The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1339: Bury, dig, spoiler, enter carefully

After getting the base's affirmative answer, Cai Ruichen was not calm. He never thought that when the base had the highest authority, there would actually be an air carrier, a weapon unit capable of conducting space operations.

Will there be space wars in the future?

Cai Ruichen doesn't know this, but he can think of it with his toes. After all, the base will not produce some useless units.

But what worries him most is that someone actually leaked the design drawings of the Sky Mothership that he didn't even know, and even passed them into his own hands.

The amount of information in this is too great. There is one thing Cai Ruichen can be sure of, that is, this thing has nothing to do with his base.

From this, we can also get a piece of news that has never been determined before, that is, there is another Red Police Base Vehicle in this world, and it is absolutely inseparable from the Middle East Federation and the mysterious leader of the wasteland.

What puzzled him was that the base had been determined time and again. If another base vehicle existed in this world, the base would definitely know.

This is also one of the reasons why Cai Ruichen has been unable to confirm this speculation, but now, everything has at least one affirmative answer, that is, at least there have been base vehicles in this world.

Just why did the mysterious leader and the base vehicle disappear?

Has something to do with a catastrophe?

There are countless possibilities and problems flashing in Cai Ruichen's mind for an instant, and while his thoughts turn, he is also considering the many relationships within.

"Base, is it possible that this blueprint was deliberately leaked by the commander of another base vehicle?" Cai Ruichen thought about the various characteristics of the base vehicle, and basically determined the only possibility.

First, the commander of the base is unique to the base vehicle.

No matter it is the base or the commander, without one, the other will not exist.

In other words, no matter who defeated the red police base and the commander, they would not be able to get any technology and information from the base.

All units will destroy themselves, soldiers and weapons and equipment will choose not to write all costs and the enemy will die.

The construction units will all destroy themselves, and the Red Police Corps will follow the commander's footsteps after destroying the enemy.

If there is a real leak of science and technology related to the Red Police Base, in Cai Ruichen's view, there is only one possibility, and that is that the commander deliberately leaked science and technology information.

"This is not necessarily true. If you have the superhero Black Lotus, then there is another possibility. The Black Lotus invaded the enemy base vehicle and gained control of the enemy base vehicle, and then obtained the information." The base replied Tao.

This is really the first time that Cai Ruichen heard from the base. After all, the black lotus superhero, Cai Ruichen only had a relationship with the icon when he was drawing.

As for the superhero's abilities, he is completely unclear. He just heard what the base said, Cai Ruichen still insisted on his own point of view and deliberately asked tentatively: "Will the enemy have a superhero like Black Lotus?"

Here, Cai Ruichen played a heart. If the base is not a program, Cai Ruichen may be circumvented. Unfortunately, the base is a program. The base is a program. The gong is played and the drums are played. In.

"There is not enough information to answer, but if there is another base similar to that of a commander, it is entirely possible that there is another black lotus superhero." The base replied.

"That means that there might be another Natasha, another Tanya, or even another Yuriko?" Cai Ruichen asked.

"If the hypothesis is true, it is completely possible, but the commander can rest assured that even if there is another base, the development direction and process are different, the future will be completely different." The base said.

"I don’t think this question needs to be assumed. Although I don’t know what happened to the Middle East Federation and the mysterious leader, I can be absolutely sure that that guy is definitely the commander of another base. The last commander of your base." Cai Ruichen thought for a while and said.

"For the former possibility, the base cannot deny it, but for the latter possibility, the base can tell the commander 100% that this possibility is completely non-existent. There can only be one commander in a base, and it is absolutely impossible to have a second. A commander, even if it is a descendant of the commander, can only be inherited. The authority is inherited from the parents from the beginning. It will not start from the lowest level of authority, because the base can only have one opportunity to increase its authority." The base is sure. Replied.

Hearing what the base said, Cai Ruichen found that he became more and more interested. The base had never said this before.

"Then how did you come to the base? If there is another base vehicle, there may be more base vehicles?" Cai Ruichen asked.

"The base can't answer this question, and the base doesn't know it." The base's answer was as simple as ever.

Cai Ruichen had already anticipated this for a long time. When he thought of the various things that had happened since he owned the base, he had somewhat hazy guesses.

It's just this speculation, without the slightest corroboration, just a conjecture under his subjective emotions, completely untenable.

But one thing is certain now, that is, this world is far from being as simple as I imagined.

When the base has the final authority, it even has air and space units. How could this be simple.

"In fact, Commander, your current achievements are enough to outsmart the crowd. I believe that even if there are other bases, no one will develop. It will be faster than you. The base fully recognizes the commander’s talents and of course also recognizes your spirit. Luck, and these are all direct manifestations of your strength," the base said.

"But I still feel that it's far from enough. Put me in this wasteland world. Did you arrange it for the base?" Cai Ruichen thought for a while and didn't drink the soup from the base. In his opinion, the achievement is now like this. , There is nothing to be proud of.

Having owned the base for more than six years, he still feels that he is still too far away from the goal.

In fact, Cai Ruichen is a little bit self-defeating, and it may be that the future puts too much pressure on him, making him still unable to relax.

More than six years have passed since I owned the base. During these six years, the base’s daily stable capital income has exceeded 30 million.

With thousands of construction units, the Red Police Corps has a combat force of more than 300,000, and there are a large number of non-combat troops, with a total scale of more than 500,000.

There are also two world garrison troops, which together have a scale of 300,000, and the force directly capable of combat has reached more than 600,000.

And now, if Cai Ruichen only recruits the most ordinary regular army every day, that year will be able to increase the size of the troops by 100,000.

Such an achievement deserves the highest praise from the base.

It's just for this result that Cai Ruichen still feels that what he has done is far from good enough and not perfect.

Although he is not a perfectionist, he is also a person who likes to pursue perfection.

Cai Ruichen has always had great doubts about why he can travel back and forth between the two worlds.

Going back and forth between the two worlds, he didn't have the slightest resistance. After all, it was a good thing to have an extra retreat.

But he believes that being able to go back and forth between the two worlds is definitely not a simple retreat. Everything has a reason for existence, and the pros and cons are often linked. It seems that there is one more retreat, and there may be dead ends on both sides.

Opportunities can often represent greater crises.

"This question, the base knows the answer, but it cannot answer it," the base said.

"When will it be?" Cai Ruichen continued to ask.

"When the time is right, ask the commander to believe that the base will never harm the commander. What the base does not want to say is to protect the commander as much as possible," the base said.

"I believe this, but what I can't understand is, isn't it better to tell? Anyway, I also have a defense." Cai Ruichen said.

"Some things are known in advance, which will bring greater pressure to the commander." The base said.

"But if you are like this, do I have no pressure? It will make me think about it." Cai Ruichen said.

The base is just a program, a relatively advanced artificial intelligence, but it is not a real human being after all. It can simulate various human emotions based on artificial programs, but it cannot completely possess all human emotions.

This is a problem faced by all artificial intelligences, and it will be difficult to break through in the next 100 years, and the base is no exception.

So although the base is very smart, it can feel Cai Ruichen’s emotions and make some reactions, but these are already written programs, and they are all fixed routines, but the more advanced artificial intelligence, the more they can be. It may be.

On this point, Cai Ruichen has figured out the nature of the artificial intelligence existence of the base in the past six years or so, and that's why he asked this question.

Of course, this kind of follow-up is not suitable for all questions. Only when the base makes concessions and explanations can it succeed.

"Because the enemy in the future is terrible, terrible, so terrible that the commander can never contend." The base muttered for a long time, then said slowly.

It's just that this answer obviously didn't satisfy Cai Ruichen, because he had known about this a long time ago, but now, he has new ideas.

"Will I have the highest level of authority in the future, and when I have that sky mothership, will I be unable to compete?" Cai Ruichen asked curiously.

"The commander absolutely cannot contend." The base's answer was simple and straightforward.

"Then is it necessary for me to exist?" Cai Ruichen asked a little funny.

"It is absolutely necessary. Although the commander cannot contend, it does not mean that there is no chance of winning. As for how to win, the base does not know. In the intelligence system, there is only one key word about victory." The base replied.

"What keyword?" Cai Ruichen asked anxiously.

"Two worlds." The base said plainly.

"Does the two worlds refer to the wasteland and the present world?" Cai Ruichen thought about it and asked.

"Insufficient information to answer."

Cai Ruichen heard the words and shook his head. At this point, the base would definitely not be able to ask anything.

"The ultimate enemy, will it be another base vehicle?" Cai Ruichen thought for a while and wanted to continue asking.

"Do not rule out the possibility."

Hearing the answer from the base, Cai Ruichen became interested again. He remembered clearly that he had asked the question about the base before, but at that time, the base had always had insufficient information to answer.

But this time, the answer is completely different, but this answer is ambiguous and has no practical use.

The only thing Cai Ruichen can know is that, as the base has answered, the ultimate enemy may be another base vehicle.

"Then the ultimate enemy, could it be an alien?" Cai Ruichen continued to ask.

"Do not rule out the possibility."

This answer was still the same, which caused Cai Ruichen's emotions to be extinguished immediately. Hearing this answer that was completely official, he immediately felt that the previous answer was not credible.

"Then this ultimate enemy, will it be your base?" Cai Ruichen thought for a while and asked again.

"The base will never be an enemy of the commander." The base replied affirmatively.


After half an hour, Cai Ruichen left the base console. Before that, he did not expect that an external design drawing could actually widen his vision a lot.

All the doubts in the past have basically been answered in the affirmative.

Although there was no more valuable news from the base later, from the following conversation Cai Ruichen also lifted a lot of the fog.

However, the biggest gain this time was to determine the ultimate authority in the future, there are airspace units, but this authority is still far away for him.

At present, it is still an intermediate level of authority, and there are also advanced levels of authority and higher level of authority, and then the ultimate authority.

And Cai Ruichen is basically certain that even if all governments in the Wasteland World can obtain complete aerospace aircraft carrier drawings, they are basically unable to build them.

However, Cai Ruichen is quite interested in the person who brought out the blueprints. This person is most likely the former mysterious leader, and of course it is also possible that he is the person next to this mysterious leader.

Only when it was determined that the wasteland world really had a base vehicle, and then looking at the blueprint of the sky-sky mothership, Cai Ruichen had an extremely strong feeling that this mysterious leader was definitely not dead.

Before he felt that the mysterious leader was not dead and the existence of another base vehicle, but he had been suffering from no evidence. Now he doesn't have to doubt this feeling at all. (To be continued.) To find this site, please search "" or enter the URL:

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