The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1203: Peacekeeping attack

In the Israeli Supreme Command in Jerusalem, everyone is anxiously waiting for the victory of the Lightning fighter.

However, time passed every minute and every second. According to the planned time and range, if the current Lightning fighters had no accidents, they had launched a general attack on Marin.

But the time had passed from half past five, and even came to five forty-five, but still no news was received, Marin City was still as quiet as ever.

At this moment, the sun is about to rise, the horizon and the belly of the fish are white, and the twelve Lightning fighters have not seen people or corpses. Every high-level Israeli military has already sunk to the bottom.

In the High Command, the atmosphere has been suppressed to the point that almost no one's breathing can be heard. Everyone's face is terribly serious, and some people's faces have even turned pale.

According to the quality of Israeli fighter pilots, it is impossible to have so much time difference, not to mention that no matter the length of the route or the flight time, there are accurate data.

No one believes that almost half an hour passed with the planned attack, and the plane was delayed.

Because if it is really delayed, the plane will not be able to fly to Marin. According to the normal plan, the current twelve blitz fighters have already completed the attack on Marin, and then returned to the country. There is still fuel. Three percent remaining.

Now there is no movement at all in Marin City. Adding to the amount of fuel used by the plane, there is only one fact left. Even if the plane is still there, it will not come back.

However, no one believes that such an accident will occur. The Israeli pilots participating in this operation are all trump cards. It is absolutely impossible for such a mistake to occur.

Therefore, there is only one real answer, and that is that something happened to these planes.

And it is very likely that the incident occurred in Iraq, because so far there has been no response from Iran, which proves that Iran does not know that there are Israeli fighter jets passing through their territory and passing near Tehran.

Netanyahu glanced at the time, it was almost six o'clock, and he stood up from his chair solemnly.

His face seemed to be ten years old in an instant, and he walked towards the door of the Supreme Command without a word. The tall and stalwart figure from his back looked like an old man in his eighties or nineties.

Many people nearby, seeing their leader look like this, stretched out their hands as if they wanted to say something, but when the words came to their lips, they all swallowed back.

It's useless to say anything at this time. What is really useful is a hearty victory. Otherwise, let alone others, I will not be able to support it.

At this moment, the alarm system in the Supreme Commander rang.


At 5:30 a.m. in the Middle East time zone, in the underground secret air base of the Third Aviation Division of the Red Police Corps, the combat siren sounded, and all the pilots boarded their cars for the first time.

The lifting platform in the underground air force base began to operate. On the ground airport and the takeoff line of the runway, the flat doors of the underground elevator slowly opened to both sides, and peacekeeping bombers from the underground air force base slowly appeared on the ground.

This is the only aircraft with stealth capability among the combat aircraft currently owned by the Red Police Corps.

Peacekeeping bombers, full spectrum stealth, stealth capabilities far beyond the normal fifth-generation fighter.

This bomber will also be a killer in the total war with Israel. Cai Ruichen has always held one of the trump cards in his hand.

Because of the high degree of confidentiality, the peacekeeping bombers that can be seen everywhere in the wasteland are one of the highest military secrets of the Red Police Corps in this world. There is no news about this type of aircraft.

If you want to seize air supremacy, you must ensure as much as possible that Israel does not have complete air defense capabilities and no aircraft capable of taking off.

If you want to destroy a national air defense system, the best way is to intervene as a stealth fighter to destroy the target's air defense radar and airport.

The Lightning fighter had just been shot down, and the war also wanted to pay attention to you and me. Naturally, you can't always let the opponent sing a one-man show.

The third aviation division of the Red Police Corps is the real main force of the Air Force of the Red Police Corps, the real trump card.

The first aviation division and the second aviation division do not exist at all, or that they do not yet exist.

The Third Aviation Division is also the first large-scale air force combat system established by the Red Police Corps. It has more than 300 post-war aircrafts. It is said to be a division-level scale, but the actual organization has exceeded the divisional level.

Under normal circumstances, the Third Aviation Division is not in charge of small-scale air combat and ground attack missions, but is only responsible for tactical strike missions and attacks on tactical and strategic targets.

A peacekeeping bomber came from the elevator to the take-off line, the engine ignited and lifted off, hovering vertically above the low altitude of the airport.

Peacekeeping bomber: Red Police Corps air force main combat equipment, exclusive support for ground operations, tactical and strategic bombing missions, strike key targets, vertical take-off and landing, short range, but the victory is fast speed and high attendance rate. A hundred kilometers of theater for ultra-fast support. It has full spectrum and full body stealth capability and super carrying capacity.

Construction price-3.2 million base funds ~ ~ construction time-three days.

Description: Possess powerful ground precision strike firepower and super attack power, absolute defense against crushers. The advanced laser guidance system can ensure that the bomb hits even if it leaves immediately after the peacekeeping bomb is dropped. This, coupled with its relatively heavy armor, gives it a very high survival rate.

In order to ensure the probability of survival on the battlefield, when bombing a high-risk theater, once the situation is urgent, it can also adopt the automatic supersonic return function, without the driver's control, the automatic driving program can use the emergency afterburner to exceed twice the speed of sound Return immediately, which allows it to attack heavily defended targets and then evacuate before being overwhelmed by counter fire.

Performance data: The aircraft is 28 meters long, with double rotatable wings, a front wingspan of 15 meters, a rear double vertical tail wingspan of 12 meters, and a height of 5.5 meters. The power is powered by the four vertical, front and rear parts of the double wings. The parallel-rotating 7800 kg dual-assisted turbofan engine provides a maximum vertical take-off weight of 96 tons and a maximum combat radius of 900 kilometers. It can be refueled in the air, and emergency afterburning can provide five minutes of Mach 4 flight time.

Armament data: A 30mm Gate cannon is built in the nose, with 300 rounds of ammunition, four large built-in magazines, which can carry various bombs and missiles, and the maximum combat radius can download 20 tons of ammunition. (To be continued~^~)

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