The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1276: Control U.S. oil

Cai Ruichen's two attacks in the United States are still full of doubts. Bayi Novel Network<

Now it seems that it is involved in the United States, which has never been suspected. This makes Cai Ruichen suddenly feel like he can see the sky through the clouds.

If from the very beginning, the attacker has cultivated an agent in the United States, and this agent is still in a high position in American politics, then many things can be explained.

That is, Cai Ruichen had always had some intelligence issues that he didn't understand. If the other party was in another world, how did they determine their position.

Especially for the second attack, four hours from buying a ticket to boarding the plane, but the other party's actions could be so fast, not only disguised the two captains, but also successfully brought the weapons on the plane.

If there is an authentic American political crocodile behind all this, and he has a lot of power, then he is completely capable of this.

After all, the outside thief is the inside ghost, and all this can be explained.

"Do you suspect that there are agents of the ultimate enemy in the United States?" Cai Ruichen asked Yuri.

"No, I suspect that behind this incident is not so simple." Yuri shook his head and said.

"Then what do you think?" Cai Ruichen asked curiously.

"I don't have any ideas for the time being, just a simple feeling. This matter is not so simple, and it may even be very complicated." Yuri said.

Seeing Yuri frowning on this matter, Cai Ruichen felt a little surprised, after all, Yuri had never shown such an expression.

But Cai Ruichen didn't ask anything. If Yuri really thought about it, and had a complete idea and a clear structure, then he didn't need to ask at all, Yuri had already spoken.

"Let's put this matter aside! Your current main task is to properly complete the Black Ops plan." Cai Ruichen thought for a while and said.

"No problem, it's just Commander, I plan to modify some of the contents of the plan." Yuri said.

"What's the content?" Cai Ruichen asked.

"Look at this first!" Yuri said as he took out a small mapper from his pocket and projected the data recorded in it in front of the three of them.

After taking a look at the content and information recorded above, Cai Ruichen's expression was quite wonderful, and he couldn't help but said: "Are all the heads of the Jews showing up? Don't they know if the plan fails?"

"I believe this is also the last fight of the Jews. Under our attack, Mossad’s power in the United States was almost uprooted. However, some of the Mossad members who lurked deeply hid in the past, so the Jews I believe that if this incident occurs, no one will doubt Israel.

Therefore, they also quietly formulated this plan, and this information was given to me by a Mossad’s own agent. He is part of this action plan. He has been lurking in the United States for nearly 30 years and has won the Israeli side. Trust. "Yuri said.

"I didn't expect that the September 11th incident involved Saudi Arabia, and it has always been a headache for Saudi Arabia, but now that the Jews want to play this one, they really do everything!" Cai Ruichen glanced at the intelligence again. The content of, suddenly really a little dumbfounded.

Because of this plan, the original intent was nearly six points similar to the original intent of the Black Ops plan he made a few years ago.

Israel’s plan is to push this matter to the Islamic Federation. Israel’s idea is also very simple to let the United States participate in the war.

Not only did it give the United States the determination to participate in the war, but it also gave the United States a direct excuse for participating in the war, without even looking for any reason to send troops.

It's just that Cai Ruichen did not expect that Israel would actually adopt such a method. It is true that the evil of heaven can still exist, and the evil of self cannot live.

"I understand what you mean, then modify it. The Israelis like to play that way, then we will play with them." Cai Ruichen immediately agreed to Yuri's request to change some of the content of the plan.

At present, the Black Ops plan is all ready, and he only needs to give an order to start its implementation.

If it is adjusted, it is bound to delay a little time, but seeing the Israeli timetable above, Cai Ruichen thinks that this matter is still quite interesting, and a change may be even more exciting.

Then the two told some details of the action, Yuri also left soon, because Cai Ruichen would go out next.

After Yuri left, Natasha, who had been silent all the time, asked Cai Ruichen: "Commander, why don't you let Brother Yuri come back?"

"Natasha, what do you mean?" Cai Ruichen looked at Natasha and asked strangely.

"Didn't you originally plan to transfer Big Brother Yuri back after this incident? Why did you suddenly change your mind?" Natasha said with a strange expression.

"You think too much, I really think Yuri is better in America." Cai Ruichen said calmly.

"Really?" Natasha glanced at Cai Ruichen with some confusion, as if she didn't believe it, and continued: "In fact, Brother Yuli is the same as us."

Cai Ruichen looked like he wanted to smile, stepped forward and stroked Natasha's head, and said, "What are you thinking! If I don't trust him, how could it be possible to entrust such an important plan to him."

"Trust is trust, but I can feel that you have an instinctive defense against Yuri. Are you worried that Yuri will control or betray you one day?" Natasha asked.

"I believe in every member of the Red Police Corps and Yuri, and I have never doubted whether Yuri will betray me one day." Cai Ruichen said very solemnly.

In fact, Cai Ruichen really didn't have such an idea. First, he didn't worry about Yuri being able to control himself. Secondly, he also completely believed in the Red Police Corps, so he naturally believed in Yuri.

If Yuri can betray, that means the Red Police Corps is likely to betray, and Cai Ruichen has never felt this.

After all, in the game, Yuri can't control himself.

As for Natasha's sense of his defense against Yuri, Cai Ruichen did not intend to deny this. It was an instinctive reaction from him, and he believed that Yuri could also feel it.

And the reason why Yuri stayed here is not mixed with any conspiracy or emotions. It is true that Cai Ruichen wants to put Yuri in the United States, not only can continue to implement the oil control plan, but also can control everything in the United States. Take control.

(To be continued.)

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