The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1085: Iraq polls

Iraq's purchase of 120 Black Hawk fighter jets naturally attracted great attention from all over the world as soon as the news came out.

The air combat a few days ago is vivid, and the Black Hawk fighter of the Future Technology Group, using Israeli air combat as a stepping stone to its rise, has become the most dazzling star weapon among air fighters this year.

But compared to the large orders of the Iraqi Defense Forces, the previous news is not even a big deal.

The most important thing is that Future Technology Group also announced that this batch of 120 Black Hawk fighter orders will be fully delivered to the Iraqi Air Force within one year.

In one year, 120 third-generation heavy fighters were produced. Such high production efficiency is the only one in the world.

There has never been a third-generation fighter whose production efficiency can reach this level.

Of course, this is also closely related to the economic considerations of various countries, because the development and production of weapons in peacetime cannot be the same as that in wartime.

But the high-efficiency production model of Future Technology Group shocked the world once again.

Because the Iraqi Defense Force’s order is not just one hundred and twenty Black Hawk fighters, there are also a large number of orders for armed helicopters, transport helicopters, and large transport aircraft and early warning aircraft.

These orders, according to the news announced by Future Technology Group, this order will be completed within one year.

At the same time, the outside world also learned a piece of news, that is, Future Technology Group also owns a large strategic transport aircraft.

The appetite of the Iraqi Defense Forces is really terrifying. In addition to the order for the Black Hawk fighter, it also ordered 30 future global strategic transport aircraft.

When the Future Technology Group released simple data on this global strategic transport aircraft, it once again caused a huge disturbance.

The takeoff weighs more than 400 tons, setting a new record for global mass-produced transport aircraft.

The Iraqi Defense Forces actually ordered thirty at one go, which is such a huge number. It has surpassed the strategic projection capabilities possessed by Britain and France. What exactly is Iraq going to do?

Iraq's aggressive behavior has made the whole world feel a bit unusual.

Iraq is a small country. When oil is generally controlled by outsiders, even Iraq after a comprehensive infrastructure construction. Annual fiscal revenue is not high.

Last year, investment in the national infrastructure construction, from the one trillion Israeli new dinars loaned by the Future Technology Bank, a large amount of investment in infrastructure construction, the fiscal revenue only reached 80 billion US dollars.

Although from the beginning of this year, Iraq’s economy began to show a clear recovery due to the gradual improvement of its infrastructure, and its fiscal revenue reached US$10 billion in the first month. A total of 100 billion Iraqi new dinars.

But even if such fiscal revenues are maintained throughout the year, the fiscal revenues in one year will be 120 billion, which is rare in Iraq’s history, but overall it is not much.

The Iraqi Defense Forces’ military orders last year alone exceeded 70 billion U.S. dollars in value, and this year’s Iraqi defense expenditure, the Air Force’s order alone, was as high as 100 billion U.S. dollars, as well as navy and army orders. Military orders. Add up to completely exceed the estimated annual fiscal revenue of 120 billion US dollars.

This kind of behavior is not at all saying that he is being militant, but is killing him.

Military companies around the world that can accept such orders. I am afraid there is only the Future Technology Group.

At this moment, almost all countries are considering. Isn't the future technology group afraid that the Iraqi government can't afford it?

Just thinking about the financial resources owned by the Future Technology Group, if it is really determined to support Iraq, the equipment production expenditure of more than 100 billion US dollars is nothing at all.

After all, the accounts calculated by military industrial enterprises are completely different from the accounts on the order. Military orders that seem to be worth more than 100 billion U.S. dollars appear to the world. The cost of production may not even cost 30 billion US dollars.

30 billion for the Future Technology Group. It is a drop in the bucket, as long as Cai Ruichen is willing to support it. Iraq’s defense capabilities will advance by leaps and bounds at a faster rate.

It's just that in the eyes of various countries, the ambitions of the Iraqis are really too great. The size of the national defense force is still expanding, and it is now even more generous to build the first air force in the Middle East.

Once such expansion is completed, few countries in the world can suppress Iraq.

In the Middle East, it can't be found at all, even in Turkey.

In this way, the world has also seen the ambition of Iraq’s rise, which is the ambitious ambition to compete with Iran, Saudi Arabia and even Israel for supremacy in the Middle East.

The name Idris has also begun to appear frequently all over the world, and some people even compare it with Saddam.

There are even many organizations that have begun to conduct research in Iraq. What do the Iraqi citizens think of the Iraqi government's actions that are completely brutal and brutal?

However, the results of the investigation surprised everyone. Almost no opposition was heard. All the Iraqis under investigation supported Idris's actions.

In the words of Iraqis, the best way to avoid war is to be strong enough to resist it.

At the same time as the investigation, there are also many investigations on the Future Technology Group to see Cai Ruichen's status in the hearts of the Iraqi people.

The results once again made all the investigative agencies very unbelievable.

Investigations show that Cai Ruichen even surpasses Idris in the minds of the Iraqi people. Even all the Iraqis under investigation said that if Cai Ruichen stood up to elect the president of Iraq, they would not He hesitated to vote for Cai Ruichen.

Obtaining these findings, the investigative agencies from various countries are all unbelievable. In their view, Iraqis seem to have been brainwashed overnight, and their attitude towards the Future Technology Group is extremely good.

Even all investigative agencies deeply doubt that if they say bad things about Cai Ruichen and Future Technology Group on the road, will they be gang-assaulted in the street?

As a result, someone really said so much. Instead of being beaten up, they were arrested by a large number of Iraqis, sent to the nearest police station, and then prosecuted by the Iraqi court for defamation, followed by a fine and a month of labor. jobs.

This incident even appeared in many well-known newspapers and magazines, and most of it just smiled, and was quickly left behind.

For all countries, the same is true. The support of the Iraqi people to Cai Ruichen is also normal in their view. After all, the Future Technology Group has become the Iraqi food and clothing parents. (To be continued.)

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