The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1278: Ghost new mission

In the city of Haifa, with the gradual completion of the Great Purge, the commander of the Second Army faced a very serious problem in front of Commander Peng Yaohong. ≤≤<≤≦﹤<

Haifa is Israel’s second largest coastal city and Israel’s second sea lifeline.

The battle here also lasted for half a month, so the Israeli army had a lot of preparations.

Among them, the penetration of Israeli special forces has always caused Peng Yaohong a headache.

The Israeli special forces, the wild boy is indeed very good, and every special force in it is also a master.

What's more, in a city like Haifa, the Israelis are excellent cover for these special forces.

In the previous cleansing work, only the ordinary Israeli soldiers hidden in the city were found. When the cleansing came to an end, there were still no traces of Israeli special forces.

This incident also made Peng Yaohong a little speechless. He didn't worry about those wild boys coming to kill him, he was worried that these guys had been hiding, and then they would bring unexpected destruction under circumstances that everyone could not predict.

The consequences of such special penetration and destruction are even as destructive as a regular army.

"Old Peng, why suddenly think of me?" Peng Yaohong's group army command door was pushed open, and Brother Xiang strode in, and his voice came in before his people came in: "You Lao Peng is now an old hen who has become a duck, and he has become a commander of the group army. It's incredible..."

Hearing the jokes of the people, Peng Yaohong didn't care at all, but enthusiastically stepped forward to give Brother Xiang a hug, and said, "Brother has no choice but to find you."

Peng Yaohong is a military commander of a conventional force. He specializes in technical skills and does not have a deep understanding of special operations.

The best way to deal with special forces is to use special forces. Only when they are familiar with the opponent's tactics can they find the opponent like a needle in a haystack in such a city.

Peng Yaohong did not have any extra politeness. When the old comrades met, he simply greeted him and went straight to the subject and continued: "Haifa is currently under control, but according to intelligence, there are at least four sound Israeli special The troops are hidden in the city, but so far, we have not seen them at all."

Speaking of this, Peng Yaohong paused, and Brother Xiang directly interjected: "I understand what you mean. It just so happened that I just finished my rest, and I got the order to bring the team over. What happened to your old Peng? It's my business, this matter is left to me."

"How many people did you bring?" Peng Yaohong nodded, patted Brother Xiang on the shoulder, and asked.

In fact, Peng Yaohong was quite helpless. The Second Army was formed directly from the Syrian National Defense Forces. There were a large number of non-red police soldiers in it, and there was no formal special operations unit. All special operations tasks are currently under the command of special operations. Central deployment.

Unlike the First Army, which has special forces under its own Army, the Second Army has no time to deploy.

Otherwise, why should he ask for help from the special operations command center to mobilize the ghost special commandos.

"I brought my own special commando team. Recently we have also become busy. There is no other special team nearby. If our special commando team happened to be on a break recently, I would not have time to come over. Just so, practice. ." Brother Xiang said.

"Then leave it to you. You are professional. Tell me if you need it. I will provide all the help you need." Peng Yaohong nodded. The Ghost Special Commando, the special force that Cai Ruichen personally awarded the flag, It is also the first commando named by Cai Ruichen.

Peng Yaohong knew his old comrades quite well, and he was able to be favored by Boris and formed an ace commando team, so he completely believed in his old friends.

"Keep in touch, I will find you as soon as I need it, and now, I think I need someone who is completely familiar with this city to show me the way." Xiang Ge said.

"No problem, I'll arrange it right away." Peng Yaohong nodded and said.

Half an hour later, the Ghost Special Commando entered the city directly. Instead of riding in a military vehicle, they took a seemingly ordinary bus.

None of the people inside were wearing military uniforms, and this time the Ghost Special Commando had a few more female faces.

When the car enters the city, traces of war can be seen everywhere. The buildings on the roadside are also full of bullet craters. There are many burnt cars on the roadside and blood stains can be seen everywhere on the road.

The corpses have all been cleaned away, replaced by a patrolling unit, and there are guard units at every intersection.

Seeing this scene, Brother Xiang shook his head. Although pedestrians have begun to appear in the city, this scene is a bit sad no matter how you look at it.

And these soldiers on the road, although they look very energetic, if the Israeli wild boys are nearby and plan to do something, these soldiers will inevitably have a lot of sacrifices.

But if you make a move in such a place, then the other party won't have to think about leaving.

The car stopped on the outskirts of the port of Haifa. This was the first place where Xiang Ge wanted to eliminate danger.

In fact, the ghost special commandos came to Haifa not really because Peng Yaohong came.

It came with a special mission, because Haifa is very likely to hide the secret nuclear weapons arsenal of the Israeli Navy.

With the help of the name of the Special Forces of Suppressing the Wild Boys, enter the city for activities.

After all, there are Lebanese troops in the Second Army, and Lebanese soldiers are very likely to hide the eyes of the outside world.

Therefore, it is inconvenient to move, otherwise, if you really deal with the enemy's special forces, there is no need to use the ghost special commandos at all.

However, in the process of checking and searching, helping one's old comrades solve the trouble instantly, it can be regarded as a simple task.

Maybe you can use these hidden wild boys to find relevant clues.

Currently, the main search area is the coastline area of ​​Haifa, to see if we can find a secret naval base that Israel does not know where it is hidden.

It's just that Brother Xiang and the others, who just got off the car, haven't taken action yet. A few soldiers of the Second Army in the distance surrounded an Israeli woman, which made Brother Xiang naturally frowned.

"Everyone pays attention to caution. The First Commando and I will go over and take a look." (To be continued.)

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