The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1259: Red Police Aegis

In the industrial zone of the Future Technology Group of the Principality of Syria, all areas near the future shipbuilding industry have been blocked.

Military takeovers and blockades, all irrelevant people cannot be approached.

In the shipyard of the industrial base, a large number of soldiers are preparing to board the ships in the dry dock of the shipyard.

The soldiers of the Red Police Corps, wearing blue and white combat camouflage uniforms, are the Marines of the Red Police Corps.

This is a force that has never officially appeared in front of the world. Just as the Israelis guessed, in this closed shipyard, there is indeed a fleet that is not small and large, and it is still a fleet. A purely amphibious warfare fleet.

All the warships in the shipyard already have combat capabilities, and they only need to be launched to the Israeli waters.

Of all Israel’s defenses, coastal defense is the weakest.

Because Israel has never faced threats from the sea all the time. Europe is all Israel’s friends, and there is no threat in the Mediterranean.

When the Iraqi-Syrian Federation showed a strong maritime scene, Israel had no time and energy to strengthen coastal defense.

At present, the Marine Corps of the Red Police Corps only has the size of one amphibious combat division, but the Marine Division has more than 20,000 troops.

Except for the one brigade that is training in the Indian Ocean, the remaining two brigades are all ready for battle.

Lieutenant General Sha Yiqi, commander-in-chief of the Red Police Corps Navy, also arrived at the headquarters of the Second Amphibious Fleet.

At present, the Navy of the Red Police Corps has two aircraft carrier battle groups and two amphibious combat fleets.

Each amphibious warfare fleet has two amphibious assault ships and three dock landing ships. The size of the fleet is extremely large among the amphibious warfare formations of all countries in the world.

If it is similar to the United States' amphibious strike team, that one amphibious assault ship with two dock landing ships is completely sufficient.

Such a period of peace of force structure seems a little bloated, but if in a modern war, the size of this force is still a little insufficient.

The reason is very simple. The Red Police Corps Navy does not have any tank landing ships, nor any troop transport ships.

All warships are modern ships, and all sea-to-land troop transfers rely on these amphibious assault ships and amphibious dock landing ships.

Similar to the size of the US-based amphibious strike team, it is just to cope with regional hotspot issues and can just meet the needs of small-scale military conflicts.

If it is to be used for large-scale operations, the power is far from enough.

The same is true for the Red Police Corps. All amphibious landings rely on amphibious ships. Without the help of other old-fashioned landing ships, more modern amphibious ships are needed.

The Second Amphibious Fleet of the Red Police Corps can project the strength of a complete amphibious combat brigade at one time. Among all navies in the world, the size of a single amphibious fleet is already very powerful.

Even in the United States, there is no such a large organization so far. The maximum projecting capacity of a single amphibious fleet is three to four thousand people.

However, the U.S. Navy's amphibious combat forces all adopt modular command structures, which can strengthen the amphibious combat forces in a certain area at any time.

Once needed, let alone projecting a brigade at a time, it would be more than enough to project the entire Marine Corps Division at one time.

At present, there is no need for the Red Police Corps to compete with the United States. After all, the size of the US Navy is indeed much stronger than the Red Police Corps at this moment.

At this time, the scale and combat effectiveness of the Red Police Corps were only equivalent to those of military powers. The overall level was not as good as those of global military powers, but in some respects it exceeded the level of global military powers.

The Command Headquarters of the Second Amphibious Fleet is located on the flagship, the Aegis ship with port number 101. The Aegis ship has powerful combat and command capabilities and is most suitable for use as a command ship.

Although the amphibious assault ship also has strong battlefield communication capabilities, the goal is too obvious, and in actual combat, it is not suitable for use as a command ship.

In fact, in the development of the modern navy after World War II, the command ship is no longer just looking at the size of the ship, but looking at the function and concealment.

At the same time, it is impossible for a command ship to fly the flagship command flag in an actual combat environment. This is to prevent exposure of the command ship.

Therefore, command ships generally choose ships that are relatively unwilling to attack first by the enemy, so that the integrity of the command system can be fully guaranteed.

Aegis air defense cruiser:

The main surface air defense and anti-submarine unit of the Navy, the construction price-50 million base funds, construction to service time-half a year.

Description: This is a multi-functional ship with a stealth appearance and strong open sea combat It has strong regional air defense capabilities, mid-stage and terminal anti-missile capabilities, and can be equipped with the most advanced anti-missile missiles. , It also has super strong sea-to-land attack power, is the main combat warship in the aircraft carrier battle group, but also undertakes the combat mission of the old naval cruiser. It mainly provides air defense, sea, land, reconnaissance, command, and landing support operations for the formation.

Simple data: a full load displacement of 14,800 tons, a full crew of 128 people, a top speed of 34 knots, a 155mm single-barrel concealed naval gun at the bow, eighteen eight-unit vertical launch systems, and two sea-based gates Cannon system, two short-range tactical air defense missile systems (v-1 missiles), two anti-submarine missile launchers, helicopter hangars...

Equipped with: data link system, full electric propulsion system (four magnetic energy reactors provide all the power needs of the ship), integrated phased array radar system, combat situation center, fleet command center, integrated combat control system, integrated automatic tracking and detection system, theater defense Command system, active and passive sonar system, towed array sonar...

Upgrade: This warship is sufficient to meet the combat needs of the next thirty years.


The Aegis ship, the Red Police Corps Navy’s most powerful maritime combat warship, has a displacement of nearly 15,000 tons, which surpasses most destroyers in the world. Even compared to the U.S. Navy’s Zumwalt, the displacement is even higher. Out a little bit.

Moreover, the Aegis ship also uses all-electric propulsion, which is an external stealth effect, which may be inferior to Zumwalt, but in other aspects, it exceeds the capabilities of all regional air defense destroyers in the world.

In terms of digital command and control of the entire ship, it is a bit more advanced than Zumwalt, and it meets the required crew for combat capability, and there are twelve fewer people than Zumwalt. (To be continued.)

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