The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1331: No Israel

PS: Thank you "Brother Xiang" for your support on Alipay. Today's five chapters and 20,000 words, thank him for his long-term help to Huali, thank you!

Let me declare again that in the future, the number of characters in the chapters of this book will be changed to more than 3,000 words. Today's five chapters are 4,000 words each, which is equivalent to the previous ten to 20,000 words. Therefore, don’t look at the number of words. But quite a few.


There are two paths for the Israelis to choose. From the eyes of all countries, the first path is simply not the choice that the Israelis will make.

The Jewish dream of founding a nation was hard to come true, how could it be so abandoned.

Therefore, almost all countries feel that the result of the Israeli referendum must be the second choice, no matter how harsh the conditions of the second choice are.

The second option naturally comes with the conditions of a defeated country. The Israelis reorganize their own government, and no country can interfere. However, the new Israeli regime that is formed must assume all the responsibilities for instigating the war and the defeated country.

Among them, there are many clauses on military restrictions. Even if Israel is re-established, it will no longer be a complete sovereign state.

The country has no army, no right to go to war, only the ability to fight passively, and cannot develop and produce main battle equipment. In other words, Israel’s future self-defense forces will only use individual weapons, no warships, no tanks, and no aircraft. .

In addition, the size of the Self-Defense Forces will be limited to less than 20,000, and the size of the police will not exceed 20,000. The army and the police are not allowed to have any foreign personnel, and the military service system must be adjusted.

In short, the second condition is to turn Israel into a country without combat effectiveness. This is the condition put forward by the victorious country.

If the Israelis make a choice but do not want to agree to this condition, then Israel will regard it as actively accepting the first condition, or continue the war.

At this moment, the Israelis do not have the capital to continue the war. They have no troops and no weapons and equipment.

The entire territory of Israel is still under complete blockade, and even the goods of social public services are all provided by the Future Technology Group.

The Israelis have no possibility of war. Instead of accepting the first condition, they accept the second condition.

On the day the resolution was announced, the UN monitoring team also came to Israel as soon as possible.

This is naturally the result of Cai Ruichen's hard work. At the same time, in order to show fairness and justice, and to welcome all countries in the world, a monitoring team was sent to monitor the entire voting process.

In addition, the statistics of the number of votes will also be registered by a joint team composed of countries and the United Nations monitoring team to register each vote result.

Throughout the process, the Middle East coalition forces have only the obligation to accompany them, and do not have the right to intervene in all voting.

Cai Ruichen's decision is to make the whole world shut up about the election results.

With such an open referendum, the entire Western world sent oversight teams in the first place.

This time, all countries are extremely anxious, and the speed is also very fast, because the referendum on the fate of Israel will begin tomorrow.

The referendum only lasts for three days. All Israelis under the age of sixty and over fourteen can vote, regardless of whether they are men or women. As long as the total number of votes reaches 80% of the referendum, the result of the referendum is valid.

If the number of votes does not reach 80% of the eligible votes, the result of the referendum will be deemed invalid and a new referendum will be required.

In three days, there are less than three million votes. For Israel, where the population is currently concentrated, it will not take three days at all.

On the day of the referendum, there were more than two million votes, and by noon the next day, there were nearly three million votes.

In the afternoon of the second day of the referendum, no one came to the referendum at all referendum stations. Therefore, all the monitoring teams announced that the originally planned three-day referendum time would be shortened by one day. Starting tomorrow, all the sealed referendums will be Start statistics.

The statistics are all completed by the supervision teams of all countries, and the entire statistical process will be recorded throughout to ensure that every referendum vote can appear on the screen.

At the same time, many people around the world are all paying attention to the result of the referendum and are also discussing what choice the Israelis will make this time.

Is it to choose the first condition, belong to the same country as the Palestinians, and look for opportunities to rise, or choose the second condition for enduring humiliation.

It's just that no matter what the result is, it has nothing to do with most people, they just watch the fun.

In fact, no matter which country is missing in the world, the earth is still operating as usual, and people who are not involved are how to live or how to live every day.

Some topics are just talks after dinner and have no effect on most of the lives.

It's like Israel today is really related to the interests of the United States and the Western world, but it is actually directly related to the citizens of Western countries.

At most, in the future, the United States will lose its oil interests in the Middle East, which will cause the country to be affected by a series of rising oil prices.

As for how this will happen again in the future, it is only a matter for investors and politicians, and it is difficult for civilians to feel everything inside.

The referendum on the fate of Israel is only a component of the historical development process, an event recorded in human history.

After the result of the referendum appeared, no one can say whether there is Israel in this world.

But everyone is well aware that the Middle East coalition forces have shown an attitude towards Israeli democratic choices. Once the results appear and are effective, they will not be changed.

Many politically sensitive people have clearly smelled the silent political transactions inside.

Cai Ruichen opens his entire referendum statistical power to the world, which is to send a signal to the world that no matter what the result is, he will respect the choice of the Israelis. At the same time, since all countries are willing to state oversight, once the results are determined to be valid, they must also respect the results of the referendum. .

The results of the referendum were counted within two days. On the third day, everyone checked each unanimous vote again, and then the total vote count was started.

The results of the statistics appeared immediately, but the results that appeared were a Western world, all with some helpless results.

Throughout the process, all the supervisory teams in Western countries have been constantly determining the content of each ballot, but the results were not pleasant to accept.

At present, the total population of Israel is 5 million, and there are about 3 million people eligible for public investment. The effective referendum is 3.1 million. In the entire Israeli society, only tens of thousands of people have not voted.

From the perspective of the voting ratio, the result of the referendum is absolutely valid.

All the votes were counted. As a result, 68% of the votes chose the first way, and 32% of the Israelis chose the second way. There were no abstentions in this election. One is two and there is no third option.

The results of the voting are clear at a glance.

After the completion of the complete statistics, the joint impartial team immediately announced the results of the entire Israeli referendum and declared the results of the referendum effective.

The Israelis chose Jaru to be in the Palestinian state while enjoying all the rights of Palestinian citizens.

At the same time, Palestine will retain all the wealth and property owned by the Israelis, and also protect all the legitimate rights and interests of the Israelis.

And this result also means that the process of Israel will no longer exist, and there will be no Israel in the Palestinian areas in the future, only a Palestinian state.

It is estimated that in the not-too-distant future, he will become a member of the Islamic and Syrian federal state and become a member of another family.

To this result, the Israelis reacted very ordinary, without any commotion or protest, and all seemed to have accepted this fate.

At least for all Israelis, this result is good, that is, their assets and rights will not be violated.

When the results appeared, the supervision teams of various countries had no objection to this. The Western world had no choice but to accept such results, but the supervision teams of various countries would not leave, but simply stayed in Palestine to monitor whether Palestine had any Anything that violates the Israelis occurs.

This is also the final effort made by various countries, and such results are not what they want to see.

But if Palestine fails to comply with the terms and conditions, then the Western world has something to say.

Once the regulations cannot be fulfilled, that is to say, the Israelis do not need to comply with the results of the previous referendum.

After all, such a choice is based on the fact that both parties abide by the regulations. Once one party violates the rules, there is no need for the other party to comply.

It's just that the Western countries are destined to be disappointed, and Palestine has no resistance to accepting Israelis at all.

It is beyond the imagination of the Palestinians to achieve such a result. After all, before the war, Palestine was still an institution with incomplete political power, and it was not even a normal country.

Everything now is completely beyond the imagination of the Palestinians. Naturally, they dare not ask for anything. After all, Palestinians are not fools, and they are very aware of the silly intestines in the Western world.

Regarding this result, Cai Ruichen was the least surprised, as he had expected it. ,

It seems to be highly transparent, open and fair, but if he hadn't known the result early in the morning, it would have been impossible for him to have such confidence.

The result was destined from the beginning. With the influence of the mind controller, being able to manipulate the hearts of the people, everything is no longer a problem.

At the same time, Cai Ruichen also got the result he wanted most, and the base's **** mission finally got a new response.

When the result of the referendum appeared, the base immediately began to evaluate the mission.

The evaluation time is also three days, and this period is also within the two-year additional reward time requirement.

Three days later, in the base console, Cai Ruichen launched the virtual reality platform on time and waited for the results to appear five minutes before the evaluation results appeared.

"The evaluation result of Force Expansion Task 5 has been completed. Congratulations to the commander for completing the Force Expansion Task 5 perfectly and completing the task within two years of additional rewards. Successfully rewarded a special base vehicle-a French base vehicle. The commander can always The French base vehicle can be deployed within the scope of the base construction.

At the same time, the commander will also get a direct chance to get a super unit. Please take this opportunity to take advantage of this opportunity. What super unit or special unit can be drawn depends entirely on the commander’s luck. All can start, and the commander can also reserve the right to draw. When the right to draw is accumulated to three, the commander can also designate a super unit or a special unit, and the designated unit will be 100%. "

"The fifth task of power expansion is completed. Congratulations to the commander for finally confirming the status of the regional hegemon. After the test, the commander’s authority will be upgraded to a high level of authority. The commander’s high level authority will have more powerful units appearing. The super unit under the advanced authority will appear. The promotion authority task has been generated, please check it by the commander."

Hearing what the base said, Cai Ruichen's whole person relaxed, and this **** task was finally completed.

I have to say that this task is the most difficult task that Cai Ruichen encountered after getting the base vehicle.

But the harvest is very good. The promotion mission of high-level authority has appeared, and the French base vehicle has also been obtained. At the same time, there will be a chance to get a new super weapon unit at random.

Cai Ruichen quickly opened the task panel, and immediately saw the task of being promoted to advanced technology permissions.

Advancement to high-level scientific and technological authority tasks: unify the Middle East and establish a country with a unified system in the Middle East. The most basic is the establishment of a federal state in the Middle East. Its member states must include at least Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Palestine, Yemen, Jordan, Bahrain, UAE, Kuwait, and Iran. Pakistan and Afghanistan joined the federation.

There is no final time required for the task, and it can be completed any time.

Task reward: After completion, the commander will get a chance to randomly get super units and special units.

Additional task rewards: within two years to complete the authorization promotion, the commander will be rewarded with a Korean base vehicle. If the mission is not completed for more than 24 months, the reward will be forfeited, and there will never be a Korean base vehicle.

Remarks: When the South Korean base car develops to the there will be an exclusive special unit-Kongtian Black Hawk.

At the moment when he saw this mission, Cai Ruichen once again had a very inexplicable feeling. He had a similar feeling before. The step-by-step missions of the base are all organized.

Now Cai Ruichen can basically determine this. The initial task is naturally easy to say, no matter which task it is, it is a process that must be experienced.

Eliminating Israel is also what Cai Ruichen really wants to do. After all, there is a strong enemy who is always thinking about himself, which is a huge hidden danger.

Knowing the hidden danger of Israel, Cai Ruichen's next step is to radiate his influence to the entire Middle East world.

This mission, even if the base does not give it out, Cai Ruichen intends to do so, but what makes him curious is why it specifically pointed out that Afghanistan and Pakistan cannot be touched?

This is something that Cai Ruichen doesn't understand, and the base's move must also have a profound meaning, but with this deep meaning, Cai Ruichen may feel that he has not yet reached a certain level of vision, so he can't understand it. (To be continued.) To find this site, please search "" or enter the URL:

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