The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1337: Cai Ruichen's reason for killing

Just as Cai Ruichen's words fell off, the caravan door opened, and the young and old helped the pale girl out of the car.

Looking at the corpses outside, there are majestic and majestic eagles that can be mounted on, as well as the huge killers of archers, so that the three of them dare not even look down upon the smiling young man in front of them.

"Old man Zhen Yuanzhai, this is Shii Quan Chong, Xiao Strawberry, thank you Mr. for your help." Zhen Yuanzhai, who was carrying a gourd, bowed to Cai Ruichen and thanked him very politely, and at the same time gave his two companions to do A brief introduction.

This bow is a respect for the strong. The young man in front of him, regardless of his personal strength or the power he is in, can be called the strong.

The giant eagles in front of them are impressive enough, not to mention the archers around them, all of them are unpredictable, and even make them a little faint.

In such a dark night, it is really not easy to shoot arrows from behind the flying eagle, and still be able to penetrate Yang in a hundred steps.

Cai Ruichen nodded, accepting the gratitude of the other party, then swayed his right hand, and ordered: "Send these three to Dongsha Town to recover. Three. I'll see three more tomorrow."

After speaking, Cai Ruichen also refused to give the three more opportunities to speak, and walked directly towards the five Turkish soldiers who were kneeling on the side.

Zhen Yuanzhai and the three people looked at the surrounding situation. They were a little worried, but they were helpless. They could only accept Cai Ruichen's goodwill.

Soon a peacekeeping transport plane flew over and took all three of them away in the shocked eyes of the three.

At the scene, there were only the five prisoners left, as well as Cai Ruichen and the archer girl.

Five Turkish soldiers knelt in a row in the grass, not even daring to move.

Cai Ruichen walked up to them, holding a pistol in his hand, and the meaning was quite obvious.

The five Turkish soldiers were all a little scared when they saw this scene.

"Answer me, what is your name?" Cai Ruichen came to the first prisoner and asked blankly.

"Sandra..." the first Turkish soldier hurriedly replied.

However, what responded to him was Cai Ruichen's relentless trigger, and the bullet from the pistol penetrated the helmet very easily, taking the life of the first Turkish soldier.

"You know too much." Cai Ruichen left this sentence in front of the body of the first Turkish soldier, and then immediately moved a step. When he reached the second soldier, the pistol was still pointed at this guy's head.

The scene just now shocked the other four Turkish soldiers. They did not expect that they would answer the questions well, and they would end up like this.

"Answer me, what's your name?" The same question came out of Cai Ruichen's mouth.

The second Turkish soldier was so frightened that his body moved a little, shaking, and said, "I, I, I don't know..."

The gunfire sounded again, and the second Turkish soldier fell directly to the ground. Cai Ruichen glanced at the fallen corpse and said with a look of hatred for iron and steel, “I don’t even know what I’m called, and there’s no need to live. Up."

Walking to the third Turkish soldier, Cai Ruichen pointed the pistol at this guy again and asked, "Is he gorgeous and handsome?"

The third Turkish soldier said in horror: "Not handsome..."

Cai Ruichen frowned, pulled the trigger again, and said to the third corpse: "I hate people who lie."

Walking to the fourth prisoner, Cai Ruichen asked directly: "Is it gorgeous or fat?"

"Not fat..." The fourth Turkish soldier hurriedly replied, thinking of the third man's answer.

"I have said that, I hate people who lie." Cai Ruichen's voice fell off, and he pulled the trigger again, and another corpse was added.

Arriving in front of the fifth Turkish soldier, this time before Cai Ruichen could speak, the Turkish soldier who knew the reason for the death of the four comrades in front of him collapsed and begged Cai Ruichen for mercy: "Big brother, don't kill me, I will say everything... "

This time Cai Ruichen didn't do it, but threw the pistol to Fan Zhiyan behind him. His goal had been achieved, and it was enough to leave one.

"Answer me, what's the name of the guy who just ran away? Which power does it belong to?"

"His name is Robert, the ace killer of the Italian government of survivors."

"Then why are you chasing these three Chinese?" Cai Ruichen continued to ask.

The fifth Turkish soldier hurriedly replied: "We don't know. We just received an order from the European Union government to intercept these three Chinese at all costs."

Cai Ruichen frowned, with a look of displeasure on his face, and said, "Since you don't know anything, that means you have no value at all?"

Hearing Cai Ruichen’s heart-wrenching words, the Turkish soldier almost really broke down, and said in horror: “I heard that these three people have stolen a top EU technology secret. They are the top US support for the EU. Technology is related to the future of mankind."

"What you said is true?" Cai Ruichen asked with interest.

"I don't know, I just heard... the European Union has paid huge casualties in order to recover this technology, and also killed an evolutionary..."

After Cai Ruichen listened, he didn't have any interest in continuing to ask, what is going on, as long as these three Chinese are in the hands of here, sooner or later they will see.

"Brother, let me go, I have already said everything." The Turkish soldier, seeing Cai Ruichen did not continue to ask, hurriedly begged for mercy.

"Tie him up and still here, let's go." Cai Ruichen did not respond to the guy's begging for mercy. After the order, he immediately jumped on the back of the giant eagle and left this place.

Two archer girls came down, tied this guy together, and evacuated one after another despite his various begging for mercy.

The Turkish soldier looked at the corpse next to him pale, his face was full of despair.

A few hours later, the corpses around slowly got up and rushed to the poor bug...

Returning to the base, Cai Ruichen was naturally very curious about what the three Chinese had stolen, causing the Europeans to fight so aggressively.

As for the Turkish soldier's answer, Cai Ruichen was also dubious.

Although this world has been leading the world for nearly two decades and the technological advancement has also been enormous, he is still dubious. What kind of technology can be called the hope of mankind now?

The most important thing is that this information is not necessarily true, and there is a high probability that it is a false rumor.

As for what the answer is, for Cai Ruichen, it will be clear sooner or later.

That night, Cai Ruichen did not bother the three who were healing. After placing them in the outskirts of Dongxia Town, he left for Dongxia Town early the next morning.

Dongxia Town has always been guarded by the Dongxia Division. It is a unit of the Red Police Corps and elite soldiers from the survivors.

It has been several years since its establishment, with complete equipment and strong combat effectiveness. It can be called a tiger and wolf force.

It is also one of the main forces of the Red Police Corps at present. Of course, because of the relationship with local survivors, the Dongxia Division will not be able to go to this world. It will stay in the wasteland forever and become an important stronghold to protect the flanks of the base.

The security and defense work of Dongxia Town is also very complete. The tall fence tightly surrounds the entire town. The fence is also equipped with various defensive weapons.

Dongxia Town is a pure military base, there are no civilian survivors, but all kinds of goods and entertainment venues are also readily available, and there are even many voluntary service industries.

Cai Ruichen can't save this kind of thing. After all, 20,000 big masters stay together every day, staying there for several years, it's not a way at all.

Soldiers also need solace, so there are some willing women in this camp, and there are some things that are not as good as sparse.

Moreover, the soldiers in the wasteland are completely different from the armed forces in this world under such a large-scale environment, and the pressure is even greater.

Therefore, Cai Ruichen has always acquiesced in cloning some women as the other half of the soldiers.

However, there are some things that the military law is ruthless and cannot be excessive, otherwise Cai Ruichen is willing to kill a hundred.

When Cai Ruichen came to Dongsha Town, several battalion-level troops of the Dongsha Division were about to start training, and at the same time, they also wiped out the mutants who came in.

The division commander Zhang Changhao sent away the troops who had left the camp, and also happened to greet Cai Ruichen in.

"Take me to see those three people." Cai Ruichen said as soon as he came in.

Soon Cai Ruichen saw the three Chinese who had come down last night. At this time, the three Chinese seemed to be healthy and there were no obvious injuries on their bodies, and they were recovering well.

Even the spirit still looks a little sluggish, especially the girl named Little Strawberry, her face is still sickly pale.

When Cai Ruichen came in, the three of them were still resting, but they were very vigilant. Cai Ruichen had just stepped in and all three heads woke up.

"Three, it seems to have a good rest." Cai Ruichen said very familiarly as soon as he came in.

"Thank you, Mr., for your helping hand. I can't be thankful enough. After the three of us return, we must give Ming Shangfeng and prepare a generous gift to thank Mr. Yuan." Zhen Yuanzhai stood up and said with gratitude again.

"I saved you, and I didn't think about getting any thanks. It's not because the three are all Chinese, but because I am very interested in the reasons why the Europeans are chasing you down." Cai Ruichen did not waste time either. , And went straight to the subject.

Hearing Cai Ruichen's words, the expressions of all three people changed, and the things that worried them most appeared.

The Chinese in front of him has a very high status in this place. This can be seen in general Zhang Changhao's attitude towards Cai Ruichen.

If Cai Ruichen really had an idea, the three of them would really have no chance at all now.

At this time, if the three of them recover from their injuries, there is still a chance to kill them, but now, they are very clear about the combat effectiveness of an integrated armored division outside, even the young man in front of him is an extremely powerful evolutionary. .

There is no hope of running away, and the most reluctant situation has also appeared.

"Sir, can you tell me who you are?" Zhen Yuanzhai asked after weighing it up in his heart.

Cai Ruichen was not in a hurry to get an answer, and replied: "My name is Cai Ruichen, the highest ruler of the entire survivor base."

Hearing Cai Ruichen's identity, the trio's expressions were once again clearly moved. It's not that they haven't guessed Cai Ruichen's identity, but at best, they are sure that Cai Ruichen may be a high-level survivor base or this base. The most powerful survivor.

But how did they never think that such a young person is the highest leader here?

Originally, the three of them had thought about whether they could bring Cai Ruichen, a Chinese, back to the Chinese camp, but now it seems that it is really not easy here.

The giant eagles that I saw last night that can carry people are already incredible. It seems that the most incredible thing here is the identity of the young man in front of him.

The fact that a Chinese can work hard in Iraq’s current foundation is more than just a miracle. In the eyes of the three of them, it is simply a miracle.

Zhenyuanzhai, who had some thoughts, was all lost in his heart. He could only say: "Forgive us for our previous rudeness. As for those people in Europe who are chasing us, we are in the process of clearing the door. There was a little conflict with the other party, and some of them were killed, so that's why they pursued so hard.

Hearing Zhen Yuanzhai's words, Cai Ruichen took a deep breath, pulled a chair in the recuperation room, and after sitting down, said slowly: "I am a person with limited patience. I don't want to hear any lies. You have one last time. Opportunity Seeing Cai Ruichen's determined appearance, Zhen Yuanzhai's face is not very good. What I just said is indeed a prepared rhetoric, but I did not expect that the other party did not even think about it. There is no way to believe it.

The face of Little Strawberry on the side changed, and he immediately gestured an inexplicable wink to Zhen Yuanzhai. Zhui Quan Chong on the side had already begun to have a little anger on his face.

"Mr. Cai, we didn't have any conflicts of interest before. If you say that your purpose of saving us is for this purpose, then we can only say that we accept the plant, but even if you kill us, we won't get anything. Zhen Yuanzhai took a deep breath, looked directly at Cai Ruichen's calm gaze, and said.

"In this world, there are not many things that can fascinate me. I am just curious. I want to satisfy my curiosity. You can rest assured that I don’t want to kill us. It is troublesome to save people. I only rescued it to kill, I wouldn’t do this kind of thing.

Having said that, Cai Ruichen paused and continued: "I just want to see what it is?"

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