The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1197: Public opinion is boiling

Future pharmaceutical technology companies stopped selling to the United States of various specific drugs, and this matter soon attracted a lot of media attention.

There is no way, this is indeed a big deal for the entire United States.

Especially for vaccines that have been successfully developed and tested, all children under the age of 12 in the United States are waiting for the vaccine.

Injecting this vaccine means that there is no fear of cancer and AIDS in the future. This type of vaccine only needs to be promoted to the world. In the future, these two deadly diseases will completely disappear from humans.

This matter has always been a key target of the whole world, and even the whole process of human testing has always been reported in detail.

Now the vaccine has been successfully tested on the body. Those children who have been injected with the vaccine have successfully formed antibodies in the body. Even if the red blood cells directly invade the body, they will not cause cancer. The red blood cells will be actively destroyed by the body's immune function.

The same is true for AIDS. The two vaccines can be said to be very successful, without any harm to the human body, and can also strengthen the body's overall immunity.

Children injected with this vaccine will have better physical fitness and will greatly reduce the probability of illness.

This vaccine has been praised by the world as the greatest medical contribution of mankind in this century.

While the whole world is quite expecting this kind of vaccine to begin to spread globally, the United States, which was originally listed as the first provider, is not on the list this time.

According to the list published by the Future Technology Group, the United States is directly ranked three years later.

This vaccine is only effective for children under the age of twelve. That is to say, all children over nine years old in the United States will not be able to get this vaccine when the vaccine can be supplied to the United States.

As soon as the news came out, it immediately caused great shock in the United States.

Coupled with the fact that a large number of domestic media in the United States all promoted the negative news of the Future Technology Group, for a time the entire American society once again became overwhelming.

There are almost everything, and the things on the list are also real.

A large number of media have almost surrounded all the divisions of the Future Technology Group in the United States, and they all come to ask why the United States should be placed three years later?

At the same time, I also came to ask, why all the cancer and AIDS specific drugs are not sold in the United States, and there are not all the hospitals.

In fact, no one of these American media knows why. Since the separation of the relationship between the United States and the Future Technology Group, the business of the Future Technology Group in the United States has been shrinking almost every day.

Now Americans can’t get on the official website of Future Technology Group, only on the application platform, and American citizens can’t use smart search to search for content of interest.

These are all closed by the US government, and a large number of things related to the future technology group network have also been banned.

None of them are fools. In fact, even if the Future Technology Group and the US official do not give an explanation, everyone is very clear.

At this time, all walks of life in the United States also appeared quickly, demanding that the government quickly resolve this matter.

Especially with regard to the vaccine issue, all the parents of the children are very anxious, especially those parents with 12-year-old children in their families, who are the most active and do not need to instigate.

For the children's offspring, the government must also give an account.

The first batch of countries to receive the vaccine, including every country in the Middle East, and even a large number of countries in Africa, can all get the vaccine.

But the United States needs to be ranked three years later, and even Japan is ranked ahead of the United States.

How does this make the Americans willing to accept, what new products the Future Technology Group has before, all took care of the United States first.

For such a cold encounter, coupled with the fact that the life of the future technology network will be blocked, the grassroots people have long been extremely angry.

"Why make American children suffer for the Jews!" 》

An article with almost blood and tears appeared on the Internet in the United States, and it was instantly reposted by the entire American netizens.

In this article, I detailed why the Future Technology Group is unwilling to sell vaccines and specific drugs in the United States.

The article lists in detail a series of policies and attitudes of the US government after the relationship between the US and Future Technology Group has cooled down.

These policies, sharply pointed at this vaccine incident, quickly aroused great attention from all walks of life in the United States.

In particular, it has attracted the attention of the American Women’s Association, because breast cancer is the most cancerous in the United States, which is the largest group of cancer populations in the United States.

Breast cancer has become a topic of time in the United States, and the previous special medicines have also cured a large number of cancer patients.

The number of cancer deaths in the United States in the past three months has been reduced to single digits every month. At that time, special medicines had been hailed as women's saviors.

In just a few short hours, the official website of the US government has left more than 200,000 messages. These messages are all asking the government and the future technology group to improve relations. The United States needs special medicines and vaccines, and those drugs are needed to protect them. The growth of a new generation of children guarantees the safety of American citizens.

In the face of this sudden move by the Future Technology Group, the United States has really not much left to parry for a while.

In the future, the specific medicines and vaccines of biomedicine, various medical institutions and universities in the United States, do not know how many times they have been studied, and so far there is no result at all.

Now public opinion is boiling and although the United States has begun to control public opinion on the Internet, it still cannot prevent the spread of news.

As a result, the people protesting outside the White House are no longer holding a sign to stop accepting bribes, nor is it to stop the national debt, but it says that we need special medicine and the future of the United States needs a vaccine.

If it is said that there are protests every day, the staff of the White House are numb, but the White House really has to accept such protests.

Because there are more and more people protesting outside. Under such circumstances, if the government does not give an explanation, then this matter will be difficult to correct.

In the Congress, there are also many female congressmen and those who originally weighed the left and right on the issue of the future technology group. Under public opinion, they all had to stand up, otherwise no one would vote for them next time.

Although there are many people on the U.S. Internet saying that this is the Future Technology Group taking the opportunity to threaten the United States, but as soon as such voices appear, they are immediately overwhelmed by saliva. In the eyes of ordinary people, if the government sanctions the Future Technology Group, it is fundamental Nothing today.

(To be continued~^~)

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