The Recovery Of Terror: Signing In From Being A City God

Chapter 93 Pang Xiang Was Ordered To Fulfill His Wish, The Temple Fair Came, And He Brought Xi'

Pang Xiang and Wen Hongwen walked into the yard slowly.

The closer they are to the temple, the greater the pressure in their hearts.

The two of them had also been to Town God's Temple before, and speaking of them, they had come quite a few times, at least dozens of times from childhood to adulthood, but this time they felt completely different.

"Pang Xiang." Although Wen Hongwen had a smile on his face, he was panicking in his heart.

They came to Chenghuang Temple with a special mission!

heard the words.

Pang Xiang greeted grandma, then looked at his buddy Wen Hongwen, and said in a low voice, "Calm down, don't be afraid.

"I'm not afraid, I'm panicked."

Wen Hongwen smiled wryly.

Looking at the children playing in the courtyard, he felt very envious. These children didn't know the horror of the Town God's Temple, but he did.

Now that he is walking in this peaceful courtyard, it feels like he is walking on the road to hell. The concrete floor he is walking on is a ghost road leading to the underworld, the Naihe Bridge, and the children around him seem to be little devils from the underworld. , The temple fair personnel are Rakshasa ghosts, waving and smiling at him.

"Don't be afraid, I'm here, we'll fulfill our wish, it's okay, it's okay."

Pang Xiang spoke.

His words were speaking to Wen Hongwen, but they seemed to be speaking to himself.

This time their task is the task assigned by the headquarters, the content is very special, but also very simple--to fulfill the wish!

a few days ago.

The headquarters is studying the Temple of the City God.

Then a researcher suddenly put forward a saying that there are tens of thousands of temples of gods and Buddhas, and some of them have a saying that if your wish is fulfilled, you must fulfill your wish within one year. For example, when you ask, Buddha, I want to get rich. If I get rich, I will buy tributes to honor you, and how much life gold I will burn.

You must fulfill the requirements stated at that time, and you cannot fail to fulfill them. If you don’t say anything to pay back, then you have to say goodbye again. This is fulfilling your vows.

This statement was heard by Team Leader Wu who was present at the time.

"Did Grandma Pang Xiang ask for marriage, let Pang Xiang find a girlfriend, and asked Wen Hongwen also?"

Team leader Wu immediately said such a sentence.

According to common sense.

It is impossible for a "national important weapon" like Team Leader Wu to understand Pang Xiang's affairs in detail, and it is still such a trivial matter.

However, Pang Xiang and Wen Hongwen are the few lucky ones who have met the City God.

Among them, the fact that Pang Xiang found a girlfriend, Team Leader Wu remembered very clearly, because this was the fulfillment of Pang Xiang's grandma's wish!


As soon as the words came out, everyone at that time was stunned.

Then a special task was assigned by 993, let Pang Xiang and the others fulfill their wish!!

Although they found out that there is no claim to fulfill the wish in the Town God's Temple, they still think it is necessary to go, what if? And even if there is no, it is necessary to say thank you?

Not to mention Lord Chenghuang, if someone else helped you, the recipient must say thank you. This is basic courtesy.

However, now that Pang Xiang and Wen Hongwen are not allowed to go to the Temple of the City God because of the order from the Ghost Control Bureau to reduce misunderstandings, they have never been to the Temple of the City God again. This situation is equivalent to not saying thank you.

The higher ups of the Ghost Control Bureau thought more and more that it was reasonable, and hurriedly asked the two to fulfill their wish.

And for good wishes.

The Ghost Control Bureau also invited several professionals, including Professor Chang Xingde, to help design the steps, from how to do it at the beginning, to the middle, and how to do it later, and the words are all designed.

Be as formal as possible.

This sounds funny, but that's what the Ghost Control Bureau does.

Wen Hongwen and Pang Xiang were dumbfounded when they received the news.

Then they began to practice the steps in a designed 1:1 Chenghuang Temple room, and they had to do everything carefully, and the Ghost Control Bureau also set up scenario simulations, such as unexpected situations during restoration, children, dogs, adults, etc. Influencing factors, how to deal with the simulation, and what to do on cloudy and sunny days.

Pang Xiang and the two practiced in this dumbfounding situation.

After two days of practice, they are here today!

Maybe it's because they've been practicing for a long time, and they're starting to panic. Damn, if something goes wrong, what will they do then?


Pang Xiang was very nervous.

His hands began to tremble, he had never been nervous before joining the Ghost Control Bureau for tests.

"Come, come, sit here with Pang Xiang and Hong Wen." Sun Hai smiled and waved. It can be said that Pang Xiang and the two of them have grown up with each other since they were young, and they are very familiar with them.

"Are you on vacation today? Why come here when you have time?"

Old Li laughed.

He used to live next door to Pang Xiang's house, and he also knew Pang Xiang.

"Yes, it's a holiday. Grandma often tells us to come here to say goodbye more often. The City God will bless us. Why don't I come here today to say goodbye?" Pang Xiang laughed.

"You should come to pay your respects more and offer more sacrifices to the City God."

Grandma nodded slightly when she heard this sentence, and smiled.

In the words, she looked at the temple not far away, and her old eyes had an inexplicable color... It is the help of the City God that she can live until now.

Pang Xiang and the others did not notice Tian Hua's special emotions. (baef) Wen Hongwen echoed, "Grandma is right, I also think we should come to say goodbye more often. Speaking of which, we are here this time to thank Lord Chenghuang. Pang Xiang was able to find a good girl like Xiao Xiao, thanks to the help of Lord Chenghuang. The wish was successful, and we are here today to fulfill the wish.”

As he spoke, he picked up a red bag in his hand, which was filled with tributes to honor the City God.

"Fulfill your wish?" Old Li was stunned.

Immediately he waved his hands and said with a smile, "You don't need to be so formal, our Lord Chenghuang doesn't have that kind of rules for fulfilling vows, Lord Chenghuang doesn't pay attention to these things, just come and offer incense."

"The children also have their own hearts, so it's right to let them do it." Tian Hua said at this time.

She smiled, with a special look in her eyes.

"City God helped us... a great help, Xiaoxiang should thank you, thank you on behalf of our family, and offer tributes, it should be, by the way, speaking of Hongwen, I heard from Xiaoxiang, do you also have a crush recently? It's a girl, is it called Zhang Li? You bring it to me for this temple fair, and I'll check it out for you.

"Grandma, what are you talking about, Zhang Li and I haven't written a word yet."

Wen Hongwen blushed.

At the same time, he also sighed in his heart. He likes Zhang Li, but the progress between them is too different from his good friends Pang Xiang and Xiao Xiao. Zhang Li has not given any reply, and he doesn't know how to go Take the initiative to say that he is worried when it comes to this point.

But even though he didn't write a word, he still planned to come with Pang Xiang to fulfill his wish, and thank the City God for allowing him to meet Zhang Li.

In his mind, he was able to meet Zhang Li with the help of Master Chenghuang.

"It's coming soon." Tian Hua said with a smile, "Our Hongwen is so good, girls will definitely like it.

"Then I will borrow a good word from grandma." Wen Hongwen said with a smile.

Immediately he looked towards the temple, "Pang Xiang and I went to worship in the temple first, and to meet Zhang Li, I think the help of Master Orange is indispensable."

Everyone nodded.

And Lao Li stood up, "I'll take you there."

He saw that Pang Xiang and the two were going to fulfill their vows, so as a member of the temple fair and Pang Xiang's elder, he naturally wanted to help.

To this.

Pang Xiang and the two did not disagree, and readily agreed.

This is also calculated in their "emergencies".

In the underworld.

An Yuyuan was talking to Lin Shu, the errand, and asked him to go to Cangshan to find the monkey, and told him to take away some Rongyu seeds.

"...It's okay to ask the monkey to bring more Zhuyu seeds. It's okay to have more, but I'm afraid there will be less."

Lin Shu still had that cold expression on her face, and bowed to salute.

"I'll do it now. After he finished speaking, he turned around and walked out of the City God Hall.

Looking at the back of Yin Zai leaving, An Yuyuan smiled slightly.


He was stunned, his eyes looked outside the hall, and some voices sounded in his ears.

'Thank you, City God', 'We must come to burn incense when we are free'

Listen to the words.

An Yuyuan laughed dumbly, those two young ghost hunters came to fulfill their wish?

"I didn't help you get married. It's your own marriage. An Yuyuan suddenly felt funny.

Immediately, he stepped forward and disappeared in the City God's Hall, heading towards the temple.

next moment.

An Yuyuan appeared in the temple, looked at the two people who were earnestly praying and thanking each other, "Huh?"

The movements of the two seemed to have been practiced thousands of times, and they were extremely standardized.

This he noticed.

"Arrangements for the Ghost Control Bureau?" An Yuyuan felt strange, calculated lightly, and immediately knew the whole story.

He shook his head amusedly.

.... They are really hard-working guardians of the mortal world, and they really broke their hearts for the common people.

No detail is spared.

"Perhaps it's because of such carefulness that the current Dragon Kingdom and the current prosperity of China are created." An Yuyuan murmured, looking up at the blue sky with white clouds.

the other side.

After a while, Lao Li walked out of the temple with Pang Xiang with a strange expression.

"How about Lao Li, have you helped Pang Xiang and the others get it done?"

Sun Hai's voice came.

Lao Li looked up, his expression became more and more strange.

He looked at Tian Hua.

"Sister Tian Hua, you are knowledgeable about Pang Xiang's teachings, their way of worshiping gods is more standard than mine.

Day by day passed.

As time went by, the Double Ninth Festival officially arrived nine days later.

The temple fair was held as scheduled, and all the necessary procedures were passed in a green manner with intentional care.

The street in front of the Town God's Temple is so lively!

Compared with any temple fair in the past, it is more lively and bigger, and the stalls on both sides have been placed on the other street.

The streets where cars could be driven in, but now some temple fair personnel have placed roads that prohibit traffic at the main road intersections. There are too many people. If vehicles come in again, it will really be blocked, and the government will also Considering this situation, let the people from the Ministry of Communications come over to coordinate the dredging.

The Town God's Temple near Mulou Village is becoming a major feature of Cang City.


Many people from other districts of Cang City came, and many of them were entrepreneurs from Cang City who made people exclaim when they saw it.

On both sides of the street, there are stalls selling kebabs, cotton candy, selling goldfish, dollar stores, clothes and so on.

Young couples of men and women walk here holding hands.

Occasionally, I stand in front of a small stall, ask for things from the stall, ask the price, or my boyfriend holds a box of snacks, showing affection to passers-by and feeding his girlfriend snacks.

"Mom, cotton candy." There was a child who was hugged by his father, his big eyes seemed to be able to speak, and he was staring straight at the small cotton candy stand next to him, asking for the colorful cotton candy.

"Don't look for father, look for mother, you child."

Mom can't laugh or cry.

Immediately, the mother, who is the family's financial manager, paid for cotton candy for the child.


An old man came from other districts, bought a stick of incense, walked on the street, went to the Temple of the City God, and first went to worship the God of the City God.

tour with travel

The customer came here specially for Didi, with a bag on his back, went to the temple fair with his companions, explained the history he found with a smile, and introduced the information he knew to his friends.

On the other side, there was a middle-aged mother walking on the road with her mobile phone and taking videos.

She took a video and sent it to her son.

In the video, she said, son, look, this year's temple fair at our Town God's Temple is very lively, take a look.

At the intersection of the small road next to the Chenghuang Temple.

Guiying tilted his head and passed through the gate of the courtyard, blinking ghost pupils without white eyes, watching everything in the temple fair.

It seems to be infected by the lively and festive atmosphere of this temple fair, its eyes look back and forth, and occasionally stare at a small stall, tilt its head, as if thinking about what it is, then

Soon after, I was attracted by another little thing.

It took a step forward with its little feet, but quickly retracted.

The ghost baby's small body is invisible and cannot be seen by ordinary people, but it always remembers what An Yuyuan said to it, "Don't be mischievous and scare others", so it didn't go out.

Behind the ghost baby.

An Yuyuan stepped out quietly, looked at the ghost baby's little movements, and smiled knowingly.

He lightly rubbed Guiying's little head.

"Xi'er, shall I take you shopping?" He said, looking at the bustling temple fair street, and at the small stall that Guiying had seen curiously, his warm voice came into its ears.

Hearing the words, Guiying raised her head and looked at An Yuyuan beside her.


Its little head nodded.

Seeing this, An Yuyuan stretched out his hand with a smile.

Although the ghost baby is a ghost baby, in his eyes there is no difference between the ghost baby and a child, and he also regards the ghost baby as his own child, and Xi'er is also very obedient and obedient, but because he is too busy,

I have never taken Xi'er out to play, I can only play small balls by myself, and occasionally I can only play with Tiantian in a small corner. Now that Xi'er is so curious about the temple fair, I just take her to the temple fair


Guiying saw that, after a second, it stretched out the little ghost's hand and grabbed An Yuyuan's hand.

"Going to go, but not like this." An Yuyuan laughed.

As he spoke, he changed.

The ancient robe on his body disappeared, and was replaced by a casual dress. It was impossible to tell whether it was An Yuyuan who looked young or middle-aged. The ghost baby had also changed, and the white shroud disappeared. It now

It is a ghost baby wearing a cute blue T-shirt with a hood, a big head and a cute white peaked cap, and a pair of white trousers. The little baby looks very cute.

Guiying touched the peaked cap on his head with his small hand, looked up, and looked at the cap curiously.

It seems very curious about it.

An Yuyuan smiled.

"Let's go."

He walked out of this small path holding the ghost baby's little hand. They were no longer invisible figures to ordinary people, but living 'people',

"Ah, what a cute little child." Over there, a young woman saw the ghost baby and said to her boyfriend beside her, praising the ghost baby, her mother's love was overflowing.

The boyfriend smirked.

"Then let's make one ourselves."

These words immediately aroused the shyness and coquettishness of the woman.

For this couple, An Yuyuan saw it in his eyes, he smiled, and walked towards the small candy stall not far away with the ghost baby, blending into the crowd.

Tian Hua and Xiao Xiao also came to the temple fair today.

"Grandma, there are so many people, be careful." Feeling the lively atmosphere, Xiao Xiao was shocked and infected by the atmosphere.

"it is good."

Tian Hua nodded, her old face was filled with a smile.

People are creatures that are easily infected by the surrounding environment, and such movements around her are also driven by her enthusiasm.

Looking at everything around him, Tian Hua felt that he was a few years younger, "Xiao Xiao, let's go over there and have a look, Xiaoxiang and the others will come later.


Xiao Xiao nodded

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