The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1316: Gaddafi, bin Laden

At the time when Austria and Bama were announcing the news of the virus leak in front of the entire United States, fighting was also in full swing under the CIA headquarters.

Hundreds of Reaper's troops have captured three floors in a row in just ten minutes.

There were not many agents guarding inside, and they didn't have much resistance at all in the face of the crazy Reaper troops.

What's more, there are many elite special forces in the Grim Reaper, and there are also terrorists who blew themselves up. These CIA agents have experienced a very different kind of battle.

Assaulters cover, the terrorists approached and exploded. Crazy Ivan installed a powerful explosive device on every terrorist. One self-detonation can destroy a large number of enemies.

Soon, in the entire underground headquarters of the CIA, there was no longer a living agent, but all the important information was in the safe house, and those important personnel were all evacuated to the safe house.

The Reaper troops did not waste time in the safe house, mainly because they could not enter the side of the safe house.

The safe house in the CIA is hidden too deep, and they need to evacuate this place quickly. There is no extra time to fix the safe house.

When they reached the bottom of the underground base, they also saw so-called criminals in small glass isolation rooms.

Each of these criminals is dead outside, and some of them have been "dead" for 20 to 30 years.

These guys didn't respond when they saw someone coming, and many people kept calling for help.

Although they can't see the situation above, they can hear and think of these people in Middle Eastern costumes, no matter how good they look.

It was just that in the face of these prisoners' cry for help, the Death Army was not moved at all, but quickly walked through the isolated prisons, seeming to be looking for someone.

For everyone, they also took pictures. After all, these once dead celebrities are actually alive. Once exposed, the effect will definitely be leveraged.

There are also many major politicians in other countries who, on the surface, were assassinated by the United States, but in fact, they have been secretly detained by the CIA.

Soon the Grim Reaper was at the bottom of the prison and saw the goal of this trip-Gaddafi, one of the four kings in the Middle East.

A Libyan leader who claimed to have been killed by an air strike in the US media.

"Gaddafi?" Shen Lei stepped forward, standing on the phone in the isolation jail, and asked.

In a glass cell completely isolated from the outside world, Gaddafi, who was already full of white hair, looked at the group of completely unknown people in front of him and asked: "Who are you?"

"Do you want to leave here? Your country is in civil strife, warlords are fighting, and the people are not living. More than one-fifth of the people are fleeing to Europe..." Shen Lei said.

"What can I do when I go back?" Gaddafi shook his head and said helplessly.

After being imprisoned here for several years, the ambitions have probably been obliterated by the CIA.

"You really don't want to leave, don't you want revenge?" Shen Lei said.

"What do you want me to do?" The two words of revenge made Gaddafi finally moved, thinking of his family who died in the hands of the United States, his heart was thunderous.

"Go back to your country, summon your old ministry and rebuild a complete Libya." Shen Lei said calmly.

"Who are you?" Gaddafi thought for a while and asked.

"You will know in the future. If you want, we can send you out of the United States today and help you return to Libya secretly."

Having said that, Shen Lei paused and continued: "This is the only chance you can leave this place, and the only chance you can get revenge."

Perhaps it is the word revenge, when it comes to Gaddafi's heart, although he does not know that the other party is a human, and he does not know what purpose these people want, but these are not important to him.

After he was stunned in the car and came to this place, he knew that he was dead.

Because it is impossible for anyone to leave from here, let alone the whole world knows that he is dead.

It's just that he didn't expect that the dignified CIA headquarters would be attacked. Gaddafi didn't think that the CIA people were a mess. He could only say that these guys in front of him were very powerful.

At the moment when he nodded his agreement, Gaddafi thought of Russia and China. In his opinion, I am afraid that only such a superpower has the ability and capital to organize such attacks in the United States.

At the same time, he couldn't help thinking in his heart, could it be that a war between big powers has broken out outside?

Gaddafi didn't know. Through the equipment room of the isolation room, Gaddafi got the gas mask. After he put on the gas mask, Crazy Ivan stepped forward and began to crack the code of the isolation room.

"There is another guy inside, I guess you will also be interested." Gaddafi said before putting on the gas mask.

"I know that bin Laden is also here." Shen Lei nodded and said.

Gaddafi didn't say anything. After all, the other party came in directly to find himself, and knowing that he was here, it would be no surprise to know that Bin Laden was not dead yet and was in this place.

After all, no one had any doubt about his own death, but Bin Laden's death was full of doubts.

When Crazy Yiwen was about to violently open the isolation room where Gaddafi was, Shen Lei continued to walk towards the innermost part of the prison area.

After traveling only fifty a new isolation room appeared soon.

These isolation rooms can completely isolate the world inside and outside. There is a complete circulation system inside. The thick glass is also soundproof. You can only use the outside intercom to talk to the people inside.

Therefore, I don’t worry about the people in it being able to communicate. The environment in the isolation room is good and very clean.

Under the blasting of Crazy Ivan, both isolation rooms were opened. With two target characters, the Grim Reaper troops quickly evacuated this dangerous place.

Follow the blasted gap of the safety passage, drill into Langley’s underground drainage corridor, and directly into the river area, watching the countless dead fish on the river, everyone quickly put on diving suits, dived into the river, and left. Got this place.

The attack on the headquarters of the CIA was originally planned, but the rescue of Gaddafi and Bin Laden, who were secretly detained inside, was decided later.

Originally, there was no such plan, but these two people, to Cai Ruichen, seemed quite interesting, they simply rescued them, let them be outside, and cause more trouble for the United States. (To be continued.) To find this site, please search "" or enter the URL:

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