The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1233: Melee invincible

The heavy infantry who broke into the defense line did not give Israeli soldiers a chance to recover. Eight ≥ One Middle School>Text≦<≤<≦<

When being hit by dense bullets, the soldiers inside quickly counterattacked.

The sighting system on the individual armor immediately locked the enemy inside, aiming and firing, against the dense bullets of the Israeli soldiers, the machine gun firepower on the individual armor also exploded immediately.

The dense bullets shredded all the flashing muzzles in the building under dense traces.

The pressure of the attack was immediately relieved, and the attack went silent in the lobby on the first floor of the mine.

The dense bullets easily penetrated the hiding places of the Israeli soldiers and penetrated their bodies.

"A layer of control."

The first heavy firepower to enter, using brutality and violence, very easily eliminated the enemies inside.

These Israeli soldiers may not be reconciled to their deaths. This is a kind of sci-fi weapon in the history of human warfare that has officially stepped onto the stage of war.

The armor on the heavy infantry is really unreasonable. In the face of such an enemy, soldiers who rely only on flesh and blood are completely irresistible.

Only those weapons used for anti-tank operations can threaten such an enemy.

In this battlefield where attack power has always been excessive, the main battle tank is not safe, let alone the individual armor of the heavy infantry.

In close combat, heavy infantry is a total slaughter when facing ordinary infantry.

However, heavy infantry is also afraid of large-caliber anti-material sniper rifles, and also afraid of those powerful rocket launchers.

Heavy infantry is not invincible on the battlefield, unless they can reach the defense of the main battle tank, but this is completely impossible.

Even on their individual armor, all the vital parts are made of carbon fiber composite materials, but they can only withstand a certain intensity of damage. There are still a large number of attack weapons on the battlefield that can destroy them.

Of course, compared to their explosive combat capabilities, this danger is totally worth it.

For enemy infantry, this kind of enemy with a huge steel shell is simply a nightmare.

At this moment, the Israeli soldiers experienced this very well.

The heavy infantry who entered the building began to clean up the enemies on each floor of the building.

In the building and construction, under the microwave scanning, even if it is separated by two blocking walls, it cannot escape the attack of heavy infantry.

The large-caliber assault rifles are all armor-piercing blasting shells, and a single bullet can easily penetrate several layers of walls.

The inner walls of urban buildings are basically twelve centimeters thick. As long as such walls are locked and aimed, they are useless even if they are hidden behind five walls.

This was a massacre. All the Israeli soldiers who tried and attacked in the room and fought inside the building were almost dead.

And large-caliber weapons, fighting inside a building, is tantamount to a **** massacre.

Almost none of the Israeli soldiers who were killed had a complete body. The surroundings they had hidden seemed to have been drenched in blood, and the picture was very miserable.

But the war is so cruel. If there is no heavy infantry to go out, these Israeli soldiers, all hidden in the rooms in the building, will surely bring a lot of casualties to the soldiers of the Red Police Corps.

But now, you only need to see the hidden enemy, you don't need to face the opponent, aim at the enemy, no matter what is in between, it is a shot.

Of course, the microwave scanner is not absolute, and the operating distance is only tens of meters, and it is useless under long-distance combat.

Therefore, the most suitable for heavy infantry is to engage in such a building or close encounter.

This is also the reason why they all carry large alloy knives. After all, heavy infantry ammunition is consumed very quickly, and once they cannot be replenished in time, they also need to be able to fight in close combat.

The knives on heavy infantrymen are like combat daggers in the hands of soldiers, and their tactical goals are the same.

Fifteen minutes after the heavy infantry participated in the battle, Israel's first line of defense on the front battlefield of the old city had collapsed.

The three tall buildings on the defense line have all been controlled. The attacking troops of the Tigers have also passed through the first defense line. The supporting firepower has also boarded these three buildings. The snipers have all moved forward. The battlefield is nearby. These three commanding heights in

Israel behind the first line of defense reluctantly retreated to the second line of defense.

The war continued. The Marin Division, who broke through the first line of defense, did not stop the offensive and did not take any rest.

The follow-up troops quickly followed up and controlled the periphery of the old city. With an entrance into the old city, the follow-up troops also had room to expand.

The heavy infantry who assisted in the attack also moved non-stop toward the second line of defense. The battle for the second line of defense began at the same time after the first line of defense was torn apart.

After the first line of defense, there are really ruined walls inside, as long as less than half of the buildings are still standing in the ruins.

Most of the streets are also buried by collapsed houses, but the main road is still relatively spacious, which has become the focus of competition between the two sides.

Only here, Israeli soldiers have also lost many buildings that can be used as defensive support, and can only fight in the ruins.

The tanks advanced quickly, gunship helicopters roared in the sky, and the Israeli armored forces in the old city could no longer hide.

Many tanks and armored vehicles rushed out of the relatively intact buildings to provide necessary fire support to the defending troops.

But these armored forces that left the hiding place were greeted by a fierce attack from armed helicopters.

However, the Israeli army does not eat dry food. The large number of individual air defense missiles has also brought a lot of trouble to the armed helicopter forces.

Several female deer have been shot down on this battlefield, but the loss of a few helicopters is nothing compared to the number of casualties in Israel.

It's just that the intensity of the war hasn't cooled down in any way, and the intensity of combat has always been kept at a white-hot level.

The two sides who have been completely red-eyed often don't care about the casualties. Most soldiers have only attack and then attack in their minds.

Facing the frenzied resistance of Israeli soldiers, even heavy infantry can hardly get close to each other smoothly. The large number of rocket launchers poses too great a threat to them. (To be continued.)

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