The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1264: Pioneer gunboat fire suppression

Over Tel Aviv, dense umbrellas slowly fell, and gunshots were everywhere in the city.

Israel's ground air defense firepower has all started to operate, most of which are small-caliber air defense machine guns and other weapons.

In previous fighter air strikes, a large number of armored vehicles and heavy weapons were all destroyed by air strikes.

A large number of armored anti-aircraft vehicles were destroyed in the hangar. Only those anti-aircraft machine guns scattered around, because the target was too small, could be kept till now.

In the process of parachuting by the airborne division, a vanguard armed warship aircraft organized by a wing accompanied the global transport aircraft.

Since most of the IDF’s air defense firepower has been destroyed, the vanguard enters the battlefield with almost no pressure.

Pioneer armed warships with powerful fuselage structure and defensive power can completely ignore those small-caliber air defense firepower.

The vanguard armed warships, as soon as they arrived on the battlefield, began to suppress all firepower on the ground with intensive firepower.

To cover the landing of the paratroopers, a large number of shells kept falling on the heads of Israeli soldiers.

The anti-aircraft artillery fire that was still raging just now began to gradually misfire. The 155mm howitzer on the vanguard armed fighter plane was extremely lethal, and it could destroy a large area with one shot.

The artillery was in the sky again, and there were no dead ends when attacking the ground. The fierce firepower suppressed it, and the ground firepower was quickly suppressed.

The firepower exerted by a vanguard armed warship is no less than that of a heavy howitzer battalion, and even compared to ground artillery, which can only be a fixed artillery position, this kind of air mobile firepower point is completely a soldier's big killer.

The advanced identification friend or foe system, as well as the guidance of special commandos on the ground, every weapon operator in the vanguard armed warship aircraft, all want to make the time to load ammunition shorter.

On the ground, there are all kinds of obvious targets that can be attacked. On the streets, the alarmed Israeli soldiers are good targets.

However, the real lethality is the 120mm electrochemical artillery on the Vanguard armed warship. The power is exactly the same as the main gun on the Apocalypse tank. It is still an air-to-ground attack, and the lethality is even more amazing.

The only combat goal of this artillery is to find Israeli main battle tanks in the city. Although all advanced main battle tanks have gone to the front.

However, in other cities behind Israel, there are still many other tanks. The Israeli Mechanized Infantry Division defending Tel Aviv also has a tank brigade with all Merkava-4 main battle tanks.

The Merkava-4 main battle tank is an advanced equipment that is not inferior to any third-generation main battle tank in the world. Although it is inferior to the Merkava-5 in many performances, it can be called a third-generation. The best in the semi-tank.

For the main battle equipment of the airborne division that is currently airborne and the Marine Corps landing, this main battle tank has more threats than any other weapon.

Although the Rhino tank is advanced, it is still a lot different from the Merkava-4, at most it is the same level as the Merkava-3, and half a level less than the fourth-generation Merkava.

If you really deal with these tanks, the rhino tank will not take any advantage at all.

As for the Grizzly Tank of the Airborne Division, due to the weight limitation of the airborne, the firepower is not bad, the armor is a bit thinner, and it cannot withstand the attack of Merkava-4.

Therefore, the pioneer armed warships surrounding the city need to kill these Israeli main battle tanks as much as possible.

In Tel Aviv, the Israeli army armored hundreds of Merkava-4s. Although some of them were destroyed in previous air strikes, the rest still poses a very high threat.

At this moment, the Tel Aviv city has gradually entered the flames of war everywhere, and there is fighting everywhere.

Airborne troops bloomed everywhere, completely disrupting the defensive deployment of the Israeli army in the city. With rapid and mobile defense on the spot, with special forces and air superiority, the airborne troops quickly established temporary lines of defense in the city.

The defense lines in these cities can not only attract the firepower of the Israeli army, disperse the Israeli army so that it cannot be united, but can also switch from defensive to offensive at any time, cooperate with the subsequent troops, and formally attack all the Israeli soldiers in the city. , Launch an attack.

The strong endurance and ammunition capacity of the vanguard armed warship can provide sufficient fire support and time to the troops on the ground.

After successfully covering the first batch of pioneer troops of the airborne division, the ground airborne field was successfully opened up, and the main forces of the subsequent airborne divisions began to parachute down.

This time, most of the landed in the city were the main battle equipment of the airborne Wheeled and tracked armored vehicles, all landed in the safe landing area opened by the paratroopers, and the airborne troops on various temporary defense lines The size of the army is also rapidly expanding.

When the last batch of airborne troops descended by parachute, the entire airborne division's more than 10,000 combat personnel had already landed smoothly in the city.

The fighting in Tel Aviv also began to become fierce.

In order to eliminate the paratroopers occupying a large number of key intersections as soon as possible, the Israel Defense Forces are also the main force in and out, trying to destroy the current situation of urban division and encirclement.

It's just that whenever Israel's main force emerges, they are met by fierce air strikes.

A large number of main battle tanks were destroyed by artillery fire from the air before they reached the crossroads of the battle.

The vanguard armed warship can almost be regarded as a professional tanker, and even the 30mm Gate cannon above, fired by depleted uranium armor-piercing shells, can easily penetrate the roof of the main battle tank.

As for armored vehicles and armed assault vehicles, they simply cannot withstand such aerial strikes.

However, the various individual air defense missiles of the Israeli ground forces have also brought a lot of trouble to the vanguard armed warships.

Almost all vanguard armed warships are painted, and the first shell of the aircraft is full of various craters, and even some attacks have penetrated the double-armored fuselage.

However, these large aerial gunboats did not withdraw from the battle, and they had a dedication to not leaving without lighting up their ammunition.

In fact, unless individual anti-aircraft missiles directly hit the vital parts of vanguard armed warships, it would be difficult to kill these big guys if they were killed by explosions and shrapnel alone.

What's more, the vanguard armed warships still have a large number of decoy bombs, and most of the anti-aircraft missiles all hit the decoy bombs. (To be continued.)

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