The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1301: Causes of war

In the afternoon, Cai Ruichen returned to this world.

In his view, the two waves of unexpected visitors to the wasteland were more of an episode, and did not affect the normal development of the wasteland.

As for whether to participate in the various forces in the Wasteland, Cai Ruichen currently has no idea.

Because of the development direction of the wasteland, it is necessary to fully consider the current development status.

If the development of the base in this world is not very smooth, then the development of the wasteland will inevitably be affected.

And now, what Cai Ruichen wants is to complete the tasks assigned by the base as soon as possible. This is also the core thing at present.

Therefore, even if he is very curious in his heart, what are the three Chinese going to do? Why would it attract Lao Maozi's chase? But he did not take any actual actions.

Suppressing his curiosity, Cai Ruichen feels that there will be opportunities in the future to touch the world outside the wasteland.

The feeling the wasteland gave him was still too unfamiliar, and there were too many incomprehensible things, even people who originally lived in the wasteland world didn't know it at all.

Therefore, Cai Ruichen has never been in a hurry. Any development and contact, status and status are all based on strength.

Rather than always thinking about the ones that have not, it is better to continue to strengthen and develop quietly.

After all, with a base, he didn't need to plunder technology or resources at all, nor did he need to use force to expand the site. A place like wasteland was full of no man's land, and the expanded site was completely useless.

The development of the wasteland is very comfortable, and the present world is completely opposite. After all, the forces of various countries are crisscrossed, and every place has the fundamental interests of other countries.

If you want to get your own benefits in such an environment, and the benefits can be said to be constant, competition is inevitable.

Although the war between Israel and the Syrian Federation seems to be an accumulation of hatred between the two sides, in fact, the relationship between countries is more of an interest.

It's just that Cai Ruichen used a lot of methods to whitewash this war, and it is like the United States that controls media and public opinion, using media weapons and military methods to dominate global strategic interests.

In fact, neither Israel nor Cai Ruichen is wrong, all for their own national interests.

This is also an inevitable trend of national development. A country wants to seek a decisive advantage in the military and military science and technology, so that it can realize its own interests by using or threatening to use force without hindrance.

The result of this kind of thing is that to gain one's own strategic security at the expense of the security of other countries, this will inevitably lead to the uncontrolled growth of military power.

To put it a bit smaller, it is shaking the regional security.

Countries seeking to gain military superiority and dominance will inevitably undermine regional and even global security and stability.

Just like Israel and the Syrian-Israel Federation, countless people are conducting a comprehensive analysis of this war.

Not everyone is analyzing the direction and future of the war, but analyzing why this war occurred.

The result of the analysis, as long as two words-inevitable.

The existence of the Future Technology Group has enabled the rapid growth of Iraq’s military strength and has disrupted the regional strategic balance.

Naturally, Israel, which bears the brunt, can no longer sit still, so there have been military operations against future technology groups.

With the constant threat of military powers on the side, the future technology group will inevitably need to strengthen itself to achieve its own strategic security.

This is the inevitable result of the development of the country and the evolution of the regional security situation.

A stronger Iraq has almost reached the goal of its regional security strategy. However, when two powerful military groups are put together, they are still neighbors, and there is a fundamental conflict. The inevitable result will be a battle between the two tigers.

There is no room for two tigers, and it is most appropriate to describe this kind of relationship between neighboring countries.

No country can be friends with another powerful country around it. The development of a country still follows a natural law of survival of the fittest.

And the growth and development of national interests is even more cruel than normal natural laws.

Countless historical proofs have clearly illustrated one point, and this is also common to the whole world.

This is not a conflict and opposition between cultures and beliefs, but a trend of fundamental interests. To determine one's own safety is an interest, and to determine one's economic dominance and dominance is also an interest.

Two neighboring countries with strong military power, no matter how good the relationship is, there is an inevitable conflict of interest.

Unless it is a common external threat, it will be difficult to become a true ally or friend.

If human beings are compared to a whole, and the earth is compared to a country, in the absence of any external threats and no external contradictions, the contradiction itself will be transferred to the inside.

In fact, everyone believes that when human beings really face foreign invaders, they will inevitably stop all disputes, unite together, and act in unison.

When there is no contradiction in the outside world, the contradiction will appear inside. Although it feels a little sad and cruel after understanding, it is the inevitable result that has never changed.

Competition and war have led to the development of science and technology. The price is bloodshed and killing. Human history has been accompanied by war and blood. This is the case in the past, and it must be the same in the future.

At present, the so-called peace among major powers is more about establishing a balance with nuclear weapons. When this balance is broken, the so-called peace may not exist.

The sixth Middle East war is now not just a contradiction between Cai Ruichen of the Islamic Federation and Israel.

It is the most fundamental problem in the entire Middle East It is quite normal that countries in the Middle East are willing to send troops for the sake of future regional security interests and eliminate the biggest destructive factor in the security situation in Israel.

In the interests of its own country’s security, it is Israel’s most common practice to take direct military measures against another country.

Now, just the country being attacked has become itself.

This is not to say that Cai Ruichen's appealing power is great, he does not even need to have much appealing power, and the appearance of some things is almost inevitable.

Israel has offended too many people, and it has also affected the fundamental interests of too many countries. Usually Israel’s strength makes all the neighboring countries dormant, but once Israel is going to be unlucky, what these countries want to do most is to get rid of it. .

Not to mention the hatred in the past, but also the future national security interests. These countries have to do this. This is the most direct and effective way to solve this problem.

What's more, there are still people who pay for the military, and there are strong future technology groups as a guarantee, and the participating countries will have less and less worries. (To be continued.) To find this site, please search "" or enter the URL:

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