The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1212: Interests and friendship

Cai Ruichen looked around the meeting room, and captured all the slightly changed expressions and eyes of the crowd.

He didn't feel strange at all about the people's inner thoughts. After all, there are more countries sharing good fortune, and there is almost no common suffering.

If today there is no result at all, and these people do not sell themselves, it is enough to say that these people are also high-righteous people.

And Cai Ruichen never imposes his own thoughts and will on others, not to mention that he is not a pure politician, and it is impossible to completely do what a politician does.

"I believe you all have ideas now, and before you make a formal decision, I have a few words to say. After you hear it, you still feel that you still can't participate. Then you can leave right away and just take it today. Never happened.

And those who are willing to stay will truly become my friends of Cai Ruichen. I am not a politician, I am a person with emotions. The former Iraq and Syria have always been my friends. Therefore, I always use my friends. Treat these two friends with love. "

Hearing what Cai Ruichen said, the restless hearts of the crowd calmed a little bit.

Although Cai Ruichen's words do not contain threats or inducements, the meaning in the words is clear enough.

In the past, I don't know how many people were thinking about why Cai Ruichen should pay so much to Iraq and Syria.

Later Cai Ruichen went to the front desk, and all explanations were attributed to his control of the two countries.

But so far, as the highest leader of the Iraq-Syria Federation, Cai Ruichen has never intervened in regional government affairs. How should Iraq and Syria develop? The customs of those tribes remain the same, and nothing has changed.

Many people are also amazed. After all, if they are replaced by another authority, I am afraid they will have all the power of the two countries in their hands.

However, Cai Ruichen did not do this. The two countries still have great autonomy. It is just that there is a unified military and finance on it. It also serves as a fair supervision agency to supervise the normal operation of the two countries. The government rights in the past have not been weakened at all.

On the contrary, because of the powerful situation brought about by the combination of Syria and Iraq, the development of the two countries has ushered in more opportunities and opportunities.

It's not that there is no country tempted to create an Arab federation. This topic has always continued, and this idea has never really faded.

In the era when the United States dominated the Middle East, although such ideas were suppressed, they were all superficial.

In fact, the reason why Saudi Arabia and Iran are competing for the throne of the strongest country in the Middle East is to allow more Middle Eastern countries to unite by their side.

At the time, none of the four King Kong in the Middle East had such an idea and the courage to pay, but the national strength is really not good.

In fact, when the Islamic Federation was formally established, many people had already seen the hope of an Arab Federation.

Especially seeing the increasingly wealthy lives of Syrian and Iraqis and the increasingly open and stable national environment has made many Middle Easterners really excited.

Many heads of state present could not help looking at the Lebanese president.

Although there is no clear information from the outside world, there is already a lot of intelligence that shows that Lebanon seems to be working hard to join the Islamic Federation.

When the rights are not weakened, being able to be a big backer on the list is a great temptation for those in power or the people in China.

What's more, following the future of the Iraq-Syria Federation is really too big.

In addition, Lebanon is now completely integrated with the Syrian Federation. Once separated, the result will be quite tragic. The Western world may be a little afraid of the strength of the Syrian Federation, but for Lebanon, it can be pinched with just one finger. Dead existence.

"The United States has withdrawn from its dominant position in the Middle East. Because of its strategic eastward move, its military presence in the Middle East has repeatedly shrunk. However, I can also understand everyone's thinking. It is impossible for the United States to really withdraw from the Middle East. You still care about the influence of the United States. .

I am afraid that standing with me will lead to military retaliation from the United States. I can fully understand this point. But I can tell you one thing. Only with me in one day, the United States wants to continue to intervene in the Middle East pattern. Will be put into trouble.

The current military forces of the Syrian-Israel Federation, unless the United States is willing to go to full-scale war with me in the Middle East, there will always be no return to how many troops the United States will come to. Therefore, it is impossible for a war to be fought. What's more, the United States has even more fearful targets, one Russia and China.

As long as the United States sends troops to the Middle East, both Russia and China will stand by our side. By then, the Middle East will still be the Middle East, and war will still not start.

Right now, it is an excellent opportunity for you all. If the Middle East world wants to stop being bullied, you must stand up and have the courage to face the pressure from all over the world. If you don’t even have such courage , That is not qualified to be my friend. "

Having said this, Cai Ruichen paused, and said in a somewhat stern tone: "For me, except for my friends, everything else in this world is enemies."

Hearing Cai Ruichen's last words, the expressions of many people present became a little ugly.

Egyptian President Sisi stood up and asked Cai Ruichen: "Does Mr. Cai plan to take action against us after we refuse?"

"President Sisi, you should understand the truth. Inviting everyone over today is a kind move. No matter what, I will not take action against the Middle East Even if it is an enemy, I will not Any military action will be taken against Middle Eastern countries.

Only in other respects, it’s completely different. Only friends can make money together, and only friends can get my help, even free military assistance. All the advanced weapons and equipment of the Future Technology Group, even let everyone choose . Cai Ruichen said with a shrug.

Hearing what Cai Ruichen said, many people were relieved.

"I just said that if someone is still willing to leave, I will definitely not stop it. Now I will give you one minute to consider. If you don't want to, you can leave immediately. If no one wants to leave, then I will assume that everyone is willing to become The facts of my friends, in the future, you can talk about whatever help you need. Within a reasonable range, I will do my best to meet the needs of all countries."

As soon as Cai Ruichen's voice fell, all the people present communicated with their eyes to see if anyone took the lead to leave.

(To be continued)). If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote, and your support is my greatest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to read. )

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