The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1227: Attack on Jerusalem

Jerusalem is not a highly modern city, nor does it have the layout of those prosperous cities with tall buildings. The buildings inside are generally around five or six stories, and many houses are also built, all of which are somewhat old-fashioned. Bayi Chinese ≦≦≤≦﹤≤﹤﹤

Yellow is the main theme of this city. The city’s roads are spacious and there are green belts along the road, which looks similar to second-tier cities in many places.

Although there are high-rise buildings, there are not many. There are many places, and they all look like old towns.

Especially in the periphery of the city, a large number of buildings, generally only three or four storeys high, and even two and three storey houses, occupy the majority.

After the intensive bombing in the previous few days, Jerusalem, where water and electricity were cut off, looked even drier. Few pieces of glass on the roadside houses were intact.

There are not many civilians in the city.

As soon as the offensive troops entered the city, they immediately encountered strong resistance from the Israeli army.

As Israel’s official publicity continues, the city of Jerusalem, which has assembled more than two hundred thousand troops, is full of Israeli soldiers at war.

In order to avoid casualties of innocent civilians, all Israeli soldiers wear military uniforms and have not pretended to be civilians.

This is to prevent the offensive troops from retaliating against the civilians. War is cruel and ruthless. It can even be said that war is dark and dirty, and it is shameless.

In order to prevent deliberate targeting of civilians, Israel did not release firearms to civilians. The retaliation caused by this behavior is disastrous.

This is a contest between professional soldiers. Civilians are civilians. It is safe to stay at home quietly or hide in cellars.

At least, it is impossible for the Red Police Corps to harm these civilians.

The front line of the offensive lined up in a long straight line, with dozens of main battle tanks at the front, from a main road of the city to the territory of Jerusalem.

The troops that had just entered the streets of Jerusalem immediately attracted huge firepower. In those unmanned houses, all Israeli soldiers were hidden.

The Tiger Battalion of the Red Police Regiment's Ace Panzer Division, Malin Division, served as the sharp knife force for the entire southern attack.

The Tiger Battalion is a well-known battalion-level unit of the Marin Division. It is a veritable reinforced battalion. The battalion has four armored companies and an armored platoon belonging to the battalion. There are a total of 52 Apocalypse tanks. The entire battalion is composed of apocalyptic tanks.

In addition, the Apocalypse tanks of the Tiger Camp are all dual-turrets, and their firepower is very strong. Even if they encounter an armored regiment of another country, they can compete head-on.

But the real feature of the Tiger Camp is not the apocalyptic tanks in this camp, but the three terrorist robot companies attached to it.

Among the three companies, there are not many soldiers, some are just all terrorist robots. The three terrorist robot companies have only one assault platoon to cooperate with the terrorist robots. The remaining people are all terrorist robots for logistics maintenance. personnel.

The first Apocalypse main battle tank that entered the city, numbered mhoo1, was commanded by the Tiger Battalion commander.

As the battalion commander, Sun Dapao was in the battalion commander's tank and walked at the forefront of the team.

When entering the city, almost all of the attacks were towards the first tank.

Immediately after entering Jerusalem, it was only 500 meters away, and received two Israeli soldiers from the houses on both sides, operating Dow anti-tank missiles, and successfully launched a sneak attack on the first Apocalypse tank.

The warning device inside the car sounded, and the active defense system was about to activate, but it was immediately shut down by Sun Dapao.

The Apocalypse tank that Sun Dapao rides is an improved model that has just begun to be equipped with the Red Police Corps.

Although this improved model is not an enhanced version owned by the base, it is an enhanced modification after production. There is no change in the model and number, and there is no difference in appearance.

The only strange place is that on the five-man turret of the tank, there is an extra semi-circular drum. This drum is the highest point of the tank.

Inside the tank, it is a completely different scene, a holographic real-time simulation projection picture. People sitting inside, see the scene outside the tank projected by augmented reality.

The display inside was cancelled, and the joystick was retained. The two people in the tank can always see everything around the tank.

The two incoming Dow anti-tank missiles quickly hit the top armor of the tank. This kind of anti-tank missile that can easily destroy the third-generation main battle tank can still attack from top to bottom at such a close distance. , But on the top armor of the weather tank, leaving a burst of pitch black color, the tank is intact.

All systems and communications are all apocalyptic tanks encased in armor, and their defense capabilities are second to none in the world.

The small air defense and anti-missile active defense system on the turret focuses on defending against threats from armed helicopters, and can also be used to kill armed helicopters that want to take advantage of them.

When the battalion commander Sun Dapao in the car saw the two Dow missiles, he didn't even have the idea of ​​defending.

If it is replaced with other weather tanks, Dow anti-tank missiles, it is still very threatening, but for the specially strengthened command tanks, this attack is completely ineffective.

Even the Red Police Corps' own infantry anti-tank weapons cannot shake the modified command tank.

"The smoke bombs are released and the robots are dispatched to clean up the enemies in the buildings on both sides."

Commanding the tank, Sun Dapao decisively issued a combat The hatches of the hidden smoke catapults on both sides of the tank opened, and several smoke bombs fell on the street.

Thick smoke soon filled the entire street. On the multifunctional infantry fighting vehicle full of the Apocalypse tank, all the rear hatches were opened, and the terrorist robots quickly got off the multifunctional infantry fighting vehicle, under the cover of the smoke. Down, along both sides of the street, fast forward.

The dispatch of terrorist robots means the official start of urban combat.

These agile terrorist robots swiftly climbed up the civilian houses along the outer walls of the civilian houses on both sides of the command tank, and then got in through the windows.

Soon there was a burst of fierce gunfire and several screams that were slightly frightened.

Command the tank to move forward. After just ten seconds, the terrorist terrorist robot crawled out of the civilian house. Two of the terrorist robots had bright red blood stains on their mechanical parts.

The terrorist robot has close-range self-defense and killing firearms, but its real weapon is the electric current on its body, as well as the four seemingly infiltrating mechanical arms. (To be continued.)

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