The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1335: Heavy infantry vs evolutionary

On the night when Cai Ruichen returned to the wasteland, a platoon of the Red Police Corps heavy infantry was stationed in the underground square in the center of Erbil. Every heavy infantry was fully armed. At the same time, Cai Ruichen also ordered the base to set the alert level. improve.

Any dangerous target entering Iraq must be warned immediately, without any delay.

Such a move also fully demonstrated Cai Ruichen's attention to Qianhe's safety.

In the city center of Erbil, all the high-level troops of the base were quietly gathered around, and even Cai Ruichen ordered Qin Chen and Wu Jie to be ready to dispatch at any time.

Once there is a real danger, the two must ensure Qianhe's safety as soon as possible.

Regardless of whether Qianhe can complete the evolution, Cai Ruichen does not want her to have any accidents, especially threats from outside.

This is not only related to the 20,000 mutants, but also related to Qianhe's survival.

Cai Ruichen didn't feel that he was making a fuss. There were too many secrets in Qianhe. Although he knew very little, he could still feel Qianhe's inner anxiety. Qianhe was alone more than once. Show anxiety and hesitation.

All these can explain the problem, and the world of wasteland is inherently extremely dangerous, and there are too many unknowns.

In Cai Ruichen's view, this is a world that is more dangerous than political games and countless secret contests in the world.

The world hidden under the one-sided news of the media is extremely cruel, and interests are constantly involved, but in the world of wasteland, all the dangers are on the surface, without any disguise, everything is so primitive.

Both worlds are dangerous in Cai Ruichen's eyes. In this world, it is possible to be used accidentally. There are conspiracies everywhere, and here, the danger is often straightforward and simple, but it is so unexpected.

After leaving the base console, Cai Ruichen traveled to many places, and finally came to the inside of the Biogene Research Center.

This is a huge underground research base, located just below the base, and the space inside is huge. Although you don't have to go to the underground kingdom in this world, it's not much different.

The huge biological gene research center covers a total area of ​​more than 1,000 square kilometers, divided into large areas.

And the tyrannosaurus of the base biological arms all live in this place, and the tyrannosaurus conscripted by Cai Ruichen has always been hidden here.

This is because there is not only enough food for these big people, but also the safety of this underground research center.

After all, the animals that were cloned and cultivated, after mutation, are all extremely dangerous, and they need a strong force to ensure the safety of this place.

Tyrannosaurus is the best choice. After all, using thermal weapons in this underground space is difficult to effectively control the destructive power. It is very likely to cause some damage to the structure of the underground research room, and half of the weapons can't deal with those blocks. Huge mutant creature.

Moreover, although some mutant creatures are not big, they are extremely dangerous. Some mutant creatures are even more dangerous than those mutants of rank five or six.

If there is no strong force to take control, there is no way to guarantee safety. What's more, there is the base above, and the outside is also the circle of future base survivors. Once the mutant creatures inside run out, the consequences will be catastrophic.

But so far, there has not been any unexpected situation here. The mutant creatures that are cultivated can be controlled in strength. Once there is the possibility of losing control, they will be given priority to the mutant outside as food.

When Cai Ruichen came here, he saw Qin Chen and Wu Jie standing outside a huge glass room, watching the fighting going on inside.

Inside is a heavy infantry wearing a single armor, and his opponent is actually a super muscular man who is not inferior to heavy infantry regardless of height or head.

The two inside were fighting life and death. The heavy infantry was holding a long alloy knife, while his opponent, a muscular man, was empty-handed. He was wearing a red shorts, but he was able to hold a weapon. In front of the heavy infantry, he remained undefeated, and depending on the situation, this guy still took the initiative in the battle.

Because Cai Ruichen saw the depression of multiple fists on the heavy infantry body, the individual armor and the super fiber mixed metal armor were all cracked by the opponent, which shows how thrilling this battle is.

Cai Ruichen also knew that the muscular man who fought against the heavy infantry was the Russian man who was stunned by him a few months ago.

It's just that Cai Ruichen didn't expect that the Russian man had such a strong strength and the strength of the heavy infantry. Cai Ruichen knew better than anyone.

In the case of progress, when there is no room for escape, the mutants at level 5 are unlikely to be opponents of heavy infantry.

That’s why he would mobilize a platoon of heavy infantry to go to the city center of Erbil. In his opinion, his heavy infantry is more reliable than Qianhe’s fifth-level mutants, especially in The narrow places in the underground square.

Heavy infantry wearing individual armor is almost like cutting vegetables for mutants below level 6.

Of course, if the mutant at level 5 wants to escape, the heavy infantry will not be able to catch up with the opponent. After all, heavy infantry is not good at fast and long-distance sprints.

However, if the rocket propulsion module is replaced in the right environment, the level 5 mutant can still not escape from the heavy infantry.

Before, Cai Ruichen stunned this big Russian man and handed him over to Qin Chen and Wu Jie, but he didn't expect that this big man had such a powerful strength.

The huge muscles all over his body bulged quickly, causing his body to swell to a height of nearly three meters. The white skin was covered with blue blood vessels, and the blood flowing quickly inside could be clearly seen.

With a long needle-like beard, huge thick lips, and that beast-like gaze, it looks like a human-shaped tank.

And the image of this guy looks different from a few months ago.

"Is this the real face of this guy?" Cai Ruichen stepped forward and asked the two Qin Chen and Wu Jie who were watching with gusto.

When the two heard what Cai Ruichen said, they discovered Cai Ruichen’s arrival and hurriedly saluted: “This guy has a lot of things worth studying, a human with the power of mutants, and this guy already has the level of mutants. Strength, placed in human society, is completely a monster."

"What's his name?" Cai Ruichen can almost understand the ability and level of the two inside at a glance. The big bald muscular man inside is indeed capable of nearly a sixth-level mutant, but in his opinion, it is the same. .

Not to mention that this bald head has the ability to approach a sixth-level mutant, even if it fully possesses the ability of a sixth-level mutant, it will be knocked down in front of his eyes.

"Sanjivre, a Russian, born in 1988, grew up in a farm in Siberia since he was a child. Because his body is different from ordinary people and he is born with supernatural powers, he joined the Russian national sports team as a young man. He started to participate in wrestling since he was a teenager. The competition is a master with rich practical experience. At the age of 18, he has won the heavyweight world wrestling championship.

He has been active in the international sports arena for a long time. After the catastrophe, he was cultivated by the Russian government and used a mysterious potion, which not only greatly enhanced his physical fitness, but also produced a mysterious sound in his body. Biological energy, that is, relying on this life energy, he can block the alloy long knife in the hands of the heavy infantry. "

When Qin Chen recounted the information about Sanjivre, Cai Ruichen also saw the biological energy in Qin Chen's mouth. On Sanjivre's right hand, a little fluorescent light appeared, and this hand blocked the heavy infantry every time. He's hacking, even directly facing the blade, and Sanjivre's palm and arm have never been wounded.

The sharp alloy long knife was completely blocked, which made Cai Ruichen even more interested.

He didn't expect that there are such interesting things in this world. Could it be that this is the inner strength in the novel? That's too much!

When he thought of this, Cai Ruichen immediately shook his head. The Red Police Base Cars are all available, and that's what it is.

But Cai Ruichen didn't believe that there really is any inner strength in this world. There are one or two perverts. It is understandable that the world is so big!

It's just this guy's method of blocking the heavy infantry alloy long knife, which made him really curious.

Of course, Cai Ruichen was not envious of the opponent, because he basically needed to learn from the opponent's method, reloading the infantry's alloy long knife, he could not hurt him at all.

"Then what's going on now?" Cai Ruichen asked the two with some doubts, how did this captive fight with his heavy infantry.

"Train the soldiers, and let our soldiers learn as much as possible about the miracles in this world." Qin Chen pointed to the omnidirectional camera in the large glass-covered duel room and said.

"Good idea." Cai Ruichen nodded. This method is indeed very good. Anything new is a means to learn and understand the world.

Here in the wasteland of Iraq, the news is too closed. If you are in Europe or the Far East, you may be able to get in touch with many things in this world.

Cai Ruichen also thought about going out for a walk, but he didn't have time. In the future, he would have to go out and have a look. Knowing more now will not make him too reckless and ignorant in the future.

"Just why does he obediently compete with our people?" Cai Ruichen asked curiously.

"Because he doesn't want to be killed, if he doesn't resist, he can only be killed." Wu Jie said lightly.

"We didn't slice him to study. It's already very kind. If he doesn't obey any more, he won't even have a chance to breathe." Qin Chen said naturally.

Cai Ruichen heard this, a little speechless, just the word survival, it explained everything, of course, this is also human nature, it is better to die than to live, let alone a strong person, cherishing life is naturally the top priority.

It's just that Cai Ruichen didn't expect that this guy is so cooperative, it seems that he is also a person who knows the current affairs.

"Then why did he go after the three Chinese?" Cai Ruichen asked.

"Even he doesn't know this. The order he received was to capture the three Chinese back. It may be for research, or it may be to weaken the high-level combat effectiveness of the Chinese side. Of course, it may have other purposes. Giffel is just a person who executes orders, not a person who issues orders, and doesn't know much."

Speaking of this, Qin Chen paused and continued: "However, he also said a lot about the current situation in Russia. In fact, everything is not as bad as we thought. The governments of the wasteland countries have also kept them intact. In the end, the virus only had an effect on the injured. In the early stage of the catastrophe, all countries immediately carried out the necessary protection, and all the true elites of the countries were retained.

It's just that the contest between the surviving governments of various countries is still going on. If it weren't for the current mutated people, and the world is shrouded in super strong electromagnetic pulses, I believe it would not be so peaceful. "

"That's the news?" Cai Ruichen said with some confusion.

"There is no special news, because all the survivor governments are extremely strange to the world. Of course, it may also be because Sanjivr has not yet contacted the core level of Russia, and knowing the news is not important. "Wu Jie said.

"Things can't be so simple. I don't believe that since the governments of various countries can keep as well as possible, they really don't know anything." Cai Ruichen shook his head and said confidently.

"We all think so, but Sanjivre is not lying, nor can he get any key news from his But one thing is certain, the whole world is similar to him. There are no more than forty such humans, and there are only two in Russia, and Sanjivre is one of them." Wu Jie said.

This news, at best, proves that the strange trio was not lying.

"Is there no news from the three people in China?" Cai Ruichen asked curiously.

"Since they entered Turkey, they have never returned. Of course, it is possible that the three of them returned to China from other areas, or they were eaten by mutants on the road." Qin Chen replied.

"The commander seems to be very interested in the purpose of those three people?" Wu Jie asked.

"Yes, China is not far away. Sending those three people to Europe and Russia will be involved. There must be some plans. If it wasn't because the war in this world hadn't ended, I wanted to follow it." Cai Ruichen Nodded very simply and admitted.

In such an era, the long journey represents a huge danger. The only three high-end combat powers are dispatched at once. China's plans are certainly not small, and Cai Ruichen is naturally interested. (To be continued.) To find this site, please search "" or enter the URL:

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