The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1161: Indian Navy Escape

Four aircraft carriers are undergoing sea trials at the same time, or four aircraft carriers built together, the same level, steel and technology are all the same, and there is no difference in structure.

If four aircraft carriers conduct sea trials at the same time, just like a new fighter plane, they can conduct sea trial training in four different subjects at the same time.

At the same time, both the Red Police Corps and the hometown hope to use the limited time to strengthen cooperation between the two sides.

In the future, the two sides will most likely need to fight side by side, and coordination is very important.

Especially for naval operations, there are even more places to cooperate.

Joint operations, if they can't really unite, it is better to fight separately.

However, when the huge fleet entered the Arabian Sea with great strength, the Indian Navy first took action.

The Indian Navy has always had the ambition to dominate the Indian Ocean, the Indian Ocean, and the Indian Ocean.

In addition, in this place of the Indian Ocean, India has no opponents that can return to the sea with it for a long time. Therefore, for a long time, India has really regarded the Indian Ocean as a pond in its backyard.

But now, the rise of Iraq is almost tantamount to announcing that a new competitor in the Indian Ocean has just appeared.

Now India, which has only two aircraft carriers, naturally has quite an idea.

A few years ago, India rejected the United States' temptation to present the Kitty Hawk-class aircraft carrier and started close cooperation with the United States in the field of aircraft carriers.

The United States provided India with a lot of aircraft carrier technology for the second domestically-made aircraft carrier that India is still building.

Originally, India was really ambitious. The first domestically-produced aircraft carrier, the Super Sun King, has been added to the Indian Navy and used the Russian MiG-29 light carrier aircraft.

The second domestic aircraft carrier, whose tonnage was directly enlarged to 80,000 tons, was planned to use the electromagnetic catapult sold by the United States to India, but in the end, because the power system was not enough, the conventionally powered aircraft carrier could not withstand the electric power required by the electromagnetic catapult. .

It is impossible for the United States to transfer nuclear power technology to India, so India’s new aircraft carrier also uses a dual take-off method of ski jump and steam catapult.

The right-angle deck adopts the ski jump takeoff method, and the angled deck is two steam catapult takeoff devices.

This makes India very helpless, and the second domestically-made aircraft carrier has inherited the dream of a naval power under India's flourishing ambitions.

However, the construction of the second domestically-produced aircraft carrier has not yet been completed, and the Future Technology Group took out four heavy nuclear-powered aircraft carriers in one go, causing all of India to panic.

India, which has always regarded its hometown as an imaginary enemy, has all targeted its hometown in all its arms development.

The aircraft carrier owned by the Navy has always been the pride of India. As the first country in Asia to have an aircraft carrier after World War II, it is also the country that has used aircraft carriers for the longest time among Asian countries. This has always been the pride of India.

Originally, India thought that after the completion of the second aircraft carrier, it could continue to crush its home.

But I didn't expect that my hometown suddenly owned two nuclear-powered aircraft carriers of more than 80,000 tons overnight.

And just such an aircraft carrier, the displacement and the amount of aircraft carried, both exceed the two aircraft carrier battle groups that India now has.

The most important thing is that the carrier-based aircraft on the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier or the heavy-duty multi-functional carrier-based aircraft, both in combat radius and air superiority capabilities, surpass the MiG-29, let alone India itself on the aircraft carrier. The glorious carrier-based aircraft developed.

In air combat, light fighters cannot compete with heavy fighters at all, because the maximum speed, turning radius, and acceleration efficiency far exceed those of light fighters. With a longer combat radius, they carry more fuel and missiles. .

And with such an aircraft carrier in my hometown, I still have two at once, which makes India calm.

What makes India most unacceptable is that India’s first domestically-made aircraft carrier was built for twelve years, and it has been five and a half years since the establishment and development of the Future Technology Group.

As a result, India, which used national efforts to build an aircraft carrier, also used foreign drawings and a large amount of equipment and technology. It took twelve years. It is not as good as the future technology group, which may only be built in two years. Four aircraft carriers came out.

Even the Future Technology Group does not need to build four aircraft carriers in one go. It only needs to take out one at random, which can make the current aircraft carriers of the Indian Navy beyond the dust.

Not to mention the nuclear power technology used above, this is the technology that India dreams of wanting to obtain, before only the United States had this technology.

Can India not be jealous?

I am jealous of Iraq and my hometown, but India has no choice but to do nothing.

The whole world can't say anything. In the face of such a powerful maritime power, even if the United States wants to deal with it, it will take at least one month of preparation time and then build a larger fleet, otherwise there is no guarantee of victory.

India dispatched its navy and showed its dual aircraft carrier battle group, but when the Indian Navy’s dual aircraft carrier battle group was approaching the Iraqi and homecoming aircraft carrier battle group entering the Arabian Sea, it received an order from the Indian high-level. Just let the fleet leave, and send reconnaissance ships and planes.

It's not that the Indian Navy didn't go to show off the idea of ​​its existence. It just saw the other five aircraft carriers and nearly forty battleships around. India found that its twin aircraft carrier battle group looked like a clown.

In front of such a navy, even if the dual-carrier battle group of aircraft carriers comes over, they will greatly lose their previous style.

In this world, everything is afraid of comparison. This is also very applicable in the navy.

In the past, in the Indian Ocean, the Indian Navy has never had a comparison, so the Indian Navy with two aircraft carriers also feels invincible and lonely.

But now, facing a fleet group that is more majestic than they did not know, the Indian Navy has really discovered that if its own fleet appears in front of that fleet, it will feel quite like a tree.

Of the two aircraft carriers, plus the **** ships, only two of the Calcutta-class destroyers are still available, and the rest are all old-fashioned ships.

And they are all new and cutting-edge warships, and there are two 45,000-ton amphibious assault ships in the middle. This is how the Indian Navy can handle it.

Really relying on it, not only can't achieve the effect of deterring the opponent, but instead becomes a clown, but also bears the powerful deterrence brought by the opponent at close range. (To be continued.)

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