The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1113: Confidant

There was a simple greeting, everyone was seated, and the exquisite wines and dishes came up at one end. The state banquet was the state banquet. Even Cai Ruichen saw such fine meals for the first time. The simple dishes showed the artistic style and the strong Chinese style. Bashing.

Cai Ruichen has never been a person who emphasizes food, clothing, housing and transportation. He usually eats simple meals and has never really paid attention to food.

Otherwise, with his achievements today, as long as there is something, do you want to eat anything?

And Cai Ruichen also really knows that these dishes in front of him are indeed inherited from the ancient craftsmanship of the imperial culinary arts. Such things are difficult to enjoy with money.

At this level, the culture on the Chinese wine table appears extremely elegant.

The big boss banqueted Cai Ruichen and Hua Meixue, and there were only three people on the table. After all the food was served, there were only three people inside.

In order to entertain Cai Ruichen, the big boss also paid a lot of money. Not only did he invite the descendants of the royal meal, he also brought the fine wine he had kept for many years to the table.

Hua Meixue was drinking juice, and the two men just chatted briefly, and then they drank.

After drinking several times, I started talking.

"I’m getting older and older. I haven’t drunk for a long time. If a few years pass, I’m afraid I won’t even be able to touch alcohol. This is the number one hobby of my life. It’s a rare opportunity today. I have to be drunk. No return." The big boss seemed very happy.

Just as Cai Ruichen's feeling of sympathy with the big boss has always been, the big boss is not like Cai Ruichen.

The two seldom contact each other, but the tacit understanding of handling both sides has always made them fascinated.

The big boss has been looking forward to today's meeting for more than two years. After all, the whole world can sit on an equal footing with him and is a relaxed and comfortable Chinese. There is only Cai Ruichen alone.

And Cai Ruichen, who introduced the big boss as a confidant, has also somewhat regarded the big boss as his friend, over the past few years. Only the two people who have made friends with each other are more or less beyond the cooperative relationship.

many things. You don’t even need to say it, just simple thinking, you can understand each other's thoughts.

Both of them are men with authority at the same time. In addition to facing the same dilemma, their tactics are almost the same. When they meet, it is like a close friend of many years. For a while, I just talked about some common people-like topics, and it seemed that there was nothing to say.

This made Hua Meixue next to her stare blankly. She didn't even taste the food in front of her.

A hero who is indomitable in her heart, and another unattainable figure in her heart. At this moment, the two of them are like ordinary people on the street eating barbecue, chatting and drinking. There is no family or country affairs in their mouths, and there is no world. The talents of Zhang are just a little bit of a short topic in the parents, and the two can talk and laugh.

This completely overturned Hua Meixue's impression of the two in her heart. But more is the impression of the big boss.

In her opinion, such an outstanding person must be a serious and rigorous person. Be unsmiling, always have reasons.

But at this moment, it is more like a migrant worker, eating peanuts, a bottle of Erguotou, and then bragging with the workers.

In her heart, Cai Ruichen is also relatively easy-going. It is not surprising that she has such a behavior.

But the same goes with the big boss. Let her squeeze a sweat for Cai Ruichen from time to time.

However, she quickly realized that the two of them were really chatting more and more speculatively. It's like two people who haven't spoken in a lifetime.

In fact, such a chat. The two of them hadn't experienced it for a long time, and they felt very new for a while.

An entire hour passed in the chat between the two, and there was an empty bottle on the table.

Two bottles of white wine were eaten, or the two were evenly divided, and looking at the faces of the two, there was no change at all, on the contrary, they were more interested.

The third bottle of liquor was opened, and the pause between the opening and the boring topic before naturally ended.

After all, there is not much time, the two of them can't really be like ordinary people, and the chat is really endless.

The wine glass is filled with viscous and restrained flavor of white wine. The wine is like a pearl. Just looking at the color of this wine, even ordinary white wine is treasured to such a point, it is a peerless wine.

Although Cai Ruichen seldom drinks wine, he likes to drink good wine very much. Today's banquet, he has already felt that he will be unforgettable for life.

It is really precious to have a confidant in life.

He raised his glass and said to the big boss: "Presumably the big boss is like me. I haven't felt so relaxed for a long time!"

The big boss nodded very simply, and said with a smile: "It's not easy, especially you. Now there is another Syria, and you will be busy in the future."

"No way, I was born to work hard. Since the age of twelve, I have never really had a day to rest." Cai Ruichen shook his head and drank a glass of wine, said bitterly.

Looking back on the past, Cai Ruichen really didn't think of any time for him to truly relax.

Usually, even if he let go of development, and when he is shaking his hands, he is still doing high-intensity training in order to deal with the overlord's agreement.

And even in normal times, even if you are free, your heart is not really free.

Therefore, when he said these things, he was not deceiving or acting.

In fact, no great person is not hard, because as much as you get, you often have to pay.

The Lord of the Ming Dynasty, which one is not waking up early and greedy for the dark, this is the same in all dynasties, there is no difference.

Instead, Cai is the same. Isn't it the big boss?

You must be careful and meticulous in all matters concerning the family and the country, and you can't be sloppy, and often behind the decisiveness, you don't know how many calculations are made.

The words of the big boss really touched Cai Ruichen's heart. The reason Cai Ruichen likes Hua Meixue is because he can relax well when he is with Hua Meixue.

In front of Qianhe, he felt that the pressure in his heart was even greater, which might be the reason why he chose Hua Meixue.

Feeling is the most important thing to get along with.

At the same time, Cai Ruichen also understood the meaning of the big boss' words, and he did not deny it.

Syria is his own. This cannot be changed. He has not concealed much from the beginning of the big boss.

After all, the big boss has long known that Iraq is his own, and besides the Red Police Corps, he is also the only person in the world who knows the relationship. (To be continued.)

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