The Recovery Of Terror: Signing In From Being A City God

Chapter 91 Respect For The Elderly? Respect, Black Impermanence Is Killing You (Please Subscribe)

Fan Hong's eyes flickered.

She didn't know about Yan Liangpeng at first.

Later, when she went to the bar of the club, she heard Yan Liangpeng's concubine talk about strange things. She said that she saw Yan Liangpeng sleeping soundly last night, suddenly getting old, and then ran out like a madman. She also said something about Niutou and Chenghuang Temple. I ran away, and everyone was surprised when they heard it, and they all exclaimed.

Others thought it was absurd and dubious, but Fan Hong felt terrified when he heard it.

Town God's Temple!

Hearing this word, she couldn't calm down.

As the ghost master of Cangshi, she knows the horror of Chenghuang Temple better than anyone else.

If she hadn't been away from other places in the "Land of Yin Qi" incident, she would probably have participated in it, and ended up with a bad end.

After hearing what her concubine said, Fan Hong began to pay attention to Yan Liangpeng. She soon received the news of Yan Liangpeng's death, and all the people on the household registration book were canceled and marked as dead.

The Ghost Control Bureau kept the incident of Yan Liangpeng a secret, but Fan Hong knew about Yan Liangpeng because of his concubine, and found the news by following the vines, so she sold the news.

"...That's the way it is." Fan Hong laughed, "As for how Yan Liangpeng provoked Chenghuang Temple, you want to know about it, why don't I want to know.

"There is such a thing."

After hearing Fan Hong's words, Quan Maoyan couldn't help but marvel.

Although he has contact with the ghost control circle, he is an ordinary person after all. He is in awe and vigilance for the ghost control circle. That circle is full of people possessed by evil spirits. If he is not afraid of being killed by evil ghosts, he will not It was the first time he had heard of Yan Liangpeng, which made him feel surprised and curious.

"If Mr. Quan is interested, you can ask more questions." Fan Hong smiled.

Quan Maoyan nodded with a smile.

He knew that Fan Hong was planning to use him to inquire about Yan Liangpeng, so he didn't reject it, and he was also curious about it.

Town God's Temple, Quan Maoyan has heard of it!

Originally, he planned to go to the Town God's Temple to pay respects, but the two bodyguards of ghost masters refused to go. They did not dare to go, because they had a guilty conscience and fear of the unknown. Quan Maoyan gave up when he knew about it.

For Town God's Temple, his cognition is an extremely terrifying existence. It is unknown whether it is a god, a human, or a ghost. It is covered with a thick fog that makes people unable to see clearly and dare not touch it.

"So that's how it is."

Bian She murmured, his eyelids drooped slightly, and his eyes flickered.

He is still staying in Cangshi now, just wanting to know about Chenghuang Temple. He has been stuck in A-level for several years. He wants to find a way to break through. Pay attention to everything.

"Mr. Bian She is interested in the Temple of the City God?" Fan Hong asked at this time.

Hearing this, Bianshe looked over.

With a smile on his face, he asked back, "Is no one not interested in the Temple of the City God?"

"That's true, 10, but I think Mr. Bian She seems to be more than just interested."

"I want to make a breakthrough, and I plan to look for opportunities from the City God Temple."


Hearing Bian She's words that did not conceal his purpose at all, and stated his purpose, the expressions of Fan Hong's four ghost masters changed.

...Find a way to break through the Ghost King from the Town God's Temple?!

"Mr. Bian She is really a brave man with a high level of art."

Fan Hong's words were full of admiration.

What she said was different from what she said before, she was telling the truth, and she really admired Bian She.

The two young ghost masters and Fan Hong's assistant also looked over. They didn't speak, but looked at Bian She's expression full of admiration.

...this man.

Is really not afraid of death!


Bian She's eyelids twitched.

His expression froze for an instant, what kind of eyes are there.

"I didn't mean to provoke Chenghuang Temple. He spoke, his voice was hoarse and deep.

"I just want to learn about Chenghuang Temple and look for opportunities. I haven't thought about anything else."

heard the words.

Fan Hong smiled and gave a thumbs up, "That's a bold person."

Her words are still true.

She didn't know how Yan Liangpeng provoked the Town God's Temple, but she knew one thing. Before Yan Liangpeng died, he was investigating the Town God's Temple. He told her before that he had received news about the Town God's Temple. Get out of the doctor.

"I'm just investigating. There should be nothing wrong." Bian She looked at Fan Hong's smile and always felt that something was wrong.

next second.

Bian She spoke again, feeling that there was something wrong, "Does Miss Fan Hong know something, Miss Fan Hong might as well say it out, let's make... good friends.

Fan Hong was taken aback.

Immediately she looked at Bian She, with a smile on her face, "It's not a secret, Mr. Bian She wants to hear, I can tell you, Liang Peng was investigating the Temple of the City God a few days before his death, and a secret agent appeared in Nanming City He was the first to discover and spread the news."

In an instant, the seven people in the private room were all quiet.

Quan Maoyan's expression froze, and everyone including him looked at Bian She.

There was something wrong with Bianshe's expression.

The corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

"Is there such a thing?" Then Bian She spoke, his voice was low and low, as if something was stuck in his throat, and his voice seemed hoarse.

"Does Mr. Bianshe think it is necessary for me to lie to you about this?"

Hearing this, Bian She's heart twitched violently, as if suffering from a myocardial infarction.

His hands trembled, his head lowered slightly, and his eyelids pulled down a little.

...Yan Liangpeng was investigating Chenghuang Temple a few days before his death??

damn it.

Couldn't his death have anything to do with the investigation?!

This idea came to Bian She's mind, and he didn't know if it was true.

Maybe it's fake, after all, it's just an investigation, and it's not a big deal. The legendary Town God's Temple is not such a vicious existence. But that's just his judgment, if it's true...


Bian She suddenly panicked.

He is fierce and likes to kill, because of this he knows very well what pain it is to be killed, and he doesn't like to be killed.

"It seems right to come here today." Bian She calmed down.

The next second he thought of one thing.

He looked at Qin Xingfa, "As an official of Cang City, Mr. Qin, what do you know about the Town God's Temple next to Mulou Village?"

Qin Xing trembled when he heard the words.

He didn't expect that the 'devil' Bian She would suddenly ask him.

a split second.

Except for the two girls, Fan Hong, everyone else looked over.

"I don't know." Qin Xingfa shook his head, and then he added, "I'm just an ordinary person. I understand, the upper echelons of the City God Temple told us not to contact them with a purpose.”

He was a little afraid of Bian She.

Qin Xingfa knew Fan Hong very well, so he knew how lawless the ghost masters were, and Bian She was one of the leaders in this group. He was fierce and fierce, and he didn't dare to provoke him.

Listening to Qin Xingfa's speech with a certain official accent.

Bian She smiled.

He could tell whether what the other party said was true or false, this was his instinct to deceive people.


The door is opened.

Two people walked in.

"President Ma is here." Quan Maoyan smiled.

"I'm sorry, there is a traffic jam on the road and I'm late." A man who came in said, with eyes on the bridge of his nose like Quan Maoyan, tall and thin.

Beside him was a man with a fat body, a round face, and squinted eyes.

Bian She watched the person walk in.

The first glance fell on the fat man.

The same goes for Fan Hong's four ghost masters. At the same time, the restlessness that appeared when the evil spirits in the body saw Bian She reappeared!

"Let me introduce you. This is Mr. Ma Jie. He is very famous in Southeast Asia. This is..." Quan Maoyan introduced the man with a smile. When he looked at the fat man, he looked puzzled. To Majer.

"This is my good friend, Tong Shan, he is also my partner, and by the way... Well, you know that the Southeast Ya area is very chaotic, and he is also my protector."

Ma Jie laughed.

Hearing this, Quan Maoyan nodded.

"Sit down, Mr. Ma's friend is naturally my friend." He said hospitablely, but his heart trembled.

He could see the expressions of Bian She, Fan Hong and the others, especially the secret movements of the bodyguards, which made him immediately understand that this Tongshan was a ghost master, and his rank would not be low.

"President Ma, let me introduce you, this is..."

"Mr. Quan doesn't need to introduce me, Ma Ji and I are old acquaintances.

Fan Hong laughed.

She knew Ma Jie and had several exchanges, "Mr. Ma is really amazing. He actually met a friend like Tong Shan. Mr. Tong Shan is an A-level ghost master, right?"

Without too much concealment, Fan Hong directly asked about Tongshan's level.

"Not long ago, I was lucky enough to break through, hehe.

Tong Shan said with a smile.

As soon as the sound came out, Fan Hong's pupils shrank suddenly, as expected!

"Mr. Ma is really good. I found out that you people with the surname Ma are not ordinary."

Although Fan Hong was shocked in her heart, she smiled on the surface, showing no sign of shock.

"What did Miss Fan Hong say? I'm not that good. It's just that sometimes I'm lucky, so I can have today and know Tongshan." Ma Jie laughed.


He pulled Tong Shan to sit down.

Afterwards, under the introduction of Quan Maoyan, everyone got acquainted with each other, and they gradually started talking.

"I called you here this time. Naturally, I want to make friends. By the way, I think some businesses are suitable for everyone. I want to invite everyone to invest and make money together."

Quan Maoyan smiled.

Then he looked at the people around him, "I plan to develop a piece of land in Cang City and Nanming City, but there are some troubles involved.

"It's that old man Chang Mo's place.

Fan Hong made a sound.


"Changmo B-level ghost master, I have heard of him. Tong Shan spoke at this time.

That is an experienced ghost master who has lived for decades and has been rooted in the edge of Nanming City. It can be said that he is the "female overlord" of the dark world in that place.

Ma Jie chuckled, "President Quan has a conflict with him?"

"I was going to work with him, but he has too much appetite."

"Sure enough, it seems that Chang has a big appetite."

Ma Jie smiled, he knew Quan Maoyan's character very well, he was planning to kill Chang Mo, and at the same time he was afraid of revenge, so he invited them to share the benefits.

"When do you plan to do it?" Bian She said simply and straightforwardly.

"Just this week."

"This week?" Fan Hong was surprised, time so fast?

Then she laughed, "Wouldn't it be a little bad to kill an old man on the Double Ninth Festival and divide up his assets?

Although she said it was bad, there was no bad intention on her face.

"Haha, what's wrong with that, I don't even have the idea of ​​a holiday, people nowadays like to play those who have something or nothing, Chongyang respects the elderly, in my opinion, respecting old people who are farts, it is better to make money if you have this time

Come really. " Ma Jie laughed, his words were full of vulgar words.

He wasn't an educated person in the first place, and he didn't start his business with a serious business. Few of them were good stubblers who could live in Southeast Asia. He didn't need, and didn't need to be a civilized person.

"Since Mr. Quan wants to cooperate, he will naturally earn money if he has money."

"Mr. Ma, you."

Fan Hong smiled lightly and shook her head. She knew Ma Jie's virtues and was about to make fun of her, but she stopped before she could finish her sentence.

Her whole body is full of chills!!

Not only her, Bianshe, Tongshan and other ghost masters are all chills.

Strange footsteps sounded in everyone's ears, from far to near...

This is not the sound from outside the door. The sound insulation effect of the elegant room is very good. Even if someone shouts inside, they will not be heard from outside the door, and no one is walking in the private room.

at this moment.

The field of vision in the private room dimmed, as if the night had come.

There was a deep blue light entering the room, and there was also an icy, gloomy chill that came with it. It was a kind of chill that penetrated into the bone marrow, making people tremble instantly.

Bian She and Tong Shan suddenly stood up, and they all looked at one location.

There stood a figure.

He wore a black robe with wide sleeves, a dark complexion, and a black official hat with the words "Tianxia Taiping" written on it.

His eyes are deep, not like pupils, but like knives, without emotion, and without emotional fluctuations, they are extremely cold.


The pupils of Bian She and Tong Shan shrank, and goose bumps all over their bodies instantly popped up.

"Black and white impermanence?!"

Quan Maoyan exclaimed.

After seeing the two of Bian She's movements, he immediately looked over, and there was a person standing in the room at some point!

Seeing this person, Quan Maoyan scolded directly, and Tianling Gai was about to fly away.


It is very similar to the legendary black and white impermanence.

No, it's more precisely Heiwuchang, it's just that Quan Maoyan has no air traffic control now.

He stood up in horror, his body trembling instinctively, seeing him in the legend of black impermanence would be no good!

"Heiwuchang... Bian She, it's you, you must be the one who investigated the Town God's Temple and provoked the Town God's Temple." Fan Hong exclaimed.

Fan Hong's face was full of fear, and she wanted to kill Bian She.

Her heart regretted to the extreme, she thought of what they said just now, Yan Liangpeng investigated the Chenghuang Temple, he died, and Bian She also investigated the Chenghuang Temple, he also died!

It must be so!

"Heiwuchang, Bian She is the one who investigates the Temple of the City God. It has nothing to do with us. We are innocent!" Fan Hong said immediately.

"Yes, yes, it's Bian She, and it has nothing to do with us."

Assistant Fan Hong also spoke.

Their faces were terrified, there was no way to calm down, the aura of black impermanence was too terrifying!

The ghosts in their bodies were about to run out, and panic was transmitted to their minds, confusion, fear, panic... Countless negative emotions suddenly appeared, as if they had collapsed.

The words of the two made Qin Xingfa, Quan Maoyan, and the two young ghost masters all change their colors.


They also opened their mouths and said similar words.

In just one second, they were talking and laughing just now, and the relationship between calling them brothers and friends collapsed, and everyone was trying hard to separate their relationship with Bian She.

At the same time, they were all staying away from Bian She, as if he was the source of the stench, hiding far away.


Bian She wanted to kill them, but he didn't say anything, "I didn't intend to investigate, I have no ill intentions towards the Temple of the City God, I have the Temple of the City God..."

He explained aloud, speaking as fast as he wanted.

The frightened look on his face is much more than Fan Hong's and the others, he is instinctively warning, his nerves are constantly beating, and the evil spirits are constantly radiating instincts to him, want to run, want to run, run fast!!


Before he could speak, Hei Wuchang's quiet voice echoed.

He scans the crowd.

"All nine of them are here, that's good, I'll save Lord Hei from making an extra trip." His cold ghostly laughter echoed in the private room.

Hei Wuchang moved.

In his hand, a black chain that locked the soul appeared from the hook.

The chains swayed, and the clanging sound of clattering eerily echoed in everyone's hearts, rippling.

Not because of my investigation?!

Bian She widened his eyes.

However, without waiting for him to think for half a second, Hei Wuchang's actions made him 620 horrified, not only him, but also others.

Fan Hong rushed towards the door, ignoring even the assistant.

she wants to run.

Hei Wuchang's words broke her heart, she didn't know why Hei Wuchang came to kill the nine of them, she didn't have so much time to think about it.

"Ah!" the assistant screamed.

The chains of black impermanence separated and turned into multiple hooks, one of which pierced towards her.

The body of the assistant on the spot was penetrated by the hook, and it was not her body that was injured, but her soul.

Over there, the two young ghost masters also let out screams, their faces were frightened, they felt that their souls were being pulled, and the evil spirits in their bodies were about to be pulled out.

Hook the soul and leave the hook to hook away together.

Bian She didn't run to the door.

He looked at the floor-to-ceiling windows next to him, shrinking into inches, and there was a sound of broken glass.

He shattered the glass, left the private room, and jumped down from the tenth floor. There was a ghostly aura erupting from his body, his face showed joy, and he fled!


A black chain hook flew out from the room on the tenth floor, coming towards him like a living thing.

Bian She noticed the movement behind her.

The joy on his face disappeared, replaced by panic.

Do not!

He looked down at his chest, and a black hook pierced from behind.

Pull and pull off the hook.

Li Hook was pulled back, at the same time, behind his body was a soul exactly like him, and a strange ghost figure, his face was hideous, the two were pulled



Bian She's body fell rapidly and hit a car downstairs.

The car was dented on the spot, the glass of the car exploded and shattered, the lights flickered, and the siren sounded, echoing throughout the street.

"Ah!" The nearby people on the street exclaimed, they were taken aback by this scene.

Pedestrians stopped one after another.

They looked up at the building of the restaurant, and at a location on the tenth floor, where there were broken floor-to-ceiling windows...

Passers-by talked about it.

What happened? Suicide by jumping off a building? Homicide?

There was also a woman who covered her mouth, backed away subconsciously, and began to vomit. Bian She's body was bloody, and the blood flowed down the traces of the depressions on the car body, which was particularly oozing.

in the room.

Fan Hong was only three centimeters away from the door, and her scarlet and slender nails could almost touch the doorknob.

But she can't.

She saw a black Li Hook in front of her eyes, so close that her eyeballs could touch Li Hook.


Black chains wrap around its ankles.

Fan Hong was dragged over, she struggled with both hands, she wanted to escape but found that she couldn't, her ghost power was suppressed.

"You are not the ghost king!!"

she yelled.

At this moment, she clearly felt the horror of the owner of the chain, and the aura exuding from that chain was so powerful that it was terrifying. Fan Hong had seen the ghost king before, and she had come into contact with ghost king-level ghosts.

She knows how scary the ghost king is, but the ghost king's horror is frighteningly thin in front of Heiwuchang.

call out--

The chain pierced through everyone present and pulled violently.

Except for Tong Shan and Qin Xingfa, the souls of the others were pulled out, their chains shrunk, and they fell into the hands of Hei Wuchang.

There are terrified souls on the chains of black impermanence, they are Fan Hong, Quan Maoyan, Bian She and others, and there are also fierce ghosts and evil ghosts in the ghost master.

The two of Tong Shan looked terrified and stunned.

they... i, i...

The two found that although they were pierced through the chain, their souls were not pulled away, are we all right?

"They do a lot of evil and deserve to die, but you do the same evil, but you don't deserve to die. According to the order of Lord Chenghuang, Tongshan will take your 20-year lifespan, and Qin Xingfa will take your 15-year lifespan.

, as a punishment. "At this moment, a voice sounded in their ears...

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