Open a single chapter to explain. Bayi Novels Network<﹤≤≤≤≤≤≤≤≤≤≤﹤﹤

Modern warfare is difficult to write about. Under this structure of asymmetric warfare and local conflicts, it is difficult to realize modern warfare in a symmetrical situation.

The novels on the Internet are almost all pure descriptions of wars. Once a war arrives, there are all kinds of wars, but Gorgeous has always firmly believed that modern wars and pure military contests are things in the latter part of the war.

Therefore, Huaihua has always hoped to write wars as true as possible, and real wars naturally cannot be purely military wars.

But Gorgeous is also very clear. Everyone has different tastes. There is no way to make everyone like their work. Gorgeous can only write what you like as much as possible.

In order to take care of the emotions of most people, plus gorgeous and unwilling to impose their own ideas on you, so the part of the culture war was stopped.

In addition, there are many places in this book that cannot be described. The things that many people criticize are not that they are gorgeous and don't want to write, but they can't be written and can only be obscured.

And Huali also hopes that everyone will not take the meaning out of context. The sudden appearance of some plots is also echoed in the following text.

If you make comments, I also hope that you can calm down. Regardless of whether you have subscribed or not, you can speak up. Any gorgeous comments are acceptable. Only when you recognize your mistakes can you grow and change.

From writing the first novel to the present, Huahua has grown up with everyone’s reminders and corrections of mistakes, but after seeing the curse or ironic words, the mood will really be very bad, and no one likes to be scolded. Right!

Just as Huaihua once said before, the kind of people who don’t spend money to eat buns and shake your face, Huaihua can be considered a good temper. There is no silence, no deletion of posts, and I really hope that enough is enough.

It's really not easy to be a human being. Everyone has no grievances and no grudges. There is no need to do this. If you really feel that the gorgeous writing or plot content is out of the eye, please leave civilized!

…I was seriously ill for a few days, and worked overtime every day after the Dragon Boat Festival. Gorgeous state is not very good, and now it has eased up. There was no plan to change ten, but the appreciation of everyone on the WeChat public account made Gorgeous persist in completing today’s Ten more.

Speaking of this, Gorgeous wants to talk about it. Last time someone said that Gorgeous is the shameless first person to exchange rewards for updates.

Regarding this, I want to say that the reward update is not based on the amount but the number of times. A reward of ten starting coins is a reward, even if it is fifty rewards, it is five yuan.

Five yuan in exchange for ten chapters update, and do you know how long it takes to be gorgeous? At least ten hours, and every burst is the result of staying up late and fighting hard.

After the four shifts last night, the gorgeous continued code word approached dawn, I slept for less than two hours to go to work, and returned to work at night to continue the code word, only these ten chapters.

If it’s for the few dollars, if it’s you, would you be so desperate? Can you, like Huahua, insist on updating at least 300,000 words every month for more than half a year.

Ask all the authors of the starting point how many codewords are more than 5,000 words per day, not to mention the gorgeous work.

The reason why Huaihua proposed to reward people for updates at that time was mainly because it was a bit unable to support it at that time, so it needed something to stimulate it. You need to give Huahua a little bit of motivation.

I also hope that those students who watch piracy will be merciful, gorgeous and updated like this, really worthy of everyone.

I still hope that students who like this book can support it a lot. The code word is not easy, and it is not easy to stick to the red alert flow. Everyone should read it and cherish it. Maybe someday you won't find a red alert novel to read.



Finally, welcome readers who have not followed the gorgeous official account, pay attention to gorgeous official account, and give gorgeous support!

Follow method: Open the WeChat official account search page, search for the gorgeous pseudonym "gorgeous hypocrisy", and then add attention. There are many wasteland materials and pictures of weapons and equipment, and historical news can be seen. (To be continued.)

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