The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1235: Science fiction war

When Zhao Chunlei began to clean up the threat, the fire from the muzzle of the large-caliber sniper rifle also attracted the attention of Israel. Bayi Novels Network<﹤≤≤≤≤≤≤≤≤≤≤﹤﹤

The obvious sniper point was naturally exposed.

The hidden sniper on the other side of Israel also shot immediately, locked in the position where he was in the two consecutive grabs, and pulled the trigger.

In the heart of this Israeli sniper, he was a shot of luck.

Because a normal sniper is rarely on such a battlefield, in the same position, make two consecutive grabs.

At the first shot, he didn't make a shot, just trying to find the opponent's moving figure, but the opponent didn't move at all, so he shot another shot very quickly.

He also squeezed the trigger decisively, hoping that the opponent would not transfer in the first time.

In fact, Zhao Chunlei didn't mean to transfer at all. Why didn't he understand this sniper tactic of changing a place with one shot.

The bullets hit his head accurately. The 7.62mm bullet of the Israeli-made sR-99 sniper rifle hit the head armor of the individual armor, wiping out a little spark, under the various inclined cutting surfaces of the helmet armor. , Directly flew out.

Zhao Chunlei in the single-soldier armor only heard the sound of the bullet colliding with the armor, and there was not much feeling left.

The external sensors of the armor also immediately locked the sniper's location.

After the opponent attacked, he immediately left the shooting position, and the assistant system directly locked the whole person.

While the opponent was still moving, he directly locked the opponent, and after calculating the opponent's degree and advancement, Zhao Chunlei pulled the trigger again.

In this attack, the target was not blocked, and the bullet easily penetrated from the side of the opponent's waist. The running Israeli sniper almost broke his whole body in two and fell on the rubble.

Zhao Chunlei had no mercy at all. If he were not a heavy infantry sniper, he would have died with that shot.

He respects the brave Israeli soldiers in front of him, but in his war dictionary, when facing the enemy, there is no such word as kindness.

The enemy killed was just a hurried passer-by, and Zhao Chunlei immediately started sniping operations again.

When his teammates advanced to the ruins where the Israeli soldiers were lurking within less than fifty meters, Zhao Chunlei immediately left the sniper position. He needed to move on, and the front, handed to his teammates, was completely absent. questionable.

Dense guns ignited in the ruins, and the sound of gunfire and grenades exploded one after another.

The goal of the two of them was to suppress each other's firepower, and when the assaulter reached the assault position, the conventional infantry in the rear immediately began to act.

Heavy assaulters must always face the powerful firepower of the enemy and use their own armor to resist the opponent's attack. This is something that every heavy assaulter is accustomed to.

The heavy assaulter at this time also successfully attracted the Israeli firepower in the ruins to himself.

Give the distant sniper a chance to attack, and those targets that can threaten him have all been killed by his teammates, he doesn't need to worry about anything.

However, he is not motionless just to attract firepower. The large assault rifle in his hand also keeps fighting back.

This mode of war makes it difficult for all Israeli soldiers to resist.

They don't even know how to deal with such an undead enemy, and no matter where they are hidden, the opponent can accurately find and lock them.

This kind of war can be regarded as Israeli soldiers with rich experience in actual combat, and they don't know how to fight.

The rocket launcher was killed, the grenade couldn't kill the opponent, and the rifle tickles the opponent. Even the 12.7mm heavy machine gun had no effect at all.

Looking at the flares, the robot monster hit the bullets that fell on the ruins, as if the morale of every Israeli soldier was falling.

Just as the assaulter was advancing with firepower, an anti-infantry mine in the ruins exploded under his feet.

Seeing the nearly three-meter-high robot submerged in the explosion of the anti-infantry mine, all the Israeli soldiers in the ruins smiled as if they had finally killed the guy.

However, before the gunpowder smoke cleared, the robotic monster that made all the Israeli soldiers tremble in front of them walked out of the explosion shrouded intact.

Looking at his feet again, he stepped on the steel feet of anti-infantry mines, but there was a bit of pitch black, and there were no cracks in the carbon fiber material under his feet.

This kind of anti-infantry mine, which only relies on the killing effect of steel balls, cannot bring any damage to heavy infantry. Of course, if it is an anti-tank mine, it is completely different.

Seeing this scene, many Israeli soldiers on the opposite side were all dumbfounded.

At this moment, a sniper lurking near the firepower hand, grabbed the bazooka on the ruins.

Just as he was about to aim at the heavy assaulter who was less than 20 meters away from him, Zhao Chunlei, who moved to support him, raised the sniper rifle quickly while moving, and aimed a shot at this guy.

During the entire process of moving and killing, his steps did not stop. What is peculiar is that his lower body swayed during the movement, but his upper body showed no signs of swaying.

This kind of picture is a bit similar to the head of a chicken, no matter how the body moves, the head will not move at all.

This ability can keep the heavy infantry in a stable shooting state while moving. And when using cold weapons, this kind of stabilization device can make their shots more flexible and changeable, and they won't have the weakness of being big and slow.

After firing, Zhao Chunlei also breathed a sigh of relief. Just now, it looked like a rushing shot, but he was very clear that if the Israeli soldier carrying the rocket launcher, if he pulled the trigger with his finger half a second earlier, he would reload there Assaulter, the end is tragic.

The Israeli soldiers facing them, their inner defenses are collapsing, and such war scenes have already revealed their worldview.

Prior to this, every Israeli soldier was prepared to fight the invaders to death, but they were not prepared to fight such a science fiction war.

The three-meter-high war machine in front of us is more like a future war weapon from the movie.

But the clear feeling of death made them very clear that this is not a dream, nor is it incompetent, but the enemy is too powerful.

(To be continued.)

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