor or the people spontaneously. The city gods are different from many gods. The history of the city gods is traceable and easy to find, such as Gods like birthday stars have their own stories and representative characters, but it is very troublesome to find those characters, and some of them are even just fabricated characters.

City Gods are different, they actually exist in history, and they don’t even need to check the history carefully to know the historical stories of the ‘City Gods’ and the great achievements they have made.

So he immediately wanted to investigate the history of the City God at "883", and then thought of the possible "descendants" of the City God.

If the descendants of Chenghuang are investigated, then the advantages to the Ghost Control Bureau will outweigh the disadvantages.

The attitude of the Bureau of Ghost Control towards the Temple of the City God is actually very obvious today, do not take the initiative to provoke, do not take the initiative to contact, reduce unnecessary mistakes, and maintain a 'delicate' relationship with each other, but this relationship will definitely not be over. With such maintenance, it is impossible for the Ghost Control Bureau to be passive.

The descendants of the City God is a "response" made by the Ghost Control Bureau to deal with some special possibilities that may arise in the future.

For example: invite the descendants to join the Bureau of Controlling Ghosts, give generous rewards to the descendants, and the Temple of the City God has shown goodwill. Although this is unlikely, what if?

Another example: if there is a misunderstanding between the future and the Temple of the City God due to certain things, then the next generation can be called in to resolve the misunderstanding.

It can be said that many possibilities.

It is precisely in this way that the minister set up a special investigation team and let them be responsible.

The minister was shocked at first, and then he was very pleasantly surprised, "Hurry up, give me the information.

The assistant nodded.

And when he handed over the materials to the minister, the joy on his face diminished a lot.

The minister took the documents, pulled up a chair and sat down to read them.

Time passed little by little.

The more you look at it, the uglier the minister's expression becomes, surprise, frozen expression, ugly...  

ten minutes later.

Read the information carefully word by word.


The minister put the information on the table, he looked up at the assistant, and frowned, "Did you make any mistakes?"

"Is this the descendant of the City God?" He knocked twice on the information on the table, his expression extremely ugly.

The assistant nodded.

There is a wry smile on his face.

"There is no mistake. After confirming it three times, there is more than 70% possibility that it is the descendant of the City God. The reason why I say 70% is a conservative estimate. After all, the history is long and it is difficult to trace, so I only say 70%.

The minister was silent.

If someone is here, they will see the materials on the table, the first few words on the materials pointed by the minister.

Words such as 'theft', 'criminal involvement' and 'illegal money laundering' are used.

Moqin City.

It is the same province as Cang City, Beiming City and other cities, and is located in the northernmost part of the province.

This city has very famous snacks, which often attract some tourists to come here for a real treat.

An Ziming, a native of this city.

Three generations of his family have lived in Moqin City, but it is said that their ancestral home was in other places earlier. The ancestors came to this city because of the war and because they wanted to make money.

three months ago.

An Ziming just celebrated his twenty-eighth birthday.

He looks good, well-proportioned, with eight-pack abs, a cropped cut, and likes to wear gray suits.

In the eyes of outsiders, An Ziming looks like a talented person. At first glance, he would think that he has a lucrative job and a successful career. However, everyone who knows him knows that An Ziming is ignorant. He has never worked before, and he has no so-called career. Successfully, the company he opened was nothing more than a leather bag company, to make some appearance for some gray business of his own.

An Ziming is very satisfied with his life. He dropped out of high school in the second year of high school to enter the society and began to struggle, but he gave up after a few days of work. Because of his outstanding fighting ability, he worked as a thug for others with some friends he knew. Slowly also mixed up in the underworld.

However, in the past few years of cracking down on gangsters, he changed his job and started other things, laundering money in partnership with others to earn a commission.

It can be said that his property is now well-heeled, with hundreds of thousands if not millions. This is the money he 'saved' under the premise that he can spend it well.

Half a month ago.

An Ziming's mood is very unstable, and this is because he hit a ghost!

He is haunted by ghosts, and some ghosts want his life.

When An Ziming was frightened to death, An Ziming was very lucky and accidentally got rid of the ghost. When the bad luck turned into good luck, the ghost not only got rid of it, but also gave him special abilities.

Such a change made him feel incredible.

"Speaking of which, my luck has become very good in the past half month. Has my ancestor appeared?" This is what An Ziming said with exclamation after that incident happened.

After An Ziming said this, he thought of what his father said when he was a child.

In the past, some of their ancestors were very powerful.

He didn't think much about this idea, it just flashed in his mind.

Afterwards, because of his special ability, through some "special" friends he knew, An Ziming slowly got to know him deeply, and slowly discovered the unknown side of the world

About ghosts, in fact, it has long been no secret in the eyes of some powerful people.

As long as the family has some power, some money, tens of millions or hundreds of millions of capital, if they are willing to inquire about it, they will know about ghosts. Ghosts happen frequently. These things are difficult for some ordinary people to know, but they have many channels. , It's not difficult to know, and the Ghost Control Bureau can't block this point, bourgeois people already have many channels

If Master Ji didn't come to the door directly without the Ghost Control Bureau, as long as he has the heart to investigate the matter of his daughter Ji Miaoer, he will also know about ghosts and ghost masters after a period of time

Some powerful people are afraid of death because they know about ghosts, so they pay a lot of money to hire ghost masters as bodyguards.

Although An Ziming was not that powerful, he knew a lot of people. After asking for a long time, he also accidentally learned about the ghost master.

He took the initiative to contact the ghost masters and joined an unofficial group of ghost exorcists - Wai Shou.

Today, ten o'clock in the morning.

An Ziming drove to a place and received a call after parking.

Voices came from the phone.

"Ziming, where are you? Are you coming?

The voice was very deep, and the voice was special, as if Mie was contained in the mouth.

"I'll be there in three minutes." An Ziming responded, and then he said a few words to the other end of the phone and hung up.

Two minutes later.

An Ziming saw a man standing in front of the agreed milk tea shop. He was about fifty-seven or eight years old, with thick dark circles in his eyes, and he looked difficult to get along with. A simple description would be that this man gave people a It looks like a bad guy, his name is Xiang Sheng.

"Do you want milk tea?" Xiang Sheng smiled like an honest man, giving people a sense of contrast.

He handed over a cup of milk tea.

"No." An Ziming shook his head.

Seeing this, Xiang Sheng didn't care, he threw the intact milk tea into the trash can next to him, "Then when shall we go see your uncle?"

Xiang Sheng said with a smile.

He is the boss of the ghost hand, and unlike those big ghost master organizations, his ghost hand is just a small organization, but don't look at him as small, his ghost hand is doing a lot of business, specially for those rich businessmen, powerful The reporter is looking for the bodyguard of the ghost master, and he knows a lot of people.

And recently he got to know An Ziming, and while chatting with An Ziming, he accidentally discovered something, this An Ziming is probably a descendant of the City God!!

In addition to his identity as the boss of Ghost Hand, Xiang Sheng also has another identity as a member of the "Mutual Aid Association".

He and Yan Liangpeng, who died not long ago, were old acquaintances.

Yan Liangpeng's death made him extremely sensitive to the information about the City God. An Ziming accidentally said something while chatting with him. There were very powerful people in his family ancestors, so it was probably because of his luck that he became a ghost master. However, Xiang Sheng thought of the matter of the descendants of the City God that was being investigated by the Bureau of Controlling Ghosts and various organizations, and asked a few more questions.

This question tells me that An Ziming is not bragging, his ancestors did have fame, and the elders from his father often brag about it, every generation will talk about it, either bragging, or not forgetting the glory of their ancestors Xiang Sheng was concerned about this matter, and casually ordered someone to investigate.

Originally, he just acted on a whim, but he didn't expect this investigation, and unexpectedly discovered that An Ziming was probably the descendant of the City God.

After Xiang Sheng heard the news, he was so excited that he couldn't sleep.

He believes that his news is definitely first-hand information, and even the Ghost Control Bureau may not be as fast as him!

The Bureau of Ghost Control must also be investigating the descendants of the City God, but their progress must be very slow, because they are investigating from the beginning, starting from ancient times, and directly starting from hell, but he is investigating from the 'results', Pushing back to the past, the effect is completely different.

Today he planned to ask An Ziming to ask his few relatives and uncles, to ask him about their An Ziming ancestors.

His uncle used to be an old acquaintance with An Ziming's father, and he was also his grandfather's godson. It would not be an exaggeration to say that his grandfather raised him, and he must know something about his ancestors.

after an hour.

An Ziming and Xiang Sheng knocked on the door of a family

"Here we come." An old voice came from inside.

The elderly uncle opened the door, and when he saw An Ziming, his face darkened, "What are you doing here?"

His voice made no secret of his dislike for An Ziming.

An Ziming is ignorant, his father severed the father-son relationship with him a long time ago, and when he learned of what happened to An Ziming later, he was furious. His mother is now in a nursing home, and her natal family is still helping to take care of her life. When An Ziming had money, his uncle personally came to the door and asked An Ziming to give money to support his mother on a regular basis.

An Ziming hadn't seen his mother for several years. His mother passed away last month and he didn't even go to the funeral. He said he was busy earning money so he let someone do it for him.

"Uncle, I'm here to ask you something, and I'll leave after I finish."

An Ziming chuckled, not paying any attention to his uncle's expression.

"What's up?"

"I heard from my father before that our family's ancestors have produced famous people. Does uncle know about this?"


Uncle looked at An Ziming suspiciously, not knowing why he would ask this question.

And this question was also asked by a person today who left not long ago. My uncle didn't say anything about it, but chose to say what An Ziming wanted to ask. He really didn't want to talk to An Ziming.

"I heard your father and your grandfather talk about this matter. Your father said little, but your grandpa's generation, even your grandpa's generation, often mentioned this. Your grandpa came to us because of the war. , Your family’s ancestral home is in Cangshi. In the past, probably in the Ming Dynasty or the Yuan Dynasty, there was an ancestor who was very famous, and after his death, he was posthumously named the City God and built a temple."

"Is it the City God of Cang City City God's Temple Yongrubo City God?!" Xiang Sheng said at this time, his face full of excitement.

"I don't know exactly, but it should be.

The uncle shook his head and looked at Xiang Sheng strangely, "I used to hear Ziming's grandfather say that this is the honor for them to settle down and the glory of their ancestors. We must remember that if it wasn't for the war, their family is still in Cangshi, Every once in a while, I would go to the Town God's Temple to worship the ancestors, but in your grandfather's generation, he broke this custom when he was young.

Having said that, he looked at An Ziming and Xiang Sheng.

"I'm done talking, this is what I know, if there is anything else to ask, if not, I'll go cook.

An Ziming's eyes flickered.0

He glanced at Xiang Sheng, and Xiang Sheng shook his head slightly, with an irresistible excitement on his face.

"Uncle, I want to investigate the matter of my grandparents, do you know any evidence to prove what happened to my grandparents?"

"I don't know...No, there is something that should prove it." The uncle said, and he looked at An Ziming, "The fish-like jade that your father gave you before is something from your ancestors. He heard from your grandfather, he heard from his grandfather that the piece of jade and its appearance are similar to the names of your ancestors, and it is a thing handed down from generation to generation, so it should be counted."

"That piece of jade?!"

An Ziming was stunned, and then the corner of his mouth twitched.

That piece of jade with a history is not very good, because it is old, and he used to be straightforward when he was short of money.

"Uncle, I'm done asking, you are busy with your work." An Ziming regained his composure and said with a smile.

Uncle nodded when he heard it, and closed the door directly.

He didn't even want to talk to An Ziming, an unfilial son. He didn't want to be polite at all when his sister died.

close the door.

"The people in the morning came to ask this ancestor question, and now Ziming also came to ask. It's strange, is there anything going on here?" The uncle murmured with a strange face.

As he spoke, he shook his head. He didn't want to get involved in this matter, and didn't pay much attention to it. He turned and walked into the kitchen to cook lunch.

outside the door.

An Ziming and Xiang Sheng turned and left.

"Where did you put that piece of jade?" Xiang Sheng was so excited that his face was flushed with excitement.

Today is definitely the happiest thing in his life, happier than when he lost his virginity at forty.

"Um...I sold it."


Xiang Sheng screamed directly, his voice was so high that it was almost a woman's voice.

His eyes widened, "Where did you buy it? Who did you buy it from? Tell me, and I'll ask someone to check."

As he spoke, Xiang Sheng blushed and his neck was thick. He was not as calm as before today. It was because what happened made him unable to maintain his calm.

Then he learned about Yu's whereabouts from An Ziming.

"An antique collector took it? Then it should be easy to find." Xiang Sheng murmured, and immediately called someone to look it up. He had to get the thing, no matter what method he used, the sooner the better.

An Ziming's eyes flickered on one side.

Compared with the matter of Yu, he cares more about the matter of the descendants of the City God!

Through the ghost master, through Xiang Sheng, he knew the meaning of the word "city" in the whole circle of thinkers.

The word "City God" represents terror!

It's scary!

Even the most vicious ghosts can't help but shudder when they hear the word Chenghuang.

Not long ago, the tide of yin qi broke out in Huaquan City, and a place with yin qi was born. It was rumored that there was an S-level evil ghost king in it, and thousands of ghosts made trouble, and the social situation was on the verge of collapse. , All disasters are suppressed and wiped out. That is the sword of the city god. The power of a sword can cover the sky and the earth, from the blue sky to the yellow spring. It is extremely terrifying.

The brilliance that erupted from the sword can be seen from afar even in other cities.

An Ziming saw the news a few days ago, and this incident sparked discussions on the Internet, but it was finally covered up by the authorities as a special experiment.

"My ancestor was the City God, and I am the descendant of the City God." An Ziming's blood boiled, and the more he thought about it, the more he trembled all over his body.

An outsider like Xiang Sheng lost his share when he learned about this matter, let alone An Ziming.

Now he can't wait to go to Cangshi and see his ancestor An Yuyuan in the Town God's Temple.

"Immortals, my ancestors are immortals now, and I will flourish in the future. Money, power... are at my fingertips."

An Ziming murmured.

Xiang Sheng looked at An Ziming, "That's right, your identity is destined to be beautiful wherever you go, but you have to be careful, don't expose this matter for now, and be careful that the ghosts will trouble you. Now the ghosts are afraid of the city god, but some ghosts I also hate Chenghuang Temple."

"I see."

An Ziming nodded.

Xiang Sheng hooked An Ziming's shoulder, and said with a smile, "Ziming, your identity is different now, don't forget me, cover me from now on, you eat meat, save some soup for me to drink.

"Xiang Sheng, you were joking. I eat meat, and you will eat meat in the future. Don't worry, I'm not an ungrateful person like 4.8. Without you, I'd be killed without knowing that I have this identity."

An Ziming laughed.

It was true that he asked Xiang Sheng to eat "meat". He did not do this to repay Xiang Sheng, he just wanted someone to help him.

An Ziming is not stupid, Xiang Sheng has a wide network of people, he is an old man in the circle of ghost masters, An Ziming is a noob in the circle of ghost masters, he must have a guide, as long as Xiang Sheng is ready, give him something to eat So what about the meat, he will have the opportunity to eat more meat in the future, in a word, 'the offspring of the city god' represents the destined glory!

Xiang Shengwen said with a smile on his face, "Okay, okay, from now on you will say that I have forgotten my age and made friends with my brothers.

Even though he said that, his eyes saw the subtle changes in An Ziming's complexion, and his heart was transparent.

...Damn it, this guy is so lucky, he was a good man in the ninth world in his previous life?

Xiang Sheng was so jealous that he was almost deformed.

"By the way, I plan to find that piece of jade and go to Cangshi."

"Huh?" Listening to An Ziming's words, Baisheng stopped.

Then he nodded slightly, "It's better to go early, I'll let my people speed up the progress, and bring you back that jade as soon as possible."

the next day.

Kyoto City, headquarters.

The minister is sitting in his office, filling his temples with balm.

Since he learned about the descendants of the City God yesterday, he has been very upset about how to deal with this matter.

"Information about him..." The minister frowned even more as he looked at the information on An Ziming's life that was continuously investigated on the table.

He had been thinking about how to get in touch with An Ziming, and what kind of identity the Ghost Control Bureau played. This An Ziming was suspected to be a ghost master, and he had frequent contact with Xiang Sheng, a non-staff ghost master.

"Get rid of Xiang Sheng, control the people around An Ziming, so that he won't go any more crooked ways."

The minister's eyes flickered.

This is what was discussed this morning.

The Ghost Control Bureau is very clear about the significance of An Ziming's representative. They don't allow those demons and heretics to be around An Ziming, but he doesn't dare to go too far. After all, An Ziming is a descendant of the city god. I didn't sleep, so today I decided to let people get in touch with An Ziming first, at least let him get close to the Ghost Control Bureau first.

thump thump.

Anxious footsteps came from outside the door, the assistant knocked on the door and opened it to come in.

"Minister, An Ziming is going to Cangshi by plane, and he is going to the Town God's Temple in Mulou Village.

The assistant's deep voice sounded...

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