The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1341: Lebanon joins the Federation

PS: I am extremely grateful to the book friend "Wandering Nerd" for his reward of 100,000 starting coins at the end of last month, which made this book the hegemony of the hegemony. Today 20,000 words are added for him. Forgive the splendid late outbreak, hindered by natural disasters, helpless...


A new currency system began to be implemented in the Islamic Federation, and at this time, Lebanon also began a national referendum.

This referendum is also the last formal referendum. The result of the referendum will directly determine whether Lebanon will apply to join the Islamic and Syrian federal system and become the third member of the federation.

Regarding the result of the referendum, the Lebanese government is naturally one thousand willing and 10,000 willing.

There are many benefits to joining the Iraq-Syria Federation. Not only the rights are not weakened, but also a strong enough backer can be found.

Security is what Lebanon wants most. The powerful posture of the Islamic Federation has swept Israel with a complete victory, and also established the status of the uncrowned king of the Islamic Federation in the Middle East.

At this point, any Middle Eastern country is far behind.

The countries in the Middle East want to stay together for warmth. It is no longer an idea of ​​a day or two, but has continued most of the reality.

At that time, the four kings of the Middle East, each of their ultimate ideals and ambitions was to build their own country into the hegemon of the Middle East, and then strive to form a federal state in the Arab world.

The goal of this group back then included not only the current Middle Eastern countries, but also all the Arab countries in North Africa.

The scope is huge, enclosing half of the Mediterranean Sea, directly facing Europe, and bordering on it.

From the western part of Central Africa to the edge of the Strait of Gibraltar, there is an Arab world.

If the world is unified into one country, it will be a very powerful force.

The most important thing is that these Arab countries control more than 50% of the global oil. By then, the lifeblood of global oil will be in the hands of this Arab federation.

Therefore, this is something that all interest groups in the world are absolutely unwilling to see. No matter whether it is the United States or Russia, this situation is not allowed.

Huaxia is no exception. Peace is fine. Don't mess around after clinging together, otherwise Huaxia can't stand it.

As for Europe, this situation is even more forbidden. In Europe, there is already a Russia on this land. It is enough trouble. If there is an additional Arab Federation, then the whole Europe will be on the needle.

Therefore, Sora has great ideals and ambitions. Unfortunately, the situation is far better than people.

In this era, without any strong international support, the Arabs don't even want to truly unite together.

Even if the United States wants to support the unification of the Arab world, it will be difficult to achieve. First of all, the United States can't pass the European barrier.

Although Europe is a little more peaceful in the Middle East and don’t always have so many refugees, it absolutely does not want to see the emergence of a federation that can check and balance the global oil sector.

Therefore, the ideal that Arabs have always wanted, a federation that is not bullied, has always been in vain.

Coupled with the intentional instigation of the Western world, the current Middle East world is also in a mess.

Now, a new situation has emerged. Since the establishment of the Iran-Syria Federation, the powerful methods demonstrated have also given many countries facing economic and security threats a little bit of hope.

Here in the Middle East, instead of being bullied by Western countries every day and living a difficult life, it is better to find a big leg and hug it hard.

The current Iraq-Syria Federation, for people like Lebanon, is a super big leg, and this big leg is on the edge of Lebanon, so it is natural to hug it quickly.

In addition to security, Lebanon is almost impoverished now. There is no oil in the Middle East near the Mediterranean, and Lebanon is no exception.

Lebanon is a traditional agricultural country with no decent industry and few light workshops. It is still a country with an agricultural economy and not even mechanized planting. Therefore, it needs international food support every year.

Every year, it is below the food and clothing line. With Israel on the side, Lebanon has always maintained more than half of the population, which is below the food and clothing line, that is, the kind that hardly has enough food every day.

This is also the reason why Lebanon is so eager to join the Islamic Federation. The Islamic Federation is rich, and Cai Ruichen is the world's richest man.

The personal assets owned by Cai Ruichen alone can give Lebanon the total fiscal revenue of the entire country for twenty years.

To hug the thigh, to feel safe and to be able to eat is the most fundamental need of Lebanese.

According to the federal constitution formulated by the Iraq-Syria Federation, federal finances are treated fairly to any member country, and the most appropriate support and assistance will be given according to the most practical situation.

Ensuring that everyone is above the food and clothing line is the most basic standard of the Iraq-Syria Federation. Improving infrastructure and improving all public social service guarantees are the most basic constitutional requirements.

Therefore, as long as the Lebanese referendum is submitted and the application for joining the Islamic Federation is passed, the Islamic Federation will also unconditionally help the Principality of Lebanon to complete a series of infrastructure construction to ensure that Lebanese will not go hungry. All Lebanese below the food and clothing line Families can enjoy food and clothing subsidies.

Then there are light industry workshops, schools, hospitals, pension systems, medical insurance and other benefits, which will also begin to be promoted in Lebanon.

Higher education, jobs, and better working tools will all be fully supplied.

Of course, Lebanon has to pay its due price.

In this world, there is no free lunch. Once the referendum decides to apply to join the Islamic Federation, and the Islamic Federation also agrees to the application, Lebanon will abolish nearly 99% of the country’s laws and only retain it. Some laws related to the traditional customs of the Lebanese, the rest will all have to use the federal laws of the Islamic Federation.

At the same time, because of the population and land size of the Principality, the Lebanese government will only be allowed to retain a garrison of 20,000 people. The garrison will also be directly under the command of the Islamic and Syrian federal government and has no relationship with the governments of member states.

Lebanon’s annual financial income, after the approved projects, must be turned over to the Islamic Federation, and all tariffs will also be collected by the Islamic Federation.

The government system and all regulations must also use the standards of the Islamic and Syrian Federation, language standards, and official etiquette standards. Lebanon will also lose all diplomatic rights, develop its economy and agriculture with peace of mind, and no longer have the diplomatic rights and war rights of a sovereign country. .

Once joining the federation, all member states will not be able to withdraw from the federation unless the federation is disintegrated. Once the federation is disintegrated, for whatever reason, each member state will restore all the rights of a normal country.

These conditions are clearly marked, are stipulated in the Constitution of the Islamic and Syrian Federation, and have always been made public.

To put it bluntly, joining the federation can only become an organization similar to a state and no longer possess national sovereignty. The Islamic Federation did not really turn the constituent country into a state or province, but called it the duchy.

The government of the Principality will also abolish the Ministry of National Defense, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the Congress... Only a few departments can remain.

At the same time, it is necessary to establish a supervision department to supervise the government’s administrative integrity. The Iraqi-Syrian Federation has the best government treatment in the world, and it also has the world’s most stringent anti-corruption laws. The law.

On one side is good and generous treatment, on the other side is ruthless law, it has also become a very distinctive representative of the Iraqi-Syrian Federation.

It's just that the conditions that seem to be so harsh, but the attitude of Lebanon even with a sharpened head is enough to show that the good side is more attractive to a small country like Lebanon.

In fact, Lebanon really envied Syria and Iraq now. In just one or two years, life has changed drastically, and soon it lost its sovereignty. The Lebanese government did not feel that it had any sovereignty before.

The whole world is ignoring the effect of Lebanon, but can follow behind the Iraqi-Syrian Federation and still have a chance to show their talents.

The most important thing is that many countries in the Middle East are also ready to move, and Lebanon is also afraid of stepping behind other countries.

Therefore, immediately after the war, preparations for a national referendum began.

During this period of time, the Lebanese government has also prepared all the information for the entire country. As soon as the result of the referendum appears, it will submit the information as soon as possible.

But it does not mean that if a country submits this information, it will definitely be able to intervene in the Islamic Federation.

The reason is very simple. The entry of any Middle Eastern country is a huge burden for the economy of the Islamic Federation.

In particular, Lebanon, a country with no oil, poor land, and a poor state, requires too much construction funds.

Allowing Lebanon to join is totally helping Lebanon, and the benefits that can be gained from Lebanon are completely negligible.

Fortunately, the Islamic Federation has stated that as long as the result of the Lebanese referendum is determined and the Lebanese are willing to join the Islamic Federation, the Islamic Federation will also accept this new partner.

Therefore, in these days, all the propaganda agencies in Lebanon have been constantly propagating the benefits of joining the Iraq-Syria Federation. They are constantly choosing the current Iraq and Syria, which is a paradise on earth.

In fact, if it were not for the strict regulations of the Islamic Federation, all countries that wanted to apply to join the Islamic Federation would have to conduct a referendum on public opinion. Only when the result indicated that the people were willing to join the Islamic Federation would they accept their applications. Lebanon has already applied.

However, with Lebanon’s referendum and application, a large number of Lebanese officials have all chosen to leave.

The reason is simple. They are all afraid of the laws of the Iraq-Syria Federation. All people with dirty hands and feet are indeed afraid of the all-pervasive anti-corruption methods of the Iraq-Syria Federation.

The resolute attitude and efficient methods of the Iraq-Syria Federation of anti-corruption have been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people very early.

The most important thing is that the Iraqi-Syrian Federation has always had a tradition of investigating this person. No matter which official or what kind of situation it was once, as long as you are still alive and still enjoying the people’s anointing, you will be held accountable. .

Many government officials in Lebanon all want to run. Unfortunately, this time Lebanon's decision-making level is also extremely firm and does not give everyone a chance to escape.

The referendum process was not open to the outside world, but to ensure that the results are valid, the UN impartial team went to Lebanon to review the results of the referendum.

The referendum naturally did not cheat. Everything was based on the will of the Lebanese, regardless of whether it was the rich or poor in Lebanon.

Without exception, all have to choose to join the big family of the Yi-Syrian Federation.

The wealthy can get more opportunities under the policies and general environment of the Iraq-Syria Federation, while ordinary people can enjoy the subsidies and benefits of the Iraq-Syria Federation.

Furthermore, who is in charge of the world in this world is not very much related to ordinary people, let alone the unanimous decision of the government.

After the results of the referendum came out, Lebanon was not surprising, and submitted the application materials to the Islamic Federation as soon as possible.

However, joining the Islamic Federation is not a simple process. The information submitted by Lebanon needs to be carefully reviewed to ensure that it has sufficient knowledge of Lebanon.

After it is determined that Lebanon can join the federation, assistance and arrangements must also be started.

In fact, before the completion of the review by the Islamic Federation, after Lebanon submitted the application, a large number of construction teams and rescue centers in the Islamic Federation have all entered Lebanon.

This makes the outside world understand that Lebanon’s application is just a process. What the Islamic Federation really wants is the result of the Lebanese referendum.

The result of this referendum can leave no country in the world with anything to say, nor can it use the excuses of freedom and democracy to deal with the Islamic Federation.

Only a few days later, the Islamic Federation will officially announce that Lebanon has become the third constituent country of the Islamic Federation and the Republic of Lebanon will be demoted to the Principality of Lebanon.

As a result, the outside world has all been mentally prepared for a long time, and then they can only watch the Islamic Federation begin to rectify the current Lebanese Lebanese army, government authority, is undergoing rapid changes.

And this kind of change is familiar to people who often follow Iraq and Syria.

The Iraq-Syria Federation is still the same set of the Future Technology Group back then, and Lebanon now is exactly the same as it was in the early development of Iraq and Syria.

For the whole world, the Iraq-Syrian Federation has only carried a burden on itself, and Lebanon has nothing that can bring powerful help to the Islamic Federation.

However, this matter has made a good start for the Iraq-Syria Federation, and the whole world understands this.

Because there will be Palestine in the future, and there will be other Middle Eastern countries in the future. As long as Lebanon and Palestine have obtained real practical benefits from the Islamic Federation, they will naturally move the hearts of other Middle Eastern countries.

And this is also the reason to travel to the Middle East...

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