The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1343: New Impressions of the Isy-syrian Federation

PS: Today, my tears and nasal mucus kept running. I had a cold and my throat was not healed. I was coughing all the time and it was very uncomfortable.

The nine thousand words update, although not many, it took nearly six hours of gorgeousness. The body is uncomfortable and the codeword is also very difficult. Please understand.


Andrew, who entered the territory of the Principality of Iraq, was immersed in this windy and grassy view of the cattle and sheep on the southwestern grasslands of Iraq. What he does not know now is that because of his live broadcast two days ago, a topic was spread all over the world. ,I'm angry.

The protagonist of this topic is not a person, but a soldier of the Isy-syrian Federal Guard.

After Andrew's live broadcast, a topic immediately appeared in the online world, and that was the level of education of the soldiers of the Iraqi-Syrian Federal Guard.

A simple topic "Ordinary soldiers of the Iraqi-Syrian Federal Guards actually need to master many foreign languages" triggered various discussions.

In the course of the discussion, many people also said that this matter is indeed true.

In particular, the citizens of the Iraq-Syria Federation all said that this is normal. The police and soldiers of the Iraq-Syria Federation can speak several foreign languages, and everyone has the education level of a university.

Numerous Internet users from the Iraq-Syria Federation have confirmed it, and naturally many people are willing to believe it.

Many people also began to dig deep into this information, and immediately found a report document on soldiers' cultural quality statistics from the website of the Ministry of Defense of the Islamic Federation.

In the past, not many people paid attention to such files, and the media had never paid attention to such content.

But this time, under the excavation of countless curious netizens on the Internet, this report was also excavated and published on the global network.

This report is a statistical report made more than a year ago when the Ministry of Defense was established in the Islamic Federation.

The report pointed out that the proportion of soldiers and officers with a university degree or above in the Iraq-Syria Federal Guard has reached 99.988%. In other words, the hundreds of thousands of troops in the Islamic-Syria Federal Guard are composed of hundreds of thousands of college students.

And everyone can master at least two foreign languages, and some excellent soldiers can also master more than no foreign language.

This data frightened a large number of people in the world. In the eyes of ordinary people, this seems to be a very miraculous thing.

But in the eyes of governments of various countries, this is simply a shocking thing.

Anyone familiar with army building and training knows that a soldier with a cultural background behind him has a much higher potential for combat than an uncultured soldier.

This is especially applicable under the modern warfare model.

No country in the world has an army with such a high proportion of college students.

Even in the armed forces of various countries, the number of soldiers with a university degree combined is not as large as the number of university soldiers in the Syrian Federal Guard.

At this time, all countries also understand why the Iraqi-Syrian Federal Guard is very comfortable when using the advanced equipment produced by the Future Technology Group.

Using the culture of college students to use the equipment of the army does not require too long to learn. The cultural foundation can immediately adapt to the digital and information knowledge and operation of the equipment, and it can also immediately learn and comprehend some modern knowledge of combat.

Mathematics, physics and chemistry, a highly modern army, is also completely inseparable from these three points.

The only thing that is speechless is that all college students in Iraq and Syria have all gone to serve as soldiers.

In society, there is also a need for a group of high-quality intellectuals to develop and build.

When this question came out, a new data was released, more than six years after the Future Technology Group was established in Iraq.

Future Technology Group has been building high-level universities and has eight universities in Marin City, which are among the top universities in the world.

Although the rankings of these universities are not very high in the world, they have also entered the ranks of the world's prestigious universities.

And this does not include the several high-level military academies established later. In Iraq, every city also has a complete education system.

From kindergarten to university, everything is incomparably complete, and the Yixu Federation also stipulates that all children must receive education and at least complete the courses of colleges and universities before they can enter the society to work and start a business.

Future Technology Group also helped the Iraqi-Syrian Federation to train a large number of teachers and successfully cultivated millions of college students.

When the news was announced, they were all silent, especially the teaching courses and various related information of every university in the Iraq-Syria Federation. They all appeared on the Internet together, and everyone had a sudden realization. feel.

At the same time, this also made the whole world discover a very unbelievable thing, that is, in the territory of the Isy-Syrian Federation, those sect universities seem to no longer exist.

In other words, these sects academies are all gone, which may seem normal to ordinary people.

Because all sects’ universities are theology, and theology cannot work. Starting a business or making money is more like the familiar Buddhism.

In the past, in places like the Middle East, only sect schools offered free teaching, and there was a free lunch every day.

Now everything is different, all other education is free, and citizens of the Isy-syrian Federation will have various choices they can make.

In addition to Cai Ruichen's deliberate efforts, all young people have also chosen to learn the knowledge that really exists in this world, and to learn technology.

The inheritance of faith does not require the entire nation to lay down everything to learn. It only requires the understanding of the spirit and the ability to inherit a good spirit as the essence and carrier of thought, which is the foundation of theology.

What makes the Western world feel incredible is that the decline of theology in the Union of Iraq and Syria is beyond your belief.

Nowadays, many people really believe that Cai Ruichen can be magical, and he can change the national culture of Iraq and Syria that has remained unchanged for thousands of years.

From this, the Western world has also seen a change that makes them very happy. This change in the Islamic Federation is in line with the appetite of the Western world.

It's just that the current Iraq-Syria Federation is not so pleasing to the eye at all, and it is also the current regret of Western countries.

But for ordinary people, these are irrelevant.

This is also true for Andrew. He never closed his mouth on the way into Iraq.

He even drove the live broadcast from the location on the border, and sighed with emotion to the friends in the live broadcast room from time to time.

“I’ve seen the news before. The Future Technology Group has made great achievements in the control of deserts. The nearly 200,000 square kilometers of deserts in Iraq have been turned into grasslands. The animal husbandry industry rejuvenated its youth in the last year.

Before seeing the endless grassland in front of me, I always felt that those related reports were just exaggerations by the media, but now, I feel that the media reports are too conservative.

The grassland in front of me reminds me of Mongolia..."

Along the way, Andrew was very mobile, specially navigating a small road, to enjoy the beauty of this prairie of Iraq.

But no matter how beautiful the scenery is, it will soon pass. Andrew is still in the mood, and his car finally came to Marin City.

Andrew did not turn off the live broadcast, because he came to Marin City originally for a plot event held in Marin City today.

Today is the Chinese Valentine's Day plot, and although the Yixu Federation has not determined any plot, this year, there is a very interesting program.

And Andrew also came to this show.

Andrew, who entered Marin City, and the millions of water friends in the live broadcast room, immediately immersed in the colorful urban layout.

Today's Marin City, as if it is going to celebrate the New Year, the green trees on both sides of the spacious eight-lane road and the roadside in the middle are all hung with colorful lights, and without exception, all the lights are tied into a heart. shape.

There are many big heart-shaped balloons floating above the city, and the storefronts on the roadside are all lit with heart-shaped red light bulbs.

Although the night has not yet come, the lights in the entire city are already lit up, and it looks very festive.

Moreover, on the roadside, all the shops have all hung signs for discounts for couples, and even all the hotels have all hung up couples staying at a super discount of 10% off.

"I believe everyone is very curious about what happened to Marin City. I can tell you now that today the Federal Government of Yixu organized a very special event. The evening will be very lively and there will be countless handsome men and beautiful women. Take to the streets, and in the future concept park, there will be very grand events, and only unmarried single men and women are allowed to participate."

Hearing what Andrew said, many water friends suddenly became interested.

Andrew did not disappoint the friends in his live broadcast room. He drove to the Future Hotel and put down his luggage in the reserved room.

"I believe you all have seen the real situation of the Iraqi-Syrian Federation! Although reports of this emerging country are very rare in the Western world, many people still remain in the old concept, thinking that this is a very dangerous country, and thinking it is still In the turmoil, there are still terrorist attacks.

But from what I know, this is a very safe country, even more secure than any country in the Western world. It was unified in Iraq until now, and there has never been a terrorist attack in the Principality of Iraq. Time, there has never been any serious injury.

Although it sounds incredible, it is real. It is not the first time I have come to Marin, but the feeling here has not changed the slightest. It is safe and peaceful, and of course there are various high-tech and advanced……"

After a short break in the hotel, when the sun was about to set, Andrew put on his bag, left the hotel and walked to the street.

There are already many young men and women on the streets of Marin. The appearance of Andrew, a foreigner, did not arouse any curiosity, because white people in this city are not strange at all.

"I'm going to eat something now. Marin City has a lot of very authentic food. In the future building, although you can enjoy the food from all over the world, you can also experience the different styles of the world, but today we will not go. , I will take everyone to see the real deliciousness of Iraq. I swear to God that it is definitely the best delicious food I have ever tasted..."

Andrew walked into a restaurant on the street in Marin with a live broadcast while talking.

The attendant who was visiting immediately greeted him with a smile. After some exchanges, Andrew was allowed to come to the back kitchen of the visit.

In the back kitchen, I didn't see any Western or Eastern tableware, but a tall earthen stove, and you could see boxes of aerobic charcoal neatly stacked on the side.

Near these tall earthen stoves, a group of cooks in white coats are busy nervously.

The chickens that were only killed but with hair in their hands were quickly turned over in the hands of the cook, and piles of yellow clay completely wrapped the chickens, and finally turned into a yellow clay ball.

Iraq’s most characteristic charcoal grilled chicken, but obviously, this is not Andrew’s real goal.

Passing through these earthen stoves, what appeared in front of Andrew's eyes was a small bulging bag of earth, and heat waves were radiating from this little bag of earth on the ground.

The manager who followed Andrew in introduced to Andrew: "This is the restaurant’s signature dish. Roasted whole cattle. It is the best bison on the ranch. It has been slaughtered since the morning last night. , You can get it out."


Andrew, who had been here once, did not forget this barbecue restaurant with strong folk customs.

Andrew, who left after eating, did not even forget to recommend all the water friends. In fact, just seeing the full seats in the restaurant, many of them are foreigners, and everyone can appreciate the delicious food.

As night fell, Andrew went to Marin City for another hour or two, introduced some interesting places, and then walked towards the concept park.

In Marin City at night, when the lights are on, the whole city has become a sea of ​​red hearts, and the streets are full of young men and women.

Andrew also walked toward the concept park according to the original plan, but when he came outside the park, he was shocked to find that his leather bag was missing.

This news also made the water friends in the live broadcast room suddenly jump.

"Is it stolen? Doesn't it mean that the security of the Iraq-Syria Federation is good?"

"Andrew has nothing to say now! I know to speak good things for the Yixu Federation, now it's a tragedy!"

"Where did it fall?"

"I remember there were a lot of US dollar cash in it, as well as the dinars of the Isy-Syrian Federation. If it really fell, it might not be found."

"There should be nearly eight thousand dollars in cash. I saw the camera before."


Andrew was also a little anxious, and he didn't care about the barrage in the live broadcast room, and immediately began to recall when the leather bag dropped.

Soon Andrew thought of a place, the restaurant where he ate more than two hours ago.

He vaguely remembered this thing. After paying the bill while eating, he put his bag on the dining table.

As the water friend in the live broadcast room said, there are not only cash close to ten thousand dollars, but also various documents and credit cards.

It's okay if the money is gone, but the credentials and credit card inside are in trouble.

"I think my leather bag should have been placed in the previous restaurant, and forgot to take it when I left..." Andrew said about his guess, and at this time, many water friends all suggested calling the police immediately.

It's just that Andrew didn't intend to do this. He immediately intercepted the taxi and walked straight for ten minutes. During the live broadcast, Andrew returned to the restaurant more than two hours ago.

Andrew entered the restaurant, immediately like a waiter in the restaurant, telling his situation, and soon the waiter brought the manager over.

The store manager has a memory of Andrew. When he heard about Andrew, he said to Andrew: "Please follow me."

The store manager said nothing, and took Andrew directly to the reception room.

As soon as he entered the reception room, Andrew and all those who were watching the live broadcast also saw the leather bag placed on the reception room table at first sight.

Andrew's hanging heart was immediately released. At this time, the store manager said, "Can you tell me what is in your purse?"

Andrew immediately described everything in his purse. The store manager nodded when he heard the words, then took out a piece of recording paper from behind the purse on the table and handed it to Andrew.

"We know that the owner of this leather bag is a foreigner, so when registering, we made a special record in English, with the signature of the person who picked up your leather bag and the mobile phone number he left behind." The recording paper was handed to Andrew and introduced.

Hearing what the store manager said, Andrew took the recording paper with some doubts, and found that it clearly listed all the contents of his purse, even how many dollars and dinars there were. It was clearer than himself. It's still clear.

It's just that made Andrew and everyone in the live room extremely puzzled, and didn't know what was going on.

"Mr. Shopkeeper, what are these registrations?"

When Andrew asked this question, he also guessed some, but he needed an affirmative answer.

"The person who finds the owner’s item, when handing in, the person who finds the item needs to leave his own information on the record of the statistical item, especially the leather bag, which contains the certificate and cash. This kind of registration is also for Avoid your property loss." The store manager simply explained: "Your leather bag was left in my shop. It was picked up by a customer. Therefore, after registering, hand it over to us. If you arrive before tomorrow night If we don’t come, we will also give this leather bag to the police, find you, and return the leather bag to you."

Hearing the words of the store manager, Andrew felt quite moved in his heart for a while, and the people who had spoken badly in the live broadcast room were all silent.

From this small incident, many people have seen what the Iraqi-Syrian Federation really looks like, and at the same time, many people have a more correct outline of the Iraq-Syria Federation in their minds. (To be continued.) To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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