The Recovery Of Terror: Signing In From Being A City God

Chapter 84 A Friendly Relationship Between Mother-In-Law And Daughter-In-Law? Mother Kindness And So

"Durian mooncakes are sold separately? Yes, we have small gift boxes here..."

Xie Hongcai looked at the owner of the bakery enthusiastically selling them, with a wry smile on his face.

Durian mooncakes are much more expensive than he imagined.

When the money is spent, his wife will say that he spent money again.

"Buy two to take home, one for my wife and one for my mother." He whispered, and then asked the store for a 2-box gift box, but he didn't choose not to buy it.

He remembered that his mother liked durian very much, so he planned to buy it, even if he would be nagged about it when he went back, he planned to do it.

Finish paying.

Xie Hongcai went back with the moon cakes.

His family lives in the Ning'an Community in the North District. Don't look at him living a budget-conscious life, but in life, his family is also a well-off family, but there are some reasons why he has to~ so.

Xie Hongcai was very handsome when he was young, even when he was middle-aged, he was full of maturity and charm, and belonged to the kind of friend, wife, and son-in-law who would make people feel very face-saving when taken out.

When he was a child, his family was very poor and he didn't have much education. Tian went out to work when he was young.

After several jobs, I finally worked in a garment processing factory as an adult, as the simplest assembly line worker.

Later he met the factory owner's daughter.

That was his first love.

In the end they got married.

Xie Hongcai also relied on his wife's relationship to do factory purchases and lived in the big city of Cangshi.

For his father-in-law and his wife, he has always been responsive to everything, such as buying a house in his wife's name, signing a prenuptial agreement, and if he divorces in the future, the property will belong to his wife Wen Pingyun.

He didn't think there was anything wrong with it. He always felt that he could have such a life because of his father-in-law's promotion. He was very grateful to his father-in-law's family. He also relied on his father-in-law to have his current property. Without his father-in-law, he would not be where he is today. coming property.

His mother also taught him, and I would like to thank Wen Pingyun's family for their help.

She is also grateful to her daughter-in-law's family for their help to her son, so that her son can live a good life today, go to a big city, wear a suit, and buy a car and a house.

It can be said that Xie Hong is in the state of semi-married, and there is nothing wrong with even being married, the only difference is that he changed his surname.

"Old Xie, you haven't gone back yet."

Just as he was about to board the bus, a familiar voice came from the side.

Xie Hongcai looked over.

That was the big client he went to see just now, "It's Mr. Hong."

"You don't need to be so polite." Mr. Hong laughed. He was chubby, with thinning hair, and his appearance belonged to the kind and friendly type that people could not repel.

"It's rude to call Mr. Hong." Xie Hongcai laughed honestly, and then he looked at Mr. Hong in surprise, ""Mr. Hong, you are..."

Mr. Hong was at home before, but why did he walk away, and Mr. Hong also went out on the back.

Mr. Hong pointed to the opposite side of the street not far away.

"I plan to go to the Town God's Temple with my friend, and take a walk if we have nothing to do."

Xie Hongcai looked in the direction Hong Wen pointed, and saw a middle-aged man in casual clothes over there, and happened to look over, "Then Mr. Hong, you are busy, I'm waiting for the bus here.

"The bus? Is your car not driving?"

"Give it to my wife, just take the bus."


Mr. Hong nodded and didn't say much.

Knowing Xie Hongcai's situation, he greeted him and walked into the distance.

After a while, Mr. Hong met his old friend, and said with a smile, "Master Ji, it's great that you moved here recently, I will have a walking companion in the future, and my wife and daughter will not accompany me. "

The old friend in front of him is worth much more than his tens of millions of assets.

That is an absolute giant calculated in billions.

They used to be college classmates, and they played together for two or three years when they were young, but now they didn't expect to live very close to each other, and they could meet each other within a few steps of walking in the same place.

I heard that this old friend of his did not intend to stay in Xixi City, but chose to settle in Cang City, and lived near Mulou Village in this less-developed southern district. This surprised him, but his old friend who believes in God and Buddha said This is the will of the gods and Buddhas, so he shook his head helplessly. This friend of his believed in it.

"You said you often take walks with you, and I want to, but the company doesn't allow it, so I have to deal with a lot of things when I come here."

Master Ji smiled lightly.

Although it was difficult to say, the expression was not at all distressed and relaxed.

Listening to the old Versailles tone of this old friend's joke, Mr. Hong rolled his eyes.

"You still can't handle it, no one can handle it." He said with a smile, "But if you need help with anything, call me. Although I'm not your kind of big bull, but I have a bit of face in the local area. .”

"Pang Hong, you are joking, you are still modest."

Master Ji also rolled his eyes.

Mr. Hong is very active in the territory of Cang City. Although his assets are only tens of millions, his relationship is very good. If people say that they have some face, it is pure humility.

As he spoke, he looked at the middle-aged man who was on the bus not far away, who had just talked to his old friend Hong Botian, "Is that your friend who was talking to you just now?"

"Oh, thank you, thank you."

Mr. Hong looked over, saw Xie Hongcai was also looking this way, and nodded from a distance.

"I'm not going to expand the clothing business recently. He came here to cooperate with an old clothing factory in the North District."

"Cooperate with you? Take the bus?" Master Ji was surprised. He didn't mean to belittle a person and look down on Xie Hongcai, but he just felt very surprised. Hong Botian's wealth is there, and he can do business with him. It's not bad, it seems strange to take the bus, "It's not that I look down on it, it's just..."

"I understand your idea."

Mr. Hong laughed, and he said with admiration on his face, "That is the son-in-law of the factory owner. He is very nice. 17

"When we are in business, we like all kinds of calculations when dealing with people, but when we make friends with people, what we like to be friends with are those who are less calculating. Lao Xie is only forty-one years old, and he is not too old. He has a very smart mind. Flexible, very honest, worth making friends with, speaking of..."

When he said this, there was a sneer on his face, "If Lao Xie hadn't come to discuss business and sign the contract, I still don't want to cooperate with their broken factory."


Master Ji was surprised, he rarely saw Hong Botian laughing at others like this.

He has always been polite to everyone, and he can be disgusted [that is definitely a problem.

Mr. Hong smiled, "Master, you don't know, the factory that Lao Xie works in was quite famous in Cang City 20 years ago, but it was pure luck..."

Then Master Ji understood what was going on.

Lao Xie's factory is owned by his father-in-law. His father-in-law has been running the factory for 20 years. Fortunately, he made good friends with the most powerful leader in the garment industry in Cang City. With the help of his friends, his father-in-law grew bigger and bigger. Clothing companies approach them for cooperation.

That era was in a stage of rapid development and fierce competition.

The clothing industry in Cang City was greatly impacted, surrounded by many foreign joint venture clothing manufacturers from outside, was annexed at one time, and even went bankrupt.

Lao Xie's father-in-law didn't send charcoal in the snow, let alone icing on the cake. Instead, he chose to make things worse and chose other partners, directly tore up the business contract with his good friend, and all the business was allocated to several joint venture factories. In the end, the good friend was on the verge of bankruptcy.

But the bankruptcy that many people imagined did not happen. A good friend can help his father-in-law to grow up and raise such a big white-eyed wolf. In fact, in a sense, he can also see his personality. Instead of seniority, they value the other party's behavior and business attitude.

At that time, my good friend got the support of big bosses from several other cities in the domestic market, took stock and cooperated, and had official local industry protection, and suddenly came back to life.

This matter is often talked about in Cangshi business.

When my good friends got up, several foreign joint venture manufacturers were defeated. In the end, although old Xie’s father-in-law made enough money, what he wanted in this business was reputation. It's a slippery slope.

Although the business is still making money, it always loses money.

If twenty years pass.

Old Xie's father-in-law has lost the splendor he once had. It would be nice to have a total of tens of millions of assets, which is quite different from the splendor of the past.

...... In the past few years without Lao Xie, several important business deals could not be negotiated, and his father-in-law's factory had long since gone bankrupt. "President Hong said.

Then he said again, "Old Xie suffered hardships when he was a child, knew how to be thrifty, and was reluctant to drive, and his wife... It's not that I want to gossip behind others, but that his wife's family has problems. She has the same virtue as that old father-in-law, stingy, not familiar with raising him, afraid that Lao Xie will oppress him in turn, and she will take care of the money. "Hehe... I heard people say that if the divorce property belongs to his wife."

"Look at him taking the bus. It's because he saves money. I just like him. He is honest and responsible. He didn't suddenly accept such a big factory because he was a poor boy. I am relieved to cooperate with him. The old white-eyed wolf also knows the role of his son-in-law, so many cooperations in the factory are handed over to Lao Xie."

Mr. Hong shook his head.

"I've always felt that this old white-eyed wolf was lucky in his previous life, and he earned millions of dollars through shit luck in the first half of his life. In the second half of his life, he still has this kind of 'marriage' son-in-law, and the factory is about to return to his livelihood. To be honest, I It's sour, if my daughter can also find a wife like this, I will wake up laughing from my dreams."

"So that's how it is."

The master said in a low voice.

"Every family has scriptures that are difficult to recite." Boss Hong shook his head.

Master Ji smiled, and immediately looked at the bus stop. The bus arrived, and the old Xie looked this way before getting on the bus. Seeing that they were still there, he smiled and nodded at them.

Seeing this, Mr. Ji and Mr. Hong responded with a smile.

Master Ji watched the bus leave, turned his gaze away and didn't pay too much attention to Lao Xie's question.

He is not familiar with Lao Xie.

Talking with Mr. Hong was just gossip among friends, and he walked towards the Temple of the City God.

"Speaking of Fatty Hong, you need to go to the Town God's Temple to worship."


North District.

Building No. 3, a duplex building in Ning'an Community, No. B307.

In the spacious living room, there was the sound of mahjong being scrubbed. Two middle-aged women and a young girl gathered around the mahjong table to play mahjong for three.

Your daughter's luck is too good, she has played cards several times.


Among the two middle-aged women, a woman who still had charm was sitting on the side, watching the girl playing cards again speechlessly, and rolled her eyes.

Wen Pingyun wanted to curse.

"You didn't collude to trick me, did you?" She said in a teasing tone.

Hearing this, another middle-aged woman glanced at Wen Pingyun, "Do you think it's possible?"

She said with a happy smile, "It's your bad luck recently, no wonder us, and I lost more than you.

"Honghong is your daughter, money is just turning left and right.

"Who said that when a daughter grows up, she will marry someone, and the married daughter will splash the water.

"Mom, what are you talking about, I will be filial to you in the future."

"Hahahaha, I'm just kidding, my baby girl is the best."

"Oh, Hong Hong is so good, I also want such a girl." Wen Pingyun was envious.

She was born with physical problems and could not bear children. She has been married to Xie Hongcai for more than ten years and has no children yet.

"Ping Yun, I heard that Nanshan No. 1 Hospital is very serious about infertility, you can ask Lao Xie to take a look, maybe it will be cured."

"Well, I'll let Lao Xie take a look when I'm free."

Wen Pingyun smiled and nodded.

There was a hidden emotion in the depths of her eyes. She didn't say anything about her infertility, but blamed her husband Xie Hongcai, and did some tricks to hide it from him. The more grateful her family was, the more guilty she felt. He obviously couldn't have children, and Wen Pingyun hadn't divorced him yet, and she never left him.

"Really? That's great, I'll have to ask Hong to check it out."

At this moment, an elderly voice came, holding tea in his hand.

Her skin seemed to be rough and dark due to the sun and rain for many years, her hair was all white, her walking speed was slow, and her eyesight seemed to be not very good.

"Aunt still troubles you to serve tea, don't be so polite, Honghong, call grandma quickly, this is your mother to thank Uncle." The middle-aged woman took the tea with a smile, and told her daughter to say hello politely

"no, I'm fine."

Song Dongqing's wrinkled face was full of smiles, and he kept waving his hands.

Wen Pingyun glanced at this mother-in-law, and there was disgust in the depths of her eyes. She felt that this mother-in-law had dark skin, which made people feel very unclean.

She took the tea brought by her mother-in-law Song Dongqing, "Mother-in-law, I put the clothes I washed today in the bathroom."

"Okay, I'll take it to the washing machine later."

"No, that has to be washed by hand."


Song Dongqing nodded with a smile, and greeted the middle-aged woman, mother and daughter, asking them to sit down, and then walked to the bathroom of the master bedroom on the second floor to get clothes.

"Huh? Ping Yun, your nanny asked for leave these two days?" The middle-aged woman was surprised. She came here to play mahjong these two days and didn't see the nanny.

"I resigned."


Wen Pingyun waved her hands indifferently, and then began to scrub mahjong.

Hearing this, the middle-aged woman was puzzled, she remembered that the nanny was good, with quick hands and feet, and Wen Pingyun, who was picky before, was still boasting, so why did she quit.

Steal something?

She thought of something about the nanny and asked aloud.

"There's no need to waste money." Wen Pingyun smiled, she looked in the direction of the second floor, "Hongcai's mother is here, she can be a nanny, why spend money?"

Seeing Wen Pingyun's indifferent smile, the middle-aged woman smiled hypocritically, "Indeed."

Wen Pingyun didn't notice the middle-aged woman's expression.

While laying out the mahjong, he said, "My mother-in-law actually made a lot of money. She has three meals a day and can live in a duplex. You can't find such a job outside.

"That's true. It's good to live here with you. Your second bedroom is sunny, and the old man lives here..."

"Second bedroom? I didn't give her a second bedroom.

Wen Pingyun interrupted her friend, with a satisfied smile on her face, "Hongcai originally wanted his mother to live in the second bedroom, but my mother-in-law is used to living in the countryside, so she said it would be better to live in a small room, so she lived in the second bedroom." In the small room in the utility room, Hongcai couldn't resist, so she lived in it, and I have no objection to this matter..."

The middle-aged woman felt a chill down her spine.

Looking at her friend's smiling face, she knew that Lao Xie's mother hadn't asked for this matter. Behind this matter, this woman Ping Yun must have said something to her mother-in-law to let her live.

...Speaking of which, my mother-in-law's coming is not all a good thing, since she came, I feel that I am unlucky, do you think our zodiac signs are in conflict?"

Wen Pingyun was still talking there, not noticing her friend's expression at all.

The girl looked stunned.

She wanted to say, how does this have anything to do with the zodiac sign? It's obviously because she is not good at playing cards, so she blames her mother-in-law for coming?

Just then, the Yin door opened.

Xie Hongcai walked into the house carrying the moon cake box.

"I'm back, Meilan, you're here."

0 looking for flowers...

"Yes, thank you, are you going to discuss big business again?"

The middle-aged woman smiled.

"No, no, just went to see the next client."

"Meet the client? Didn't you sign the contract?" Wen Pingyun frowned. Her husband was going to discuss some business. She knew very well that this was a big deal. Could it be that it didn't work out?

Thinking of this, her face sank.

The factory at home is getting worse year by year, which makes her very upset.

That is to say, the business has gradually stabilized in the past three years, so she is very happy, and Xie Hongcai's father passed away last year, which is also a good thing. She thinks that this can save money on alimony, but she is very unhappy these days. Happily, Xie Hongcai took his elderly mother over, saying that the mother was old and needed someone to take care of her.

Wen Pingyun had always objected to this matter, but her father told her not to object to it, Xie Hongcai was in charge of purchasing and sales, and the factory needed him when the factory stabilized, so if he wanted to bring his mother to live here, let him take over.

She was already dissatisfied because of this matter, but now a big deal has been ruined, how can she be happy?!

"Didn't you say you were going to sign the contract today?"

Wen Pingyun spoke.

"I signed it, but I didn't say I didn't sign it." Xie Hongcai looked at his wife unhappy, and couldn't tell whether to laugh or cry, "Ping Yun, don't worry, I won't let Gongguang go to such a big list first.

Hearing this, Wen Pingyun smiled happily, "Successful! Good good good good.

She played mahjong harder.

Just then, the middle-aged woman answered the phone.

There were guests at her house and she wanted to go back, so she went out with her daughter immediately.

"Honghong, don't try to imitate that woman Ping Yun, I brought you here to meet her just because we have business dealings with her, don't imitate her way of life, she is not a good person.

"Is that the grandma Mom was talking about?"


"Don't worry, Mom, I will be filial to you."

"That's for sure, Hong Hong, don't try to imitate that woman. I'll bring you here less often."

The two had such a conversation after going out, and then left.

inside the door.

Xie Hong changed his shoes.

"Where's Ping Yun's mother?"

"Drying clothes on the second floor." Wen Pingyun got up and walked to the sofa.

Xie Hongcai's expression froze.

Sensing the change in Xie Hongcai's expression, Wen Pingyun said again, "I said that I will post later, but my mother-in-law won't let me, so I can't hold her back.

"My mother is like this." Xie Hongcai had a smile on his face, and then he went up to the second floor with his briefcase.

Looking at the mother's old body.

Xie Hongcai couldn't help pantothenic acid on the tip of his nose, "Mom, didn't I tell you that you don't need to do these things, it's okay to hire a babysitter in a few days and not to do laundry.


"It's nonsense, if you don't wash it for a few days, your good clothes will be ruined." Mother Song Dongqing couldn't laugh or cry, "I'm not too old to move, more exercise is a good thing, which is also equivalent to exercise.

"Mom, did Ping Yun ask you to do this?"

Xie Hongcai said such a whispered word suddenly.


He actually knows Wen Pingyun's character very well. These days, he has noticed some details of his wife's attitude towards his mother, but he doesn't want to believe that Pingyun will be so cruel, and the tiger's poison will not eat children. This is his mother, her mother-in-law , she still didn't divorce even if he couldn't give birth to a child.

In his opinion, Wen Pingyun has some personality flaws, but she is still a good person, and she loves him from the bottom of her heart.

But he felt uneasy and asked specifically.

"No, why do you say that."

Song Dongqing was astonished.

She made tea and did laundry at her own request, and Wen Pingyun never asked her for a word.

"Really?" Xie Hongcai said distressedly.

Song Dongqing smiled and nodded, "Really, don't think about it, Ping Yun never asked me to do this, I did it on my own initiative...... Hongcai, I just want to do more things, You have health problems, don’t you often feel guilty, it’s good for mom to help you with housework, and it can save a lot of money.”

She has never seen the big world.

In her heart, she is very happy that her son is promising, but she is more guilty.

She remembered that her son used to eat with a bowl in ripped trousers, and the chicken from the next door came over and saw the rice falling into his pocket, and pecked at it. This may be the root cause of Hongcai's disease. Not so.

(I didn’t make up this matter... We have a person like this, the chicken pecked it straight down, it’s funny, he’s fine, he’s just barking loudly.)

Her idea now is very simple, help her son with housework more, otherwise her son will lose his life if his daughter-in-law gets angry.

In her heart, she has already planned that there are some small handicrafts in the city that are very suitable for her. She can bring some embroidery flowers from the factory to her home and exchange them for some money after finishing them according to the requirements. She can do a little more or less. Time to save more money for his son's future life.

"Mom, no need."

Xie Hongcai said distressedly, he opened his mouth to comfort his mother not to worry about these things.

"Mom, I'll do these, you go and sit over there."

"Need not."

side of the stairs.

Wen Pingyun stood quietly, secretly watching what Xie Hongcai said to his mother.

She originally planned to come up to ask Xie Hongcai about the contract, but she didn't expect to see such words.

"Hmph." Wen Pingyun hummed softly in her heart.

Immediately she quieted down and wanted to call her dad to ask what to do about it.

... Xie Hongcai doubted me, what kind of thing is he.

Without me to help him, without our family, can he have today?

Wen Pingyun's face was ugly.

But soon she laughed, Xie Hongcai's mother is not knowledgeable, she is right, Ping Yun never asked me to do this.

From the very beginning, she didn't ask Xie Hongcai's mother to do things so bluntly. She always used suggestive words, such as living in the utility room. That's why she said that the feng shui is good there, and Xie Hongcai can give birth to a son if she lives there. In addition, she deliberately pretended to call and said that there might be guests, that it would be bad to have one less bedroom, and so on.

"It's okay, she will die after a few years, no, I still have to drive her away and let her leave on her own initiative."

Four days later.

The Mid-Autumn Festival is approaching, and it is still one day away from the arrival time.

An Yuyuan looked at the moon cakes that looked like moon cakes in front of her, and her head hurt very much

"It's all about what and what." He smiled wryly.

While talking, he looked at the ghost baby standing on the stone chair with sticky rice flour, glutinous rice flour and other powdery white hands on his hands. It was staring at the mooncakes he made, and he didn't know that it was because the mooncakes were ugly.

It is still to see where I did wrong and to do better.

He shook his head and planned to let the ghost baby make another one, at least a little more similar.


An Yuyuan looked back to the study.

Shan Bo trembled and flew out freely.

The next moment, his hand was slightly stained with white, and the white powder flew away on its own, and the good book fell on his hand in an instant, and opened on a certain page.

There are two names slowly appearing on the page in the good book.

Xie Hongcai, Song Dongqing.

Mother Song Dongqing, from Bangshi Village, gave birth to Xie Hongcai forty years ago...

Look at the text above.

The record this time is different from the previous ones. I didn’t do many meritorious deeds. What I record is just the little things of life.

The ghost baby looked up at An Yuyuan with its head up, and it felt that there was a sigh on An Yuyuan's face.

a long time.

An Yuyuan closed the good book, but he didn't speak.

After a while, he looked at the word'good' written on the book of kindness.

The next moment, he looked at Guiying, "Xi'er, speaking of which, I haven't taught you how to read yet.

"Today I will teach you the four characters, mother is kind and son is filial."


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