The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1345: U.S. surge in the Middle East

The problems that Iran is facing are not only Iran’s own problems, but in Cai Ruichen’s view, it is also a problem of the Islamic Federation.

Iran must become a part of the Iran-Syria Federation before Cai Ruichen can be promoted to senior authority.

The outside world is naturally not clear about Cai Ruichen's thoughts on Iran, and Cai Ruichen is naturally unable to reveal any ambitions and traces in this regard.

Iran is a country, and the Red Police Corps hasn't made much contribution to Iran. Iran's attitude towards Cai Ruichen is relatively plain, just treating him as the head of a neighboring country.

Therefore, under such conditions, in normal times, it is impossible for Iran to join the big family of the Islamic Federation. This is 100% certain.

Even the entire Middle East has become a part of the Islamic Federation, and Iran has no reason to join the Islamic Federation.

For the entire high-level promotion task, in Cai Ruichen's view, the real problem lies with Iran.

As long as Iran and other countries are resolved, there will be no problems at all.

When receiving this task, Cai Ruichen also fully understood the meaning of the base. In the list of countries given by the base, apart from Iran, there is no need to look at any other countries.

Once the Iranian, high-level mission is done, Cai Ruichen can complete it at any time. No matter how the US is making trouble in the Middle East, this fact cannot be changed.

For Iran, which has a high concentration of spiritual beliefs, Cai Ruichen can't start from inside Iran at all, so as to achieve the goal of annexing Iran.

And Iran is a country with rich economic resources. Whether it is natural gas or oil, it can create huge wealth for Iran. These wealth can also make Iran need not accept any help from outside.

Therefore, for Iran, the Iran-Syria Federation is not a little tempting or confusing under normal circumstances.

Therefore, if you want to be promoted to a senior level, the only way is to break the current pattern in Iran.

And Cai Ruichen can't do it himself. He wants Iran to get the support of the Iranian people from the beginning.

In fact, many years ago, Cai Ruichen was preparing for the issue of Iran. From Cai Ruichen, who determined the establishment of the Middle East Federation as the ultimate goal in the future, he initially considered the political system in Iran and the beliefs of the Iranian people.

Just like getting Saudi Arabia, Cai Ruichen turned a country that is least likely to join him into his own palm, and the outside world is still in the dark. Austria and Bama are still naively trying to repair and Saudi Arabia. Relationship.

In dealing with Iran, Cai Ruichen could not use the means of dealing with Saudi Arabia to plan Iran.

It is not easy to disintegrate Iran from the inside. The only way is to use external forces.

The reason why he met with Akadullah today was that he hoped to give the Iranians a good impression.

On the surface, neglecting Iranians is also for the United States. Otherwise, if he really intends to neglect Iran, why have he been secretly supporting Iran over the years.

Many of Iran’s urgently needed prohibited items were sent to Iran through the Silk Road tribes, and they secretly established a good relationship with Iran. The arrival of Akadullah was nothing more than to make this relationship clear.

And Cai Ruichen's neglect of him is also telling Akadullah that I already know what you are coming for, but I don't want the relationship between the Islamic Federation and Iran to become clear, as everyone knows it well.

Akadura can also understand Cai Ruichen's decision, after all, there are still American eyes on the outside.

If the two countries behave too closely, it will inevitably attract more suspicion from the United States.

It’s just that Akadullah doesn’t know, Cai Ruichen’s move has no such consideration at all. What he really considers is the follow-up plan for Iran.

As for what Akadura would think, Cai Ruichen was not interested in knowing, nor would he intervene, he just wanted to achieve his own goals.

At this time, Cai Ruichen wanted to complete the task as soon as possible than ever.

The present world before him, whether it is Europe or the United States, is just a stepping stone in Cai Ruichen's current eyes. He has begun to focus on the real enemy in the future.

If even these countries in this world cannot be conquered, Cai Ruichen feels that, as the base said, there is not even a chance to contend with the ultimate enemy.

"I know the elder's intention very well, and I mean the elder should also understand." Cai Ruichen said slowly.

Akadura nodded, so what? It is totally inconsistent with the purpose of his trip.

Akadullah was about to continue to say something. Before he could open his mouth, Cai Ruichen said again: "Israel and Syria are still accepting UN sanctions and cannot give Iran more support on the surface. Now, then I will also abide by the UN resolutions."

"Israel-Syria Federation is not a member of the United Nations, right?" Akadullah said.

"Although the Islamic Federation is not a member of the United Nations, the three principalities of the Islamic Federation are still members of the United Nations. The United Nations did not deprive the three countries of membership because they formed a single country."

Speaking of this, Cai Ruichen paused and continued: "Even if the Islamic Federation does not belong to the United Nations, it can not abide by the United Nations resolutions, but the Future Technology Group cannot violate the established morality."

After hearing this, Akadura also understood that at this point, it was impossible to get any benefits from Cai Ruichen.

However, he did not completely give up on this, but instead said: "The current attitude of the United States has begun to be ambiguous. It uses nuclear negotiations as a bargaining chip to balance the Middle East. With the current situation in the Middle East, nuclear negotiations will be indefinitely."

This is also the most helpless and anxious place in Iran at the moment. How can Iran not know what the Americans think!

As long as the nuclear negotiations are not implemented in one day, the international sanctions will not be lifted. Iran wants to restore its economy and develop rapidly, which is pure luxury.

Seeing the continuous growth of the Iran-Syria Federation, Iran has been unable to develop, and its ultimate destiny will be reduced to a marginal power in the Middle East.

"This is a level that the Iran-Syria Federation cannot control. I can only guarantee that I can support Iran as much as possible." Cai Ruichen said calmly.

At this point, there is basically nothing to say. Cai Ruichen has already expressed his attitude and meaning quite clearly.

This made Akadura prepared some plans and content, all of which could only be rotten in his stomach.

In less than ten minutes of meeting, Akadura left the imperial court.

Fart. The stocks hadn't been hot, so he sent away Akadura. Cai Ruichen also left the imperial court and went to the headquarters of the Future Technology Group.

This is his base camp, and the imperial court is only the place where he meets foreign guests, but the office will gradually be transferred to the imperial court in the future.

After all, this is the industry of the Future Technology Group. How can the supreme commander of the Iraqi-Syrian Federation govern in the headquarters of a group?

"Commander, did Akadura just leave?"

In the headquarters building, in Cai Ruichen's office, Xu Jie asked Cai Ruichen with some doubts.

"We are not approaching Iran at this time. The political game is inherently cruel, not to mention that Iran is also the target of my plan. At present, maintaining a suitable distance is the most appropriate. I must reassure the United States." Cai Ruichen said. Here, he paused and continued:

"If it were not for the Iranian side to think about it, I would like to make a gesture of turning against Iran."

Xu Jie nodded, seemingly enlightened, and said: "Does the follow-up plan need to be advanced? The United States is now scarlet-eyed, and wants to find a suitable target to start with to transfer domestic emotions."

Cai Ruichen heard this and fell into contemplation.

The current mood of the United States is easy to use. The reason why he made Baghdadi appear in Iran is to make the United States focus more on Iranian territory.

The United States has also been making active preparations. A large number of agents frequently operate in Iran, trying to be traced by Baghdadi, and then a thunderous blow.

However, the goal of the United States is obviously not just Baghdadi alone, and many agents have entered the territory of the Islamic Federation.

The U.S. military has also cancelled all vacations, and all have consciously or unconsciously increased their forces toward the Middle East. Even the troops that have always been in Europe have moved south.

Especially in the air force in Saudi Arabia, many Raptor fighters have been stationed in various air bases in the Middle East one after another.

In just one month, nearly one company of Raptor fighters completed their deployment in the Middle East.

In the coming time, there will be more Raptor fighters and other air force fleets gathering here in the Middle East.

Moreover, the Sixth Fleet, which has always been active in the Atlantic Ocean, and the Fifth Fleet in the Middle East, although on the surface, no warships have been added, they are also undergoing an intense change of defense. Some of the warships that have just been maintained are dispatched to replace some of them. Warship to the maintenance period.

Such a move shows what the United States is secretly preparing for.

In Cai Ruichen's view, there is only one thing about this series of actions, and that is that the United States is increasing its troops in the Middle East.

When a large number of American military forces are all transferred to the Far East, such a step-by-step increase in troops is absolutely abnormal.

It is also impossible to deal with a Baghdadi. There is only one explanation for this move by the United States, which is that the United States is preparing for a war.

On the surface, this possibility is not very high. After all, on the surface, the United States does not have any additional troops.

And war needs an object, but in the present Middle East, the object of American war does not exist on the surface.

The Islamic Federation is completely impossible, and the traditional allies of the United States in the Middle East are also completely impossible.

However, the United States is now a repressive gunpowder keg. The domestic media has never stopped anti-terrorist propaganda, nor has it stopped indoctrinating American citizens that they must retaliate against the murderers.

And in recent propaganda, the United States has also cryptically announced a news that behind the terrorist attacks in the United States, there is a national government.

Although this statement is more like gossip, Cai Ruichen is very clear that this news was deliberately spread by the US government.

If the war is really prepared, the target of the war is determined, and with this news brewing in advance, then the US government can immediately point out this country, which will not only get the full domestic support, but also occupy the moral commanding heights of the war.

There is absolutely no way for the US government to do this. The current repressed emotions in the country can only be released, using war to divert the attention of American citizens and at the same time to divert hatred.

Don't always remind American citizens of the disaster in Washington and think of the CIA.

At the same time, another purpose of doing this is to tell the entire Middle East countries that the United States has not left and that the United States can still control the situation in the Middle East.

This move is not only to re-establish the influence of the United States in the Middle East, but also to demonstrate absolute force in front of the Islamic Federation and prevent Middle Eastern countries from being immersed in the powerful shadow of the Islamic Federation.

Launching a war, a hearty victory, for the United States, has a deep meaning and great benefits.

It's just that war needs a goal. If the United States wants to re-enter the Middle East, it can't be used too many times.

At the moment, in the Middle East, there are only two countries that the United States can do, one is Iran, and the other is Yemen.

These two countries are the best choices for the United States, and this move can also regain Saudi friendship.

It's easy to say that Yemen does not have the strength to compete with the United States, but Iran is different.

With such careful preparations for the United States, the Fifth Fleet has also strengthened two minesweepers, and the target is directed at Iran.

And this is what Cai Ruichen needs. In fact, behind this matter is the result Cai Ruichen is promoting.

However, senior American officials have not made up their minds to use force against Iran.

This requires an opportunity, an opportunity for the top Americans to let go of all their worries.

And this opportunity, UU reading Cai Ruichen can give the United States.

This is also the follow-up plan referred to in Xu Jie's words, from replacing Baghdadi and organizing an attack on the United States, just to prevent the United States from leaving the Middle East.

Cai Ruichen needs the United States to create opportunities. The situation in the Middle East needs someone to break, and he can only play a role of picking up the mess. He needs a savior-like brilliance, without any negative colors.

Therefore, he needs tactics and calculations. From Israel to Iraq, to ​​Syria and Lebanon, all are the results of his calculations.

The Iraq-Syrian Federation has what it is today. The role played by the Red Police Corps is not very important in fact. What is really effective is the series of plans formulated by Cai Ruichen from beginning to end.

Cai Ruichen is calculating the whole world, calculating the Americans, and also calculating Russia, and even his hometown and big boss are within his calculations.

Especially the secret schemes aimed at the Middle East and Africa, so much more.

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