The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1217: Wild boy acted

"General, will they have left this mountainous area?"

In the headquarters of the 262 assault battalion, the deputy battalion commander, Colonel Arras, asked Benjamin with some doubts looking at the enemy report in his hand.

Brigadier General Benjamin, who had seen the enemy situation report, shook his head decisively and said, "I believe they must still be in this mountainous area."

"This mountain area is so big, there are our reconnaissance troops everywhere, so where can they hide?" Colonel Arras was a little puzzled. On the enemy situation report in his hand, a very detailed report was reported in the anti-tank brigade. After arriving in special operations, three elite reconnaissance companies carried out a carpet search of all the surrounding areas.

In the end, not to mention finding the special forces of the Syrian-Israeli Federation, and even no trace of their existence.

This is also the most difficult part at present. If it were not for the usual poisoning methods of the special forces used in the attack, the high level of the Israeli military could not even be sure that this still mysterious squad did exist.

The best way to deal with special forces is to use special forces. Otherwise, even if you search through all the places in this mountainous area, you may still be unable to find hidden special forces.

"They are all the most professional personnel. They are even more professional than our most elite teams. When we first played against them in Lebanon, they taught us a good lesson. Therefore, for such an enemy, we There must not be any numbness or carelessness. The more impossible it is, it happens to be the most possible." Benjamin took a deep breath and said.

When I encountered the combat team of the Future Security Company in Lebanon, the paintings seemed to be vivid.

Benjamin is more certain than anyone now, these guys must still be in this mountainous area.

But the problem is that if you want to find a special operations squad in this mountainous area of ​​the square kilometer ahead, it is no less difficult than finding a needle in a haystack under the opponent's superb camouflage.

"The best way to fight a snake is to lead the snake out of the hole. At present, the other party is in the dark place, and we are also in the dark place, so neither of them can find each other at present." Benjamin continued.

"What bait?" Arras muttered.

Benjamin curled his mouth when he heard the words, and said, "Don't you feel it yet?"

Alas looked at Benjamin inexplicably, as if he didn't understand what he meant.

Benjamin took a deep breath and said: "The attack of the anti-tank brigade is the war book issued to us by the other party. Otherwise, they can call the air force to directly destroy the anti-tank brigade. There is no need to sneak into and poison the other party. They want to convey a clear meaning to us, they have already come, and hope we will take the move!"

Hearing Benjamin's words, Alas completely reacted. It was not that he could not expect, but that he had never expected the other party to have such courage.

After all, in this place, one's own party has sufficient forces, and the other party is alone in depth. There may even be only a few people, and there may not be too many ammunition on his body. The only aid is the other party's air superiority.

If it is really slowly infiltrating, attracting the opponent's air force, and then constantly destroying the main ground force of one's own side, that is also completely possible.

There is no need to carry out poisoning in this way. According to the convention of special operations, it is simply superfluous, and it will completely expose oneself.

It is impossible for the other party to be unaware of such a reason, and to do so specifically to convey a clear signal that I have come.

"This kind of obvious provocative behavior, obviously, the other party is really interested in us." Colonel Arras, who had figured it out, said very decisively.

"Yes, we have become the primary target of the other party. At the same time, we should not be naive to think that they will really plan to engage in regular special confrontation with us. Believe me, as long as we expose the position of the headquarters, there will be The fighters from the Syrian-Israel Federation came and bombed our headquarters."

Having said this, Benjamin took a look at the rock above his head and said: "Don't look at us now in the middle of the mountain, hundreds of meters from the surface of the mountain. According to intelligence, the Future Technology Group Military Manufacturing Company has developed a heavy Once a twelve-ton penetration bomb is exposed, this one-hundred-meter-high mountain can't stop the opponent's penetration bomb."

In fact, just as Benjamin expected, Brother Xiang never planned to really have a special battle with the opponent, after all, this place is the opponent's home court.

In the 262 assault battalion, there are thousands of experienced special forces, plus other regular troops, even if there are a hundred ghost assault teams, they will not be able to bring fatal damage to the opponent in a regular special forces contest.

In such a place, personal heroism is an act of death. The core of special operations is to use effective means to cause the greatest loss to the opponent.

What's more, assault battalion 262 is here. It has a perfect time and place. The ghost special assault team is not even close to the villages and small towns. The populations of those places are very concentrated, and everyone is very familiar with any of them. Outsiders will be very conspicuous.

In such an environment, if you really want to compete with the Israeli special forces, it is not a hero, it is a brain injury.

"Whether we also want to participate in the search team, after all, the camouflage methods of the special forces, the scouts of the regular army without professional special training, are also difficult to suggested.

"I ask you, if our most elite squad hides in this mountainous area and lets the other party find it, do you think the other party can find it in a short time?" Benjamin asked directly.

"There is no way at all." Arras said simply.

"That's right. There are a thousand square kilometers of mountainous area and there are many dense forests. If the opposition is really hidden, even if all our teams are sent out, it will be difficult to find each other. This is what I just said. Lead the snake out of the hole and expose a disguised command. As long as they can attract the opponent, they can't escape." Benjamin said confidently.

"But what if the other party doesn't take the bait?" Arras asked.

"If you don't take the bait once, twice or three times, the other party will not be able to resist it." Benjamin is still very confident.

"Okay, I'll make arrangements right away." Arras nodded, turned and left the headquarters.

Benjamin's eyes returned to the sand table in front of him again, and in his mind, he kept thinking about where the other party would hide. (To be continued.)

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