The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1287: Ghostly despair

Successfully preventing the submarine in the secret base of the Israeli Navy from sailing is only one link in the entire operation plan for the Ghost Special Commando. >Bayi Middle School≯Wen≯Net<﹤<≤≦<

At this moment, almost all of the Israeli soldiers went crazy, pouring firepower toward the location of the seven people.

Countless bullets hit the concrete guardrail at the end of the corridor, but the guardrail, which was only 20 centimeters wide, was soon pitted.

"Captain, are you okay!"

Xiao Kong looked at Brother Xiang's bleeding shoulder, and asked anxiously.

"It's okay, it's just a penetrating injury. What really needs attention is that this place has become very dangerous." Brother Xiang took a deep breath and suppressed the pain in his shoulder.

On the opposite side of the corridor, the number of Israeli soldiers is increasing, completely occupying the advantage of firepower.

At this moment, the first squad of the Ghost Special Commando didn't even have a chance to shoot.

The Israeli side did not send soldiers to make a surprise attack. A large number of bullets could crush this cement fence at any time.

This is also what Xiang Brother is most worried about at the moment. They hide under the guardrail and will soon be insecure.

"Call Ghost One, please answer when you hear it." Xiao Xiaoxiao's promotion call came in her ears.

"I am Ghost One. We are in a dangerous situation now and we need immediate support." Brother Xiang hurriedly asked for help when he heard it.

"The reinforcements have arrived, and we are trying to cut through this door."

Brother Xiang could already hear the sound of a chainsaw coming from behind the gate, but the gate was too thick, and it would not be possible to cut it in a short time.

Just when Brother Xiang and others were suppressed by fire, in the opposite Israeli camp, an Israeli wild boy sniper, carrying a handful of Barrett, ran towards the corridor.

Barrett's lethality is completely capable of penetrating the opponent's concealed guardrail, and it can bring absolute damage to the hidden personnel behind.

In this military naval base, although there are no heavy machine guns and no heavy weapons, the use of Barrett in such a place is completely slaughter.

The wild boy's sniper quickly came to the edge of the corridor and quickly arranged the sniper position.

The crosshair directly aimed at the large corridor guardrail in front of him.

In the eyes of the sniper, around the big iron gate on the opposite side, is a forward-protruding platform halfway up the cave. In the past, for the safety of personnel and the transportation of goods, a heavy concrete guardrail was built on the platform.

The passage connecting the two half-mountain raised platforms inside the cave is a huge arch bridge almost fifty meters long. On the bridge is the corridor where Israeli soldiers suppress their opponents.

This was originally a passage used to transport goods, and there is a freight elevator on the opposite side, which can transport goods directly to the wharf in the west.

It was designed in this way with safety considerations in this regard.

Unexpectedly, this seemingly troublesome design actually worked.


A clear gunshot, overwhelming all other sounds, resounded in the belly of the mountain.

Under the guardrail where Brother Xiang was hiding, a large cement guardrail collapsed less than half a meter away from him.

A gap of half a meter long appeared, almost extending to his shoulder.

Seeing this scene, Brother Xiang was also taken aback. He didn't expect that in such an underground base, Israel had also prepared anti-material weapons.

"It's Barrett, all be careful." Brother Xiang clearly felt that the moment he passed by the **** of death.

If the bullet from the shot just moved a little bit towards him, then his life would be long gone.

Although the sniper on the opposite side does not know where he and others are, he can destroy this cement fence step by step. Therefore, the opponent uses armor-piercing bullets, otherwise a normal sniper bullet can kill himself.

But Brother Xiang still didn't feel any luck, because the current situation was still a dead end.

Even if Boris is in such an environment, there is no better way.

The MiG was unable to provide the slightest help either, the opposing team occupied the number and firepower, and there was no room for change.

However, Brother Xiang didn't feel any regrets. If it hadn't been for the risk of coming in, the four submarines would have already left the base.

On each submarine, there may be more than a dozen nuclear missiles.

If the outer navy does not intercept and destroy all of them, once these four submarines enter the Mediterranean, it will be a huge hidden danger.

When he saw that the door was about to close, he didn't regret the moment he rushed in. Now that he has smelled the breath of death, he still has no regrets.

As the saying has been circulating among the Red Police Corps for a long time: "Some things must be done by someone."

It seems like a sentence without beginning and end, but every soldier in the Red Police Corps knows the meaning of this sentence very well.

"Brothers, are you afraid?" At this moment, Brother Xiang seemed to hear the sniper holding Barrett on the opposite side, pulling the bolt again, and hearing the sound of an armor-piercing bullet being pressed into the barrel.

Feel the crosshair of the opponent aiming at this piece of guardrail again.

With the total death!

In the entire first squad of the Ghost Special Commando, no one spoke, but with a firm gaze, he responded to Brother Xiang's question.

From the first day they appeared in this world, there has been an eternal vow: Live together and die together!

No matter what time, place, and what kind of enemy you face, this common oath will accompany every soldier of the Red Police Corps to the end of life.

This is not a hypocritical empty talk. In the eyes of everyone, besides firmness, there is a trace of madness.

Re-checked the weapon preparations for combat The next shot is fired, and they will resolutely counterattack regardless of whether anyone is hit.

The Red Police Corps did not have the habit of sitting and waiting for death. Death would also have to die on the way of charging, and death would have to be backed up.

Brother Xiang is no exception. He didn't stop the message from his comrades in the eyes, because he also had the same idea.

The two tall iron gates in front of them cut off all vitality, and behind them at this moment, there are dozens of times more enemies than themselves.

For their location and environment at the moment, this is a desperate situation, there is no way to do it.

Under such a desperate situation, the blood and courage flowing in the blood of the Red Police Corps made them even more fearless.

"Bang!" It was another shot, and Barrett's second shot on the opposite side sounded. This shot also hit the concrete guardrail. The commando beside Brother Xiang, the entire arm and the concrete guardrail disappeared without a trace.

(To be continued.)

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