The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1102: No foreign arms sales

ps: Thanks to the 50,000 starting currency rewarded by the leader of the Flower, the next five chapters will be added for him, and the fifteenth day will be completed today.


"I remember that the Future Technology Group has not held any large-scale exhibitions. On the contrary, I often heard about where there are science and technology exhibitions, air shows, and military exhibitions. Why don't you do it?"

Hua Meixue asked Cai Ruichen curiously.

Cai Ruichen heard this, shrugged and said: "I came here this time just to look at the atmosphere of this kind of exhibition, and in my opinion, if you don't do it, you won't do it. Anyway, the current Future Technology Group does not need to rely on this method to attract. Potential customers. If you want to do it, you have to do it bigger."

In fact, Cai Ruichen has always had the idea of ​​organizing a similar exhibition, showing the advanced technology and military equipment of the Future Technology Group in front of the world.

The future concept park in Marin District is actually a large-scale high-tech exhibition, where you can see the high-tech products owned by various future technology groups.

Let every visitor to the Future Technology Park unconsciously understand the powerful and unparalleled high technology of the Future Technology Group.

Strictly speaking, a conceptual park that is always open is a high-tech product exhibition venue that is always open to the outside world.

As for the arms exhibition, as the weapons company that Cai Ruichen put on the table, Future Weapon Company has never accepted orders from international sources.

The reason is very simple, that is, the current needs of the Red Police Corps, with the current emergence, can just meet their own needs.

At present, Cai Ruichen is not saying that he can't look down on the tens of billions of dollars in profits in the international arms sales market every year, but because of the mission, the Red Police Corps needs to continue to grow.

At present, the base has entered a frenzied rhythm of violent soldiers, and the barracks are constantly recruiting soldiers every day. Many weapons are needed to arm these conscripted soldiers.

At the same time, he also needs to stock a certain amount of weapons to be prepared, not to mention that the current Syria has become his bag, and the base also recognizes his full control of Syria.

The Syrian National Salvation Army merged with the original Syrian government forces. Formally adapted into the Syrian Defense Forces, the size of the Syrian Defense Forces. Also in constant refining.

Keeping those qualified soldiers, the next thing is that a lot of weapons and equipment need to be in place.

After the war in Syria, a large number of weapons and equipment all appeared to be backward, and some of the only equipment was also facing elimination.

Moreover, in order to unify logistical support, 95% of the weapons and equipment of the Syrian National Defense Forces need to be replaced.

The amount of equipment replaced is almost equivalent to arming the entire Syrian Defense Forces from scratch. The weapons and equipment needed require a huge number of machines.

According to needs, the current Syrian military and defense system is the same as that of Iraq.

The United States did not need Iraq to continue to develop, so Cai Ruichen used a secret trick to stop the expansion of the Iraqi Defense Force and replaced it with the Syrian Defense Force.

At present, Syria's 100,000 garrison troops are undergoing high-intensity training in Hell Moon. In the future, the remaining 100,000 troops will need sufficient weapons and equipment in place.

The Syrian Defense Forces like Iraq. It is also the main force of the Red Police Corps, and its equipment is indispensable.

To develop and improve a country’s national defense armaments from scratch, this expenditure is an astronomical figure. Ordinary guns and ammunition are not counted for the time being, and those individual equipment are not counted. Even those heavy equipment, the air force and the navy, want to be completed within a year, it is considered a miracle.

What's more, Cai Ruichen's gaze at this moment has been towards Lebanon. The railway has begun to be built from Syria to Lebanon, and the Lebanese government urgently needs his help.

Simultaneously. Cai Ruichen will also prepare a batch of weapons and equipment to support Jordan at any time. Once Jordan is involved, it is necessary to help the Jordanian army strengthen its combat effectiveness as much as possible.

The following year. For the production capacity of the base, it is really a huge test.

Therefore, even if there is an order from the outside, the future weapons company will not be able to deliver weapons and equipment in a short time.

The most important thing is that Cai Ruichen also needs to guard against Europe and the United States, so the number of weapons and equipment that needs to be stocked is really a lot. The production capacity that the base has completely exploded, Cai Ruichen can't be too much.

Of course, these are naturally impossible to tell the outside world.

Moreover, in Cai Ruichen's view, the arms exhibition is indeed necessary, but it is useless to look at and test the excellent equipment.

Any piece of equipment can be sold, and the actual battlefield is the best choice.

The performance of the Black Hawk fighter jets in the first battle with the Israeli Air Force attracted many buyers, even India.

Many countries are all asking about the price of this fighter and various related questions, all showing great interest in buying.

However, Cai Ruichen did not sell any of them. Instead, he asked the Iraqi government to place an order to transfer all the production capacity to the Iraqi government.

Even if the outside world wants to buy it, it must wait until after this battle. I believe that the Black Hawk fighter will become more welcome at that time.

And because the combat laboratory has been built, the upgrade of many Red Police Corps' weapons and equipment has also begun.

Before the war, many enhanced versions of weapons and equipment will be produced, and more excellent elite versions will appear one after another in the future.

At that time, it would be more appropriate to sell the normal version of the equipment. Of course, the weapons and equipment sold by the military will have many changes.

At least it is impossible for the other party to take the weapons they sell to cause harm to Just like the fighters sold by the United States, the radars of the fighters sold, don't even want to see your own U.S. Air Force fighter.

Of course, Cai Ruichen will not be so obvious. Scientists in the combat laboratory have better solutions.

However, these are all things in the future, and the future arms sales of science and technology groups are inevitable, but the time has not yet arrived.

Hua Meixue is naturally not clear about these, and she also recognizes Cai Ruichen's explanation. In her impression, Cai Ruichen has always been a very strict person and a person who pursues perfection as much as possible.

Although not a perfectionist, the seriousness of everything is no less than that of true perfectionists.

While Cai Ruichen continued to accompany the equipment displayed by other countries in the Hua Meixue exhibition hall, a group of well-dressed people walked into the exhibition hall, their eyes locked on Hua Meixue and then Cai Ruichen's location.

Immediately after this group of people walked towards Cai Ruichen, one of them, who looked like a bodyguard, said to Cai Ruichen: "Mr. Cai, our chief has a request." (To be continued.)

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