The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1177: Japan P-Eight Anti-Submarine Aircraft

PS: Let’s leave the 6th watch today. If there are more than 50 people rewarding today, the gorgeous will be at 12:01 on June 3, 24 hours later, and the 10th watch will break out.

To be gorgeous now requires a lot of passion!


In the Indian Ocean, after more than 20 days of sea trials, the Damascus aircraft carrier battle group of the Red Police Corps Navy left the previous aircraft carrier formation, with two amphibious assault fleets, and continued to move towards the center of the Indian Ocean.

The remaining Baghdad aircraft carrier battle group officially accompanied the home fleet, heading towards the Strait of Malacca.

The fleet returned to the Far East. The fleet continued to sail at extreme speeds along the way. In addition, the facilities on the aircraft carrier were also very complete. There were two J-15 flying shark carrier aircraft on the Liaoning, landing on two ships. On the newly purchased aircraft carrier.

In the above, the operating state was tested, and the occasional take-off and landing training on the aircraft carrier was also started.

Several carrier-based pilots, all trained in ejection and take-off, are also on these two brand-new aircraft carriers.

After the stable structure test of the aircraft carrier, plus many carrier-based aircraft pilots on the Liaoning ship, they also conducted a year-long targeted aircraft carrier takeoff and landing training in virtual reality. The technical level is completely sufficient.

After all, the virtual reality training equipment sold by Future Technology Group to the hometown can completely simulate the real aircraft carrier take-off and landing environment. Those carrier-based pilots who drive fighter jets and land on the new aircraft carrier in reality will not stop after getting off the plane. Said that the feeling of landing is exactly like training in virtual reality.

For Zhang Kaixin, who was with the Baghdad aircraft carrier battle group, he also dispatched several Red Police carrier-based aircraft pilots to exchange experience with the carrier-based aircraft pilots in his hometown, rather than imparting experience.

These experiences are invaluable enough for an aircraft carrier country that is just starting out.

In this way, the relationship between the two parties has been kept closer, and even after the preliminary sea trials, the two sides were still on the aircraft carrier and held a barbecue party.

The aircraft carrier that has not been equipped with a carrier-based aircraft has countless spaces to engage in social activities and promote the emotion and relationship between the two parties.

When returning to the Strait of Malacca, the relationship between the two sides has become very close.

For the Red Police Corps, this is also the first real military diplomacy. Before with the American soldiers, all the Red Police Corps soldiers slept with one eye open and couldn't talk to each other.

When facing soldiers in their hometown, they can let go of their minds and emotions, and the relationship naturally progresses rapidly.

So in such a place, everything is tragedy.

When the mighty fleet approached the Strait of Malacca, the entire Southeast Asia shook.

In the Strait of Malacca, which is more than a thousand kilometers long, various reconnaissance ships from various countries in the Far East have gathered, and various sonar monitoring devices are everywhere.

The strait is an international public strait, and no one can stop the home fleet returning home. When entering the strait, the two early warning aircraft that took off from the Baghdad began to be fully guarded.

On the Liaoning ship, eight J-15 Flying Shark carrier-based aircraft took off with full ammunition as the air force alert for the fleet.

Although everyone knows that it is impossible for anyone to attack the fleet, the necessary vigilance is indispensable.

Accidents often occur at the most unlikely time. In the military, there is no such thing as absolute security.

Not only did the J-15 flying shark carrier aircraft take off for alert, but also eight Black Hawk carrier aircraft took off on the Baghdad. Under the guidance of the early warning aircraft, they kept around the fleet at all times, while avoiding contact with both sides of the strait as much as possible. Airspace.

Although the Strait of Malacca is not small in width, it is like a small ditch for a four-carrier battle group.

On the side of Singapore, there is also a port where U.S. warships can dock. If the U.S. is really not worried about triggering a war and deploys anti-ship missiles on both sides of the strait, the entire fleet will be in danger of being wiped out.

Therefore, you can't be careless at any time, and this kind of alert can also prevent the enemy's reconnaissance aircraft from approaching.

More than a thousand kilometers, for the speed of the fleet, it takes at least one day to pass.

The daytime was fine. Except for the final intelligence vessel in the distance, the sky over the strait was very quiet, and no planes from other countries approached.

When the fleet had advanced to the middle of the strait, the night had shrouded.

Today also happens to be the sixteenth of the lunar calendar, the moon is also the roundest, and there are not too many clouds in the sky. Above the carrier aircraft, the figure of the warship below can be clearly seen, and it is very clear.

In the fleet, at this moment, Wu Sheng is sitting with Zhang Kaixin working overtime on the aircraft carrier No. 1 purchased in his hometown, enjoying the bright moon in the sky.

At this moment, Zhang Kaixin has been put on a brand-new uniform. This brand-new uniform is the standard uniform of the Red Police Corps, and the rank above has also become a major general.

From the commander-in-chief of the Iraqi admiral to the rear admiral of the Iraq-Syria Federation, he immediately lowered two ranks, but Zhang Kaixin looked even happier.

Because this is his real rank, Iraqi Admiral, that is only a temporary rank.

And Wu Sheng beside him did not look down on this so-called major general, because the gold content of this major general was no less than the previous general commander-in-chief.

Because the major general next to him still holds the power of the two aircraft carrier battle groups of the Syrian Federal Navy.

And the highest military commander of an aircraft carrier battle group, the rank is only brigadier general, also the captain of the aircraft carrier.

After the adjustment of the military ranks, all the Red Police Corps navy soldiers in the fleet have also been put on new uniforms and ranks, and these uniforms are all prepared in advance.

Those old-fashioned military uniforms have also been sealed up and will be disposed of after landing.

It's just that Wu Sheng is a little depressed On the empty aircraft carrier deck, there are a few bottles of drinks, and the two and a few guards are watching the moon from the straight-through deck, which seems a bit painful.

He was indeed pulled over by Zhang Kaixin, otherwise he would have been so boring. Seeing Zhang Kaixin's really interesting act of staring at the sky, he couldn't help his heart.

It just so happened that he had nothing to do now, and he didn't need to worry about the fleet.

Just when Wu Sheng was a little bored, a P-8 Poseidon anti-submarine aircraft with plaster flags on its fuselage flew into the night sky in the distance.

This anti-submarine aircraft flew directly toward the fleet along the middle of the Malacca Strait, and quickly approached the top of the fleet.

On the deck, opening Xin's ears, he seemed to be listening carefully. After a while, he suddenly said inexplicably to Wu Sheng beside him: "The waiting show is about to be staged."

Wu Sheng was a little strange. Before he could say anything, someone came to report: "A Japanese anti-submarine aircraft has approached our aircraft carrier despite our warnings."

(To be continued~^~)

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