The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1309: The collapsed CIA headquarters

The Langley headquarters of the CIA, which occupies no more than two hundred acres, is not very large in the eyes of the air transport plane.

Because of the maintenance problems of the Galaxy transport aircraft and the inability to fly under weather conditions, most of the US Air Force's Galaxy transport aircraft are used for domestic transportation tasks. Unless it is necessary for large items to be transported, they rarely fly. Out of the United States.

Basically all foreign transportation tasks are handed over to Hercules or Globemaster transport aircraft.

In this Galaxy transport plane, there are a batch of missiles and equipment that the US military has just transported to the naval base. In the huge cabin, the missiles are neatly placed on the transport rack. These missiles are all Tomahawk cruise missiles. .

On the side of these missiles, several people wearing US military uniforms are opening the missile insurance one by one.

On the side of the missile lay several US soldiers who were shot and killed. These US soldiers, without exception, were shot in the back of the head, showing no signs of resistance or struggle.

In the cockpit of the Galaxy transport plane, the navigator and captain were all in a pool of blood, and the pilot authority of the plane was controlled by the deputy captain.

Of the original crew members of more than a dozen people, only half of them survived. The faces of these people who were controlling the plane, without exception, showed crazy looks.

There was no emotion in the eyes. They were the most special group of people in the Red Police Corps. Except for the idea of ​​fighting, no other emotions existed.

This is a group of lunatics with no emotions, no thoughts and emotions, a group of killing machines that can only execute orders.

"All for jihad..."

The insurance for all missiles was opened, and all the terrorists in the cabin cheered.

The deputy captain who received the signal was also a terrorist. He looked at the Langley headquarters below, ignoring the warning sound from the CIA personnel below, and slammed his head directly towards the Langley headquarters building, which was already very close. .

On the ground, the defense force of Langley headquarters saw that the huge transport plane that rushed down had arrived in front of them, and hurriedly raised the air defense alarm.

No one could have imagined that this transport plane, whose flight trajectory looked very strange, actually rushed directly below.

On the roof of the Langley Headquarters building and several high points on the side, the anti-aircraft missiles concealed in the building rose quickly, and the first two Patriot-3 missiles that were locked quickly lifted into the air.

However, it was too late for the missile to react in the dozen or so seconds.

Before the missile flew out, the huge Galaxy transport plane slammed into the middle floor of the Langley headquarters building. The hard fuselage rammed directly into the interior of the building, and then a shocking explosion sounded on the middle floor of the Langley headquarters building.

The flames of the explosion gushed out from all sides of the building. In the shocking eyes of countless people nearby, the huge Langley headquarters building, half of the floor above, sat down.

The center of gravity of the deconstruction of the upper building was pressed down, the supporting pillars supporting the upper building in the middle were blown off, and the entire upper half of the building fell downward.

The collapse of the building is like a split bamboo. A 100-story skyscraper, even if only the five-story building above it collapses vertically, will result in the complete destruction of the entire skyscraper.

Moreover, this collapse does not deviate, it is completely exerting pressure toward the center of the building's center of gravity.

This feature of building collapse is also commonly used in engineering yards that demolish abandoned buildings. It even requires any explosives to run through. It only needs to cut all the support columns on a certain floor in half, and then use large machinery to break the columns. , The entire building can be completely turned into ruins.

The Langley headquarters at this moment is almost like this. As a result of pressing down half of the floor, the other half of the floor below and the other half of the floor are completely turned into ruins.

Dust and smoke quickly filled the entire Langley headquarters, dozens of floors of buildings collapsed, and the movement was too loud.

Immediately after the Langley headquarters was demolished, the Reaper troops immediately climbed up from the sewer location of the Langley headquarters.

The surrounding area is full of dust and smoke from the collapse of the building, and in the collapsed building, there are also various explosions that keep ringing.

The Reaper troops who climbed out of the sewer did not immediately return to the ground, but followed a safe passage in the underground parking lot of Langley headquarters that also collapsed and entered under the ruins of Langley headquarters.

This safe passage can be said to be a highly confidential passage of the CIA, or it can be said to be the back door of the CIA headquarters and a secret door connected to the underground laboratory of the Langley headquarters.

This passage has undergone special reinforcement. The entire underground parking lot of Langley Headquarters was crushed at the moment the building collapsed, and the entire headquarters was completely destroyed.

And at such a special time, when the entire CIA canceled vacations and overtime, the headquarters gathered all the elites of the CIA and followed this building, completely becoming a thing of the past.

What really surprised the CIA people was that some outsiders knew the location of this safe passage and sneaked in immediately.

On the surface, the entire CIA is located in the Langley headquarters, completely buried in the ruins of the collapsed building, and there is no complete place.

But in fact, the true core secrets of the CIA are all in the underground laboratory, which not only hides a large number of secret spy technology products of the CIA, but also the development of many secret weapons and equipment.

Of course, the most anticipated thing about is that in this underground base, the CIA has hidden all highly classified information for nearly a century since Roosevelt rectified the CIA after World War II.

Once these confidential information is leaked out, the turmoil caused is absolutely comparable to any previous CIA scandal. For example, the Prism Gate incident is probably only the tip of the iceberg in the confidential CIA files.

At this moment, in this U.S. intelligence core, the collapsed headquarters has also caused great damage to this underground laboratory. There are cracks everywhere in the underground buildings, and there is no power transmission in. It only depends on underground backup power sources. Maintain a flickering horizon.

In the underground laboratory, there were panicked people everywhere. The collapse of the entire building and the huge movement made the people below unable to calm down. What's more, the surrounding walls were all cracked. This underground building seems to have collapsed. danger.

At this time, no matter it was the ordinary scientific research personnel or the secret agents inside, there were not many calm.

Except for the certainty of being attacked, no one knows what the situation is now. (To be continued.) To find this site, please search "" or enter the URL:

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