The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1152: An unprecedented launching ceremony

During the live broadcast, all eyes were focused on the neat row of twenty warships on the screen, except for the four huge heavy aircraft carriers.

On both sides there are two amphibious assault ships that seem to be much smaller, a flat flight deck, a small stealth bridge, and two clearly visible lifts above. This is a length of more than two hundred meters and a width of up to Amphibious assault ship over forty meters.

Compared with the heavy aircraft carrier around, it is really much smaller, but compared to the amphibious dock landing ship, which is one smaller on the side, it is much bigger.

An amphibious assault ship with a displacement of 45,000 tons, even the latest American class, is not as big as it.

The invisible hull design, although no carrier-based aircraft can be seen now, the huge dock close to the sea surface is still very shocking.

The amphibious dock landing ship next to it, although it looks a little smaller, has a displacement of 30,000 tons. Compared with the San Antonio class, the newest-level dock landing ship in the United States, the full displacement is more than 5,000 tons.

With four aircraft carriers, two amphibious assault ships, and two dock landing ships, the total displacement of these eight warships alone is nearly 500,000 tons.

Compared with amphibious assault ships and dock landing ships, in addition to aircraft carriers, the most eye-catching is that of the warships launched this time, the other eight warships with the largest number, all have reached the standard of 10,000 tons in size.

This is the other most distant sea of ​​the Red Police Base. The Aegis air defense cruiser and Aegis ship are definitely the strongest guards with swords on the sea.

Just seeing the vertical launch system of warships neatly arranged before and after overtime is shocking enough.

The two launch groups before and after, the total number of vertical launch systems, up to 128. Two eight-by-eight emission unit groups are presented, each unit group is sixty-four vertical emission devices.

The various weapons on the ship are also clearly visible. Presented in the eyes of everyone in front of the camera.

At this time, everyone discovered by accident. None of the chimneys can be seen on the current warships.

Yes, the chimney was not found.

For nuclear-powered aircraft carriers, it is normal to have no chimneys, but other warships do not have chimneys. No one thinks that these warships are all nuclear-powered, so there is only one explanation left. These warships use all-electric propulsion systems.

The all-electric propulsion system also does not require a chimney. The power system is all driven by electricity, and of course all the weapons and equipment on the ship.

The United States is the first country in the world to use all-electric propulsion systems on warships. The current mature warships include littoral combat ships and ddg-1000 Zumwalt.

In this collective appearance, many military experts have all discovered this problem after they talked about aircraft carriers.

This also included many official personnel from their hometowns at the scene. After all, they did not know in advance what the other warships were.

The team that came here before has been staying in the dock of the aircraft carrier and never left. Coupled with confidentiality measures, they also don't know what warships are inside the other shipyards around.

just now. When these experts all discovered the unusual places of these warships, all of them opened their eyes wide, without blinking for a long time, as if they wanted to reflect all of these warships into their minds as much as possible.

Regardless of what the outside world thinks, and no matter what the outside world guesses, Cai Ruichen intends to conduct a global live broadcast of the largest warship launching ceremony in human history, and he intends to let the outside world. Take a good look at these warships.

Coming all the way from my hometown, I have been showing my muscles. He Cai Ruichen didn't want to officially show the unparalleled strength of Future Technology Group to the Middle East countries.

Build four heavy nuclear-powered aircraft carriers in one go. May I ask which country in the world has such a capability?

Even if it is the United States, even if it is really engaged in a full-scale war, it is difficult for the United States to start building four super aircraft carriers in one go.

When these aircraft carriers appeared in front of the world, Cai Ruichen was already making history, and it was also the first time to show the world the truly powerful side of the future technology group.

In fact, these aircraft carriers have been built for a year, and they have been placed in dry docks for more than a year.

This time the collective appearance, in order to create a more shocking effect as much as possible.

He succeeded in this approach and achieved the effect he wanted.

At this moment, all those who understood the truth were speechless for a long time.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, when the launching ceremony officially began, Cai Ruichen, Idris, and Natasha, a group of leaders from Iraq and future technology groups, all appeared at the ceremony.

Together with them, Sha Yiqi and Wu Sheng accompanied by Zhang Kaixin and others attended today's ceremony which has been recorded in the annals of history, and this moment will surely become an unforgettable memory of this era.

Of course, for civilians, this may be just news, and it cannot achieve shocking effects, but for all countries, it will not be forgotten even after a hundred years. It is too unforgettable.

Everyone used to say that the Future Technology Group is changing human life, but this time, everyone understands that it is not only human life that is changing, but also the advanced global power structure.

At the ceremony site, the podium has been set up. It arrived on time at four o'clock in the afternoon. The colorful flags on the aircraft carrier were flying and Cai Ruichen stepped onto the podium.

Facing a large number of shots inside and outside the venue Cai Ruichen, who is dressed in formal clothes, faced the shots from far and near, said with great pride:

"Standing here today, I am very proud, and very proud, because we have made history.

Today, the Future Technology Group has gone through five and a half years of ups and downs. From the beginning of its development, I can proudly announce to the world that the Future Technology Group has grown up.

Growing up all the way, all the way is creating all kinds of magic, and today I feel the most amazing.

In front of me, these twenty warships are all the greatest crystallization of the future shipbuilding industry. Although this is not a demonstration of our strongest shipbuilding technology, it ranges from a small rivet to every module that makes up the hull. All of them are the integration of the overall industrial capabilities of our Future Technology Group.

These warships in front of us are just a stage of the industrial development of the future science and technology group. The result of one attempt, we will also make bolder innovations and attempts in the future.

Technology is changing now, changing..." (To be continued.)

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