The Recovery Of Terror: Signing In From Being A City God

Chapter 95 This Kid Is So Strong, He Will Leave After Leaving Fifteen Yuan, Help Matchmaking, And Be

Everyone talked and laughed and left, giving Hong Wen and Zhang Li a chance to be alone.

Tian Hua followed Xiaoxiang and the others to leave.

When she left, she didn't say much. Looking at Zhang Li's back, she had an idea in her heart. When she went back this time, she would ask Zhang Li alone.

"Grandma, are you also curious about Hongwen getting along with Zhang Li?"

Pang Xiang couldn't help laughing as he looked at his grandma and the backs of the two of them.

He is very concerned about the development of Hongwen's relationship, and at the same time, he sighs in his heart. In fact, Hongwen is not a child. No matter how passive his feelings are, with him and Xiao Xiao making suggestions together, it is reasonable to say that there has been development, but the fact is that there is no. And he also knew the reason, the reason was Zhang Li.

Zhang Li didn't seem to want to delay Hongwen, so she refused many times, which made Pang Xiang and the others very helpless, but because of this, they also firmly supported Hongwen and Zhang Li.

As they got in touch with Zhang Li, they also learned about Zhang Li's personality. There was nothing wrong with Hongwen marrying Zhang Li. Although Zhang Li had children, she was cleaner and more self-loving than some single women.

So he and Xiao Xiao racked their brains to match Hong Wen and Zhang Li.

This temple fair is a small opportunity.

Hongwen has the same idea as them, if Zhang Li doesn't accept it, then chase until he accepts it, it sounds like a bloody idol drama, but the reality is often like this magic.

Hearing this, Tian Hua was slightly stunned.

Immediately, she suppressed the thoughts in her heart, nodded with a smile, "Yes, I think Zhang Li is good, the only pity is that this is a second marriage with a child."

Her thoughts are relatively old, and she instinctively feels that this is not good.

"Grandma, you can't think like that." Pang Xiang was helpless.

Seeing this, Tian Hua scolded with a smile, "I haven't finished talking about you, you listen to me first, although I think it's not good, but you young people are more progressive in thinking, I won't say anything, and sweet Very cute, Hongwen also makes a lot of money, so he doesn't have to worry about money, so I support grandma.

"Hey. 11

Hearing this, Pang Xiang smiled awkwardly.

He quickly changed the subject, "Grandma, let's go over there to look at the clothes, and then buy a small toy for Tiantian.

Tian Hua nodded.

A group of them walked towards the distance, because of the lively temple fair crowd.

the other side.

Among the lively crowd at the temple fair, two figures, one big and one small, walked among them holding each other's hands.

The big figure stopped suddenly.

Because of the small figure, it looked curiously at a small goldfish fishing stall next to it, blinking its innocent eyes.

"Xi'er, do you want to have a try?" A gentle voice came from the mouth of the big figure.

"Let's have one, just now a man caught my three goldfish very well."

The stall owner laughed.

"Really?" A chuckle sounded.

Hearing this, the stall owner nodded, "Sure, just now, I felt like a good fisherman.

As he spoke, he shook his head and sighed, with a feeling of losing a hundred million on his face, and his flesh hurt so badly.

...with eyes open but talking nonsense.

An Yuyuan looked at the boss with a smile, nodded slightly in agreement, and did not expose it.

He raised his hand to touch his pocket, and there was a flash of inspiration in the pocket, and then he took out a brand new five-dollar bill from his cuff, "Give us ten paper money."

"Well." The stall owner smiled even more when he saw the business coming, "Oh, this money is quite new. Speaking of which, there are very few people using paper money. Everyone is paying by scanning the code. I It’s been a long time since I saw such new paper money.”

The boss is very talkative, looking for various topics.

Hearing this, An Yuyuan nodded and smiled brightly, "Yes, I am rather old-fashioned, and I still like to use paper money, which is real."

"Really, I also think that paper money is real, and it feels good to the touch, like the money in a mobile phone is a string of numbers, and the numbers change when you spend it. Now it is really spending money like running water. If you used to get a piece of money, you would have to pay for it." The flesh hurts for a long time."

The boss is also sighing.

An Yuyuan smiled, his emotion was not lamenting this question.

He suddenly thought of a question.

If there are other gods besides him in this world, and there will be no paper money in the future, then the gods will be very miserable when they are born... and they have to work to earn money. The magic power of the gods can be converted into money, but it cannot be changed. , At that time, I have to make money by myself.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but rejoice that he woke up a few years earlier. If it was later, not to mention that the world was made miserable by ghosts and the world was in chaos, the question of money alone would make people helpless.

"Xi'er, here you are." An Yuyuan knelt down and put the paper in Guiying's little hand.

Then he brought a small basin containing goldfish from the boss, and taught the ghost baby how to fish, "You want to


An Yuyuan picked up the goldfish and put it into the small basin with ease.

When the boss saw this scene, his eyes widened, and his heart raised, no way... Hurry up, it will fall, the paper will be broken, move the goldfish.

He was thinking about it.

Seeing the change in the expression of the stall owner, An Yuyuan smiled dumbly.

Immediately, when he was about to put the goldfish into the small basin, he deliberately shook his hand slightly, and with a bang, the paper tore, and the goldfish fell into the water with a slight splash.

"Oh, what a pity." The stall owner's voice sounded immediately, his face was full of pity, but his heart was relieved. Fortunately, it was broken, otherwise he would lose blood.

The goldfish he gets are all good-looking ones, and the cost price of this kind is very high. If he is caught, he will lose five yuan.

An Yuyuan chuckled inwardly.

He saw the boss's expression. He actually had no intention of asking for goldfish from the beginning to the end. Although the owner of the small stall is a small market, it is also for making money, and making money is not easy, so he deliberately shook his hands in the end to let the goldfish drop. out.

"It's really a pity." Then he looked at Gui Ying, "Does Xi'er know what to do?"

Guiying looked up and nodded immediately.

It held the paper in its small hand and stretched it out.

Immediately, a goldfish was picked up. The goldfish lay quietly, motionless. At first glance, it was thought to be dead. Under the dull eyes of the boss, An Yuyuan handed over the basin

Xi'er picked up the goldfish with her small hands and put it into the basin.

"Wow, blinked."


"Kids are so strong!"

"This is a genius of the third stage of fighting spirit."

The spectators around were all surprised, some praised it, and even the sophomores shouted.

"Sir, your little one is amazing. I have set up a stall for several years, and I have never picked up such a small child. It's amazing." The boss's heart was bleeding, but he couldn't help showing surprise on his face. , Praise Xi is great.

Seeing that he picked it up, Guiying looked up at An Yuyuan with his small head.

It seems to be asking whether it is right to do so.

"Xi'er did a great job." An Yuyuan put his hand on Guiying's head and praised with a smile.


The ghost baby caught another one, another one

Three small goldfishes were picked up in a row, they were swimming in the basin, spitting small bubbles, this situation amazed the people around, and made the boss want to cry in pain, An Yuyuan chuckled dumbly watching this scene.

The baby ghost is so 'strong' entirely because it has learned the correct posture and at the same time it is a ghost. Animals are very sensitive to ghosts. The goldfish dare not move. Naturally, there is no possibility of paper torn.

"This is the rhythm of fishing for nine."

There are human beings nearby.

The boss smiled wryly, today is a waste of time.

The little ghost baby was about to fish out the fourth piece, but when it was fished out, the paper tore.

It looked down at its own small chest.

The next moment, it took out a small wooden sign from its clothes, and looked up at An Yuyuan, as if saying that Tiantian came to find it, and it wanted to find Tiantian.

An Yuyuan rubbed Guiying's head lightly, "I'll take you there, but you have to wait a while before that."


He looked at the stall owner.

"Boss, give me another fifteen yuan." An Yuyuan smiled and took out twenty yuan from his pocket.

The stall owner nodded, gave An Yuyuan five yuan in change, and handed over thirty small papers at the same time.

An Yuyuan fished twice.

Both times came close to failure.

"Boss, I have something to do over there, can I come over to pick it up later?" An Yuyuan looked into the distance and smiled softly.

heard the words.

The boss was stunned for a moment, then he smiled and nodded, "No problem, I'll keep the remaining twenty-eight papers for you.

Seeing An Yuyuan get up and leave with Xi'er, he said another sentence.

"This gentleman, remember to come to me later. I set up a stall until very late. Don't worry, I'll keep it for you. Don't worry, it will be operated at a low cost."

He also looked at it at this time.

To set up this kind of small stall, you must have the mentality that you may overturn your car.

At this moment, he heard the gentle laughter of that very temperamental guest.

"Yes, but if you can't come because of something, then forget it. Fangzheng caught three goldfish, so it's not a loss."

"Hey, that's what I said, remember to come."

The boss shook his head, he actually earned five yuan, and then he yelled again to remind An Yuyuan.

After saying that, he put the twenty-eight small paper bags, plus Xi'er's unused six small paper bags, a total of thirty-four small paper bags beside him, and then he yelled, "Goldfish, five Block ten times', someone was attracted by his yelling and came over, the boss had a smile on his face, and he was enthusiastic again to entertain a new guest.

the other side.

An Yuyuan took the ghost baby and walked towards the Temple of the City God.

He glanced at the small stall gradually covered by the walking crowd behind him, and smiled knowingly.

Then he looked at Guiying, "Xi'er, I'll take you to find Tiantian."

Guiying nodded, and ran towards the distance with his calves. It didn't take long to reach the small road, where the sweet little figure stood with a small wooden sign in his hand.

"Uncle." Seeing An Yuyuan approaching, Tian Tian showed a happy smile on her small face.

She recognized An Yuyuan instantly.

"Uncle, you have changed."

Tiantian's big eyes twinkled with curiosity, "Hey, little goldfish."

She was soon attracted by the little ghost baby holding the bag containing the little goldfish, with a curious face.

"Tiantian, I'll take you and Xi'er to the temple fair together, do you want to go together?" An Yuyuan plans to take these two little ones to the temple fair more, this is a rare opportunity.


Tiandiantou, she actually wanted to go to the temple fair, but she decided not to go, and chose to play with Xi'er, because she felt that Xi'er could not come out and be seen by others, "It's a pitiful day.

"Uncle, can Xi'er go out?" Tiantian asked in a caring voice.

"Of course."

An Yuyuan said, holding the two little hands and walking towards the busy street outside, "Because Uncle was busy, I couldn't take Xi'er to play, and now I just take this opportunity to take Xi'er to play, Tiantian, wait a minute If you have anything to buy, you can tell me, and Uncle will buy it for you."

"No, Tiantian has nothing she wants."

Tiantian shook her little head.

She knows that it is very hard for her mother to make money, and it must be very hard for Uncle to make money, so she does not waste money recklessly.

An Yuyuan looked at the sensible Tian Tian with a look of love on her face.

...what a

sensible child.

This made him can't help but think, if it was not Huan'er, but a girl, it must be very interesting. The daughter is the father's caring little padded jacket.

"Huh?" At this moment, An Yuyuan looked at a booth not far from the temple fair.

There were two 'familiar' figures there, a fat young man, and a long-haired woman in a simple T-shirt and jeans. They stood in front of the small toy booth, seeming to be shopping

What toy to buy, and ask the store about the price of the toy.

...It's him.

An Yuyuan recognized the two, especially when he saw the two standing together, with the aura of marriage exuding from the two of them under the qi technique, a special smile rose from the corner of his mouth.

"It's Mom and Uncle Hongwen." Tian Tian also saw them.

"Does Tiantian like that Hongwen Uncle?" An Yuyuan looked away, looked at Tiantian with a smile and asked softly.

"Like it."

Tiantian head, "Hongwen Uncle is very good to Tiantian, mother and grandma are also very good, mother always tells Tiantian, remember that Hongwen Uncle is kind to our family, thank you Uncle Hongwen

Uncle, but Mom doesn't know how to thank Hongwen Uncle..."

Her little face has the look of memories, and her baby voice is like a few treasures talking about family affairs.

"That's sweet, if Uncle Hongwen wanted to marry your mother, would you like it? Do you hope such a thing will happen?"

An Yuyuan laughed softly.

Hearing this, Tiantian tilted her head and looked at An Yuyuan, "Hongwen Uncle wants to marry his mother?"

She murmured, and then she thought seriously on her small face. A second later, she had a smile on her face, "Hongwen Uncle is a very nice person. If Hongwen Uncle marries his mother, Tiantian will be in pain.

Dad, dad who loves mom. "

An Yuyuan knelt down and rubbed Tiantian's head when she heard it.

Tiantian is still young and doesn't understand what marriage means, but although she doesn't understand, she knows what mom and dad mean, and she is a very sensible child who thinks about her mother wholeheartedly.

The old saying is true.

Children from poor families take charge of the family early. This sentence refers to the situation of children from poor families.

"Tiantian, Uncle helps your mother and Hongwen Uncle together, can you tell me it's okay?"

"it is good."

Tiantian focused a little bit, and smiled happily, "Thank you Uncle."

In the next moment, curiosity appeared in her eyes, "How can Uncle help? Do you want Tiantian to help?"

"Need not."

An Yuyuan scratched her sensible sweet little nose and smiled.

Immediately, he looked at Hongwen and Hongwen in the distance. The two figures were very close. Among them, the male was clumsy and seemed to want to express himself, but he didn't know how to do it, while the female seemed to be

I didn't notice that the two maintained a special kind of delicate relationship with each other.

A ball of red thread appeared in his hand.

"When Tian Hua's life was robbed, I said that I wanted to be a moon elder, and today I have a chance."

A smile appeared on his face, and his eyes looked at the old billboard on the roof not far away.

"...Yeah, I'm resting today, so I just said that it's a coincidence that I can accompany you...go out with Tiantian, Pang Xiang, and the others to go to temple fairs and eat.

Wen Hongwen chatted with Zhang Li.

He didn't know what to say, this was the first time he was alone with Zhang Li.

Before they got along, there were always people around, either Zhuang Suhua, Tian Tian, ​​or Pang Xiang. With them, Wen Hongwen was more casual, but now with

Zhang Li was alone for the first time, and he became nervous, especially because it was still a bit of a 'date', which made him even more nervous, and he didn't know what to say for a while.

"Then this is the blessing of Lord Chenghuang, we happened to be able to go out for dinner together, Tian Tian was also very happy to come out.

"It's good that Tian Tian can be happy."

Wen Hongwen nodded with a smile, and then he was embarrassed again after speaking, not knowing what to say next, what to do to express himself, and what to do to make Zhang Li accept her.

"There's a ten-yuan stall over there, shall we go over there and have a look?" He looked around, noticed a small stall on the front left, and immediately pointed to it.

"Okay, I just want to buy a small gift for Tiantian, so let's go there."

Hearing Zhang Li agree, Wen Hongwen breathed a sigh of relief.

Then the two of them walked over.

Someone accidentally bumped into Zhang Li while walking, Wen Hongwen had sharp eyesight and quick hands, so he quickly blocked it.

"Sorry." The man apologized.

"It's okay." Wen Hongwen smiled, and immediately he and Zhang Li continued to walk towards the small stall, "He didn't bump into you, did he.


Zhang Li smiled and shook her head, looking at Wen Hongwen who had been behaving very well, feeling sad in her heart.

How could she not see Hongwen's feelings for her.


Zhang Li thought that she was almost thirty years old, had a daughter like Tiantian, and her mother, Zhuang Suhua, was not in good health. Being with Hongwen like this would harm Hongwen, and also

It was delaying Hongwen.

At the same time, she also hesitated in her heart, whether it was right for her to do this, whether it would make Hongwen suffer, and it was too wishful thinking, obviously Hongwen didn't mind these things.

Zhang Li thought about these problems more than once, but she didn't know how to deal with them. Emotional matters are difficult to explain clearly, no matter whether it is a man or a woman, they have clearly warned

I can't do this by myself, but once I get involved, I feel like a person who has lost their sense of direction. They can't find their direction at all. When they regain their senses, they become sober again and warn themselves what to do.

However, if you encounter it again, you will fall into it again, and it will start again and again.

"This little doll is nice, I'll buy it for Tiantian as a gift, Zhang Li, do you think Tiantian will like it?"

Listening to Hongwen's words and seeing his smile holding the little doll, Zhang Li came back to reality from her thoughts. She stared at the little doll and shook her head slightly, "Hongwen, you bought a lot of presents for Tiantian.

There is no need to buy anything anymore, you have helped us a lot in our family.

"It's not as exaggerated as you said, I only bought a few, not many, please help me choose, this is better, this is better, Tiantian is so cute, I bought it for Tiantian

Look at Tiantian being so well-behaved and sensible, alas, I also want a daughter like Tiantian.

At the end of Wen Hongwen's speech, the tips of his ears were slightly red, he lowered his head subconsciously, and couldn't help but glance at Zhang Li, wondering about her expression.

"When you marry your future wife in the future, you can also give birth to someone as cute as Tiantian. I believe you can do it. "Like a father, like a daughter."

Zhang Li smiled.

Seeing that Zhang Li's expression was calm and unchanged, Wen Hongwen was disappointed.

... Am I not being obvious enough? Seems like it is.

He secretly encouraged himself, don't be discouraged.

Immediately he began to choose sweet gifts again.

And Zhang Li looked at Wen Hongwen's expression, she lowered her eyes, and didn't dare to look at him, but she felt that if she said this, would it make him sad? She couldn't help but look again, seeing Hongwen's expression

Still happy, I breathed a sigh of relief.

Soon after, the two bought a doll each at a small stall, and sat down to chat on a public stone chair at the end of the temple fair not far away.

"Recently, Tiantian went to kindergarten, is there any discomfort?"

"No, Tiantian said that besides playing with Xi'er, she is the happiest, and the next thing is to go to kindergarten. 0°

"Tiantian's favorite thing at this age is to play "But Tiantian..."

Wen Hongwen took Tiantian as the topic, and gradually found a feeling to communicate, but this communication did not seem to have made much progress, but he felt that this was a good start.

The two just chatted like this.

None of them noticed that the old billboard on the roof of the building behind them seemed to be gradually detached from the wall and about to fall due to years of lack of maintenance.

At this moment, a special light appeared on the hanging point above the billboard.

next second!

With a creak, the billboard fell down.

The people nearby screamed and shouted when they saw it...

Wen Hongwen and Zhang Li were directly below the billboard, and someone closed their eyes directly, not daring to see what was about to happen in the next scene.

"Huh?" Wen Hongwen and Zhang Li heard the strange noise before the billboard fell.

Both of them got up at the same time.

Zhang Li felt a thrust on her body, it was Hongwen pushing her, and in an instant she rushed forward quickly, leaving the range of the billboard.


The loud sound of the billboard falling reached Zhang Li's ears, and Zhang Li suddenly turned around. She saw the black shadow falling from the billboard, saw Wen Hongwen being pushed down by the billboard, and her head was buzzing.

I was stunned, and there were tears in my eyes in the next second, "Hongwen!!!"

The billboard was completely deformed, and the dust spread.

The people around hurried over.

In just a few seconds, many people rushed over to help, "Quick, quickly move the billboard up.

"Someone's been pinned down."

Well-meaning people shouted anxiously.

Zhang Li was the first to rush up to fight, with tears in her eyes, she kept saying no, nothing will happen.

The next moment the deformed billboard was lifted up, everyone was stunned looking at the scene under the billboard, the people under the billboard were fine......

Well standing there!

It's so good, the billboard has a unique shape, and when it falls, it deforms and just forms a space to accommodate people. Wen Hongwen has nothing to do with it.

"Damn it!" The kind-hearted man lifted up the billboard, was shocked when he saw the situation inside, and burst out these two words on the spot.

"Are you OK?"

someone asked.

Wen Hongwen shook his head, he also had a look of astonishment.

"Thank you, I'm fine, I didn't get hit, I just got stuck there..." He pointed to the groove on the billboard, but before he could finish speaking, he saw a beautiful figure rushing up

Before, crying with tears in his eyes, he asked if he was okay, and checked if he was okay.

"I'm fine, Zhang Li, don't cry, I'm fine."

Wen Hongwen spoke out, and repeated what he just said, and completed the words.

However, when he said this, Zhang Li cried even harder, with self-blame, intentions, regret...all kinds of emotions.

"It's good that you're fine. If something happens to you, I don't know what to do. Fortunately, you're fine. I'm afraid of losing you. I..." Zhang Li trembled, and she checked carefully.

Wen Hongwen's body, while speaking, actually said the words that had been suppressed in his heart.

"Zhang Li, is what you said true?"

Wen Hongwen listened to Zhang Li's words, with uncontrollable surprise on his face.

heard this.

Zhang Li suddenly realized, what is she doing?!

Why did he say that he was worried and liked Hongwen? Although the words did not fully express his liking and acceptance of Wen Hongwen, it was equivalent to admitting that he liked Hongwen.

If she has a good impression, wouldn't this make her 'efforts' all the time in vain?

Looking at the surprise on Wen Hongwen's face, Zhang Li wanted to say no, but all the words she wanted to refuse stuck in her throat.

Thinking of Wen Hongwen just saving her, and thinking of Wen Hongwen's kindness, Zhang Li couldn't say anything.

She blushed.

Zhang Li lowered her head, revealing the posture of a little daughter in a rare way, as if she was admitting in disguise, and answered Wen Hongwen's words with a veiled affirmative answer.

Happiness comes too suddenly!

Wen Hongwen couldn't hide his happy smile. Although Zhang Li didn't give a clear answer, it was enough.

"Zhang Li, I'm fine, really." He held Zhang Li's hand and comforted him softly.

Zhang Li nodded.

At this moment, the 'barrier' between the two has been broken, and they have taken a big step forward.

Wen Hongwen then

She thanked the people around her, and negotiated with the shop owner of the billboard, expressing that there was nothing wrong with it, and she should pay attention to the maintenance of the old billboard in the future.

There is an indescribable charm between them.

Both of them did not speak, tacit understanding, and they were very close to each other.

At this time, Pang Xiang and the others also came over.

They heard the movement, came from a distance, and found out that the best friend, Wen Hongwen, had an 'accident' and hurried over. At the same time, they also discovered the big breakthrough in the relationship between the best friend, Wen Hongwen, and Zhang Li.

I feel happy for my best friend, and secretly give him a thumbs up, good job.

Seeing Pang Xiang's expression, Zhang Li blushed.

Wen Hongwen scratched his head and smiled.

None of them noticed that Zhang Li and Wen Hongwen were accompanied by a red rope in their hands, if there was a red rope, it held them together.

The group did not stop visiting the temple fair because of this incident, and planned to have dinner together later.

"Hongwen is fine, it's a blessing in disguise." Pang Xiang found a chance to talk to Wen Hongwen alone, whispered to his ear and gave a thumbs up, "I think Zhang Li has that kind of meaning for you, no?"

Having refused so much before, she seemed to want to leave. "

"Yeah, and Zhang Li... said he likes me, I think I have hope."

Wen Hongwen smiled shyly.

After saying this, he thought of what happened when the billboard fell just now, and his face became a little weird, "Pang Xiang, I feel that the City God is helping me."

"Huh?" Pang Xiang stared, his heart skipped a beat when Wen Hongwen said it suddenly.

Wen Hongwen looked around, leaned his face closer and whispered in his ear.

"I think I feel that the City God is helping me." Wen Hongwen said with a serious expression, "Pang Xiang, don't you think I was weird just now?"

"Strange? Hongwen, what do you mean by that?"

"I'm a C-level. In that case, I pushed Zhang Li away, but why did I get hit by the billboard?"

Pang Xiang's body shook and his pupils shrank.

A thought suddenly appeared in his mind...

As the strongest group of elites among the C-level ghost masters, although the time for the billboard to fall is short, it is not something that people like them cannot react to.

, On the contrary, I want to react, not too simple.

That's right, why didn't I think why Hongwen didn't leave with Zhang Li in his arms, and why he was hit by the billboard.

Before Pang Xiang could speak and ask, Wen Hongwen's voice sounded again, "At that time, what I thought was to take Zhang Li away together, but I didn't do what I wanted to do, instead I pushed

I opened Zhang Li, and I couldn’t control my hands and feet at all, I just stood still, and then what happened just now, the billboard was smashed down and deformed, and I stood there deformed to accommodate

where I am. "

"..." Pang Xiang was dazed, looking instinctively at the Chenghuang Temple in the distance, and he could see the corners and corners of the roof and eaves of the temple, as well as the red bricks and tiles.

There is no need for Wen Hongwen to go into details.

He was very sure in his heart.

This is the Lord Chenghuang who is pulling the marriage and helping Hongwen!!

Pang Xiang is the top C-level ghost master, and even give him a few more years to break through to B-level. He is very clear about the responsiveness and self-control at the C-level level.

Say, then this means that there must be 'someone' behind the manipulation of the billboards.

"The billboard is taken back." Pang Xiang thought of the key.

Hearing these words, Wen Hongwen knew what Pang Xiang was thinking, "Do you think so too?"

Pang Xiang nodded. He looked at Wen Hongwen, "Hongwen, you and Zhang Li are definitely a match made in heaven. This is a marriage arranged by the city god. I admire it."


Wen Hongwen was stunned, and then he couldn't laugh or cry.

He didn't expect Pang Xiang to say such a sentence. At the same time, he couldn't tell whether to laugh or cry, and there was excitement on his face. He became more and more determined to marry Zhang Li, and he must let Zhang Li live a good life.

happy heart.


At this moment, a sweet and crisp voice sounded.

The sweet little figure ran over from a distance, with a sweet smile on his cute little face, a small bag in his left hand, and a nearly finished cotton candy in his right hand.

"Tiantian, what about you?" Zhang Li watched her daughter come over, and noticed two things in her hand.

"Hee hee." Tiantian showed her cute teeth, "Uncle bought it for Tiantian, and the little goldfish too."


Zhang Li was stunned.

She was surprised, is there an uncle near here that can buy things for Tian Tian?

The next moment her pupils trembled, and a possibility came to her mind, a possibility that made her heart skip a beat.

"There is an Uncle here, the Uncle with Xi'er."

The sweet and innocent laughter sounded...

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