The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1230: Request heavy infantry to fight together

In the air command post of the Marin Division, using large transport aircraft to refit the future air command platform, Major General Xie Ruinan (guest guest of the book friend) of the Marin Division of the Red Police Corps is preparing for the attack on the urban heights numbered 341. August 1 Chinese <≦≤

Lieutenant General Ren Rui, the commander of the First Army of the Red Police Corps, entrusted this task to him because he valued the most elite armored unit of the Marin Division.

The Malin Division has always been a focus of development and construction. It was the first division-level heavy-duty force established when fighting IsIs.

It has four tank brigades and two infantry brigades, as well as an air assault brigade, and a large number of other special arms.

The combat effectiveness is extremely powerful, and it is a veritable strengthened division. In the Red Police Corps, most division commanders of other division-level units are brigadier generals, and Xie Ruinan's identity as a major general division commander is full of gold.

However, Xie Ruinan didn't have any relaxed feelings for the highlands in the city.

He didn't feel that he was invincible because of the powerful combat power he had in his hands.

Since the official attack on Jerusalem, the Israeli army's explosive combat power and tenacious combat style have made the Red Police Corps deeply troubled.

The offensive troops in the three places also paid a certain amount of casualties when advancing to the first goal.

This is also the largest casualty battle in the history of the Red Police Corps. In the past, the Red Police Corps even maintained a record of zero deaths in the face of those armed forces in Syria and Iraq.

Of course, the battle in Iraq is aided by the map function, but the battle in Syria, the soldiers of the Red Police Corps still maintain zero casualties, is enough to explain everything.

During the more than one hour of the attack on Jerusalem, the two sides broke into fierce battles in three directions of the city. The area of ​​the battle was full of armored vehicles and tank wreckage.

The Israeli army suffered two to three thousand casualties, and the Red Police Corps also suffered hundreds of casualties, of which more than two hundred were directly killed.

Most of these deaths were killed by snipers hidden inside the building by the Israeli forces.

From the establishment of the Red Police Corps to the present, there have been such huge casualties in every battle in this world.

Even if the ratio of casualties to the enemy reached one to ten, it is still very sad news.

And these casualties are still in the case of occupying air superiority, otherwise this number will be more, and it will not reach the record of one to ten.

Among them, Master Malin suffered nearly a hundred casualties, which made Xie Ruinan inevitably annoyed in his heart, and at the same time, he did not dare to underestimate the opponent in front of him.

Now, the goal in front of the Marin division is that the Israeli military has prepared a defensive line for more than ten days. If the attack is like before, the number of casualties will be even greater. There is no doubt about this.

After all, the previous battles were all on the periphery of the opponent's main line of defense. The Israeli soldiers only relied on houses to resist. There were no obstacles on the road, and no anti-tank mines.

"Commander, the Tiger Battalion has successfully established a defense line at the intersection of T, and the follow-up troops are gathering at this intersection." The Chief of Staff of the Marin Division came to Xie Ruinan's side and said.

"Order the Tiger Camp, continue to reinforce the defense line, and pay attention to the opponent's artillery attacks." Xie Ruinan gave an order and asked directly:

"Can you be sure that there are no civilians in that area?"

"Report to the commander, according to intelligence information, all the civilians inside were evacuated, and they were all soldiers from the Israel Defense Forces."

Xie Ruinan took a deep breath and ordered: "Contact the commander, I ask all nearby artillery units to carry out high-density fire coverage on Highland 341. At the same time, I asked the Air Force for help and carpeted the entire highland."

The orders and requirements were immediately conveyed. Xie Ruinan sat firmly on his command chair, looking at the middle of the command cabin, the 341 height projection projected by augmented reality.

At this time, the old city is around 341 Heights, and every street has solid roadblocks.

These roadblocks are all reinforced concrete structures, two meters high, like a container, blocking the entire road, only a little gap on both sides for a person to pass.

Such a huge obstacle is naturally a masterpiece of the Israeli military, and even tanks cannot push these huge obstacles away.

And all the roads leading to this old city are all blocked by such obstacles. Tanks can't move forward at all, and there are many such obstacles in the old city.

This kind of obstacle cannot be removed at all, and it is extremely difficult even to blow up. After all, it is a huge cement block.

The only way is to carry out perforation and blasting, but the amount of work is not small. It takes at least one or two hours to destroy such a huge concrete pier, and the Israeli army cannot let you destroy these concrete piers one by one.

If you want to get rid of these concrete piers, you will inevitably have to pay a certain amount of casualties, but if you don’t get rid of these concrete piers, the casualties will be even greater.

And Israel’s purpose in creating these obstacles is not really to block the offensive forces, but to use the offensive forces to destroy these obstacles and cause more damage to the offensive forces.

At this time, Division Ma Lin was establishing a defense line to attack the frontier, and Xie Ruinan had to find a way to fix these annoying obstacles.

In his mind, he filtered all the methods, but they were all a little dissatisfied.

The blasting of the engineering unit was able to deal with these concrete barriers, but the possible casualties were not what he wanted to see.

After thinking for a long time, Xie Ruinan took out his satellite phone and dialed out a number hesitantly.

Soon the call was connected, and Cai Ruichen's voice came from the other side: "Xie Ruinan?"

"Report to the commander, Xie Ruinan hopes to be assisted by heavy infantry." Although Cai Ruichen was not in front of him, Xie Ruinan habitually stood up from his chair and replied.

"Is it the problem of the 341 Heights in Jerusalem?" Cai Ruichen continued to ask on the other end of the phone.

Xie Ruinan said respectfully: "Report to the commander that there are a large number of obstacles placed there, and the tank troops cannot advance inside to fight. Therefore, if our troops want to advance, they need to conduct blasting. In order to reduce casualties, I hope the commander Able to agree to my request."

"I promise you, but I also hope you can understand that I promise you to reduce casualties as much as possible, so..."

(To be continued.)

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