The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1300: Easy to solve

ps: I am extremely grateful to the "25" classmates of the fan group for their gorgeous support on Alipay all the time. Today's ten chapters add more for him!


After two consecutive waves of outsiders arrived, Cai Ruichen said that he was not curious and it was fake. Bayi Chinese ≦≤≦≦

In the first wave of the three Chinese, Cai Ruichen did not embarrass them, but this does not mean that Cai Ruichen is really a good person.

Friendship is built on the basis of both sides. Facing the wicked, Cai Ruichen will be worse than the wicked.

"We can have a casual barbecue here, don't you think?" Ralph continued without looking at each other.

The big bald head has never been so ignored. These people in front of him, one by one, don't care about their appearance, making him angry and constantly churning.

This kind of completely despised situation, for most people, is also unbearable.

However, the big bald head still endured it, but instead of the fingers behind him, he made a move that they all understood and prepared to kill these people.

If it were not for reason to suppress the impulse, the big bald head would now want to kill these people in front of him.

"We don't want to offend anyone, but there is one question, I hope you can answer it." The big bald took a deep breath, tried to control his emotions, and asked: "Have you seen a dilapidated RV, or three people? , An old man carrying a big gourd, two young men and women who seem to be only teenagers?"

At this time, Cai Ruichen spoke. Instead of answering the question of the bald head, he asked: "Looking at your murderous appearance, are you going to hunt down an old man and two children?"

"This has nothing to do with you, I believe you don't want to get into any trouble! If you know, it's better to tell me, otherwise..."

Before the big bald head finished speaking, Cai Ruichen continued: "I have seen them, but why should I tell you?"

The big bald head saw Cai Ruichen's light and breezy appearance, and the blue veins on the top of his head jumped. He really wanted to rush over and tore all these guys in front of him.

calm down……

The big bald head kept talking to himself in his heart, and at the same time he raised his big fist, shook it at Cai Ruichen and said, "It's enough for this."

"Does your confidence come from your muscles?" Cai Ruichen asked a little funny.

Cai Ruichen had seen a fist larger than this, and Qin Chen turned into a Hulk, let alone a small fist.

In fact, in Cai Ruichen's opinion, although the big guy in front of him looks very good, he has powers similar to mutants in his body, but it is at most the level of a fifth-level mutant.

Such a character is definitely a human existence among ordinary people, but in his opinion, it is really nothing.

If he wants to, the big bald head now is a dead person, and he won't even have a chance to speak.

"Boy, I've already spoken well, you'd better not toast or eat fine wine." The big bald head waved, all the soldiers next to him raised their weapons and pointed them at Cai Ruichen and the others.

All it takes is his command, and the moment he pulls the trigger, it's the moment when all these guys who don't know what is good or bad are all killed.

Just to make the big bald head extremely confused, the person in front of him looks more like a lunatic, facing so many gunpoints, he is still so calm.

Even if he is faced with so many gunpoints, he must be careful.

"It seems that you are not very good." Cai Ruichen saw the muzzle in front of him and shook his head gently.

And the moment he shook his head, a large swath of feather arrows fell in the sky.

The dozens of soldiers who just raised their muzzles were all penetrated by alloy arrows. In the sky, dozens of huge war eagles came to the sky above this area.

Behind every war eagle, there was a girl with a bow and arrow who held high in the air.

Just in the blink of an eye, the big bald head looked at all the soldiers he brought with him behind him in disbelief. They were all pierced through the body by one-meter-long alloy long arrows. An unspeakable fear came from the heart.

The soldiers beside him all died unclearly, and every corpse was still standing on the road. It was an alloy long arrow that penetrated the corpse, and when it penetrated the body, it pierced the road. On the ground, all the corpses, supported by the alloy feather arrows, still stood.

A large amount of blood flowed from the corpse down the alloy feather arrow onto the road, looking quite terrifying.

Even the soldiers guarding the vehicle were not spared. Even the driver in the wheeled assault vehicle was directly killed by the opponent's anti-material sniper rifle.

During the entire attack, there was only a short breath, a hundred armed men, not even a single mouth.

This is not only a sharp attack from the opponent, but what is even more frightening is that the opponent's attack is coordinated without repeated attacks, and a single attack accurately takes away a person.

With such a sharp attack, the big bald head is the only thing he has seen in his life. Now he fully understands why the other party is so calm and why there is no mutant in this place.

At this moment, there is only deep regret in his heart. If he just passed from here, it wouldn't be nothing.

But in this world, there is no regret medicine.

Looking at the eagle that was big enough to carry people, and the icy feather arrow above, the big bald head really felt a little desperate.

But... the big bald head immediately calmed down, he still firmly believed that the power he possessed could change the current situation.

"Bald head, don't you plan to surrender?" Cai Ruichen asked calmly, looking at the fists of the bald head tightly together.

"Tour your sister...Ula..." The big bald head screamed in and rushed directly towards Cai Ruichen.

What the fate of surrender is, the big bald head knows better than anyone, it is better to fight it instead of surrendering.

He roared directly, and rushed directly towards Cai Ruichen. The big bald head had a bright heart, and it could be seen that among these people, it seemed that the young man before him was the main one.

At the moment of the charge, all his muscles swelled up, and his whole body was raised by nearly half a meter, looking more like a humanoid monster.

Three steps make two steps, directly rushing towards Cai Ruichen, two huge palms, at the same time grabbing towards Cai Ruichen.

Just when the big bald head felt that he was about to grab this guy, he saw the mockery of Cai Ruichen's mouth.

At the moment he hadn't reacted, he just felt a strong pain in his chest. At the moment before he lost consciousness, he just felt that his whole person was flying, flying toward the rear at a faster speed.

Cai Ruichen looked at the big guy flying out, and said lightly: "Catch it back and give it to Qin Chen and Wu Jie." (To be continued.)

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