The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1289: burn one's boats

In the secret military base, the sudden explosion and intensive fire suppression completely disrupted the pace of fighting on the Israeli side. ﹤

In the smoke of gunpowder, long feathers and arrows, like death's sickle, kept reaping the lives of Israeli personnel.

Every arrow rushed towards the head of the Israeli soldier. On the dock below, the Israeli soldier without any barriers became the best target.

The nearly one-meter long alloy long arrow can easily penetrate the bulletproof helmets and Kevlar armor of Israeli soldiers. It is completely useless.

The feather arrows fired by the air kill are completely as lethal as a sniper rifle. The Kevlar bulletproof suits and helmets on the Israeli soldiers may be better, but they are completely impossible to block as powerful as a sniper rifle. Feather arrow.

But when it really frightened the Israeli soldiers, a large number of terrorist robots emerged from the smoke of the explosion.

This kind of combat robots on the battlefield, the Israeli soldiers in secret military bases, have again been seen.

Before this, the Israeli soldiers who had seen terrorist robots had all died in the hands of these terrifying guys.

Laser-locked bullets followed, and the small-caliber machine guns carried by every terrorist robot turned into deadly weapons here.

Although there are only two hundred bullets, the large number of terrorist robots and the combined firepower suppression are enough to make Israeli soldiers even lack the courage to rise up.

There were a few Israeli soldiers who hid in the bunker, just stretched out their guns and fired. Their fate was the end of their hands being smashed by bullets.

A large number of terrorist robots emerged from the gaps in the two big iron doors that had exploded. Many terrorist robots climbed directly onto the cave rock wall on the side and directly climbed towards the dock below.

Following the horror robots swarming in, are other members of the Ghost Special Commando.

At this moment, whether it was Brother Xiang or the members of the first team, they all breathed a sigh of relief.

The sudden arrival of reinforcements made them all feel like walking around the gate of a ghost.

Seeing Xiao Xiaoxiao approaching her, Brother Xiang showed a relaxed smile.

"The assault battalion of the Second Army came to support. We cut the big iron gate in half and exploded it directly with explosives." Xiao Xiaoxiao said briefly.

Hearing this, Brother Xiang said silently: "I thought I was going to be buried alive in this place just now."

"We have scanned the soil structure of this place and controlled the amount of explosives. Otherwise, if the iron door were completely cut open, I am afraid that when we came over, we would have seen seven bodies." Xiao Xiaoxiao said.

"Very well done, Lao Tzu is still alive, it's just Xiao Song..." Brother Xiang glanced at Xiao Song, who was being examined by the medical soldiers, his expression a little bit painful.

"You are also injured." Xiao Xiaoxiao glanced at his shoulder and asked.

"The small penetrating injury, if you don't say it, I will almost forget it." Brother Xiang grinned and said dismissively.

"Pretend, continue to pretend..." Xiao Xiaoxiao gave him a white look and continued: "Can you move?"

"Of course there is no problem, don't you know me? For me, such a wound is not enough to affect my tactical movements." Xiang Ge reluctantly moved his arm and said.

"Don't be aggressive, I suggest you quit the battle immediately and leave it to me next." Xiao Xiaoxiao suggested with some worry.

"The musculature that runs through the shoulders didn't hurt the bones. For me, as long as it didn't hurt the heart, there would be no problem." Brother Xiang said here, his eyes were full of chills, and said: "My war is over except after the end. , No timeout."

After speaking, Brother Xiang grabbed the weapon and participated in the final battle of annihilation.

Seeing this, Xiao Xiaoxiao at the side just turned her head away and didn't continue to say anything. She set up her sniper rifle to cover other soldiers.

At this moment, the situation of the fighting in the secret Israeli military base has been completely reversed.

The terrorist robots in the assault battalion of the Second Army have already been supported by a large number of infantry, and with the combat power of the ghost special assault team, all the Israeli troops inside are firmly suppressed.

Soon, the Red Police Corps completely controlled the only two commanding heights of the base.

All the Israeli soldiers on the corridor drove to the dock below.

The battlefield was also moved to the location of the pier, but the number of Israeli soldiers in the base was extremely large. In addition to the soldiers at the original base, there were also many Israeli infantry who retreated here from the ground operations in Haifa.

There is a full battalion of the Israeli Navy 6 team, there are hundreds of Israeli infantry and many soldiers of the Navy.

These Israeli soldiers were all broken and sinking, because they really had no retreat.

The entire base is just a normal exit from the warehouse above, and the underwater leads to a depth of tens of meters to the seabed, with huge water pressure, and without professional pressure-resistant diving equipment, it is impossible to leave.

However, even if there is a way to leave here, these Israeli soldiers have no way out.

All above are controlled by the Allied Forces of the Middle East, and the sea is also the amphibious fleet of the Syrian Federation.

The Israeli army who chose to fight to the death fight desperately against the offensive Red Police Corps on the dock.

In just a few minutes of fighting, many terrorist robots have been destroyed by Israeli soldiers.

Terrorist robots are good at everything, but they are not very defensive. In order to increase their degree and flexibility, there is no protective armor at all.

At a certain distance even a pistol can destroy the terrorist robot.

In the presence of a friendly party, the destroyed terrorist robot will not touch the self-destruction program, and will only burn the core chip inside.

Otherwise, if all the electric current is released, oneself will suffer along with it.

On the other hand, Israel, killing a part of the terrorist robots, cannot reverse the situation at the moment, a complete battle of trapped beasts, and when killing these terrorist robots, the Israeli soldiers also paid a great price.

On the commanding heights of the corridor, the attacks of four archer girls caused the most casualties.

An incomparably sharp attack, as long as the Israeli soldiers came up for the first time, when they were about to come up for the second time, Feather Arrow had already come to them.

The commanding heights were controlled, and Israeli casualties continued to appear.

The Israeli soldiers who had no choice but to retreat all around the submarine base command on the pier, retreated to every room and the building of the base. (To be continued.)

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