The Recovery Of Terror: Signing In From Being A City God

Chapter 76 After Listening For A Long Time, My Feelings Are Listening To My Grave (Please Subscribe)

"What did you say?!"

Chang Xingde's eyes widened, his old eyes were about to burst...Empty coffin?

Before he could think too much, the analyst over there spoke again and uttered an astonishing remark.

"There should have been a person lying in the coffin, and our multi-data analysis of the internal material of the coffin and the sunken traces of lying down has drawn a conclusion that this person should have disappeared from the coffin within a hundred years in modern times."

"What did you say!!"

Chang Xingde exclaimed, his voice became higher again, the more he listened and analyzed, the faster his heart beat.

....What does it mean?

"The people inside have been gone for nearly a hundred years. Doesn't this mean that the corpses have been there from ancient times to modern times? Didn't Mrs. Yong Rubo, City God, die more than 600 years ago? The body has not been transformed for so many years?" Chang Xingde thought of an extremely The key to the horror, the heart beat faster, and the old face immediately flushed with excitement.

"No, not right."

He quickly thought of another question, "The 'people' here are not necessarily real, maybe they are fake? This can't be sure..."

In the next moment, many possibilities appeared in his mind.

For example: it is not a real person at all, it is a dummy. After all, a person's body has not decayed for more than six hundred years, which is too scary, and "she" disappeared, how could she be stolen by the bastard who was fighting?

Another example: people really exist, they have not transformed for six hundred years, and then she ran out by herself? A corpse change?!

Another example: people really exist, they will not change for six hundred years, and then someone...takes or steals her?

Chang Xingde, an old professor, was extremely active in his thoughts, constantly thinking about all kinds of possibilities, and no matter how outrageous these ideas were, he dared to think about them, not because he could think about them, but because there were even ghosts in the world, so what else could he not think about? of.

The people around also listened to the assistant's words and heard them.

Then they all lowered their eyebrows in thought.

The meaning of these messages was so shocking that they didn't know what to say.

"Check it a few more times, and ask the Ghost Control Bureau to call if there is any more advanced equipment." Chang Xingde put away his thoughts, paced back and forth a few times, and then said.

The mountain forest is extremely lively today.

There are many people who enter the mountain, and there are all kinds of people, Chinese scientists, historical research scholars

The discovery of Chenghuang's tomb made the Cangshi branch go crazy, and all major departments are fully cooperating with the actions here.

The traffic department controls the road leading to the mountain forest, and the forestry department issues an announcement to enter the mountain... The research department, the police department and other departments are all starting to coordinate their work.


Over the mountain forest, a helicopter propeller roared.

Soon, a middle-aged man wearing a white coat with thick dark circles alighted from the helicopter. His hair was very greasy and he hadn't washed it for a few days.

"Group Leader Wu!" Chang Xingde recognized this person.

This is the chief researcher of the Ghost Control Bureau of Jingfu City. He is also the leading scientific researcher in the country and a world-class authoritative person in the circle of ghost controlers. He did not expect that this person would come from Jingfu City... he came out?!

Generally speaking, scholars like him rarely go out of the capital city. This is not to restrict freedom, but for the sake of safety. Some countries do not allow such perverted scientists to exist in other countries, and they will send people to assassinate them. It's not alarmist talk, but a fact. Last year, Xingguo carried out a targeted drone assassination on a top scientist in the Midwinter region.

Chang Xingde raised this question, and the next second he figured out why Team Leader Wu would come over.

The couple's joint tomb of Lord Chenghuang is enough for this world-class authority to come over, and Yuanshi has no choice but to let him come over.

Team leader Wu looked excited.

He gave up his plan to do the experiment when he heard the news about the City God's Tomb. He wanted to come and have a look, by the way...bye.

"Professor Chang, where is it? Where is the tomb?" Team Leader Wu's eyes flickered, and he said hello to Professor Chang.

Not long.

Team leader Wu looked at the tomb not far away, but he didn't approach it.

Tomb, the Ghost Control Bureau dare not disturb it, even step on it and pick it, for fear of violating a taboo.

Team leader Wu paid homage to the tomb, he looked at Professor Chang, "Is the tomb on the right empty?"

Professor Chang nodded and gave the detailed information.

.....The information we have investigated is these. In addition, after a morning's analysis, it is estimated that the disappearance time of the 'person' is about 30 years in modern times. More specific information needs to be analyzed. We also found that there are coffin covers traces of being opened. "

Hear the information.

Team leader Wu immediately thought of a question, staring at the tomb, his eyes flickering.

"Is it open from the inside, or from the outside?"


As Professor Chang said, his face was full of shock. The way the coffin lid was opened was very special. It was almost...not artificial, it couldn't be done by manpower. It was so perfect that it didn't damage the coffin at all. , will not harm the coffin and the people inside. "

"Huh?!" Team Leader Wu's expression was shocked.

The next moment he lowered his head, how many possible analysis diagrams appeared in his mind at the same time, and he was doing verification analysis at the same time.

In the end he stayed with two possibilities!

The first is that the person in the coffin ran out by himself.

The second type is that there are 'non-human' beings who take away the people/things inside.

If it is the first type, then the people inside... are most likely ghosts?!

Thinking of this situation, Team Leader Wu's mind is about to explode, and Mrs. Chenghuang has turned into a ghost? What kind of joke is this.

And if it is the second type.

Team leader Wu widened his mind to three situations.

One is man-made, and this person must be a ghost master, otherwise there would be no such way.

Thinking of this possibility, team leader Wu's brain was immediately congested, and his breathing was not smooth, who the hell did it well!!

The second is what ghosts do!

A ghost moved to the tomb of Lord Chenghuang and stole the characters inside.

This situation also made Team Leader Wu almost congested his brain and made his breathing even more difficult.

The third is... Chenghuang Temple!!

As soon as this idea came out, Team Leader Wu's blood flowed faster, but he didn't have difficulty breathing, and some were excited.

Team leader Wu thinks this is the most likely possibility.

next moment.

He thought of the secret files unknown to outsiders...'He' has existed in the dark throughout the entire ancient history!

"It's very's really him. Didn't he just appear recently? And Mrs. Chenghuang also appeared recently. She runs through the entire history, but appeared in the Ming Dynasty. He married a wife and had children. Although He is Him, but It's not that he doesn't have all kinds of emotions and desires, he didn't let his wife die like this, he made other arrangements, such as... the body doesn't rot.

Do not!

It's not just that the body doesn't rot, if it's the body that doesn't rot, why is it taken away now? There must be other ideas.

What is your idea, what is it..."

In an instant, Team Leader Wu's eyes suddenly widened as he thought about it.

he thought.

Combining the factors that Chenghuang did not put aside the seven emotions and six desires, coupled with the fact that the body is not corrupt, he thought of a terrifying possibility of resurrection!!

"It's resurrection." Team leader Wu called out directly.

"That's right, it must be like this, it must be like this, others can't do it, but 'He' can definitely... oh my god.

Team Leader Wu trembled.

Let an ordinary person die for more than 600 years, his body will not rot, and then be resurrected more than 600 years later, what kind of trick is this.

Team leader Wu thinks this idea is very close to the truth. In his opinion, "He" is a layout maniac who stands in the shadow of the ages and has been planning for thousands of years. The opposite is quite possible.

Chang Xingde was stunned.

He watched Team Leader Wu's face constantly changing, and once thought that Team Leader Wu had a problem with his facial expression control after staying up late for a long time.

Then he heard Team Leader Wu exclaiming the word "resurrection", and he was stunned, "What resurrection?"

The next moment he saw Team Leader Wu looking at the tomb, combined with the word "resurrection" in his mouth, his old eyes widened instantly.

.... Team leader Wu, your idea is too bold.

He admired Team Leader Wu's brains too much. He didn't know where he came up with the idea of ​​resurrecting people who had lived for more than 600 years. How dare he think about it?


Team leader Wu ignored everyone's attention.

He stepped aside and dialed the minister's phone. He wanted to share his thoughts quickly, and then see what others thought.

After a while.

The minister's voice came from inside.

"...Probably you're right."

City God Yin Division.

An Yuyuan came back with Anu in his arms.

Guiying sat on the stone chair and turned to look over when he heard the movement.

Looking at An Yuyuan in the last second, looking at the woman in An Yuyuan's arms in the next second, seems to be very curious about Anu, who is this?

Then Guiying jumped off the stone chair, Pidiandian followed behind An Yuyuan, walked to the door of the bedroom and stopped, holding the eaves of the door with his little hand, poking his head out.

It saw An Yuyuan gently put the person in his arms on the bed.

In a moment, a golden light was reflected in the dark eyes. This light was a small light cluster that suddenly appeared in An Yuyuan's hand. It was golden and soft like water.


Guiying tilted his head slightly and blinked his eyes.

It seems that it is very curious about what this thing is, and instinctively feels that this thing is very good... It wants to eat the little light ball.

This small light ball, it does not know that it is a kind of incense.

An Yuyuan took out the incense seed and put it lightly on Anu's lips, the incense seed flickered and freely turned into water-like light and sank into it.

Without stopping at all, the hands moved together.

Mysterious symbols appear at the fingertips.

The dazzling golden light of merit burst out in An Yuyuan's hands, and the Yin Division roared at this moment, and thousands of ghosts and gods emerged from the depths and gathered towards this courtyard.

a split second.

The ghosts in the underworld all sensed and looked into the depths one after another.

"what is that?"

Most of the errands are doubts, I don't know what kind of amazing move Master Chenghuang has done.

Only the servants who followed An Yuyuan knew what was going on.

In the courtyard, golden light bursts into the sky.

Reflected in the light, the baby ghost feels warm all over its body. Looking at the golden light, it turns its head, looks at the lingering radiance, and looks up at the radiance of virtue rising into the sky. "The little ghost couldn't help stretching out his hand to Touch those lights.

The little hand grabbed it with five fingers, but found that it couldn't catch it, and the light flowed between the fingers like water.

An Yuyuan made a series of seals.

The incense seeds in Anu's body diffused, making the surface of her body muscles glow with fluorescent lights, which complemented the flashing brilliance of merit and virtue outside, resonating and flickering.

Suddenly, the thousands of symbols lingering between An Yuyuan and Anu moved.

They are gathering, reaching An Yuyuan's fingertips.

Lightly tap Anu's eyebrows with his fingertips.

A radiant hood full of symbols burst out from Anu's body from the inside out, enveloping her whole body in it.

Seeing this, An Yuyuan withdrew his hand.

He has done all the preparations, all he has to do now is wait!

The incense seeds and merit warm and nourish Anu's body, slowly transforming, and finally break out of the cocoon and become a butterfly, achieving the body of incense merit.

Looking at Anu who was quietly lying in the radiance of merit, An Yuyuan stroked Anu's face and whispered softly, "Anu, I will wait for you to wake up."

After speaking, he got up and walked outside.

"It's time to get busy." An Yuyuan chuckled.

he has too

Much to do.

Listening to prayers, rewarding the good and punishing the evil, observing the good weather of the land...too many things, he has been doing these things before, and now that Anu "arrives" he will not let go of these things

He wants to wait for Anu to wake up, and wait for Anu to praise him.

"I have done so many good deeds, how will Anu praise me then."

An Yuyuan smiled heartily.

He didn't do good deeds for the sake of Anu Kua, but Anu would praise him every time when he did good deeds.

Same thing.

"When Anu wakes up, I want to tell her the amusing anecdotes of this era.

He thought of the fun things he had heard during this time.

He likes to hear Anu's laughter, every time he sees Anu laughing, he is very happy, Anu's smile is the most beautiful picture in the world.

An Yuyuan walked out of the room.

"Xi'er, we won't be lonely in the future." An Yuyuan rubbed Guiying's little head.

heard the words.

Guiying raised her head, looked at An Yuyuan, and watched him leave without letting go of her gaze.

It seemed to be puzzled by An Yuyuan's words.

Not long.

Guiying pulled the eaves of the door with his small hands, poked his head out to look at the woman lying in the light, just looking at it like this, it seemed to understand An Yuyuan's words a little bit.

The dark eyes just looked at it like this, looking very curious.

Its little brain seems to be still wondering who she is and why she makes An Yuyuan so happy.

Outside the City God Temple.

An Yuyuan walked out of the netherworld.

Today's pilgrims are the same as in the past, neither too many nor too few.

"Sun Hai, Sun Hai..."

The figure of Lao Li appeared from the gate of the temple. His old cold legs stepped over the gate and waved to Sun Hai who was sitting there helping to register the money for adding sesame oil and writing his name on the red paper.

Hearing this, An Yuyuan and Sun Hai all looked over.

An Yuyuan had a smile on his face.

Temple fair personnel, he likes to listen to Lao Li's talk the most. This little old man is the most interesting.

"What's the matter? Your daughter-in-law has a second child? Is this the one you want most this time?"

Sun Hai stopped and looked over.

"What are you talking about?" Lao Li was speechless on the spot.

He looked at the people around him, and his face turned red, "Boys and girls are the same. I have seen it for a long time. Now I think girls are good. What do you know? Girls don't need to get married."

If you want to worry about your career, RV, just prepare some dowry, how easy it is. "

What he said was not bragging, but the truth. He felt that his thinking had improved. He used to like to wear handles, but now he thinks that girls are good. Girls are fathers and grandpas' caring little padded jackets.

"Yes, yes, yes." Sun Hai chuckled, then looked down at the red paper he had written badly because of Lao Li's yelling, "You are screaming, you see that the writing is crooked, and you have to rewrite it, wasting paper."

Old Li smiled wryly.

"Okay, rely on me." The next moment he thought of his purpose when he came, "I almost forgot, have you heard?"

Hearing this, people around all looked over, and the pilgrim who added sesame oil also took money in his hand, and looked over.

Everyone is curious.

What have you heard?

Did something big happen?

"I heard from my nephew that there were many soldiers in Mangchuk Village, and the police blocked the road. It seems that something happened in the mountains.

Lao Li pointed in one direction and said softly.

"Is there such a thing?" Everyone was stunned, and Sun Hai looked surprised, "Soldiers and criminal police closed the mountain? What is this for? There are tigers in the mountain?"

"Sun Hai, you can pull it down and return the tiger." The old man at the other temple fair rolled his eyes and couldn't help saying, "In ancient times, we didn't have tigers here. It would be nice to have wild boars and wolves.

, also the tiger. "

There are not many mountains and forests in Cang City, and there are not many, but it is certain that wild boars and wolves used to be the most in the mountains. As for tigers, I have never heard of them.

Sun Hai immediately said, "He ran out of the zoo."

He looked around, "City God's birthday, I thought about inviting a circus to come. I heard that in some places, it's quite lively. Haven't I heard of a circus running a tiger before?"

Come out, speaking of it, I still think about worshiping the gods in the Chongyang Festival for a while, and making a bigger temple fair and a whole circus.

"Grandpa Sun, your brains are too stupid." The young temple fair members couldn't laugh or cry.

Sun Hai chuckled.

Immediately he looked at Lao Li, and before he could speak, Lao Li spoke.

"It's not that there are wild animals in the mountains. I heard that some great ancient relics were unearthed, and they were all sealed off." Lao Li said with a look of surprise on his face, "I heard that there was a big battle, and the mountains were sealed off."

Yes, the antiques to be unearthed are definitely of great origin and are very valuable. "

"Fengshan? Such an exaggeration, did you listen to your nephew's bragging, did you hear it wrongly, the more you spread it, the more exaggerated it is." The old man of the temple fair who spoke before said.

"The old man from someone's family fell to the ground before, and it was a kilometer away from our house. He told us that he fell to his death. I even called and asked, thinking of calling Bai Li,

I fell down when I found out after asking this question, but it was reported to me that I fell to my death while walking, and it was a false alarm.

A young member of the temple fair also spoke out.

(It’s true. My friend’s grandfather fell down. When it came to me, it was less than a thousand meters away. When it was reported, 703 said that everyone died.)

"It's true. There are also helicopters. My nephew took pictures of several of them and they flew over." Lao Li took out his mobile phone, and there were pictures and the truth.

Hearing this, everyone looked at it.

At this moment, everyone was stunned, really!

"Is this a military helicopter? Has it been dispatched? Is this an ancient relic unearthed? Or was it unearthed from the tomb of an ancient prince?"

"It's possible. It's probably a very famous person. The tomb is huge, so it's protected."

"Hearing what you said, it's really possible, otherwise, an antique was unearthed, and people wouldn't be sent to seal the mountain.

"What powerful princes have we produced here? The emperor?"

At this moment, everyone discussed enthusiastically.

An Yuyuan also leaned over and listened carefully, his expression was as surprised as everyone else's, "Is there a large tomb unearthed? Is there such a thing?"

He couldn't help thinking about the powerful princes that Cang County had produced in ancient times.

Thinking room.

An Yuyuan looked in the direction Lao Li was pointing at, and after three seconds, he froze.

The next moment, An Yuyuan thought of a possibility and couldn't help but count it up.

"It's really my tomb." An Yuyuan counted and found that it was really the possibility he thought.

First thing.

He was surprised that he still stayed here and followed everyone.

Immediately, he shook his head.

An Yuyuan figured out what was going on over there, there was a strong military spirit there, and there were people of national destiny, so he understood what was going on in the Ghost Control Bureau.

Without listening to the people talking, An Yuyuan walked towards the courtyard.

when going out.

The voices of Lao Li's surprised discussion behind him came from his ears.

"My nephew sent me a new WeChat message. He said that the mountain has been closed and a wall needs to be built. I heard that the soldiers started to sweep up the wild animals in the mountain. They will not let anything go, wild boars, mice, even critters.

Ai's little rabbits were all killed, saying that they wanted to protect the ancient relics there from being destroyed. "


"No way, it's so powerful?"

"It's really going to be a big cultural relic. This is a good thing. We still have a place similar to Qinhuangkeng here, which will drive tourism in the future. Wow, isn't this about the place in Shanzhu Village?

The land on the side is going to be developed, demolition? If this is true, it will cost a lot of demolition money. "

Among them was an old man who immediately sighed.

An Yuyuan chuckled lightly.

With one step, stepping over the gate of the temple, a gust of wind blows, and the wind blows on the face, which makes people feel comfortable physically and mentally.

You can see the children playing and laughing on the courtyard ground.

There were three young people practicing hip-hop on the lawn over there, which attracted a few people to stop and watch and say hello with a smile.

Watching this scene.

An Yuyuan disappeared in place, and when he appeared, he was already sitting on an unoccupied long stone chair.

He looked at the courtyard that was getting more and more crowded. Every afternoon, the place became lively, and the cool autumn wind blew in, bringing the fragrance of green grass in the coolness.

"Wow woof~~"

A two-month-old Shiba Inu ran up to An Yuyuan, sticking out its tongue.

It looked up at An Yuyuan and wagged its tail.

An Yuyuan smiled slightly, "Cute little thing."

Hearing this, the little Shiba Inu seemed to understand that An Yuyuan was praising it, so it gave a milky bark, and then it looked at its own tail and circled in place.

A little boy ran over and picked up the little Shiba Inu, "Why are you running around, you are so stupid."

Immediately the little boy looked at the stone chair.

Just now the little Shiba Inu was barking towards the bench and wagging its tail, what is there?

The little boy thought innocently, and reached out to touch the place where the little Shiba Inu was looking.

at this time.

In the distance, his mother called him to go back.

"Okay." The little boy responded and ran towards his mother.

On the long stone chair, An Yuyuan smiled.

Then he looked at a gray-haired old man not far away. The old man's clothes were clean, his face was washed white, and his hair was combed meticulously.

The old man stood there.

He looked at this side, at the little boy playing with the puppy, his eyes followed the little boy...

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