The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1099: Defense Equipment Exhibition

In the restaurant of the special plane, after listening to all the development reports of Chen Gaoyuan, Cai Ruichen nodded in satisfaction. After affirming his work, he asked:

"Do we still participate in the global police equipment defense exhibition in Beijing?"

When Chen Gaoyuan heard the words, he nodded and said, "This is the fourth global police and defense exhibition held by China Xia. A total of military industry companies from 46 countries around the world will exhibit with the latest police equipment. For the second time, the booth was next to China’s military defensive equipment. All displayed were advanced weapons and equipment used by peacekeeping infantry."

"Are there any tickets for the exhibition?" Cai Ruichen continued to ask.

"Commander, do you want to go?" Chen Gaoyuan asked.

"When I get off the plane, I'll go take a look." Cai Ruichen nodded and said.

"But tonight, in the future hotel, there are many partners, many high-level government and even high-level military will participate, you..." Chen Gaoyuan asked carefully.

"Push it, I don't want to have too much contact with the people here." Cai Ruichen shook his head and said decisively.

"I understand." Chen Gaoyuan heard the words and did not continue to say anything. He immediately took out his mobile phone and asked the staff of the Beijing branch to prepare a few tickets for the defense exhibition.

Soon, the special plane landed at the Beijing International Airport and stopped at a dedicated stand purchased by Future Technology Group.

The global transport plane also landed, but due to size problems, it could only be parked on the edge of a spare runway.

At the airport, due to Cai Ruichen's refusal, there was no welcoming ceremony, but due to traffic, there were still six welcoming motorcycles waiting in the cabin.

Special cars and super sports cars. From the cabin of the global transport aircraft and the cabin of the special plane, slowly exiting the cabin, the airport also drove into a neat super sports car. Form a fleet directly in the cabin, guided by the welcome motorcycle. Drive towards the center of the capital.

Similar to the convoy on Ludao, it once again appeared on the road in the capital, but Cai Ruichen did not follow the convoy to the future hotel in the capital to live, but drove towards the defense exhibition under the **** of two super sports cars. .

In the special car, Hua Meixue sat quietly beside him, according to Cai Ruichen's intention. After the journey was hard, Hua Meixue returned to the hotel to rest.

But the little girl was unwilling. Instead, she wanted to go to the defense exhibition with Cai Ruichen.

In this regard, Cai Ruichen did not refuse, whether Hua Meixue was really interested in the defense exhibition or simply wanted to be with him, he would not refuse.

In front of the special car, there are still two welcome motorcycles, and the traffic lights along the way are all switched to manual.

Two supercars and Cai Ruichen's special car are in the constant flow of traffic. Steady progress.

At the same time, all the senior officials in their hometown had received the news that Cai Ruichen had arrived in Beijing. And they all learned that Cai Ruichen, who had just got off the plane, went directly to the defense exhibition led by the Ministry of National Defense.

To this end, many people have also started to take action.

Cai Ruichen did not know the chain reaction caused by his arrival.

After the welcome motorcycle cleared the way, it didn't take long for the special car to stop at the gate of the defense exhibition.

At this moment, the official lights are on, the defense exhibition is very lively inside and outside, and there are many domestic and foreign media reporters gathered.

In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, Cai Ruichen put on a wig. He also put on a thick pair of glasses and disguised himself.

As for Hua Meixue. It is still a simple long dress, lovingly holding Cai Ruichen's arm. Walk towards the ticket gate of the Defense Exhibition.

Taking out two ticket cards, Cai Ruichen and Hua Meixue easily entered the defense exhibition hall.

The defense exhibition hall is huge, with more than fifty booths, all of which are displayed with a wide range of individual equipment and many large-scale police equipment.

Each country or company’s booth occupies a large area, divided into individual protection, individual weapons, vehicle equipment, and special defense equipment.

Cai Ruichen, who had just entered the gate, saw the booth of the Future Technology Group, directly opposite the gate, and next to the booth of his hometown, North Industries Group.

Those who walked into the defense exhibition and saw the most were military enthusiasts holding cameras, and then the staff commenting at each booth, and the rest were all reporters.

There are really not many tourists like Cai Ruichen who don't even have a camera.

Moreover, in the defense exhibition, basically all men, a few women, and all reporters.

There are really not many women like Hua Meixue who are purely visiting.

In recent years, due to the increasing strength of national defense and more and more people caring about national defense, such defense exhibitions can attract a large number of tourists every time.

In addition, the tickets are not expensive, and ordinary people can buy them, and many military fans are even more eager.

As night falls, the flow of people in the defense exhibition is still dense.

Cai Ruichen, who walked into the defense exhibition hall, walked directly to the booth of his company. Hua Meixue, who was holding his arm, also naturally followed. Hua Meixue, who came to this place for the first time, looked quite like Interested, curiously glanced around.

The booth of Future Technology Group covers an area of ​​almost 100 square meters. In the middle is placed a riot and anti-mine assault vehicle, which is an enhanced version of the Warrior assault vehicle, focusing on strengthening the tires and the bottom of the vehicle against mines.

When Cai Ruichen walked over, UU read www. An engineer who works at Future Military Industry Company is explaining this enhanced version of the warrior anti-riot vehicle to a few curious tourists.

There was even a tourist who boldly entered the car through the closed rear door and experienced the control of the automatic weapon on the roof. It seemed to be very interested. The tourists next to him were all eager to try.

If it weren’t for this car that couldn’t be driven away, I’m afraid they would all want to test drive to get a feel for what this domineering vehicle feels like when driving.

In front of the booth, there were two tall peacekeepers, carrying anti-riot shields, wearing anti-riot suits, and draped with various models of individual soldiers. They were acting as mannequins and attracted many visitors. Photo taken together.

Regarding such a photo request, the two peacekeepers were not shy at all and agreed to them one by one. However, at the end of the day, neither of them knew how many times they had faced flashing lights. At least Cai Ruichen could tell. The muscles on the face under the riot helmet were stiff with laughter.

If it weren't for the eyes of the two people covered by the big sunglasses, I'm afraid everyone could clearly see the helplessness in their eyes. (To be continued.)

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