The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1262: Special penetration in the rear city

On the 101 Aegis of the Second Amphibious Fleet, in the theater command center, Sha Yiqi and Lin Jiangpeng all stayed quietly in the command center, watching the deployment of the Israeli army in Tel Aviv.

The deployment of Israeli forces in Tel Aviv is not very large, which is not surprising.

The IDF, which has been mobilized many times, has rapidly expanded its size to nearly one million, but a large number of troops have been confined to other battlefields.

Here in Jerusalem alone, the IDF has gathered 300,000 troops, and the number is still increasing.

In other theaters, the combined troops also have nearly 400,000 troops, and some of them have soldiers to guard each city.

Israel does not have many mobile troops to mobilize. The Israeli army in Tel Aviv is only less than 50,000 people. It is defended by a mechanized division and six infantry brigades, most of which are all reserve soldiers.

The police force and the urban counter-terrorism force in Tel Aviv have all joined the defensive force, and all the combat personnel add up to less than 60,000.

But even for 60,000 people, in the face of such a city battle, only one marine brigade is far from enough.

Moreover, the recent ground forces are still fighting in Haifa, it is impossible to go deep into Tel Aviv for support.

At present, the operations in Haifa are under the responsibility of the Second Army of the Red Police Corps, which cooperates with the Lebanese Defense Forces.

The battle for Haifa is not over yet, so the attack on Tel Aviv will not receive any help from the army.

However, the airborne division will also participate in combat operations in Tel Aviv. The airborne troops of the Red Police Corps have not yet appeared.

This time, the Marine Corps will also be combined to conduct a three-dimensional naval and air force projection, and the whole city will blossom in Tel Aviv.

At the same time, there are a large number of special forces that cooperate with the navy and airborne forces.

When the operation began to prepare, a large number of special operations teams of the Red Police Corps had already sneaked into this huge city.

Tel Aviv is a veritable modern city, even if compared to the developed cities in Europe, it is not inferior at all.

In the city, there are also tall buildings, with tens of thousands of defensive troops. In such a city, if they are scattered, there will not be much left.

Moreover, in Tel Aviv at present, millions of Israeli civilians have gathered. Almost all of them are civilians who have fled the war from the frontline battlefield to here, because only here can there be enough food to meet their needs.

The urban combat environment is very complex, and the more complex the combat environment, the more special forces are required to collect more detailed and accurate battlefield intelligence.

Of course, at the beginning of the battle, whether it is the Marines or the airborne troops, they also need their help.

The bombing caused this sleepless city to plunge into a tense atmosphere once again.

All the civilians are required to stay in the room. In a city without electricity, only the outline of the undulating building can be seen.

This city has been out of power for almost a month, and there is no power supply every day, which has brought great troubles to the civilians in the city.

Almost all work that relied on electricity has ceased, and only the handcrafted workshops can still operate.

A large number of Israelis have nothing to do, and all rely on aid ships every day to get their own aid food every day.

The streets have also been taken over by the military. Most of the civilians are strictly forbidden to go to the streets. This is to prevent the enemy’s activities behind enemy lines and mixing among the civilians.

After all, there are many Israelis, all of whom are Arab and Jewish, and they seem to be no different from Middle Easterners.

Tel Aviv has long been under full military control, and in the city at night, no one is allowed to take to the streets.

At this time, only the patrol cars of the Israeli army or police forces can move on the street.

At this time, no matter who took to the streets, the army and the police did not need permission to shoot directly.

The bombing of the distant port and the roar of fighter jets in the sky made the night sky of this city very noisy.

But the patrols in the city are all patrolling every street more seriously, because the more this kind of time is, the more active the enemy is.

Tel Aviv’s Urban Defense Command has also activated a high-level defense mechanism to deal with battles that may break out at any time.

In the city at night, the infiltration and destruction work behind enemy lines before the offensive officially begins is also underway.

The Navy SEAL hero Zhang Xuchen has personally led the team to penetrate this city for half a The special assault battalion he led, with a full fifty combat squads, completely covered everything in this city. Feel it through.

In the secret command headquarters of the special assault battalion, external communications have also been completely established. During the next attack, they need to conduct ground laser guidance for the fleet's missiles.

In complex cities, this kind of guidance is indispensable, because the fleet simply cannot pinpoint the target and position of the attack in a complex urban environment.

"Determine the priority targets, notify all the small teams, the action time remains the same, and prepare to guide the target for the missile attack."

Zhang Xuchen didn't start the action right away, but took the headquarters and coordinated the command of thousands of special forces in the city, and even a large number of spies infiltrated.

"Report to the general that all the targets of the attack have been determined. The Second Amphibious Fleet has sent a message that the missile will be launched on time at three in the morning."

"Notify General Sha Yiqi, we are also ready here, everything is okay." Zhang Xuchen replied, and then ordered: "Notify all the assault units, this war is very crucial, and it is also a surprise attack on the entire special warfare. The test of the battalion, if this battle can be successfully concluded, the commander will personally hold a flag naming ceremony for our assault battalion. Order all the assault units, after guiding the missiles to successfully destroy the target, they will all act freely. My request is only one Before the general offensive, all Israeli troops in Tel Aviv were all messed up."

After giving the final order, Zhang Xuchen immediately grabbed the weapons around him and ordered again: "Remove the headquarters, command all the members of the team, and be prepared for battle. Our target is the broadcast signal tower in the city center."

At this moment, the time is approaching three o'clock in the morning.

(To be continued.)

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