The Recovery Of Terror: Signing In From Being A City God

Chapter 89 Li Gui Came With A Sliding Shovel To Clean Up This Area And Enter The Realm Of Six-Rank M

Xixi City, the third port in the South District.

It was getting dark.

The sun was setting, and after the last ray of sunlight disappeared, night fell completely.

As usual.

The port is brightly lit, illuminating the entire area, clearly showing the complete containers one by one.

However, the strange thing is that although the lights are on, none of the night shift personnel at the port is there, like an empty city, quiet.

"What will happen?"

Someone on the roof of the tallest building in the distance looked at the port with a telescope, and said in a low voice.

As he spoke, he put down the binoculars and looked at the people around him.

There are more than a dozen people around him, each of them has a special temperament, strangers should not enter, if people get close, they will tremble uncontrollably, this is not a description, but a fact. They are ghost masters, the ghost masters of Xixi City Ghost Control Bureau.

"I want to know too." Someone beside him shook his head and sighed.

As he spoke, he stared straight into the distance, with ghostly air flowing in his pupils, and he saw everything in the port clearly in his eyes.

‘Guardian of Yangjian, please evacuate the people in this area tonight, I, the City God’s Yin Division, have something to do

A word came to Ji Jiancheng's mind.

The source of this sentence is the ghosts and gods in the Town God's Temple!

When the Bureau learned of the details of the incident of "three foreigners disappeared mysteriously" at the port, it immediately caused a shock. It involved the Temple of the City God, and they couldn't ignore it.

Ji Jian became an A-level ghost driver of the Ghost Control Bureau of Xixi City. He rushed to the scene immediately and checked the monitoring in the monitoring room, and listened to the reports of witnesses. During the listening, a cold voice sounded.

Even after a few hours, Ji Jiancheng still couldn't forget the cold voice he heard at that time, and couldn't forget the details of what happened in the monitoring room.

He saw an undercover man in a black official robe.

He appeared quietly, and Ji Jiancheng had no idea when he existed. After saying that, the errand said the number of a foreign freighter, telling them not to block the arrival of the freighter, and then left.

Come without a shadow, go without a trace.

Ji Jiancheng reported the matter immediately.

This incident directly shocked the Ghost Control Bureau in the city and the headquarters of the Ghost Control Bureau thousands of miles away!

This is..... Is there any big movement in Chenghuang Temple?!

Everyone who learned of this incident was horrified, and their hearts were beyond shock.

Isn’t the City God’s Temple under the jurisdiction of Cang City, North and South Ming City, ghosts and gods have to go out of the land? What is this going to do? What’s the situation with that boat? Evacuate people. Is this a ghost event happening again?

One question after another popped up in my mind.

The headquarters made a decision in a very short period of time, asking the Ghost Control Bureau of Xixi City to evacuate the port personnel, shut down the port completely, and notified all the cargo ships that were going to arrive at night to transfer to other ports.

same time.

Urgently call the ghost masters in Xixi City who have no missions to be on guard near the port tonight, and mobilize the ghost masters who can be mobilized from the three cities of Cang City, Nanming City, and Huaquan City to arrive at the third port of Xixi City before tonight!

Town God's Temple asked, and the Ghost Exorcism Bureau did not refuse.

But they also mobilized people to go there, the purpose is to deal with all possible things.

Ji Jiancheng stared at the port.

Then he turned his gaze to several places, all of which were near the port without exception, where there must be ghost masters like them here.

A total of 312 ghost masters!

This number can be said to be quite exaggerated, if it is not for the lack of time, and other areas must be protected by ghost masters, and they cannot go away [there will be more ghost masters here. This time, the headquarters has paid the utmost attention to this matter.


At this time, there was a huge cargo ship on the distant sea.

"Here we come!" At this moment, all the ghost masters, including Ji Jiancheng, were shocked. They were either watching with binoculars, or observing through drones... using different means to observe the port all movements.

The freighter is slowly approaching.

It looks so ordinary.

on the freighter.

The crew in the control room watched the distant port gradually become clear and slowly pulled in, and they panicked to the extreme.

Dragon Kingdom has arrived...

Everyone has weak legs.

They can live until now to control the freighter, and now that the Dragon Kingdom has arrived, it means that their lives are coming to an end.


Wa Jie


At this moment, eerie laughter rang out from the cargo ship.

That's ghost laughter.

The ghosts were laughing, excited about their arrival in the Dragon Kingdom, and they couldn't wait to harm people, to suck their yang energy and eat their spirit.

"It's finally here."

"I saw Dragon Kingdom, countless people are waiting for us.

The ghosts were communicating, the voice was cold, and the crew trembled when they heard it.

There was panic in their eyes, as if they saw the tragedy that was about to occur in the Dragon Kingdom, and the ghosts killed one person after another.

The boat is slowly approaching.

'Logan' stood at the bow of the ship, looking at the approaching port.

That stiff face, frowning...Where is he?

Although the port is brightly lit, he can't see a single worker, can't see any port workers, what's going on!

"It's not right," he whispered.

"Anderson must have been discovered and captured by the Ghost Control Bureau. The Ghost Control Bureau knew from them that we were coming, and all the people in the port were evacuated."

"Don't let me find Anderson and the others, or I will kill them."

"Ha ha....…"

Sneering and sarcastic voices sounded beside 'Logan', it was the ghost master talking, and there was also a ghost speaking.

At this moment, whether it is the ghost master or the ghost, they all looked at the position of the cabin.

Suddenly a cold air blew on the deck.

Da da

The crisp ghostly footsteps came from the depths of the hull. They were two footsteps with completely different sounds.

The cabin population is dark and dull.

Two figures came out, one big and one small, the big one was 1.9 meters tall, with a pair of gray eyes like a dead blind ghost, wrinkled face, naked upper body, lingering cold Yin Qi, the ghost bowed down while walking, The evil ghost backed away and trembled, and the small one carried a mountain spirit like a mythical ghost, about 1.3 meters tall, with sharp ghost teeth and long green nails. When he came out, he was chewing a ghost finger.

They heard that it was two ghost brothers.

Zhu Xing, Zhu Sheng.

The tall ones like to eat people's hearts, and the young ones like to eat people's kidneys. They are all ghosts that cannibalize human blood. They have the supernatural powers of summoning ghosts. It is said that they come from a mutation after eating human blood.


The ghosts and ghost masters all lowered their heads in horror.

The two ghost kings have tyrannical personalities and love to eat human blood, but they will also eat ghosts when they are unhappy. They have seen ghost kings eat ghosts alive no less than three times.

"Who went to the Dragon Kingdom first." The sharp and ghostly voice swayed on the boat.

Zhu Sheng stared at all the ghosts.

All the ghosts it saw lowered their heads deeper, and their bodies were trembling.

Suddenly, a fierce ghost with wet body and disheveled hair moved. He ran out of the cargo ship, turned into a pool of cold water and flowed into the sea.


Zhu Sheng looked over.

The mouth was split open, and a sinister arc was raised, revealing the sharp and ghostly teeth.

The fleeing water ghost paused, and the puddle of water flew upside down and flowed towards the mouth of Ghost King Zhu Sheng.

Gulu, Gulu... The sound of swallowing water sounded, and he ate the water ghost who was afraid of being killed and ran away.

The ghosts and ghost masters were silent.

"Big brother, shall we still go to the Dragon Country?" Zhu Xing spoke at this time, his voice was like a wind drum breaking through the wind, and there was a piercing sound in the sound of the urn.

Zhu Sheng looked towards the approaching port, "Go."

His answer is simple.

Now that they have come to Dragon Kingdom, it is impossible for them not to go ashore.

"I think so too."

Zhu Xing smiled sadly, they are ghost kings, how could they be frightened by such an empty port.

"There is no breath of a living person, are they afraid of us?" Those gray and white ghost pupils flowed with ghostly aura, sensing that there was no breath of blood from his favorite living person in the entire port.

Then he took a deep breath, and special emotions emerged on his wrinkled face.

That's a greed!

He did not feel the breath of the living.

But he smelled the blood left by the living people in this area. There are many... densely packed, at least thousands of people.

"I'll find out when I land on the shore." Zhu Xing said, his green ghost eyes were full of hostility.

He didn't want to think too much about so many problems.

It's not that he doesn't think, it's that he doesn't have a clue what to think about, wasting that time thinking, the boat has already landed and there is no need to think.



The boat was slowly approaching, and the ghosts began to be restless, and all kinds of ghosts screamed and laughed.

The ghostly figures emerged from the boat one after another, their ghostly eyes flickering with faint light. A group of ghosts danced wildly, with ghost shadows, hundreds of thousands, flying out from the negative floor directly through the deck, and the laughter of ghosts and ghosts spread to the port before they approached the port.

This scene looked extraordinarily penetrating, and it made people feel chills all over.

far away.

The ghost masters who were quietly observing the port and the cargo ship all trembled.

"A whole cargo ship is a ghost?!"

Ji Jiancheng exclaimed, his pupils constricted.

At this moment, all ghost masters instinctively activate the ghost state, the whole body is full of ghost power, and the whole person turns from a living person into a fierce ghost, fierce and tyrannical.

"Notify the headquarters quickly, the number is the least...thousands of ghosts, and two ghost kings, there are two ghost kings there!" Ji Jiancheng put down his binoculars and shouted at the person in charge, his blood boiled, this is a response irritating reaction.

There are two ghost kings there!

He was not mistaken, many ghosts kowtowed, even the ghost masters knelt down on the ground.

Ji Jiancheng recognized the figure of one of the ghost masters. It was a wanted A-level ghost master from Xingguo, named Ryder, who possessed a burning evil spirit in his body and burned down a church. Together with the 30 people inside, he He was burned to death, and he also killed two B-level star country ghost masters in his hands. He is absolutely notorious.

Even Ryder knelt down, what does this mean, there is no need to think about it at all-S-level ghost king.

This is an unprecedented catastrophe!

"They landed."

Someone exclaimed.

The sea water was surging, slapping on the rocks of the port pier, and the cargo ship docked.

Without any hesitation, the moment they docked, the ghosts screamed one by one, eager to disembark and arrive at the port.

chi chi---

The moment I got off the boat, there was a sudden change.

The port lights flickered on and off.

In the next second, a gloomy mist appeared in the port, just like the coming of winter, the cold air paved the surface, billowing like a torrent, and the ghostly air filled the pier, as if it was the beginning of disaster, the beginning of everything, the light faded, and the darkness Advent.

At this time.

There was a strange wind blowing from the port, which was so icy cold that even a ghost would shudder.

The wind came suddenly.

Accompanied by the gloomy light, the port has a hazy mist, and there is a slight wind blowing, and one figure after another in black official robes appears on the port. They stand on the container, stand on the ground, some stand

steel on...

Dense, hundreds of numbers, all in black official robes, with swords (knives) hanging on their waists, or holding hooks.

Right in front of the port.

Five figures stand tall.

Human body with bull head, two people connected by shoulders, tall and tall, human body with horse face.

They are ferocious, and their aura frightens ghosts. Even the most terrifying ghosts will run away when they see them, and they are afraid from the bottom of their hearts.


The spooky action rushing towards the port stopped.

This scene appeared.

The foreign ghost masters on the cargo ship shuddered.

There is panic, fear, and disbelief in their eyes...why are they here?!!

far away.

The scalps of the ghost masters in the Ghost Control Bureau were numb.

"Are all the bad guys coming?!"

Someone spoke, and the sound was close to moaning, with a sense of powerlessness, as if something stuck in the throat.

Ji Jiancheng felt his brain buzzing, and the feeling of lack of oxygen came to his mind.

Densely cloudy...

The number exceeds a thousand.

At this moment, the port no longer belongs to the yang world, it is like a projection of the underworld, with dim light flowing, and the surface is filled with hazy mist.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time."

The sound of the urn came from the mouth of Niutou Abang, and he stared straight at the cargo ship with his huge bull.

In order to catch the ghosts of the whole ship, two hundred shady men and thousands of shady little ghosts came to the Temple of the City God this time, and Niutou also called You Guang, Ye Zhong, and A Fang.



All the yin and yang are moving.

Kong Gongliang drew out the long knife at his waist, and rushed out first, "Catch ghosts and evil spirits, Xiaoqing area!"


The evil little ghosts were violent and rushed out one after another, killing the ghosts.

In an instant, Yin Cha had contact with the ghosts, and Zhong Chengyi followed Kong Gongliang and rushed out. He rushed into the pile of ghosts, like a wolf rushing into a flock of sheep, beheading a ghost with a single blow and killing the ghosts.

Split it in half.


The ghosts were screaming.

They are not the opponents of the bad guys at all.

Chaos, chaos... None of the ghosts can calm down, they are panicked and terrified.

This is a massacre!

"Run." The ghosts yelled, and ran away from the ship, like a beehive bursting, running from the sea, from the port, panicking.

The faces of the two supernatural beings were so gloomy that water dripped out. They never thought that such a thing would happen.

As far as they know.

Dragon Kingdom is not like this.

What are these black ghosts, the ghosts of the City God Temple?

They thought that before they came here, they had heard from the ghost master, who was a combination of ghosts and humans, that there is an extremely terrifying place in the Dragon Kingdom, and they cannot go there.

Zhu Xing and Zhu Sheng didn't care about the two ghost kings at first, but when they heard that there were at least three ghost kings there, their faces changed, but soon they didn't care, the place they went was far away from

There is still a distance from that place, although Xixi City and Cang City are close, but the third port is a whole district away from Zhishi.

How big is a district?

They have to run for a while by themselves, so they don't care.

However, it now appears that this idea was wrong.

...Why are ghosts and spirits here in the Town God's Temple?!

They can't figure it out, and they can't allow them to think at this moment.

Zhu Xing and Zhu Sheng, the two ghost kings, stared at the five Niutou people, and the ghost's instinct was telling them to run away!!


The two ghost kings didn't show any shame, so they ran away.

However, when they were moving, Niutou and the other five ghosts and gods had already moved, presenting an enveloping posture and besieging them.

Slamming down from top to bottom, Ye Zhong and Ye Zhong held a knife each, and slashed at Zhu Sheng's neck and waist.

Ghosts are screaming.

They ran away with their heads in their arms, like a mouse that had thrown a firecracker in a mouse's nest, and fled in all directions.


The skin ghost ghost master 'Logan' trembled.

He was full of ghostly energy, and used his strength to the extreme.

He was accompanied by three other A-level ghost masters, and they fled in a group.


They saw joy on their faces when they saw that they were gradually approaching outside the blockade of the underworld.

Suddenly, 'Logan' stopped, and he stopped in front of a container, staring at the top of the container.

There is a ghostly baby figure sitting on the top edge of the container.

Its little legs dangled in the air.

Watching them coming, looked down and looked over.


At this moment, baby ghosts came out of the container one after another, wearing white shrouds, their eyes were numb, cold and without whites, and they all stared at 'Logan' and the others.

Those were not baby ghosts, but paper-wrapped people who looked very much like baby ghosts.

The ghost baby paper pierced people's movements, and the small bodies rushed out one after another.

"Alternative Ghost King Ghost Baby!"

'Logan' was terrified, and a chill ran down his spine straight to the sky.

He turned to run, but it was no use.


The next moment there was a scream here.

The ghost baby sat on the container from the beginning to the end, its legs dangling in the air.

It was playing football in the Temple of the City God today, and Ah Pong came to it and asked it if he would come with him to catch ghosts at night. Hearing this, it came, and its eyes looked towards the one who was about to run away

The Li Gui, and the two foreign ghost masters rang through the air with a whistling sound.

Ghost babies appeared one after another with small paper piercings. At the same time, the swaying shadows under the ghost babies' feet moved and spread towards that side. After a few seconds, there were screams.

Two or three baby ghosts dragged a fierce ghost, or a ghost master king, into the ghost bag.

It was a one-sided carnage.

There is no way for the ghosts to escape, there is no way to escape, thousands of ghosts are like chickens waiting to be slaughtered, pitiful and helpless.

Li Gui is like this, Zhu Xing and Zhu Sheng are as miserable as the two ghost kings. They were surrounded and beaten, and they were already dying not long after they passed by. They are not their opponents

Not to mention that it was under siege, at this moment they had the idea to run, and tried every means to run.

far away.

The ghost masters of the Ghost Control Bureau were stunned.

Ji Jiancheng's eyes widened, and he once doubted whether the scene he saw was real.

farther away...

There are some foreign ghost masters standing on one of the floors of a certain building, and they look at everything in the port with binoculars.


Someone swallowed.

They are non-staff foreign ghost masters traveling in Longguo recently. The movement of the Ghost Control Bureau in Xixi City caught their attention, and then they discovered the road blockade at the port. Tonight they

He was also observing the port like the ghost master of the Ghost Control Bureau and saw this scene.

"Is this the Town God's Temple of the Dragon Kingdom?" A foreign ghost master spoke in fluent Xingguo language, his tone full of astonishment.

He had heard of Town God's Temple, and wanted to see it.

"God, it's horrible."

His voice trembled.

Town God's Temple.

An Yuyuan looked down at the Ancient City God Scroll.

He has read this book several times, but every time he reads it, he has a new impression.

[Ding, clear the two major ghost kings and thousands of ghosts, trigger a special check-in, whether to check-in or not. 】

Hear this.

An Yuyuan's eyes wandered while reading.

He looked up in the direction of Xixi City, with a smile on his face.

"It seems that Bang and the others got rid of those ghosts.

When he thought of the ghosts this time, he felt it was funny... These ghosts are really nothing.

Thousands of ghosts came from the ocean under the guidance of the two ghost kings, but they didn't know that the ghost was waiting for them at the port. This situation is a bit like what the modern Internet often says


This is really a sliding shovel, the ghost slides the shovel, and shovels into the mouth of the ghost.

...funny ghost.

An Yuyuan smiled, patted the table and shook her head slightly.

0 looking for flowers......

But to be honest, these ghosts are not funny, it's just that they were unlucky and happened to encounter a bad luck when they came here. An Yuyuan has only one idea about this, and there will be more funny ghosts like this in the future.

"Sign in." The next moment he responded to the system.

[Sign in and get: Hundred Volumes of Ancient Books. 】

[Sign in, get: 20 errands. 】

"A hundred volumes of ancient books will not be boring in the future." An Yuyuan's favorite thing is reading, which is a habit he has developed.

In the past, there were too few entertainment programs.

An Yuyuan is not a person who likes sports very much.

Although he can also exercise, he is not keen on sports. The ancient times in the past were not as abundant as in modern times. There were countless food, except for the children of rich families who would practice martial arts to strengthen their bodies.

It is too late for ordinary people to do farm work, where there is still time to exercise, they will still exercise.

As for throwing pots, An Yuyuan did even less.

Touhu is generally an entertainment on wine and meat occasions. He will invite friends to have a drink occasionally, but he will not invite friends to invite friends to a banquet for wine.

An Yuyuan put entertainment on reading in the end.

He likes to read all kinds of interesting books, and also likes to listen to some anecdotes, and occasionally makes up some short stories for children.

"Those little guys don't know what happened next."

An Yuyuan thinks of his previous life, and thinks of those children who would come rushing to him every time he heard a little story from him.

Even not just children, many young people who are not working, and neighbors in the alley will come to listen, and when they are finished, they will all make another one, and he will always say, "next time, next time

, It's very late' waved his hand and refused, dumbfounding.

This is the moment.

In the night sky outside, there is a mysterious radiance that cannot be seen by the world, and it rains down, falls into the Temple of the City God, and enters and melts into his body.

An Yuyuan has a sense of blessing to the soul.

His eyes glowed with merit, and the slightly audible sandalwood fragrance on his body became stronger.

City God Temple.

The body of the statue in the main hall is full of incense, and the incense around the incense burner is thicker.

The incense candle flickers slightly, and the flame has a special halo indistinctly, illuminating the temple at night. Everything looks normal, but if you pay close attention, you will feel an indescribable rhyme


Six products!

An Yuyuan has a clear understanding.

Unknowingly, he was promoted to the realm of the sixth-grade merit incense burner golden body.

His ascension state was not as sensational as imagined, it was radiant, and it was calm and peaceful, which only he knew.

"I didn't expect to reach the sixth grade so soon." An Yuyuan murmured.

Knowing about the ancient scrolls of the City God, he knows very well how difficult it is to improve the body of the City God's merits and incense.

It took him a full month to rise from the seventh rank to the sixth rank, which has to be said to be an exaggeration.

And in such a situation, An Yuyuan also knew why it happened.

He has merit superposition buff, four times the blessing, which is a very open ability.

In addition, there are many ghosts in this era, each of which is for merit, as well as system rewards, the number of ghosts increases, and rewards

Good and evil, as well as the expansion of his jurisdiction, are indispensable.

at this time.

The system sound sounded again.

[Ding, step into the sixth-grade merit incense golden body, trigger a special sign-in, whether to sign-in. 】

"It actually triggered two special check-ins in a row."

An Yuyuan chuckled lightly.

This was the first time since he got the system that he swiped the special check-in twice a day.

"What rewards will the system give? Sign in." He said to himself, and responded to the system

[Sign in, get: black and white impermanence. 】

"Black and white impermanence?"

An Yuyuan was surprised, but he didn't expect to be rewarded with this.

But for such rewards, he likes the most. Compared with the city god set, compared with the ancient scroll pills, he prefers ghost rewards such as ghosts and horse noodles!

This is the best reward.

Ghosts and gods represent the increase in his manpower. In his opinion, the value of "people" is far higher than that of "things".

Without hesitation.

An Yuyuan raised his hand to call out Black and White Wuchang.

At this moment, a hazy gray mist appeared in front of him, as if the Senluo Difu had descended, and it was cold and cold.

Footsteps sounded from the mist.

The gray mist seems to be leading to the real nether world. Two figures emerged in the mist. From far to near, the pace was not fast, but they shrank into an inch. They walked out of it, with a breath

Frightened to the extreme, like two icy Nine Nether Demon Gods, moving sideways with a big black mountain, even if the ghost king is here, they will be oppressed so hard to breathe.

They stood in front of An Yuyuan, all bowing and saluting respectfully.

"Xie Bi'an (Fan Wujiu) has met Lord Chenghuang."

"Get up."

An Yuyuan asked them to stand up and looked at the two of them.

Bai Wuchang on the left, with a smile on his face, pale complexion, a long tongue sticking out of his mouth, tall and thin, dressed in a white robe, wearing ten crowns on his head that read "Make Money at Sight"

A white official hat with the word "White".

The black impermanence on the right.

He has a fierce face and a dark complexion. Compared with Bai Wuchang, he looks shorter and fatter. He wears a black robe and wears a black cap with the words "World Peace" on his head.

Color official hat.

Looking at the two.

The legends of black and white impermanence that he had seen appeared in An Yuyuan's mind.

The appearance and names of the two are very similar to those in the legend, and the situation of the bull head and horse face is different from the myth.

Immediately he thought of the legend of the two.

Black and white impermanence has the meaning of yin and yang, yang means white impermanence, yin means black impermanence, and the words on black and white impermanence official caps also represent their meanings, and white impermanence means "making money at first sight".

It is a metaphor for giving thanks and good luck to those who respect the gods, and Heiwuchang's "world peace" means that there is no forgiveness for those who violate the law and commit crimes.

Generally speaking.

It is a good thing to be approached by white impermanence, but it is a bad thing to be approached by black impermanence!

same time.

An Yuyuan observes the breath of impermanence in black and white.

The aura of impermanence in black and white is stronger than that of bull-headed horse-faced and wandering gods day and night.

This kind of strength is not a star.

Nine products!

A standard came to An Yuyuan's mind.

That's right, it's the level of Ninth-Rank Kung Fu Incense, just like he is now in the realm of sixth-rank Kung Fu Incense Golden Body, Black and White Impermanence is Ninth Rank, if it is placed in other small places, it can be

Be a town god of a small county.

Regarding the grade, An Yuyuan is very clear.

Bull head and horse face, day and night wandering gods are good-quality ghosts and gods, while Yincha is not good-quality.

After entering the product, it is the ninth product.

According to the sayings of this era, the entry-level is S-level, and it can also be called the ghost king, and the entry-level can also be called genuine, that is, after the level, it is ninth-level, eighth-level...

"Is Black and White Wuchang a level higher than Ah Bang and You Guang?"

An Yuyuan had an idea in mind.

The next second he thought of the reason.

Black and white impermanence, bull head and horse face, which one has the highest level and official position is actually very controversial.

Some people say that the bull's head and horse face are big, and some say that black and white are impermanent, but according to An Yuyuan's understanding, the reason why some people say that the bull's head and horse face is big is because the bull's head and horse face are closer to the lord of the underworld.

, black and white impermanence is ecstasy outside, so black and white impermanence is one level smaller.

At the same time, there are also legends that the bull head horse face was originally bigger than the black and white impermanence officer, but he made a mistake, so he was demoted.

These are all mythical records.

There is another way of saying it.

Black and white are the fast catchers, and the bull's head and horse face are the government servants.

Surely this is the official university of Black and White Impermanence? I don't look at the job, just look at the gods. Black and White Impermanence has official gods.

They are ghosts and gods, called "Nautou ghost" and "horse-faced ghost", "there is no official god position.

"With all of you here, we can handle parade work better in the future." An Yuyuan said softly.

"Xie Bi'an (Fan Wujiu) will live up to his mission!"

Black and white impermanence bowed.

"Go down, your residence is ready for you, when Ah Bang and the others come back, you can communicate more, and I will arrange your work at that time.


Black and White Wuchang saluted again, then turned and left.

At the same time, two adjacent courtyards rose up in the underworld, filling part of the darkness in the underworld.

Time seems to pass by in a flash.

Half a month passed.


The weather is getting cooler and autumn is coming, and the leaves are gradually withering and falling.

The road outside the Chenghuang Temple.

The trees planted on the green belts on both sides, the leaves on the trees are yellow, and yellow leaves fall on the road from time to time. There is a dog lying on the door of the grocery store over there. It is sleeping soundly.

A withered yellow leaf fell on its nose, causing the big dog to spit it out subconsciously. A child passing by curiously picked it up, holding it in the air with his little hand.

Pedestrians walk across the street quickly or slowly.

Someone walked into the Temple of the City God.

Entering the courtyard, the lawn of the courtyard is bald compared to before. Even the strong grass cannot withstand the power of nature. Fortunately, the grass is still a lot tougher and still green.

Grass is so.

The trees in the courtyard can't do this, the leaves are withered and yellow, and withered leaves will fall every now and then.

Volunteers in temple fair costumes swept the courtyard.

When he bent down to sweep the floor.

He didn't notice that a withered yellow leaf fell from the tree next to it, and it fell quietly, floating faintly in the air, and finally a hand stretched out from the wide sleeve of the ancient robe caught it...


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