The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1324: Israeli nuclear bomb lifted off

PS: This chapter is a six-thousand-word chapter, the last bit of electricity from the computer, I'm afraid it's too late to upload it in a hurry.


In the Israeli air defense project, Netanyahu looked at Cai Ruichen's speech on the TV with a gloomy face.

He doesn't care how many people died in the United States or the Jews near Washington. What he cares most is that the relationship between the future technology group and the United States is developing towards a picture he least wants to see.

Originally, according to Netanyahu's idea, the Future Technology Group showed a relationship with China, which is Israel's best opportunity, and there is a complete opportunity for the United States to send troops to deal with Cai Ruichen.

It's just that the plan is far from keeping up with the changes, and the arguing plan prepared in the United States has aborted before it even started.

The operation was cracked by the US CIA before it started. Fortunately for Netanyahu, no evidence was left pointing to Israel.

However, the evolution of the next thing left him with no hope at all.

A Baghdadi who has disappeared all over the world for nearly two years appeared. He also created an attack in the United States that could be called a work of the century, bombed the entire CIA headquarters, and caused a huge accident.

The only thing he could feel relieved by the appearance of this news was that the United States might have attributed all three attacks that occurred in one day to Baghdadi’s armed forces.

But now, when he saw Cai Ruichen announce in front of the world, the Future Technology Group has the means to save those who are dying in Washington and extend their survival time.

Seeing this news, Netanyahu has been completely desperate, which already means that it is completely impossible for the United States to take action against Cai Ruichen.

No matter how hard Israel works at this time, no matter how great the influence of the Jewish group in the United States, the result will not change.

Because the United States needs Cai Ruichen and the Future Technology Group to save the lives of millions of people.

Now Netanyahu’s only hope is that Cai Ruichen is bragging in front of the world, or perhaps the future technology group’s drug, which does not work. Although this possibility is slim, this is Netanyahu’s last hope. .

At this moment, the domestic war situation in Israel can be described as a mess. After the Israeli-Syrian Federation completed the strategic encirclement of the Israeli army, the coalition forces in the Middle East also changed their previous feigning containment tactics and all adopted a full-scale active offensive.

Due to the large amount of material and force constrained and the complete loss of air superiority, any company-platoon-level combat unit of the Middle East coalition can call for air fire support or missile support from naval warships at any time. The combat effectiveness demonstrated by the Israeli army, Also greatly discounted.

Moreover, these coalition forces in the Middle East are not influential armed forces. They are all elites of various countries. They have tried their best to exploit their strengths and avoid weaknesses in the confrontation with the Israeli army.

So far, the armored soldiers of the Israeli army have rarely had the opportunity to destroy the opponent's tanks. Instead, as soon as the Israeli tanks appear, they will be destroyed by air fighters.

Moreover, as the main force of the Red Police Corps, the performance of ground main battle equipment is completely worthy of Israel’s Merkava, and the Saudi Army, the second main force of the Allied Forces, are all Abrams and German Panther tanks. In terms of firepower and protection, it also surpassed Israel's Merkava.

The Egyptian army is also equipped with a lot of American equipment. In terms of combat effectiveness, it is not inferior to the Israeli army that has lost air supremacy.

The main offensive in the three directions, as well as the troops of some countries such as Jordan, Yemen, Palestine, etc. The pressure that the Israeli army faces is difficult for the Israeli forces to resist.

The current Israeli army can only defend less than half of the country. Israel, which has no strategic depth at all, and is unwilling to lose any square of land, is holding on from city to city.

However, such persistence of the troops requires a large amount of weapons and ammunition, as well as sufficient troops to defend, but these Israelis are already on the verge of exhaustion.

Although Israel is a country that has been preparing for war for a long time, its war reserves are also limited due to the limitations of its territory and national strength.

Most of Israel's materials need to be imported from outside. At this moment, all the contacts between Israel and the outside are blocked.

Although he didn't want to take it very much, Netanyahu knew very well that there were not many opportunities for Israel in this war.

The previously reserved strategic reserve team has already begun to be used, trying to defend against attacks from all sides and give enough time for the United States to participate in the war.

But now, Netanyahu has completely lost sight of any possibility for the United States to join the war.

Because after Cai Ruichen’s announcement, the U.S. government quickly confirmed this. The antibody drugs developed by biomedical technology in the future can indeed alleviate the death time of the poisoned person and strive for a sufficient period of time for a complete cure.

At this moment, the U.S. government is also using all means. While transporting all the antibody medicines stored in future hospitals in the United States to Washington, it also quickly organizes professional doctors and nurses across the country to travel to the disaster area as quickly as possible. Numerous patients undergo injections.

For today's patients, any point in time means priceless life.

All those who were worried were relieved this time. At least in this case, the stone in everyone's heart can finally be put down.

However, Netanyahu only has a deep sense of despair. The United States now needs the future technology group's antibody medicine, and it also needs the future technology group to be able to save the tens of millions of people.

At this time, the Future Technology Group in the hearts of all Americans represents the word hope, and Cai Ruichen has instantly become a savior-like figure.

When everyone in the world was helpless, it was Cai Ruichen who saved the poisoned people and brought hope to countless people.

Under such circumstances, even if the U.S. government has 10,000 reasons to start war on the Syrian Federation, it is completely impossible to send troops.

The American people were unwilling, and the United States could not find any reason to start a war against Cai Ruichen.

Israel is no more important than the sentiments of all citizens of the United States, nor is it as important as the millions of lives.

The whole world knows this, and Netanyahu knows even more. Even he also knows that the US government cannot offend Cai Ruichen, nor can it offend Cai Ruichen.

If Cai Ruichen is a politician, it is entirely possible that at this time, the lion speaks loudly and the United States will be helpless.

Netanyahu also had no choice but to reach the final moment of decision.


After 24 hours of emergency transportation, Cai Ruichen immediately mobilized sufficient transportation forces to finally deliver 10 million antibody drugs to the United States.

The U.S. government has also fully utilized its efficiency. Not only has it organized most of the country’s nurses and doctors, but also many volunteers have entered the disaster area to give all the poisoned patients antibody injections.

It’s just that although it’s already very efficient, there are still many people who have not persisted until the moment of injection.

Fortunately, the final result was quite good. After all the poisoned patients were injected with antibody drugs, nearly 8 million people still survived, but only temporarily.

After three months, if a solution to the virus has not been found, these people will need to continue to inject antibody drugs.

And because of the immune function of the human body, the effect of antibody drugs will gradually decrease. Later, it may even need to be injected several times a day. If the problem is still not resolved, then all the poisoned people will have to keep hanging if they want to continue to survive. To resist death.

Fortunately, if there are enough antibody medicaments, these 8 million people will be able to last for one or two years. What the future science and technology group needs to do is to continuously produce antibody medicaments and then ship them to the United States. Like all medical research institutions in the world, research on how to thoroughly rescue these people.

Because of such a good performance, coupled with the effect of antibody drugs, most of the hopes of a complete cure are naturally placed on the Future Technology Group.

The U.S. government also opened up the previous restrictions on the Future Technology Group for the first time. The relationship between the Future Technology Group and the United States returned to its best state overnight.

It’s just that everyone understands that the United States now needs a future technology group. Once this virus is cured, the relationship between the two parties may still be cracked.

And all the universities and medical research institutions in the United States, as well as every biomedical company, have received a large amount of financial support and policy support from the US government. This behavior is not only to completely save the eight million people, but also to save the 8 million people. Can get rid of the influence of the future technology group.

Cai Ruichen is also quite clear about this. In fact, he was completely unprepared for this disaster.

The current results can only be said to be dictated by heaven, but the results are very good.

Being able to suddenly ease relations with the United States at such a time will help complete a war.

However, Cai Ruichen does not believe that the final result of this war must be his own victory.

As long as Israel has a last resort, the outcome of the war is still full of uncertainty.

Judging from the current war situation, the situation is still quite optimistic, and the victorious scale has been greatly tilted towards one's own side.


In central Israel, large tracts of farms have been abandoned. The war caused all Israelis on these collective farms to leave these fields and flee to other places.

Yorktown is a very common one of all farms, but this farm is a little special. This place is relatively far away from the large farmland. On the edge of Yorktown, there is only a farmland of less than 20 acres, and it is also far away from water sources. , Can only plant more drought-resistant potatoes.

Therefore, this small town is also called Potato Town by other farms nearby.

Moreover, in the eyes of other farms, Tudou Town is a very quirky town. Although there are many people in the town, it has never been in contact with the outside world, as if it is naturally isolated from the outside world.

Few celebrations are held in this small town, nor do they participate in activities organized by other small towns.

Moreover, people who have never seen this town of Tudou have left this town. Every time the harvest is assembled, it is also a logistic purchase vehicle of the Israel Defense Forces. They come to Tudou to directly purchase all the potatoes.

Only ten or twenty years have passed, and people in other nearby towns are not surprised at this strange Potato Town, and gradually no one cares about this little-known place.

In addition to this small town and protesting migrants, the town is far away from the main communication lines, and usually one or two migrants are rarely seen a year.

Everyone is also reluctant to go to this small town, because every time they pass, people in the whole town will stand at the door of their homes and stare at every outsider.

Over time, the town felt completely isolated.

When the war broke out, Israelis from other farms nearby all left this place and sought refuge in a safer place.

Because the war has come to the edge of this farm, this place is also a must for the invaders to attack. The flat traffic is suitable for large troops to march. There is no shelter around, and there is no fear of an ambush.

Therefore, all the people who got the news left their homes.

As for the people in Yorktown, no one left, whether it was an old man or a child, as if they didn't know that the war was about to burn to this place.

What everyone in the neighborhood doesn't know is that all the men and women in this small town are all prepared a lot of weapons and equipment at this moment.

This is a camouflage farm for the Israeli army. Everyone in it, even a newborn baby, is directly registered in the military, and they must live in this place when they are old. Without freedom, they cannot leave this place.

In Yorktown, there are hundreds of households, all of them are like this, and all the Defence Forces cannot really let these hundreds of people simply grow potatoes here. The reason that really restricts the people of Yorktown from leaving here is that in this small town Israeli strategic weapons hidden below.

The people of Yorktown at this moment were all very careful. They didn't put on military uniforms, and they hid everything related to the army.

The mayor of Yorktown, the highest officer of this secret force, ordered everyone to look at the situation.

If the intruder does not discover the secret here, then do not break out an armed conflict, hide all the weapons, and refrain from fighting.

In fact, this is their only choice. Otherwise, relying on these hundreds of them, including not many young men and women, nor any heavy weapons, how could it be possible to withstand the heavily armed forces of the invaders.

In the twilight, there is no light in the town, but below the town, there are bright lights. The town has its own independent power generation system to provide electricity for the town’s underground facilities.

Outside Yorktown, in the dark night, several violent silhouettes appeared in the dry farmland.

With the help of black cover, these shadows approached the town quietly.

Behind the black shadows, in a dry channel, the dim display screen showed the whole picture of Yorktown.

On the two haystacks near the canal, two sniper teams are waiting for the command team's attack order.

Among the command team, Tang Zuwang carefully looked at the personal terminal screen in front of him, guiding the assault team in front to sneak into every aspect of the town.

The town in front of him, in his eyes, is not as quiet as it seems.

The layout of the town’s houses presents a circular layout, with the back of each house facing the flat field outside.

The people inside can easily observe any movement nearby.

This time Tang Zuwang led a special assault team, and the goal was quite clear.

Being able to let him, a dignified sniper hero, personally set off, shows how important this town is in Cai Ruichen's mind.

When he came around this small town, Tang Zuwang was already basically certain that there must be a nuclear bomb silo in this small town.

The reason is very simple. The layout of the canals in this field seems to be very problematic.

This place is far away from the water source, but there is always a pool full of water, and many canals are dry, but the small ponds in the fields are full of water.

The only explanation is that the water in this pond is always filled with water, otherwise it would be impossible to ensure that the pond is full without rain for several months.

In addition to the architectural layout of this town, it was completely defensive, and the Israelis near the town seemed very strange, and they did not even find all the information about this town.

Such a strange and confidential place, combined with the situation seen on the spot, and all the things that may be hidden in Israel at present, Tang Zuwang can basically be sure that this place must hide one or two underground silos.

The water in the small pond is drawn from an underground silo. The Jericho-3 missile is nearly 20 meters long. If you want to accommodate such a big guy and internal maintenance equipment, the silo needs a minimum depth of 30 meters. the above.

This is equivalent to the length of a ten-story building. Even if the moisture-proof work is done well, the penetration of groundwater is unavoidable. Therefore, it is necessary to dig a deeper groundwater well near the nuclear bomb launching well to infiltrate all nearby groundwater. In this deeper well, then the water is pumped out.

This ensures that the soil around the nuclear bomb silo is sufficiently dry.

Of course, modern nuclear bomb silos can almost omit this step, but Israel’s silos are all secretly excavated, and the time is long after all, and some functions cannot be as perfect as underground silos in the United States or Russia.

It's just that Tang Zuwang is a little uncertain that in this small town, there are no traces of nuclear bomb silos at all, and no trace of any soil being moved by a whole piece at all.

But even so, Tang Zuwang did not come to a conclusion easily, because the nuclear bomb silos could be camouflaged by many things.

In his opinion, the buildings in front of these houses or farm warehouses might be nuclear bomb silos under one of the buildings.

The assault squad in action has approached a place less than a hundred meters outside the town building, and every commando is covered with a night camouflage net, which can not only camouflage the outline of the human body, but also deceive infrared or dim light. Night vision device.

Otherwise, the assault team may not be able to get close to such a close distance, because if everything is as Tang Zuwang guessed, there must be various night vision devices similar to anti-infantry radars in that small town.

On Tang Zuwang’s personal terminal, among the infrared observation equipment, there are people in every house here, the red feature is obvious, and many people have been standing quietly by the wall near the periphery of the town, possibly watching The situation outside.

Therefore, he didn't dare to care at all. After all, there were hundreds of people in the small town, and the number of personnel capable of fighting was more than ten times theirs.

Special forces are originally not suitable for positional warfare or large-scale offensive and defensive warfare. Silent penetration and silent killing are what special forces should do.

It’s just that this small town is really not suitable for special infiltration operations. It is unobstructed, and there is no commanding height that can overlook the entire town. As long as the opponent has anti-infantry radar or infrared devices, Tang Zuwang believes that he is in no matter which country he is. When the special forces came, it was difficult for them to approach here silently.

Had it not been for the Red Police Corps to have advanced individual camouflage equipment, Tang Zuwang would have to give up the action and hand it over to the main force to attack directly.

Just by doing this, some worried that the guys inside would fire a nuclear bomb, and this possibility is completely there, after all, Israel is almost at the end of the world.

"Pay attention to the sniper team. At eight o'clock in the direction of the assault team, there is a guard in the alley. There is no one nearby and can snipe." Tang Zuwang saw that the assault team had reached the designated position and directly ordered the sniper team to take action.

On the haystack, one of the sniper teams was facing this small alley. The observers of the sniper team had long discovered the guards in the alley, and when they were ordered by Tang Zuwang they immediately nodded to the sniper.

The sniper gently squeezed the trigger, and the 20-style muffler sniper rifle did not show the slightest fire at the muzzle. At the moment the bullet was fired, only the sniper and the observer could vaguely hear a little sound.

The guard in the alley was shot in the head and fell.

However, when Tang Zuwang's special commando team started to operate, the missile launch center below the town, all the officers of the town were gathered here, just now, they received the launch order confirmed by Netanyahu and Lieberman at the same time.

More than half of the country’s land area is occupied. The Israel Defense Forces are unable to retake the occupied land. It is completely impossible for the United States to participate in the war. The three reasons add up to the use of nuclear weapons.

In the underground launch center, two keys are inserted into the unlocking keyhole at the same time and rotated at the same time.

At the same time, a siren suddenly sounded in the small town. The tops of the two warehouses on both sides of Yorktown were lifted directly. A thick round door slowly rose, and the moment the round door rose, it stood on The bottom of the Jericho-3 missile in the silo flashed brightly. (To be continued.) To find this site, please search "" or enter the URL:

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