The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1354: Upcoming unit

PS: Recently, I worked overtime until nine o'clock every day, and I have to code words when I come back, so tired and tired...


The construction scope of the intermediate authority is indeed sufficient in the early stage of upgrading to the intermediate authority.

But since the possession of Syria, this range has been completely insufficient.

With the establishment of the Iraq-Syria Federation, the base also recognized Cai Ruichen's rule over the occupied area, but the radius of construction remained within Iraq's territory.

It seems to be a rigid development indicator that restricts Cai Ruichen's construction work on territories other than Iraq.

The construction work in Lebanon and Syria can only be completed by relying on technological expansion stations, and such construction, in Cai Ruichen's view, is simply to catch the ducks on the shelves.

The reason is very simple. After the new level of technology is upgraded again, the scope of construction will continue to expand. The current construction work carried out in the Islamic Federation of Science and Technology Extension Stations is all at the additional cost of construction.

A technology expansion station with 5 million funds is not very cheap.

However, Cai Ruichen has no better way, and the construction cannot be left behind. The earlier the development, the better.

The construction of the base now includes not only Lebanon, but also Palestine that has not formally joined the Islamic Federation.

Saudi Arabia has not fallen. From time to time, it will produce a technological expansion station and transport it to Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, and Palestine.

Such work, in the current view, is almost unstoppable.

But Cai Ruichen had to spend this money. After all, if he planned to wait until the next technological authority to start construction, it would be a waste of time.

In Cai Ruichen's view, whether it is money or capital, when compared with time, it can be ignored.

Therefore, he has always been in the production technology expansion station without hesitation. In the Middle East, he has been continuously expanding the scale of the industry.

In addition to infrastructure construction, Cai Ruichen also began to produce special equipment.

There are many good things on the list of intermediate permissions.

It's just these things. Cai Ruichen felt that when preparing for the war against Israel, they were dispensable. It is better to speed up the armed work of conventional equipment.

During the Israeli war, some equipment was also tested in actual combat and achieved good results.

The strength of the heavy infantry was also the best proof in this battle.

On the ground, with the bullfrog vehicle's throwing ability, the effect is excellent.

On the intermediate-level chariot construction screen, there are still many powerful units that have not appeared in this war.

It is not that Cai Ruichen is reluctant to use these new equipment, nor is it afraid of exposure, but that it is completely useless.

Conventional military operations are enough to meet the needs of the battlefield.

The place that is more suitable for these equipment, in Cai Ruichen's view, is the wasteland world.

Just like the Smasher tank, this Soviet unit of Red Police III does not have any firepower. It relies on the crushing device in front of the tank. Such equipment is the best target for the enemy when placed on the current battlefield.

The Smasher chariot without any long-range attack means is the best to deal with mutants. The tungsten alloy armor is super defensive. The crushing device in front can also crush everything in front.

If placed on the modern battlefield, before the crushers approach the enemy, it is estimated that they have been destroyed by the enemy's firepower.

Therefore, Cai Ruichen was not stupid enough to use such equipment in the war with Israel, and even he did not plan to use this equipment in any war against mankind.

The other equipment is also more versatile, the Centurion Siege Mech, a tank that relies on eight robotic arms to walk.

It is said that it is a tank, but it is not a tank, just because the Centurion has a tank-like turret that can fire shells.

Centurion can climb mountains and wading, like spiders with eight legs, can build immediately, and can also climb mountains and ridges.

It is also an armor that can be used in jungles and highlands.

From the perspective of the combat mission of the Centurion Siege Mech, this is a weapon for full-time mountain combat.

It's just that the Red Police Corps currently does not have mountain troops, and there are no mountains in the Middle East.

Otherwise, with this mech's ability to climb Mount Everest, any mountainous jungle battlefield will have no difficulty for it.

In such a place, almost all tanks and armored vehicles cannot enter, and the mountain troops of the Red Police Corps with centurions have a full advantage in firepower.

In Cai Ruichen’s view, this mecha is a bit untimely. If his current circle of influence is near complex mountainous areas, such as the Kunlun Mountains and the Himalayas, it may also be said that large forces are needed in the mountains. This equipment is undoubtedly the best to use.

However, in Cai Ruichen's view, this mecha is not useless at all.

Although on flat ground, this mech is not as mobile and flexible as a tank, but in urban combat, it is still useful. It can quickly climb tall buildings and occupy the commanding heights of firepower.

Of course, this is also used to deal with mutants. In reality, tanks don't need to climb tall buildings at all.

However, in urban warfare in the world, there is a weapon that is very similar to a centurion, but it can be used.

That is the Sickle Mech, a mecha that looks like an enlarged version of a terrorist robot.

This mecha looks similar to the game, with four huge feet supporting the body of the mecha.

There are two shooting cabins above, which can allow soldiers to shoot outside in the shooting cabin. The sickle mecha itself also has a sharp mechanical arm, which can complete all the actions of the terrorist robot.

On the fuselage, there is also a heavy Gate cannon, which is not inferior to any armored vehicle in terms of firepower.

It's just this equipment, in Cai Ruichen's view, a bit of suspicion of pitting soldiers.

The two shooting bays on the mecha are half-open. Soldiers shooting from above will inevitably become the targets of snipers.

The Sickle Mech is also very obvious on the battlefield, which will greatly increase the probability of soldier death.

The only commendable thing is that on the sickle mech, two heavy infantry can be used. The flexible limbs can make it move quickly in complex cities or mountain battlefields.

Coupled with the extremely sharp robotic arm, even in the current war, it still has its place.

However, after seeing the Sickle Mecha, Cai Ruichen also classified this equipment as a special equipment for wasteland.

The current army does not even have one at present, and only a small amount of equipment will be equipped after the formation of mountain troops in the future.

Among the armored units, the equipment that really makes Cai Ruichen excited is the battle fortress in addition to the V-3 missile and the Apocalypse tank.

This is an absolute behemoth with a huge body and powerful firepower. It can even be placed in the inner space of a tank, coupled with efficient movement and overall defensive capabilities, whether in a world war or in a wasteland. , Is a powerful war equipment with both offense and defense.

The battle fortress is a unit of the Yuri camp, which can crush tanks, but in the present world, it is indeed capable of crushing tanks, fortress defense, and can fully defend the tank's main gun.

Even the main gun of the Apocalypse tank is completely unable to penetrate the armor of the battle fortress.

Originally, Cai Ruichen also planned to send this equipment to the Israeli battlefield, but the transportation was a little troublesome.

A global transport plane can only reluctantly transport a battle fortress to the battlefield, and transporting the battle fortress in the past requires reassembly.

Because of the size of the cabin of the global transport aircraft, it simply cannot accommodate such a big guy. The only way to do this is to dismantle the battle fortress, re-modulate, and then assemble the transport aircraft after the transport.

It is also because of this that this piece of equipment feels quite tasteless.

In fact, if it is placed in various countries in this world, the battle fortress is indeed a tasteless weapon.

There is no way to transport, how can I get on the battlefield?

Could it be that the battle fortress drives to the battlefield by itself, but no matter which country's roads and bridges are, they can't bear this big guy.

The only way is to use the lifting method, it is possible to transport this big guy to the battlefield intact.

And this requires a peacekeeping transport plane for lifting, and at least four peacekeeping transport planes need to be lifted together to maintain synchronized flight.

Such troubles also made the battle fortress miss the Israeli war.

However, Cai Ruichen also asked the Red Police Corps to formulate more comprehensive tactics, specifically formulating a set of combat tactics for the battle fortress. From transportation to putting on the battlefield, the coordination of arms has been required, and the most complete tactical plan is required.

If the war in Iran really breaks out, the battle fortress can also enter the Iranian battlefield directly from the territory of Iraq.

The battle fortress that did not appear in the Israeli war may soon appear on the Iranian battlefield, and the opponent is naturally the American army.

However, Cai Ruichen is not sure whether the current war will really break out. Maybe someday the United States will slam the brakes and give up military action against Iran.

After all, the United States was also ready to use force against Syria at the beginning. As a result, after they were all ready, the fleet's missiles had already been warmed up, and they hadn't stepped out even if they missed it.

Regardless of whether the United States will actually take military action against Iran, Cai Ruichen is already preparing for a war against the United States.

In addition to regular military preparations, Cai Ruichen is also secretly improving the nuclear strike capability of the Red Police Corps.

The powerful nuclear strike capability is not meant to be used, but to deter opponents.

While possessing a nuclear bomb silo, the Red Police Corps also has the capability of intercontinental nuclear missile strikes.

It's just that the current nuclear missile force is just a combination of a mobile launch vehicle platform and a nuclear bomb silo.

At sea, the Red Police Navy does not have the ability to launch nuclear missiles, and the intermediate level of authority does not open up such strategic units as ballistic missile nuclear submarines.

In this regard, Cai Ruichen has nothing to do. He is also unwilling to let the Red Police Corps design a brand new strategic submarine for an inevitable unit in the near future.

Weapons and equipment designed by ourselves not only need to undergo rigorous testing, but every index and safety must be satisfied by the base, otherwise it is completely impossible to produce and build through the production unit of the base.

And the events needed here cannot be completed in a few months. From the design to the construction of the first ship, the entire span will take ten years at the fastest.

Maybe when the design drawings of the submarine nuclear reactor have not been finalized, the technological authority will be upgraded, and there will be ready-made nuclear submarines that can be used.

At this time, as long as he hopes to be promoted to a higher level of authority, Cai Ruichen will not let his subordinates waste such energy.

Of course, it is not that Cai Ruichen completely abandoned his own design and development route, but that all scientists and engineers complete all the science and technology trees of the base.

Improve the existing technology tree, this move is to improve the technology outside the base technology, establish a complete technology development system, the best and most solid foundation.

Cai Ruichen believes that when his own authority and the technology of the base itself are poor, the base has always been encouraging the research and development of new technologies, laying a good foundation, fully understanding the existing technology, and having a solid technological foundation in the future. To develop new technologies.

When the base can no longer help him, Cai Ruichen also needs to rely on himself, relying on the Red Police Corps to continue to maintain technological leadership for himself.

The development of human science and technology relies on human wisdom, and it is only a period of time to sit back and enjoy the achievements. Therefore, they give up hard work and advance, and ultimately can only be eliminated by the historical process.

The same is true for the development of the Red Police Corps. Nuclear deterrence is a guarantee for moving from a regional power to a world power.

If there is no trump card in the hand that makes the world afraid, it is completely impossible to get the real respect of those big countries.

From taking office to the present, Cai Ruichen has not embarked on a global road, because the current international reputation of the Iraq-Syria Federation has not yet reached a daunting level.

Now, even if you visit in various countries, the right to speak and the initiative can never be controlled by Cai Ruichen.

Therefore, he does not want to waste time on such things. In this world where interests are paramount, the bargaining chip is always the only word for strength.

The current perfect nuclear strike capability of the Red Police Corps is to better reflect its own strength.

The Red Police naval carrier-based aircraft on the sea can carry nuclear bombs, while the land-based Aurora bomber can be produced and constructed under the authority of intermediate technology, which is also an excellent strategic bomber choice.

The Aurora bomber is currently the strongest aerial combat platform of the Red Police Corps. Not only can it have the conventional bombing and strike capability of machine guns, it can also be used as an aerial strike platform for nuclear weapons.

The huge cabin, even if it is loaded into the compartment of a self-explosive truck, is completely without any problems.

Moreover, the performance of the Aurora bombers in the Israeli war also made Cai Ruichen unable to give any reason for dissatisfaction.

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