The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1158: Cai Ruichen's aura

The United States is not worried about losing control of the situation in the Asia-Pacific region. What is really worried about is that the sudden increase in the strength of the navy in its home country will bring a powerful deterrent to all the younger brothers in the Asia-Pacific region.

Unless the United States can send eight aircraft carrier battle groups in the Far East, it will not be able to contain the naval capabilities now possessed by the home country.

However, it is impossible for the United States to send eight aircraft carrier battle groups to the Far East. After all, the U.S. Navy needs to patrol the global waters. The ability to mobilize three aircraft carrier battle groups to the Far East has already made the United States a little stretched in the use of aircraft carriers.

But if you don't give your little brother courage, a few of those little brothers can have the ability and determination to go and make trouble with their hometown.

This is where the United States is currently more entangled, but to talk about entanglement, the most entangled area is the Middle East.

The sudden execution of this aircraft carrier transaction between Future Technology Group and its hometown caught the United States by surprise.

Everything is too sudden. At this moment, what the United States is most worried about is not its hometown, but Iraq.

In particular, Cai Ruichen's strength and the attitudes of Syria and Iraq towards him have made the United States understand a lot at once.

From now on, Cai Ruichen, a young man, will not be a simple businessman or simply the richest man in the world, but the supreme leader of an armed country with a world power.

Although Americans are very reluctant to believe and accept this point, in fact, they can only accept it.

However, the United States does not know what Cai Ruichen will do next, and does not even dare to guess randomly.

Once it turns out that the United States and Cai Ruichen have turned their faces, apart from economic sanctions and economic wars, the US military power in the Middle East at this moment will be completely destroyed by Cai Ruichen's military power.

For this possibility, the Americans are very sensible and did not blindly think that their army is really invincible.

The so-called invincible war is all the results obtained in the face of asymmetric warfare. The weapons and equipment owned by the Future Technology Group have reached world-class levels. The United States knows this point better than anyone.

Especially the air force of the other side. The US Air Force has cooperated with it for several years. It is very clear about the combat literacy of the pilots of the Future Technology Group.

After this incident, the U.S. Department of Defense also urgently formulated a comparison of the military strength structure of the two sides, and came up with an extremely shocking result.

To completely resolve the current Iraq and Syria, the United States must devote all its forces to the battlefield in the Middle East.

Of the eleven aircraft carrier battle groups, none of them can fall, and the ground forces must be at least 300,000 in size, and they must be fully loaded with combat capabilities.

At the same time, at least one thousand advanced fighter jets should be dispatched and air strikes should be launched to destroy air bases in Iraq and Syria as much as possible.

Directly dispatched ground forces need to dispatch at least 5,000 main battle tanks to ensure that they can cooperate with hundreds of ground attack aircraft in ground operations, and constitute a comprehensive sea, land and air advantage over the ground forces of the two countries.

However, the United States cannot do this at all. It can even be said that the United States cannot really fight such a war.

The reason is simple. Whether it is the Iraqi army or the Syrian army, even if the combat capability is not as good as that of the United States, the difference will not be much. Even if the United States can win, the United States will lose its status as global hegemon.

This point, in the analysis report of the Pentagon, clearly pointed out that for the Syria and Iraq owned by Cai Ruichen, the United States will pay at least 40% of equipment and personnel losses.

It even needs to pay the price of at least one aircraft carrier, which the United States is unwilling to accept.

Of course, analysis is only analysis, not that the United States is really going to fight Cai Ruichen.

What's more, at present, the Future Technology Group and the United States are still in a military alliance. On the Gulf of Aden, the US **** warships and the Future Technology Group **** warships are also working together to **** the past merchant ships.

Therefore, the United States has never made a statement about the aircraft carrier transaction between Future Technology Group and its hometown.

Austria and Bama rushed to Europe. The Americans have discovered that even if they really need to face Cai Ruichen in the future, they can only pull these European allies.

Of course, this is the worst plan for the United States. If the relationship with the Future Technology Group can be back on track, and the Future Technology Group is willing to show its sincerity, then the United States can also accept it.

After all, the price of opposition is too great.

It’s just that American senior officials all understand that it’s really hard to make Future Technology Group sincere.

So be prepared for everything.

Just as the Austrian and Bama special planes were flying to the Middle East, in the headquarters of the Future Technology Group, a meeting that gathered all the high-level personnel of the Iraqi and Syrian governments was being held in the headquarters building.

Even the elders of the two countries who have high reputation among the people and the patriarchs of the tribes all come here.

This meeting has been prepared a few days ago, and the time is also scheduled after the launching ceremony.

The participants, even the patriarchs of all the Silk Road tribes in the entire Middle East, were all here.

It can almost be said that this conference is currently the largest conference in the Middle East covering people and scope.

Standing in the main position of the meeting, Cai Ruichen, who had completely changed both his attitude and temperament, stood in front of everyone. In his body, there seemed to be an invisible aura that suppressed everyone at the meeting.

Everyone present including the elder Ahmed or Mohammed, all of them dare not look directly at Cai Ruichen's domineering temperament, which is like the sole authority.

At this moment, Cai Ruichen really showed his unique side, because he no longer needs to cover up.

Ambition does not need to be concealed, and the temperament that one should possess, and even less need to be concealed.

Some people's temperament is born, some people's temperament is born after life, Cai Ruichen belongs to the second kind.

Otherwise, where's the temperament of a person who once belonged to silk.

In fact, this kind of temperament has always been cultivated by the base. As the highest leader of the Red Police Corps, if there is no domineering or solemn spirit, how can he be worthy of the love of countless generals of the Red Police Corps.

After all, every senior member of the Red Police Corps and even the soldiers have their own temperament and beliefs. How can their leaders be an unknown generation.

In a few years, Cai Ruichen has experienced too much, whether in reality or in virtual time. (To be continued.)

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