The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1118: Aircraft carrier built in half a year

There is only one aircraft carrier for training in my hometown, and there is also a medium-sized conventional aircraft carrier under construction. The full displacement is a bit larger than the training ship I own.

The development of the aircraft carrier in my hometown has always been exploring and accumulating experience.

The development of the first aircraft carrier also experienced various ups and downs, and it was hard-won.

The second aircraft carrier is also a domestic aircraft carrier in the true sense, and it is also an achievement obtained by accumulating experience on the first aircraft carrier.

Ever since Muyuan’s hometown is not good enough, in the development of aircraft carriers, he has also given full play to the characteristics of step by step, and made use of familiar and mature technologies as much as possible.

When experience and technology are further improved and mature, large-scale aircraft carrier construction will inevitably be carried out. Compared with the US aircraft carrier technology, my hometown still has 10 to 20 years to catch up.

The development of the navy, especially the development of large combat ships, must not be rushed.

Once the foot is not long enough and the step is too large, the egg will inevitably be pulled.

However, as a rising world power, my hometown is not worried, it is false.

In the east and inevitably, the interests of the sea are facing severe challenges, and my hometown urgently needs a powerful navy to deter opponents.

In the development of modern navy, aircraft carriers are the core ships that cannot be left behind, but the century-old navy is not an empty talk. In the 1920s, it was almost from scratch to catch up. It really takes time to reach those naval powers that have developed for hundreds of years. And more sweat and effort.

With the five-year plan, ten-year plan, and fifteen-year strategy, my hometown has formulated a complete naval development path.

When the results can be verified on a large scale in the future, the big boss probably won't see it.

He can only prepare and prepare as much as possible for his successor and develop the navy foundation of his hometown better.

But now, the naval ambitions of the big boss have been extinguished. Revitalized again, staring at the sea giant on the augmented reality screen with enthusiastic eyes.

More than 80,000 tons of displacement. Compared with the supercarriers of the United States, which are 100,000 tons at every turn, they seem to be a bit smaller. But if it is placed outside the United States, it is the second largest aircraft carrier in the world and a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier.

According to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, all nuclear technologies used for weapons cannot be leaked, including the nuclear power system of ships.

The United States is the only country in the world that has the ability to design and develop nuclear power systems for large ships.

Even France, a powerful country that is no less than any major country in military technology. It is also difficult to come up with a nuclear power facility suitable for large ships.

This is also the biggest problem that troubles every country that wants to develop nuclear-powered aircraft carriers. In the world, only the United States has such an advanced nuclear power system.

It is extremely difficult for other countries to develop and catch up.

Regarding large-scale nuclear power reactors, that is absolutely high-secret in the United States, and even those closest allies of the United States cannot obtain any technology in this area.

Even the United States is willing to help India build electromagnetic catapults, but it firmly refuses nuclear power reactors.

If my hometown will confront the United States in the Pacific in the future, it will inevitably require a powerful fleet capable of ocean going, and only nuclear-powered aircraft carriers. Only then can it be used by the hometown with more than 10,000 kilometers of coastline, and it is worthy of the hometown's status as a world power.

Now, including Russia and Britain and hometown. All of them are also developing nuclear power reactors for use on large warships, but the effect is not yet visible at least.

Cai Ruichen's two simple sentences are enough to make the big boss's heart hot. The most important thing is that Cai Ruichen showed him these things, which means that these things are business.

"Are these warships really being built?" the big boss asked in disbelief.

Cai Ruichen didn't speak, but simply moved his fingers. The picture in front of him immediately changed, becoming a closed large dry dock.

In the dry dock. The body of a behemoth can already see the outline of a large aircraft carrier.

In this huge dry dock. Around the aircraft carrier in the middle, four huge robotic arms are assembling the assembling modules of the aircraft carrier hull to the aircraft carrier.

On the screen, the fast-playing video kept accelerating, and the hull of an aircraft carrier was all assembled in just a few minutes.

The big boss who saw this scene has no doubts. The shipyards of the Future Technology Group are all completely closed. The outside world does not know how many people want to find out, but the Future Technology Group has always been Refuse.

The big boss knows very well that he is probably the first person who is not the Future Technology Group to see what the shipyard looks like.

It's just that he really thought, perhaps he didn't even think about it, that nuclear-powered aircraft carriers were actually being built in those fully enclosed shipyards.

"The aircraft carrier you see is the first aircraft carrier that the group started building four months ago. It took four months to complete the construction of the aircraft carrier’s power system and hull. The line connection test is currently in progress. The final outfitting will be carried out in the next stage, which is expected to be completed in two months." Cai Ruichen said surprisingly.

"Brother, don't joke with him, and don't frighten him. Brother has just drunk and his heart may not be able to bear it." The big boss shook his head decisively when he heard this.

Hua Meixue next to him saw the big boss's appearance and smiled lightly. It was the first time she saw the big boss's scared look, and she suddenly felt a little her heart for the big boss That kind of natural awe, has long since disappeared.

It's just that Cai Ruichen didn't laugh, nor did he joking with the big boss. In fact, what he said was the truth.

"Brother, you heard it right, and I didn't say it wrong." Cai Ruichen emphasized.

"It was built like this in four months?" The big boss pointed to the discontinued picture in the augmented reality picture before him, and the aircraft carrier island on it had been installed.

An aircraft carrier, especially a modern aircraft carrier, is already very efficient in a peaceful period, starting from laying the keel, and being able to complete it in three years.

For those super aircraft carriers in the United States, even if they already have a lot of experience in aircraft carrier construction, it will take at least three years.

Britain’s Queen Elizabeth aircraft carrier also took nearly three years, and it took India’s first domestically-made aircraft carrier twelve years to be able to launch.

In four months, an 80,000-ton aircraft carrier can be built and launched, and the big boss can also believe that he has auditory hallucinations. (To be continued.)

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