The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 966: Natasha comes to the front desk

The response of the United States and Russia has also spurred a lot of followers. The situation in Syria has once again become the focus of the world. Eight?? One Chinese Network??????

It also has a huge impact on the countries in the Middle East. Saudi Arabia is now overwhelmed, but verbally, it still supports Cai Ruichen.

Countries such as Egypt and Pakistan are also on the side of the Future Technology Group.

Immediately afterwards, it was Turkey. Regarding the Kurdish armed civil war in Syria, the Turkish side must raise both hands in favor, and the most important thing is that Ahmed is not a Kurdish.

Once the Future Technology Group supports Ahmed to gain the Syrian regime, for Turkey, it is simply sleepy and a pillow.

What's more, Turkey now dare not offend the Future Technology Group, otherwise Cai Ruichen can completely abandon Turkey as a transit point for goods to Europe.

Turkey does not want to lose tens of billions of dollars in profits every year. Naturally, there is no need to offend Cai Ruichen for some innocuous issues. What's more, this matter is completely beneficial to Turkey.

Iran, on the other side, responded quickly to the incident. However, like Russia, Iran did not show support or opposition, and declared to the outside world that it only hopes that Syria will be peaceful as soon as possible.

My hometown also followed closely behind, only expressing its concern about the situation in Syria, hoping that each should exercise restraint and avoid more bloodshed.

In this way, whoever supports and opposes suddenly appeared. Many countries that have not responded before have become more determined to choose to wait and see.

Just as many countries expressed their concern about this matter, the U.S. Department of Defense and the Information Department of Future Security Corporation also formally announced to the public that the two sides will strengthen cooperation, especially on the issue of combating Taliban forces.

To this end, the two sides also officially announced. In the future, the air force of the security company will participate in the attack on the Taliban in Afghanistan, and will also carry out military strikes against the entrenched terrorist organizations in Afghanistan.

Compared with the situation in Syria, this news did not cause much repercussions. After all, the US Air Force has carried out perennial air strikes against the Taliban in Afghanistan. Only this time, the Future Technology Group joined it.

However, it is understood from the outside world that the relationship between the United States and Future Technology Group is still at a very good level, and the relationship is relatively close.

But then, the Future Technology Group immediately held a press conference, which was less than half an hour apart.

At this news conference. Future Technology Group CEO Lin Zhongxian. He did not attend, just because Lin Zhong, who was in charge of business operations, did not show up. Instead, Natasha, who often appeared next to Cai Ruichen, appeared at the news conference.

And until now, the outside world really knows Natasha's identity in the future technology group, originally the outside world just thought. The relationship between Natasha and Cai Ruichen is a bit more ambiguous, but now, everyone officially understands that Natasha is also one of the senior members of the Future Technology Group.

Because Natasha appeared as the top security consultant of the Future Technology Group. Although the outside world does not know the specific size of this so-called top security consultant, from the job description, the outside world also officially learned that Natasha is the leader of the security assessment and intelligence analysis department for Cai Ruichen.

At the same time, he is also Cai Ruichen's most trusted security advisor. To put it bluntly, he is somewhat similar to the identity of the director of the US Central Intelligence Agency and the president of the president.

Appearing in this capacity at the news conference of the Future Technology Group, all reporters can already feel a strong smell of gunpowder before the conference has officially started.

Sure enough, at the beginning of the news conference, Natasha, in a formal suit, directly said in front of all reporters' cameras:

"In the attack that was born in the Syrian industrial zone yesterday, the group immediately investigated the identity of the attacker. By capturing the identity information of the armed personnel, it can be determined that the attacker was armed by a Kurdish political party in Syria.

As for the cause of the attack, according to the current information, some people wanted to take advantage of the chaos to attack the industrial area, looting and destroying the equipment, resources and property in the industrial area. For this reason, thousands of people were dispatched and carried out close efforts. Planning, trying to achieve this goal.

After the investigation started, we also found a clue that a third party was involved. Someone supported the Kurdish political parties and instigated them to use them to attack our industrial areas and provide intelligence and weaponry support for the attack.

Although so far, we have not thoroughly investigated, and there is no evidence to point out the behind-the-scenes indictment, but the Kurdish party’s attack on the group in the Syrian industrial zone is solid evidence. We have detailed personal, physical evidence and action plan documents. The evidence will be officially announced after the press conference.

Today I will convey to the world the latest decision of our boss Cai Ruichen. For such shameless sneak attacks and criminal killings, the Future Technology Group has decided to use all means including military operations and economic material blockade against Kurdish parties. . "

Natasha announced an important news as soon as she arrived and after this news, she also directly said: "At present, the Air Force Department of the Future Security Company has officially received an air strike order against the Kurdish political parties. , The air strike will begin immediately.

Any organization or individual that assists, protects, and favors Kurdish political parties will become the target of the second attack by the future technology group and will be listed on the least welcome list. If it is a country that has already cooperated, it will cancel all related cooperation, withdraw all technical personnel and funds, and end any relationship between the two parties. "

In the last sentence, Natasha is almost warning everyone to use the powerful influence of the Future Technology Group to make all countries that originally stood on the side of the Kurdish party armed forces choose to abandon the Kurdish armed forces.

Although such methods and threats are not clever at all, they are quite easy to use. After all, Kurdish armed forces are not profitable compared to the cooperation of future technology groups.

However, at the press conference, all the reporters were a little excited.

Seeing that Natasha had finished her speech, she did not choose to leave, so a reporter asked: "Ms. Natasha, do you already know your identity regarding the behind-the-scenes instructions? Can you elaborate on this?" to be continued.)

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