The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1122: Strategic nuclear bomb

ps: Today is the tenth shift again. The magnificent sincerity is better than Jin Jian, but the rewards are really good...

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At the state banquet in the State Guest House, the Navy’s business has all been discussed. After the boss is willing to buy what warships, the boss will notify Cai Ruichen as soon as possible after discussing with other senior officials.

And Cai Ruichen will do well to entertain the delegation secretly dispatched by his hometown to inspect the warships at the shipyard.

Since it is a business or a big deal, as the hometown of the buyer, it is natural to see whether the goods are worth buying.

Even if it is the first aircraft carrier that was finalized before, the big boss will inevitably ask specialized personnel to look at the aircraft carrier before the formal deal.

Otherwise, just watching a video is nothing.

As long as the real naval equipment experts inspected can't find any faults, the hometown will begin to send iron ore to Iraq continuously.

One year later, all warships will also be fully delivered.

And one year's time, for my hometown, is also just time to prepare for the reception of warships.

After all, the aircraft carrier is not a small fishing boat. It has to be received from the Persian Gulf to the country. It has to sail more than 10,000 nautical miles on the way, and it needs a navy formation to receive protection.

And the big boss still has an idea. If both aircraft carriers can be bought, the Liaoning fleet will be sent directly to the Persian Gulf to receive those two warships, and then simply form a three-carrier formation group.

By the way, train the ocean-going capabilities of the aircraft carrier battle group, so that naval officers and soldiers can adapt to future ocean-going training as soon as possible.

At the same time, three aircraft carrier battle groups were formed. It will also be the display of the strongest combat effectiveness of the China Navy, all the way back, for all Asian countries. It must also be a great shock.

Especially in the southern waters, the three aircraft carrier battle group passed. It can completely make every South Asian country tremble.

Just wanting the Liaoning ship to go to the Persian Gulf from ocean to the Persian Gulf requires time arrangement and preparation, and certain training subjects must also be arranged for ocean-going supplies.

These are of great significance to my hometown.

If these ideas can be completed, the big boss believes that in a year. China's national strength will be unprecedentedly improved.

However, for the so-called big event that Cai Ruichen said a year later, the big boss really started to take care.

Judging from the delivery date, the big boss also understood that Cai Ruichen planned to start a showdown with the United States at that time.

"Did you get something out of it?" The big boss thought for a while, tried a mushroom cloud gesture, and asked.

Cai Ruichen was a little surprised, but did not deny it. He nodded and said, "Yes, I already have several nuclear warheads."

Admit it simply. This makes the boss's expression extremely cautious, in fact, as long as he understands Cai Ruichen's ambition. Coupled with the technological capabilities of Future Technology Group.

It is not at all difficult for the future technology group that has such achievements in physics to produce nuclear weapons.

And Iraq has uranium mines in its own country. As long as the Future Technology Group is willing, it is only a matter of time to produce a nuclear bomb.

Originally, the big boss thought that the Future Technology Group was doing research in this area at most, but he did not expect that the Future Technology Group now has a nuclear bomb.

Think of the strong aerospace science and technology capabilities of the future aerospace company, as long as it has a nuclear warhead. To make an intercontinental nuclear missile is as simple as breathing.

Just thought of this. The big boss felt his heart, beating the drums constantly.

See the appearance of the big boss. Cai Ruichen is not afraid of big things, and continues: "At present, we have also successfully developed intercontinental ballistic missiles with a range that can hit the world. Launched from Iraq, the longest range can reach 15,000 kilometers. The work of ballistic missiles and nuclear submarines is also The final development work is beginning."

This is the third time that Cai Ruichen has spoken astonishingly. Even if he was shocked twice before, the big boss still couldn't accept it all at once.

"What are you going to do?" the big boss asked nervously.

"You can rest assured, unless the other party is the first to use nuclear weapons, I will not use nuclear weapons. Of course, I will not proactively declare nuclear weapons until nuclear deterrence is really needed. That is my last strategic deterrent. I don't want to overly disrupt the current global landscape." Cai Ruichen said very seriously.

He knows what the big boss is worried about, and what he says is true.

Once the news that the Future Technology Group possesses nuclear weapons is released, it will inevitably cause great shocks throughout the world, no less than a super earthquake.

At that time, the Future Technology Group will not give up its nuclear weapons, or become an enemy of the whole world. At that time, it will not be able to help.

Therefore, the emergence of nuclear weapons requires a suitable opportunity and a suitable reason for the news that the future technology group possesses nuclear weapons can better be accepted by most.

And this matter, Cai Ruichen did not intend to hide it from the big boss, because it was impossible to hide it at all.

The big boss still couldn't digest the news quickly, he developed again, and he still underestimated the young man around him and talked with him.

Because when I feel that I already know the other party very well, but soon I will find that it is still just the tip of the other party's iceberg.

"This matter is really too important. Why do you want to tell me? After all, you should be very clear that Future Technology Group is different from North Korea. At that time, Future Technology Group's global operations will inevitably be subject to comprehensive sanctions. The whole western world will explode.” The big boss took a deep breath and calmed himself down as much as said.

The big boss is really helpless. Since he was in charge, the number of shocks and ups and downs in the heart today has exceeded the total number of times in the past ten years.

All this was brought by Cai Ruichen, and he really didn't know what to say about the courage of this young man.

A painstaking passage, I hope this young man can understand his painstaking efforts.

"Without nuclear weapons, you can never become a chess player. No matter how hard you try, you are still just a pawn, without the ability to challenge the current world structure. I believe that the big boss knows better than me." Cai Ruichen said slowly.

"I hope you can grasp the rhythm well, as long as it is not a situation of anger and resentment, I will stand by your side." The big boss really doesn't want to say anything, he feels whether he is old and lacks his young ambition Ambitious.

When thinking about things, although you can't go wrong, you always lose a bit of courage and courage.

And Cai Ruichen is now young, and his spirit and will are at the peak of the sky, courageous. (To be continued.)

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