The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1083: Cai Ruichen's warning to Israel

At a time when the outside world was speculating about this air battle, the Future Technology Group quickly announced the process and results of this air battle ten minutes after the end of the air battle.

"Ten minutes ago, Mirae Security Company successfully blocked the Israeli Air Force’s premeditated invasion of Syria’s sovereign airspace. All members of the F-22 Raptor Fighter Wing belonging to the Air Force of Mirae Security Company were deployed over the eastern Mediterranean to intercept the Israeli Air Force. Forty-four fighters, including forty f-15 Eagle fighters and four f-16 Fighting Falcon fighters.

The main interceptor model is the third-generation all-weather multi-function heavy-duty air-control fighter newly developed and produced by China Future Aircraft Manufacturing Company. It not only successfully intercepted the Israeli Air Force’s invasion, but also after the Israeli Air Force took the lead in launching an attack on our Air Force fighters. A resolute counterattack was carried out, successfully smashing the Israeli invasion, and at the same time shooting down all Israeli aircraft involved in the invasion. "

At the press conference of the Future Technology Group, when the spokesperson Ying Ling (book friend's real-name guest appearance) said this, all the reporters present were exclaimed one by one.

However, the spokesperson of Future Technology Group, Ying Ling, did not stop, and continued in the reporter's exclamation: "In this interception of Israeli fighters, our Black Hawk fighters not only wiped out Israel with a huge advantage. At the same time, they also took the opportunity to rush and shoot down an electronic warfare aircraft of the Israeli Air Force and a Falcon early warning aircraft."

This sentence caused the entire press conference site to hear a sound of sucking air at the same time, and the faces of all reporters were all gaffes.

It's not that their mentality is not good enough, but the news is really amazing. Such news is no less than an 18-magnitude earthquake.

When the Future Technology Group held this press conference, all the reporters did not know what happened.

They just speculated that it might be something that the Future Technology Group was on the border between Jordan and Syria. What news to announce.

But I didn't expect that there would be such big news.

There is currently news from the world that Israeli fighter jets were shot down at the border between Jordan and Syria. Just started reporting.

But less than an hour passed, and something that shocked the world happened again.

An air battle with dozens of modern fighters is a major event that has not happened since World War II. Especially the two sides participating in the war have world-class air force fighters. This is more than big news!

When all the reporters heard about the results of this battle, their surprise at this moment instantly rose to the extreme.

A simple message. Hidden inside are three big news that can make headlines.

One of them is naturally a new contest between Israel and the Future Technology Group, and the other is that the Future Technology Group officially recognized the new fighters that have been speculated by the outside world, and there is also the result of this battle.

When three such important news materials appeared, almost all reporters were immediately excited.

How long has there been no such big news in the Middle East?

At the same time, many reporters immediately thought, can Israel tolerate such a failure? Still want revenge? Will ground war break out? Is the sixth Middle East war about to appear?

Questions appeared in the minds of all reporters, and every question and possibility caused every reporter to secrete adrenaline continuously, waiting excitedly for the following.

"Although it is a lesson to the invaders. A just victory, it is also another trampling on the dignity of the Syrian people and international sovereignty.

Regardless, Syria is still a sovereign country. No country has the right to invade the sovereign airspace of any country without permission. This kind of behavior by Israel is really regrettable and disappointing. It is also a violation of the UN Charter and a renewal of the people of the Middle East. An insult.

In the future, the security company will undertake the task of Syria's sovereign airspace, and has the responsibility and obligation to ensure the security of Syria's sovereign airspace. We advise Israel to stop its actions and ideas of invading Syria. Otherwise, after the next failure, our fighters and missiles. Will fall on the land of Israel.

Here, I want to convey a few words from the top leader of the Future Technology Group to Israel. 'can not happen next time'.

This is not a warning, but a statement of fact, because our patience is really limited, and it is not easy to be passively beaten again and again. If such a situation occurs, we will take all measures to deal with it. "

News spokesperson Ying Ling saw the following reporters who were eager to try, but he did not give them the opportunity to ask questions, because this press conference did not schedule reporters to ask questions at all, but continued to speak:

"Ten minutes later, Future Media, a subsidiary of the Future Technology Group, will officially announce a large number of fragments of this air combat, so that all people around the world can experience the scenes of modern air combat. Of course, some of the scenes involve military secrets and tactical secrets. It will not be fully disclosed to the outside world.

As for the video of the air combat, I just hope that the whole world can understand that an unjust invasion will never end well. "

After speaking, the press conference ended abruptly. When all the reporters were digesting all the news, the spokesperson Ying Ling left like this, regardless of the reporters who were waiting for the opportunity to ask ~ When the press conference was announced, all the reporters reacted. But at this time, none of the reporters asked for questions. Instead, they all rushed out of the press conference and couldn’t wait to write and send them back. The important news of China cannot be delayed for a moment.

Before the reporters have finished writing the article, the future media company has begun to announce the news during the live news broadcast, and also announced a large number of air combat pictures.

The actual air combat is not made by computer. All the screen editing is selected from the cameras on all Black Hawk fighters and v-2kk air-to-air missiles.

Just as spokesperson Ying Ling said, many scenes related to techniques, tactics and possible leaks were not played, but even the cut scenes were enough to make everyone feel the charm of modern warfare. Up.

Especially the pictures taken by the v-2kk air-to-air missile, the process of pursuing the Israeli fighter jets, made everyone who saw it very enjoyable.

From this moment on, the whole world has really realized the Black Hawk fighters of the Red Police Corps. (To be continued.)

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