The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1298: Human mutant

At this moment, whether it was a young girl or an old man, they all looked at this very young Chinese in shock. ≯>Bayi Novel Network ﹤≦≤<≦﹤≤≤﹤

The young man was even more shocked. From the time he possessed power to the present, he had never encountered an opponent with such agility and strength.

During the whole process, he hadn't even figured out how the other party made the move, and his eyes became even more invisible.

"Who are you? A seventh-level mutant or an eighth-level mutant?" After the young man's mood stabilized, he looked at Cai Ruichen as if he were looking at a monster.

It is impossible for a human being to have such power and degree that he can even have no room to fight back. In his opinion, there are only mutants above level 7.

Hearing what the young man said, Cai Ruichen shook his head altogether. His mind also recalled the figure of the overlord back then. Isn't it the same with himself in front of him?

"You should understand the truth that there are people outside the world, there are outsiders, there are always times in this world, no matter what height you stand at, there are always times when you are helpless."

The three of them didn't quite understand what the young man said, but they could still feel that the other party was not malicious.

Otherwise, the young man might have died in the opponent's hands just now, and was completely suppressed.

"Our power comes from a very magical gene balancer. It can balance the genes of humans and mutants, so that we have a normal human body, and we can also have abilities similar to mutants." The old man saw that Cai Ruichen had received it. Hand, he answered Cai Ruichen's previous question.

The other party is just one person, and he has already made his own party feel helpless. If they really want to keep the three of them, they may not even have a chance to escape.

And if you don't say the answer to such a question, if you are caught by the other party and sliced ​​for research, the end will be even more miserable.

"Gene balancer, what is that thing?" Cai Ruichen asked about this for the first time.

"We don’t know exactly what it is. We only know that it was revealed when the catastrophe broke out. Some countries got it. Among Asian countries, China got three and Japan got four. South Korea got three." The old man said.

"Then Huaxia only has three people like you?" Cai Ruichen continued to ask.

Hearing this, the old man nodded very simply.

This made Cai Ruichen even more curious, and asked: "Since there are only three of you in China, how come you three appear here?"

"We really can't say this." The old man shook his head, without meaning to answer.

Cai Ruichen didn't break the casserole to ask the end, and he could understand that since these three people left China, they must have come with a mission.

As for the task, Cai Ruichen didn't have much interest, but one thing was certain. Huaxia sent only three people out, and the plan must be very important.

Cai Ruichen weighed it in his mind for a moment, then turned sideways and said, "You can keep going, but I suggest that you better stay away from the middle of Iraq."

Seeing Cai Ruichen so simply letting himself and others leave, all three of them were a little surprised.

In this cannibalistic world, the three originally thought that the best result was to be made difficult by the three, but they didn't expect that the other party was so simple.

It's just that when it comes to leaving, the three of them are a little embarrassed. Cai Ruichen sees this and asks: "What's the matter, I don't want to leave?"

"No, it's just that our car is out of gas." The old man said embarrassingly.

"It's easy, wait a minute." Cai Ruichen didn't even think about it, and directly ordered Liana behind him: "Let me send some barrels of diesel over."

"Thank you!" The old man heard the words and expressed his gratitude to Cai Ruichen.

From the catastrophe to the present, it is the first time he has been out, and he has encountered people who are willing to help other survivors.

Cai Ruichen waved his hand and said: "They are all Chinese. It must be very difficult to go out in this era. I can only do it."

Hearing this, the old man suddenly didn't know what to say when he thought of the domestic situation.

In this era when people don't kill themselves for their own sake, people like Cai Ruichen are probably all extinct.

Because such people often cannot live to the present, and even those who can live to the present, even if they are inherently good in nature, are somewhat degraded.

And the other party, from beginning to end, didn't even take a look at the RV nearby, which shows that the other party really didn't pay attention to himself and others.

The fuel was delivered quickly, and a warrior assault vehicle stopped on the side of the road and brought two barrels of fuel.

The RV quickly took two oil drums on the road, and Cai Ruichen and others were left on the deserted road.

"Commander, why do you want to help them?" Ralph was a little curious. In his opinion, if Qin Chen and Wu Jie were here, then these three people would be very bad. Who might just be taken back to slice for research? .

"Maybe because they are the Chinese I have come into contact with for the second time in this world!" Cai Ruichen said with some uncertainty.

In fact, he didn't know why he wanted the three to leave, after all, he still had a lot of questions.

It may also be as he himself said, because of the relationship between the other party's Chinese.

At the moment, in the dilapidated RV, the atmosphere is not relaxed.

"It's really a very strange person, he looks extraordinary, with such a perverted skill, I don't know, what kind of monster is he?" The driving boy muttered with some confusion.

"Fortunately, he is not malicious to us, otherwise we will have to confess to this place today." The old man said with emotion.

Since seeing Cai Ruichen, the girl who has never spoken, said at this time: "He is very powerful, the most powerful of all I have ever seen."

"Really? Are they better than man-made humans? Or is he also a man-made?" the boy asked curiously.

"He is a living person, and there is no power similar to our mutants in his body. He is more like an evolution of self, and he will be stronger in the future." The girl said very solemnly.

"Is it a little exaggeration to evolve myself?" The old man asked in disbelief.

"The feeling given to me is this, not necessarily accurate, but it is not too far from the facts." The girl recalled how Cai Ruichen felt to her in her mind, and continued: "In short, he is a terrible person. , And in the place just now, there is always a strong aura in the distance, which has always locked the three of us."

(To be continued.)

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