The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1163: Isyrian Federation

After the formal referendum on the merger of Iraq and Syria to form the Islamic Federation, the election of the highest leader of the Federation also began.

The elected supreme leader is somewhat similar to Iran's supreme leader Khamenei, but in fact there are still many differences.

In fact, it is more like the current US government power structure. After the formation, the top leader coordinates foreign diplomacy, controls the country's economy and military, and the development of local areas is all done by the original government agencies of the two countries.

The supreme leader has the supreme authority, which is mainly composed of four parts, one is the economic management agency, one is the supervision agency, the other is the military agency, and the other is the diplomatic agency.

The four major institutions override the sovereignty of the governments of the two federal principalities, but they have no right to interfere with the development of people's livelihood and social discovery under the sovereignty of the federal principalities.

In addition to the unification of military and taxation between the principalities, each locality can formulate separate laws to respect the ethnic customs of the region and respect the continuation and development of ethnic customs. The government shall not interfere in this regard.

At the same time, the original borders and tariffs of the two countries were cancelled and border troops no longer stationed.

The annual fiscal revenue is turned over to the highest authority, and then funds are allocated according to the annual development plan.

The government authority of the Principality, all government affairs and government work, are all open to the public and accept supervision from all walks of life.

The chief administrative officer from the mayor and above will be elected by the citizens and supervised by the supervision organization under the highest authority. Any corruption or inaction will be severely dealt with.

For officials with good performance, there are additional benefits every year, and the richness of the benefits is at least $100,000.

Those who falsify or pretend to be leaders will also be severely punished.

At this moment, although the election has just begun, the structure of the supreme authority has also been established. It is only necessary to elect the supreme leader to enter the supreme authority of the two countries.

The establishment of the highest authority of the Islamic Federation in Marin will also serve as an independent municipality under the management of the highest authority. It will have foreign embassies and a large number of service offices for foreign agencies. At the same time, Marin will also be an important part of the world. Some countries have visa-free entry.

With the continuous spread of a lot of news, the Future Technology Group also officially announced that Cai Ruichen officially handed over most of the autonomy of the Future Technology Group to Lin Chongxian, but Cai Ruichen still owns 100% of the Future Technology Group. Not divided.

What makes the outside world curious is that Cai Ruichen, the top leader of the Iraq-Syrian Federation, did not carry out any propaganda, just that there was such news on the news and on the Internet.

Of course, the outside world is fully aware that changes in Iraq and Syria can no longer be prevented.

At present, it can also be said that no one can stop it. Is it possible to start wars against Iraq and Syria?

This is naturally impossible. After all, the united Syria and Iraq have a force of 500,000. With the help of two heavy aircraft carrier battle groups that suddenly emerged, in order to make no difference, even if they want to stop, all countries will We need to weigh whether we have such ability.

It takes time to build up forces, and the United States still has an alliance with the Future Technology Group. The United States has never expressed its position. Austria and Bama are still meeting with the heads of major NATO member states in Europe. At this moment, no one can. prevent.

What's more, the formation of the two countries into a federal state meant that all the citizens of the two countries did not even hear a voice of opposition.

The outside world has no right to intervene, nor does it have the name of intervening at all, and there is no reason for compulsory intervention even to be justified.

The barbaric military intervention, Israel thought, but now it can only watch.

After all, time has come too suddenly, even if it is military intervention, when your preparation time is over, the results of other people's elections will come out, and Cai Ruichen may have already sworn in.

And as long as Cai Ruichen is elected as the supreme leader, that life will not run away, because the supreme leader has no term of office, and there are no regulations on this aspect. Once the election is completed, as long as the Federation is still there, the supreme leader will always be Cai Ruichen.

If there is no explicit stipulation, then this is something that is firmly established. No one would naively think that Cai Ruichen has been preparing for so long, so scheming, and he is only in his early twenties, just to be the highest leader for a few years, I’m afraid Really will be for a lifetime.

All countries have felt that Cai Ruichen will not leave the center of power in the next few decades.

As for the so-called elections, all countries are speechless when they see those competing with Cai Ruichen.

Although these people are well-known in Iraq and Syria, they cannot be compared with Cai Ruichen.

From the outside world, perhaps only Idris or the famous elders can compete with Cai Ruichen, but which one of these people does not listen to Cai Ruichen's words.

Even if it is elected, the final result will not change in any way.

Let alone an election, the outside world does not even doubt that even if Cai Ruichen abandons the election and directly announces the inauguration of the supreme leader, there will be absolutely no opposition.

And such an election, to put it nicely, is to let the people of the two countries choose the highest leader that fits their minds. It can be put directly, that is to seal the way of the Especially those in the Western world that always use human rights and freedom as an excuse to criticize. This is to tell them that the Western freedom that the United States has always wanted to achieve cannot be achieved by Americans, and Cai Ruichen can do it.

Once the results of the election appear, and under the fairness of all fair institutions, all fairness and justice are guaranteed, and the results are valid, then the outside world will have no way to talk about this topic in the future.

Therefore, this move is Cai Ruichen's ban on those who like to take freedom and human rights as the moral commanding heights, and they may use this matter against themselves in the future.

Although Cai Ruichen is not worried about the domestic citizens, it is somewhat troublesome. At the same time, this is to tell the world that the Iraq-Syria Federation is also a place with a high degree of freedom and human rights. Even the chief executive of the city will be all elected. The supervisory agency will not relax.

For Cai Ruichen, the Iraq-Syria Federation is only the beginning of the future Central African Federation, and his road of expansion is about to begin.

His goal is to surpass the mysterious leader of the wasteland. He firmly believes that others can do it, and he also has two shoulders and one head. (To be continued.)

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